RE Investment News: April 2019

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RE Investment News Grow Your Business

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KANSAS CITY TENANTS ARE ORGANIZING Fed up with poorly maintained rentals, too many evictions and the lack of affordable housing, a group of Kansas City Metro tenants are organizing to make sure those who rent in Kansas City Missouri have a voice in rental situations. Currently focusing on the elections they are working to get those who support their agenda elected. One of the biggest problems is the lack of quality affordable housing. KC Tenant’s research shows there is a shortage of at least 21,852 housing units that rent for less than $500 a month. Addressing this shortage of housing will require the input and effort of not only city officials and developers, but also the tenants from KC Tenant AND housing providers from across the metro and the various landlord, Realtor, apartment and builder organizations. If we as an industry do not step up to the table, the KC Tenants platform of more protections making it harder to screen and evict tenants, of

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public funding for more units, and market regulation on rental rates may have no opposition.

CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT A THREAT TO THE REALTOR BUSINESS A homes seller is suing the National Association of Realtors, along with Realogy, HomeServices of America, RE/MAX and Keller Williams. The suit alleges that these companies violated federal antitrust law by conspiring to require the home sellers to pay the buyer’s broker’s commissions at inflated rates. In particular the case, is concerned by the rules that require all brokers to offer the buyer broker compensation when listing a property for sale on MLS. They contend that without the seller being required to state up front that they will pay the buyer broker and by what percentage, that the buyers would contract with the agents that represent them and negotiate their own commissions. The Plaintiff are seeking a permanent damages that could end up in the millions and they are demanding an end to the practice of requiring Grow Your Business

sellers to pay the buyer broker’s commission.

APRIL IS FAIR HOUSING MONTH This is a time to recognize the advancements of equal housing access and to remind ourselves of the purpose of the Fair Housing Act. Enacted by Congress in 1968, the Fair Housing Act applies to housing and housing-related activities including: Rentals of Homes and Apartments, Sales of Homes, Mortgage Lending and Home Owner’s Insurance. Marking it’s 50 year anniversary, the Fair Housing Act was enacted to protect persons from housing related discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, nationality, familial status, disability or ancestry. In honor of Fair Housing Month, MAREI has partnered with National REIA to bring you a FREE 5 Part Online Course to bring you up to speed. Access at

THE SEC AND SOLICITING FOR PRIVATE FUNDS For all of you that think that the SEC doesn’t care about your general solicitation, you could not be more wrong. Today the SEC came out with this as part of their complaint against a defendant selling private securities. “Respondents did not have pre-existing, substantive relationships with a number of the Fund’s investors and engaged in a general solicitation of public interest in the offering through Fund’s website and traditional media interviews.” It continues to be unlawful to solicit for investors outside and applicable exemption such as one under Rule 506©. This means solicitation on Facebook Pages, Your Website, LinkedIn and other social media, or standing up in front of the room at your local REIA and asking “does anyone want to invest” is prohibited. Ask yourself: "do I really have a pre-existing, substantive relationship with all of my FB friends or all of those in that FB group I just posted to?" Such a relationship is "intimate knowledge of one's financial ability to invest." You can achieve this through an investor qualification form and that is the safest way to achieve such a relationship.

Securities Attorney Jillian Sidoti shared this on Facebook and further went on to say that “I see this type of offense all the time and people always have an excuse as to why the rules don’t apply to them . . . Until they do apply to them.” The defendant it this case had only raised a total of $567,000. So if you don’t think the SEC will care about “little old you” you couldn’t be more wrong. You are what is referred to as “low hanging fruit.”

HUD TAKES AIM AT FACEBOOK The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is claiming that Facebook is violating the Fair Housing Act by using targeted ads that it claims allows discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, color, familial status, sex and disability. HousingWire is reporting that while Facebook has already removed over 5k ad targeting options, it still hasn’t satisfied groups like the American Civil Liberties Union, who has also filed a lawsuit against the company for discriminating against protected groups. ion for 15 years and landlords can raise rents when ever they want if the tenant leaves voluntarily.

