1 minute read

Tenants are Organizaing


There is a new organization in town organizing to fight slumlords in the metro area. Holding a rally Monday M arch 4th with about 75 people out in t he cold. Chanting “Fight, Fight, Fight . . . Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Slumlords have got to go,” they marched in front of Kansas City Missouri City Hall to release it’s housing policy platform.


Items on they are demanding includes:

• A policy that would bar landlords from asking prospective tenants about criminal history.

• A way to have evictions removed from a record.

• A tenant bill of rights that gives tenants the right to decent housing, a tenant organization, relocation assistance for forced moves, right to council in landlord-tenant court, protection from retaliation and more.

We have posted the People’s Housing Platform in our KCREI Facebook Group.

Go to www.MAREI.org/Facebook and look in files.

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