RE Investment News: May 2019

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FIVE TRENDS FOR REAL ESTATE INVESTORS THIS YEAR Real Estate provides many opportunities for investors seeking to secure a steady income stream, to build equity and to diversify portfolios. Gary Beasley from Roofstock is reporting on Forbes that there are five trends the smart investor needs to watch. 1. Build-To-Rent Homes in Secondary Markets. As high land prices, labor and material prices increase and the costs of regulations in the larger markets like California and the North East make it more expensive the builders are moving to smaller, secondary cities. 2. Large Capital Partners Entering Joint Ventures including REITS and other large capital partners and hedge fund buyers of homes. 3. Retail Investors Buying Single Family Rental Homes as a portfolio hedge against stock market risks. 4. Renting Becoming a Lifestyle Choice as it provides more flexibility to the millennials in a gig economy and baby boomers who want the flexibility of being tied to a home.

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5. Getting Creative to Satisfy Demand for rentals including Co-Living and MultiGenerational Housing. Read more at

CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT FILED IN KANSAS CITY FEDERAL COURT Should the seller be required to pay the buyers broker in a real estate transaction? Lawyers from Boulware Law and Williams Dirks Dameron, sued the National Association of Realtors as well as Realogy Holdings Corp, Keller Williams Realty, RE/MAX Holdings and HomeServices of America on behalf of anyone who paid a broker commission in Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia or St. Louis Since April 29, 2015. The suit contends that the standard practice of having the seller agree to pay both their listing agent as well as the buyer’s agent commissions resulting in a commission of often 6% of the sale price of the home is artificially inflating transaction costs and is killing competition in the real estate brokerage industry. Read the full article by searching for “Selling a home? Lawsuit says there are cost involved that Grow Your Business

you shouldn’t have to pay” by Steve Vockrodt on

WHERE IS YOUR NEXT DEAL If you are new to the game, or maybe just want a more reliable source of deals, you may be asking: “Where Are the Deals?”

Today, we wanted to take a look at the top sources for single family properties. MLS: There are still deals to be made on the MLS. You need a very proactive Realtor working on your behalf to make sure you get them in front of you as soon as possible. Then you need to make sure to react very quickly as there is steep competition for every investor deal that is priced correctly in the MLS. Wholesalers: There are many wholesalers chasing and providing deals and making sure you get on the list of every person who wholesales is vital. Here at MAREI we have 3 resources in our Facebook forums you will want to participate in. First go to our KCREI group (find at and join. Then in the Announcements look for three posts: (1) Cash Buyers for Buy and Hold (2) Cash Buyers for Flips (3) Wholesalers. Be sure to include your buying criteria and contact info on the 1 st two and review the third to register for all the wholesaler lists. Website & SEO: If you don’t have a website, then you need to be able to get deals through MLS, Wholesalers and networking. If you want to get leads where you can work directly with the sellers, then you will want a website that focuses on attracting motivated seller leads. There are 100’s of hours of training on this. We recommend some resources from InvestorCarrot as well as a discount posted at IC Direct Mail: Some say that direct mail is “dead” and they cannot be more wrong. However, you do need to know it can get expensive and be time consuming. And you need to have an excellent list and a unique direct mail campaign. Sure, you can hire this done for you, but the more done for you it is, the worse the results. Those done for you companies are selling the same lists to everyone and many a motivated seller are getting many copies of the same exact marketing piece from 3 or 4 different people. The one that is different is more likely to get