FTC CRACKDOWN STOPS ROBOCALL OPERATORS In March, the FTC brought charges against four separate operations responsible for bombarding consumers nationwide with billions of unwanted and illegal robocalls pitching auto warranties, debt-relief services, home security systems, face charities, and Google Search Services. They have all settled the charges by agreeing that they violated the FTC Act and the agency’s Telemarketing Sales Rule including the Do No Call provisions. The defendants are banned from robocalling and most telemarketing activities, including those using an automatic dialer and will pay significant financial judgments. Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, it is unlawful to place an autodialed or prerecorded message call to certain phones without consent from the called party. Because the rules vary based on whether the call is autodialed, has a pre-recorded message and what type of phone is receiving the call, it can get very complicated. So as a Realtor or Investor working to generate motivated seller leads, be sure to watch these proceedings closely as the laws around the auto dialers and voice blasted messages and texts could mean what you are doing is illegal.

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and to obtain a permit for every rental unit. Inspections to these properties will be complaint based or at the discretion of the Health Department. If you own rental property, be sure to check with your city to make sure you are compliant with all rental registration and inspection ordinances as most cities fail to educate the public. As a business owner it falls upon you to learn your requirements and to comply or face penalties.

KCRAR MARKET UPDATE FEBRUARY 2019 It is worthwhile to mention the weather when discussing residential real estate for large portions of the U.S. for February 2019, because this month has turned in some impressively cold, rainy and snowy days that have stalled some buying and selling actions. Nevertheless, housing markets have proven to be resilient despite predictions of a tougher year for the industry. It is still too early to say how the entire year will play out, but economic fundamentals remain positive.

RE JOURNAL SPRING 2019 The latest issue of the Real Estate Journal, the quarterly newspaper from National REIA is available for download today at

GRACE PERIOD FOR REGISTERING RENTALS ENDING Kansas City, Missouri rental property owners who have not yet received a permit under the new Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program will face penalties after March 31st. Last August, Kansas City joined a number of other cities across the country that have adopted some sort of rental inspection program through a voter petition initiative. The Health Homes Program requires rental property owners to register for a license as an owner

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Closed Sales decreased 5.5 percent for existing homes and 17.2 percent for new homes. Pending Sales decreased 0.4 percent for existing homes and 35.1 percent for new homes. Inventory decreased 1.2 percent for existing homes but increased 7.0 percent for new homes. The Median Sales Price was up 5.9 percent to $180,000 for existing homes and 13.1 percent to $367,658 for new homes. Days on Market decreased 5.5 percent for existing homes but increased 14.6 percent for new homes. Supply remained flat for existing homes but increased 6.9 percent for new homes. The National Association of REALTORSÂŽ recently reported that national existing-home sales were down slightly during January 2019 and that pending sales were up in year-over-year comparisons. It is worth noting that some softening of sales was anticipated, as was a positive sales bounce during January 2019 after a slow end to 2018. Weather-related events have hampered some of the necessary machinations of making home sales during February 2019, yet buyers have shown determination toward achieving their homeownership goals.

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Unpaid Rent & Damages The process for a landlord to collect on a delinquent account is very similar in both Kansas and Missouri. Step 1: Make written demand If the delinquent account is owned in the name of a business entity, you are required by law to be represented by a lawyer. If the account is owned in your individual name, you may be able to file suite without a lawyer. Both Kansas & Missouri Law requires a plaintiff to make a demand on the defendant requiring them to pay the amount of the delinquent account, interest, fees and court costs prior to filing a law-

suit. A landlord must also send a security deposit reconciliation letter within 30 days of the tenant’s move in order to succeed on a damages lawsuit. Step 2: File a collection Your attorney will then file a collection petition at the courthouse on your behalf. Step 3: Scheduling of the case The court clerk will schedule the case for a hearing and issue a summons requiring the tenant(s) to appear in court. Step 4: Serve the Tenant A private process server will serve a copy of the petition and sum-

mons on the tenant(s). Personal service is required because you are seeking a monetary judgment against the defendant. The petition and summons can be served on the defendant, someone over the age of 15 present at the defendant’s home, or a member of the defendant’s family. Personal service must be made at least four days before the court date listed on the summons. Remember, a party to a lawsuit cannot serve papers in their own case. Most counties required a registered private process server or a Deputy Sheriff to serve papers. Step 5: Obtain judgment

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You or your attorney will go to court to obtain a judgment. Typically, when you hire an attorney, they will appear on your behalf and request the Judge enter a judgment in your favor. You typically do not need to appear at the first court date.

A “garnishment” is a process requested by a judgment creditor (you the landlord) by which the Court orders the seizure or attachment of the property of a judgment debtor (the defending tenant) in the possession or control of a third party.

If the tenant appears in court and disputes the petition, the Judge will schedule the cases for a status conference sixty to ninety days later in order to allow the parties to conduct discovery. After discover is complete, the Curt will schedule an evidentiary trial.

Wage Garnishment: A “wage garnishment” is a legal procedure through which a portion of a defendant’s earnings is required to be withheld by an employer for the payment of a judgment. The law sets the maximum amount that may be garnished in any workweek or pay period, regardless of the number of garnishment orders received by the employer. For ordinary garnishments (i.e., those not for support, bankruptcy, or any state or federal tax), the weekly amount may not exceed the lesser of two figures: twenty-five percent (25.00%) of the employee’s disposable earnings, or the amount by which an employee’s disposable earnings are greater than 30 times the minimum wage (currently $7.65 an hour in Missouri and $7.25 an hour in Kansas).

Your attorney will inform you of the trial date and will need evidence in the form of witnesses, copies of the Lease, updated payment ledgers, copies of move in and move out statements, copy of your welcome letter if you acquired the property mid lease, photos of damages, receipts for repairs and the security deposit reconciliation letter. You or someone appointed by your business on your behalf such as your property manager will need to appear at the trial. If no one appears on your behalf as the plaintiff, the case will most likely be dismissed. If the defendant fails to appear, the Judge will most likely enter a judgment in your favor. During the trial, the Judge will examine the evidence and make a decision. You and your attorney have the first opportunity to argue your case and then the defendant will be able to ask questions, refute your evidence and offer their own. Step 6: Decide how to collect on the judgment Once you have judgment, then you must decide how to collect on it. You may want to set up a repayment plan with your tenant or use garnishment. Step 7: Garnishment

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Bank Garnishment: A legal procedure through which all of a defendant’s funds are required to be held/seized by a bank for the payment of a judgment. Judgment Lien: If a judgment was rendered by a Circuit Court, the plaintiff has an automatic lien on any real property owned by the defendant in that county. If a judgment was entered by an Associate Division, the plaintiff must request that the judgment be transcribed to the Circuit Court to create a lien on real estate. Please note that you will only be paid upon sale of the defendant’s real estate. Head of Household Exemption: A head of household (sometimes called “head of family”) exemption is a special form of protection that can shield up to 90% of a Missouri defendant’s

wages from garnishment. A defendant can claim a head of household exemption if she provides more than 50% of the financial support for a child or other dependent. This exemption is not given automatically. The defendant will have to complete an application and file it with Court. What Can’t Be Garnished: Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income benefits, veterans benefits, federal employee and civil service retirement benefits, and benefits administered by the Railroad Retirement Board are not garnishable Because you start your relationship with your tenant with the worst case scenario in mind, it is important to learn through the application and lease process where they work and bank, although a private investigator can often be hired to learn these things.. A Kansas judgment is enforceable for five (5) years. If not renewed, or executed within this period, it will become dormant and cease to operate as a lien on the defendant’s real estate. A dormant judgment may be revived if the plaintiff files a motion for reviver with the Court within two (2) years after the date on which the judgment became dormant. A Missouri judgment is valid for

ten (10) years from the latter of (1) the date of entry of the judgment or (2) the date that a plaintiff last successfully tried to execute on the judgment as reflected by a Court record. This article was assembled from information obtained from, the website of Juile Anderson and her firm Anderson and Associates. Please visit this website to learn more about the process and see example forms.