called. Pay Per Click: This is one of the fastest ways to blow through $2000 with no results if you have no idea what you are doing, and to get the most motivated sellers who need to sell. These are not people you are marketing to who might call to see what you have to offer if you call or mail them, these are people who got online and searched for you. Several keys here are to have a good converting website (see above), to make sure you have a good follow up system in place because they are selling TODAY and if they can’t talk to you, they call someone else on the internet. Telephone Marketing: This comes in 3 flavors: cold calling, ringless voice mails and texts. Do keep in mind that you need to be aware of laws affecting this type of marketing and make sure you or the marketing company follows the rules. Again, you need a good targeted list. So where are the deals? They are out there. You just need to have a good system of generating the leads. If you are just working on finding a few houses a year, MLS, Wholesalers and word of mouth might be fine. If you need 1 to 2 houses a month, then you need to ramp up your marketing and put several of these methods into place and plan on spending at least $2000 to $3000 on advertising every month (Maybe a little less if you are doing a lot of the direct mail in house and managing your own online advertising). Besides the resources mentioned be sure to visit MAREI’s YouTube page and check out the Playlist on Marketing for Deals. (

GOOGLE FOR THE REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL Have you searched for a local business anytime in the past year on Google? Have you noticed that sometimes you get the regular search page with the paid ads at the top then the regular search items and then the actual business you searched for on the right of the page with all of their info, photos, reviews and more? This business has a Google My Business Page. Try it right now on your computer. Pull up the Google Search Page and type in Mid-America Association of Real Estate Investors. On the

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Right of the page is a Map, Our Name, Links, Business Hours, a Phone Number, Reviews (leave one while your there), and our most recent posts to Google. ALL FOR FREE Google allows business owners, including Realtors and Real Estate Investor, to load their profile with contact info, Content Posts, FAQ’s and more. And then when someone searches for you in the Maps Section or the Regular Search page, your information comes up. Plus, when consumers search in general, you will often get the ads at the top, then a map with 3 businesses Google thinks is most relevant to your search and then all the organic searches. You can’t get into this Map of 3 Businesses unless you have a Google My Business page. So, while you need to be concerned with your website and your social media, if you are in a business that needs a website at all, you also need to be concerned with your Google My Business page. Read more

WHAT AIRBNB GUESTS WANT Are you trying to figure out what is not only a must have item in your short term rental? IPX1031 and 1031 Exchange company surveyed about 2,000 consumers to find out their favorites and what they don’t like.

So here goes: WiFi




Private Bathroom


Air Conditioning


Free Parking






Private Entrance


Family Friendly




Don’t forget that its not only important to have these items but to make sure you let potential guests know by featuring these items on your listing platform.

to themselves without the host being on site. They also found out that guests really can’t stand it when the marketing photos don’t match the rental, when the Wi-Fi is slow or does not work, when the host is not responsive and a huge long list of house rules. Read all the survey results at https://

KCRAR MARKET UPDATE MARCH 2019 In addition to the quandary of ongoing housing price increases and affordability concerns in many U.S. markets, the first quarter of 2019 saw a fair share of adverse weather as well. Sales totals were mixed across the nation and sometimes dependent on what was a persistent wintry mix, especially in the Great Plains, Midwest and Northeast. Meanwhile, new listings and total homes for sale have been trending lower in year-over-year comparisons in many areas, and last year's marks were already quite low. Closed Sales decreased 10.1 percent for existing homes and 30.2 percent for new homes. Pending Sales decreased 2.4 percent for existing homes and 10.9 percent for new homes. Inventory decreased 6.9 percent for existing homes but increased 1.3 percent for new homes. The Median Sales Price was up 5.5 percent to $195,000 for existing homes and 9.6 percent to $365,780 for new homes. Days on Market increased 2.0 percent for existing homes and 15.6 percent for new homes. Supply decreased 5.9 percent for existing homes but increased 5.3 percent for new homes. The Federal Reserve recently announced that no further interest rate hikes are planned for 2019. Given the fact that the federal funds rate has increased nine times over the past three years, this was welcome news for U.S. consumers, which carry an approximate average of $6,000 in revolving credit card debt per household. Fed actions also tend to affect mortgage rates, so the pause in rate hikes was also welcome news to the residential real estate industry.

Almost all preferred to have the whole place all

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Common Investor Questions By Gene Guarino Most investors will work their entire lives to build their business, a portfolio of assets and retirement accounts in the hopes of "being set" in their retirement years. Unfortunately, many of them will live to see most or all of their estate being stripped away paying for their final few years of life as they are being taken care of in an assisted living facility. That is sad and avoidable too. There is a solution to that problem. The Ultimate Asset Protection The solution is to own your own Residential Assisted Living home. When it's time you can live for free. Simply doing that allows you to pass on your hard-earned estate or it allows you to spend it now anyway you want to. Ben Franklin is credited with saying "there are only two things that are certain in life, death and taxes". I will let others counsel you on taxes but I would agree those are both certain as is aging itself. What happens between now and "death" is what I will address here. According to AARP, 70% of all of us

will need help with our "Activities of Daily Living" for an average of 3.5 years. What does that look like? How much "help?" and who will provide that help? Who will pay for that help? Those are the questions most people will not even ask themselves let alone answer. The average private room in assisted living is $3,750 per person PER MONTH. That is the "average" price for an "average" home. Most of us will be spending much more then that because we would not want to live in an "average" assisted living facility. Our care will be more like $4,000 or $5,000 or even $6,000 or more per month. That could be for years and years and can drain an estate a lot faster than it took to assemble it. After just a few years that will total hundreds of thousands of dollars and it could all be saved. One of the keys to protecting yourself and your assets is to have the proper insurance in advance of needing it. We all know the typical insurance products like: Health insurance, Disability insurance, Life insurance and they all have their

purpose. Some of these we will likely all use at some point in our lives like health insurance. Others, we will never personally enjoy like life insurance, which is designed to benefit those that are left behind after you pass away. The most over looked insurance or the least likely to be purchased is "Long Term Care Insurance". Most people assume it's either "too expensive" or they choose to ignore the fact that they are getting older and will more than likely need assistance as they age. As families get smaller and spread out across the country, they are not as close geographically and they are busy and unable to take care of their aging parents like they could years ago. There is a solution. The ultimate asset protection strategy could very well be to own your own care home. When it's time for you or a loved one to get the care that you need, you can move into the master bedroom and live like a king or a queen for free. Thereby preserving your estate and solving the problem that so many people simply ignore.

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In addition, you could be making hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash flow and profits as the owner of that home. The solution is simple, and you cannot ignore the fact that we all will be getting involved in assisted living one way or the other. The question is how will you be involved? “So, How Much Can I Make?� If you own the home and lease it to an operator, you can get up to twice the fair market rent. As a real estate investor, that's going to change your positive cash flow from a few hundred dollars to potentially a few thousand dollars a month. In addition, your tenant will want a longer lease. 3, 5 or even 10 years. They will not want to lose their lease. Typically, they will also be a lower impact tenant that will take care of the property better than the average tenant. They are generating income and they will want the home to be kept up and well maintained to generate that income. You may be asking, why would someone be willing to pay you up to twice the fair market rent for your home? Simply put, they will be making a huge profit, so it works for them. Location is the key. If you have the right location and the home is the "right" home for operating this business, then it is a win win situation. Many people can't or choose not to buy the location they operate their business in. Not everyone is a savvy real estate investor like you. Zoning is one of the first considerations. Many people are surprised when they discover that this can be done in a residential neighborhood even with an HOA. Knowing the best locations and then knowing the terms and the questions to ask are critical. Without that knowledge you will most likely make costly mistakes and get a simple response of "you can't do that" from the town or city that your property is in. Knowledge is power. The amount of rent you charge will depend on many factors including: what improvements are you willing to do, what are you willing to allow the tenant to do, length of the lease, rent concessions etc.