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Advocacy Education Member Benefit MAREI works to keep their members informed on issues that affect Real Estate Investors, Property Owners, Property Managers and Tenants in Kansas and Missouri. When legislation is proposed that will have an impact on our industries, MAREI works hard through emails, social media and our various newsletters to keep you informed. Our goal is to encourage smart small business and a vibrant real estate investment community. Strong Voice Investors are the strongest when they speak with one voice and even stronger when they unite with other strong voices We urge all members to take part in the advocacy efforts of MAREI as well as other organizations with similar issues. Landlords: If you own, sell, or manage rental property, we urge all members to not only stay up to day with the issues as they

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are shared by MAREI, but to also join and take part in your local Landlord Group. MAREI works to coordinate with the local groups to stay informed on what local city councils and citizens may be proposing. Realtors: Investors have a huge ally in the Realtor Lobby. While it does not coincide perfectly with the Investor Agenda, the powerful Realtor Lobby supports investor efforts where appropriate, and they are working very hard on your behalf in Kansas City Missouri. So please be sure to donate to RPAC at KCRAR. Apartment Owners: Investors also have a large ally in the local and national Apartment Owner Associations. If you own or manage apartments, be sure to find their associations. State and Federal: Through MAREI’s membership national

organizations like National REIA, we are working to protect your interests in Washington. Take Action Don’t complain about the problems in your communities, get involved and take action to help shape solutions. No one knows our industry better than we do, yet very few in our industry step up and take part. •

Keep informed.

Vote in Elections

Respond to Calls to Action

Get to know your elected officials.

Make your voices heard.

Being an active member of the community is going to be more important that ever as the “affordable housing” issue grows and officials take aim at inspections, screening, evictions and rent control.

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RIDE THE WAVE Residential Assisted Living There are approximately 1.4 million beds available in assisted living facilities and homes in America today. Most of those beds are already occupied. The best facilities have waiting lists to get in. The supply is limited and needs to expand to handle the demand that is coming. he Silver Tsunami of Seniors is an unstoppable wave of demand and opportunity. On average, 4,000 people turn 85 years old every single day. That’s about 120,000 new 85 year-olds every single month and 1.4 million new 85 year-olds every year! Not everyone will move into an assisted living facility but hundreds of thousands will move in and do need assistance every single year. The need is growing by the day. This a crisis for some people but it

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is also a real opportunity to do good and do well. Families are going to need help to care for their parents as they age, especially with the decline in family size over the last 5 decades. 50 years ago, families were having 7-10 kids. These days, having 1-2 children is the norm. A family’s options today are: 1. Care for their relative themselves at home. 2. Hire out the in-home care, at an average cost of $23 per hour 3. Find a senior living facility or Residential Assisted Living Home for them to move into. For most families, caring for mom or dad themselves just isn’t feasible like it used to be. Hiring in home care is incredibly costly, $23

an hour for 8 hours or more adds up quickly. The third option is a senior living facility or RAL Home. These facilities can range greatly in price and quality. On average the cost for one month is currently $3,750 each month for a private room in an assisted living facility. That is the average and includes government subsidies that lower the average. In reality most people will not receive those subsidies and they will be paying out of pocket. Those costs for a reasonably comfortable home will be $4,000 – $6,000 per month. Some of the nicer facilities are much more. Depending on the level of care they are receiving it can cost two or three times as much. There’s a way to save you and

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your family from the costly burden of caring for a loved one late in life. There’s a way to help the growing numbers of seniors that need care and homes. The solution is to own and operate your own residential living facility. Whether you decide to invest in a big box facility or a small residential assisted living home is up to you. If you owned a senior home, you could move in for free when the time came, as could your relatives and loved ones. In a home you own, you know you and your loved ones will be well taken care of, lifting a serious burden from everyone’s shoulder. At the Residential Assisted Living Academy, we teach people how to take advantage of the silver tsunami and not get crushed by it. We’ve turned this crisis into an opportunity to do good and do well.

One way or another, you’re going to get involved with senior living. The real question is, what are you going to do about it? Do you want to plan for the future and profit now or wait till later and figure out how to pay for it later? So How Do You Make Money? That’s what everybody wants to know. I’m going to share with you the three best ways to get started right now, making money in Residential Assisted Living. 1. Own the real estate, lease it to an operator and make higher than market rent with a long term, low impact tenant. 2. Lease the real estate and own and operate the business. The real estate is a good cash flow but the business is much higher. The business is taking care of the residents and charging $4,000, $5,000 or $6,000 a month or more. The net profit before taxes from that is going to be about 30 percent. You’re going to pay rent to somebody

for the real estate. But the business itself can be incredibly profitable. 3. Own the real estate AND operate the business. What I do is I own the real estate in one entity, and I own the business in a separate entity. The entity that operates the business leases the real estate from the entity that owns the real estate. You own and control both entities so it’s the best of both worlds. We own the real estate, get the tax benefits, depreciation, appreciation. The entity that owns the business, the operating entity, pays rent to the property owning entity. We have a long term tenant and we get great financing options on the real estate. Staffing is 24/7 You can operate your RAL home in a number of ways. You can have live in caregivers where the caregivers are there 24/7. They’re living in the home, they’re asleep at night, and they’re being paid a monthly salary. They may be responsible for five days a week. There are replacement caregivers hired for the other 2 days each week to allow them to have some time off. They also have a place to live, which is part of their compensation package. Use an agency. Another way to staff your RAL home is to hire the caregivers from an agency that will provide caregivers to you. If you do this, you’re going to have to pay more than if you hired them yourself. The profit that the staffing company is making is potential profit that comes out of your pocket. It does make it easier if you hire somebody else through an agency but it is more expensive and you have less control over the caregivers. An agency would be the ones that hire those people, train those people and so on.

Contract for care. There is also way number three, and that would be you bring those residents in the home and they’re paying you to live there, then they contract out for the care to a 3rd party that provides the staffing and care directly. So they may be paying you $2,000 a month to live in that space, but they’re paying $3,000 a month to a caregiver. There are lots of ways to make money with assisted living. The key is to get started. 3 Ways to Simplify Getting Started in Residential Assisted Living Buy an existing Assisted Living home The one most people really would love to do this if you can, is buying an existing home that’s already up and running and operational. Some of them are for sale right now, but they’re not good businesses. The reason why they’re selling them is that it’s in the wrong location. It’s too small. You can’t profit. But if I can buy the right business and the right location, paying for that business up and running right now is definitely the best way to simplify the process of getting started. Partner with someone who is doing it Now realize there are not that many people that are out there operating residential assisted living homes, but if they are, you could approach them and say, I’m interested in getting involved. Let’s partner together, maybe you’re the one that puts up the money or the real estate or the property and they’re the ones who are going to operate that business itself, that partnership. You bring something to the table, they bring something to the table, could be perfect, but again, I’m gonna encourage you. Don’t partner with somebody unless you need to or it’s important to.

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Focus on the Real Estate You’re the one that buys the home or finds the home. You’re the one who does the renovation and now you’re going to lease it to the operator. So what’s you’re going to get out of it is that long-term lease at a higher than market value. That long-term lease, which means you’re not going to have vacancies and repairs and maintenance. We’re making money there and if it’s at a higher rate, that’s even better, and if it’s a long-term lease that makes it simple for you, but also do it with a profit share so you’re getting a share of the profit. Let them do the work that you get your rent, plus a share of the profit. If the profit is 10, $15,000 a month, maybe you just charge

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them the regular rent, enough to pay your bills on, but you also get 25 percent of the profit. This way you’re getting best of both worlds. You’re getting a percentage of the cash flow that profit from it. You own the real estate, so you get the appreciation, the depreciation, all the benefits of owning the real estate. What if you want to be the one in control? At the end of the five-year lease, you now have a choice. You could re-up the lease at a different rate, or now that the home has already been established and the businesses already there, you could open it up yourself in your name, and now you’re the one who’s in control. It’s

your property. You could now restart that business. Many of those residents won’t be able to move out soon enough anyway so you could walk right into that business and make it your own. Join us at MAREI in May to learn more from Gene Guarino about Residential Assisted Living. He will be our guest at the May 14th MAREI meeting sharing how you can make $5,000 to $10,000 a month on one house. And for those who are ready to start a business in Residential Assisted Living to care for a family member, to plan for their own future care or for a new business venture, please join us for the Saturday Workshop on Saturday May 18th.

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S h o u l d Yo u C h o o s e t o A c c e p t I was asked a basic, but very important question today: "Tom, I don't understand what you mean by 'wholesaling'. How exactly is it that you make money doing this?" An excellent question. Let me explain the basics in a nutshell. 1. I market for motivated sellers looking to sell their property. 2. I negotiate a great deal with these sellers. 3. I put the property legally under contract. 4. I then contact rehabbers that I Page 15

know who are always looking for properties to fix up and resell. I tell them about the property I have under contract and ask if they are interested (at a higher price than I have it signed for).

7. The seller gets their money and the house is off their hands, the buyers gets a great deal to start renovating, and I go to the bank with a very healthy paycheck. It's win, Win, WIN!

5. I choose a solid buyer and give them an Assignment Contract. This contract basically states that they are taking over all my rights AND responsibilities in the contract. They get this privilege for a fee, which is my profit. 6. At settlement, the attorney does all the paperwork and the house transfers directly from my seller to my buyer, but I never own it or go on the chain of title.

This works because I am offering the property to my buyers at a price that they want to get it at anyway. And I've made it easy for them, as I am serving up a great deal on a silver platter. They don't have to market, negotiate or deal with the seller at all, aside from signing the paperwork at the settlement. I get to focus on the parts of the Grow Your Business

business I like to do (marketing, negotiation, and cashing checks!) The parts I don't like I can avoid (tenants, managing crews, etc.) Simple? . . . Yes. Easy? . . . . No. You have to know what you are doing, you need the marketing materials and know-how, legal contracts, and forms to make it happen, and you need to know how to handle and navigate the issues that will come up along the way. That's why you just can't wing it or try to reverse engineer the things I tell you. It just won't work. If you want to do it right, then it is like any other trade, you need to get trained to do it right. Then the sky will be the limit.

The usual Realtor board contract often says it isn't assignable, therefore that specific contract therefore isn't.

On top of it all, I close all my deals (and all my student deals) with a licensed settlement attorney or escrow agent.

But that is just what they choose to do, it doesn't make it illegal or immoral to do otherwise if all parties involved so choose.

I don't do kitchen table settlements or go around taking deeds.

And it isn’t "brokering without a license" because you are actually on the contract as the buyer, therefore you are not brokering it as a third party. (So don't let any real estate agents bother you about this point either.) Notice that I said "real estate contracts" are assignable. I didn't say ALL contracts. There are types of contracts that are not assignable, like "Personal Services Contracts". If I'm a jazz singer and you give me a personal services contract to sing at your club, I can't assign that contract to anyone else. After all, you want my singing talents, not someone else's.

Yes, but... Is it legal? YES! . . . It is legal . . . Very legal. Assignment of Contract is based on old English contract law. Yes, that jolly old England. The one that our country initially sprang from. And so the basic elements of our laws have a long history. Assignability of your "interest" in a real estate contract is one of them. When you are the buyer on a contract, you have "equitable interest". And you have the right to do with that interest as you please, which includes selling it for a profit. (The good ol' American way!) With real estate contracts, any contract is assignable, unless it specifically states otherwise.

But that's Personal Services contracts, not real estate contracts. Okay then... So why do people refer to it as "illegal flipping"? Well, it wasn't the flipping that was illegal, it was what they did in the process. Usually some sort of fraud. Like a fraudulent appraisal. Or fraudulent loan papers. The FRAUD was the illegal part, not the flipping. But the baby got thrown out with the bath water.

I want it all done out in the open and under the care and direction of a competent -- and licensed -- attorney or escrow agent. That way there is no question whatsoever that the transaction was done right. After all, an attorney/escrow agent won't risk their license, reputation, errors and omissions insurance, AND their entire livelihood just to close an illegal deal for me. Think about that. They'd have to be insane and very stupid. (all lawyer jokes aside for the moment...) So yes, wholesaling is perfectly legal when you do it right. Obviously, none of this is legal advice. For that you should consult a lawyer, which I am NOT. What I am is a very talented real estate mentor who can teach you how to build up a very profitable business doing wholesale flipping and rehabbing. You can take what I teach you and retire in 5 to 8 short years. And you'll be able to be free from your job much sooner than that. Want to learn how?

And misinformed or uninformed people therefore fell for the myth that wholesale flipping is illegal (and sometimes they continue to spread the myth). But it's not true.

Join me at my events at MAREI in Kansas City in August. I will be speaking at the meeting and holding a 1 day workshop. Or find me at my REIA

Does that make sense?

Tom Zeeb

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With MAREI Business Members Save time and money by starting with service providers who already know your business. Who can solve problems as they arise to help you get the deal completed on time and for maximum profit. Accountant Beebe & Associates, LLC Brian Beebe 816-388-9222 Coleman Accounting Service Bob Coleman 913-787-0308 Mid America Tax Planners Ahmad Malik 913-210-4765

Appraisal Ladys Appraisal Service Kathy Allen-Grey 816-678-2794

Attorney Anderson & Associates Evictions / Collections Julie Anderson 816-931-2207

Rick Davis Legal Real Estate Law Rick Davis 913-283-8300

Auction Company Rachel Bailey 816-797-6875 Monthly Auction 101 Workshop

Joe’s Carpet / Weber Flooring Joe Weber 913-469-5430 The Home Depot 2% Rebate / 20% Off Paint Details in Member Benefits Rugs, Rolls and Remnants Jerry Ratway 913-593-0568

Building Supplier


Coronet Window Company Brent Huckabey 816-472-1788

Above & Beyond Building Services James Carollo 816-674-6132

DeMayo Enterprises Wholesale Cabinets Mark Yanda 913-980-4260 Earthwise of KC James White 816-231-7011

Hearth Masters Fireplace / Masonry Gene Padgitt 816-461-3665 Genesis Home Restorations Mold Remediation Terry Amerine 913-270-0812 (Continued on page 18)

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HCS Restoration KC, LLC Mike Peace 913-731-6537 NuLook Custom Finishes Cabinet Refinishing Carol Baldwin 913-385-2574 Under Pressure Property Services Rehab, Maintenance, & Staging Dallas Kidd 913-274-9555

Financial Planning HighPointe Financial Edward Ethington 913-234-034 TR Bass Financial Terry Bass 816-251-4524 Home Warranty Choice Home Warranty Jayme Dickey 816-550-5144 Insurance Agema Insurance Fred Dickinson 913-543-8116 Arcana Insurance Insurance for Investors NREIA.ArcanaInsurance 877.744.3660 Brian Rauber Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance

(816) 436-1016

Self Directed IRA Equity Trust Company FREE Training 844-732-9404

Lending Crossroads Investment Lending Hard Money Britton Asbell / Doug Harris 913-800-8226 House Traders Monthly Meeting Flat Branch Home Loans Morgtgage Banker Beth Langston 816-479-5841 x 1148 Investors Choice Funding Hard Money Bob Woelfel


Investor Carrot Investor Websites Free Training & Discounts Pat Live Answering Service Discounts REIPro Investor Marketing Platform Discount Code 66209PRO

Longhorn Investments Hard Money Jon Shipley 877-420-7346

Zoom Video Conferencing

Merchants Mortgage Mushy Money Susan Aubin 303-514-0815

Office Depot / Office Max Discount Link & Card in Member Benefits Package

North Oak Investments Hard Money Tommy Nigro 816-249-1001

Pest Control

REI Investor Funding Charlie Fitzgerald 913-843-8650


Revolver Finance Hard Money Jeremy Hanna 316-880-1611 Worcester Financial Hard Money Taryn Kendrick 816-291-4146

Marketing A3 Marketing Hand Addressed Mail Discount Code KTUCKER18

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Constant Contact Email & Social Media Marketing FREE Trial

Office Supply Stop Bed Bugs Discounts for Members

KCInvest Investment Properties Scott & Kim & Don Tucker 913-735-0018 Pride Properties Wholesale Marcus Bray & Matt Bray 913-213-5370 Deal Makers Monthly Meeting Property Manager Home Rental Services Paul Branton 913-627-9543 (Continued on page 19)

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M & M Property Pros Michael & Michele Bellman 816-490-6745

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MRE Property Management Turn Key & Management Nick McKinnis 816-388-9588


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