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The national average for a private room in an assisted living facility is $3,750 per month per person. If your home is licensed for 10 residents, that is $37,500 in potential gross income. If the expenses and the debt service total $27,500, which is conservatively high, you are still netting $10,000 a month in profit. If you focus on a "nicer" home you can charge higher then average rent. The expenses are virtually the same with just the potential increase in the debt service. If your debt service increases by $3,000 a month and you can generate an additional $10,000 to $20,000 a month, that's pretty simple math. What about the house itself? The size of the home, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the layout are all major considerations when it comes to choosing a home for Residential Assisted Living. In general, bigger is better. More bedrooms and bathrooms mean more revenue. Private rooms bring higher income then shared rooms. Private bathrooms can generate an additional $500 to $1,000 a month in additional revenue. Interior space can be reconfigured to create additional bedrooms. Adding bathrooms is significantly harder and more costly though. BUT adding bathrooms will create additional revenue that will typically pay for themselves in less than 1 year. Converting a large bathroom into 2 smaller ones is an alternative. Converting underutilized rooms into bedrooms is typical as well. Consider converting garage space and porches into revenue generating bedrooms and bathrooms as well. Always use licensed contractors and get the proper permits when doing this type of work. If required you may need to install a fire suppression system in the home. This can cost $10,000 to $25,000 depending on many factors. Installing a smoke detection system that is monitored by an outside service may be required as well. That is $1,500 to $3,000 to install and $30-$50 a month to

monitor. If these types of improvements and costs "scare you" at this point, I understand but you have to look at the cost to benefit ratio. If you invest $30,000 in these renovations and it allows you to make $10,000 per month in net revenue, how long is the "payback" period? Just 3 months. That is simple math and answers the question, "is it worth the effort?" If you add an additional $30,000 in improvements that allows you to generate an additional $5,000 a month, would that be a good investment? Many real estate investors will remodel a kitchen or add a pool or an addition or a deck, that could cost more than that and would only generate a fraction of the revenue that a Residential Assisted Living Home would generate. The most common improvements to a home address the safety of the residents. Grab bars installed in the shower and around the toilet are common. If you are 85 years old, it's harder to get up and to keep your balance. They are not expensive, and they are pretty easy to install. Consider widening the doors as well. It doesn't need to be every door, just, focus on the doors they will be using the most. 36 inches wide is great. If a senior has a walker or a wheelchair, that's a real plus. If you can't widen the doorway, consider an offset hinge. For $15 it will get the door out of the doorway about inch. An inch doesn't sound like a lot, but if you're a senior and using a walker or wheelchair, that inch is going to save your knuckles. Smooth floors mean less of a trip hazard. Carpet is softer but it also increases the potential for a fall because seniors may not lift their feet when they walk, and they can actually increase the risk of a fall. Good smooth surfaces to consider include hard wood, tile, linoleum and vinyl. We will be talking about all of these aspects and more at my two events at MAREI in May. Join me

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Join us at the May 18th Workshop - Details FREE Mini e-Course -

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Seller Financing

Turn Your Best Investment Into a Better One Article Writing with information from Dawn Rickabaugh’s Website

SOUND FAMILIAR? “I would sell my property, but I can’t because . . .”

“I refuse to pay all those capital gains . . . and I don’t want to exchange into another property because I’m tired of managing property and dealing with tenants.”

. . we already have a trust set up.” Seller Financing: The concept is a simple one, but surprisingly, few people really understand Seller Financing.

“I’ve got tenants/family members that don’t pay me enough, but I just don’t have the heart to raise their rent or kick them out.”

Many people have wisely invested in real estate over the years to achieve their financial objectives. Acquiring income producing property is one of the best ways to create wealth. However, at some point, many people tire of managing their properties. They are tired of dealing with tenants and the necessary repairs. Perhaps health problems are forcing them to slow down. They want smart, safe investments that are less management intensive so they can relax, travel, and enjoy life.

“I want to give my children a good inheritance. I’m leaving the rental properties to them .

With Seller Financing, you can DO LESS and GET MORE, turning your best investment into an even bet-

“I need the income . . . this is my retirement!”

“I like my tenants and I would worry about them if I sold the property.”

ter one. Seller Financing can turn real estate into a paper asset secured by real property. Structured properly, this is one of the safest, most coveted investments in the market today. WHAT IS SELLER FINANCING? Seller Financing is when a seller becomes the bank (the beneficiary) by acting as a lender to finance all or part of the sale of their own property. The seller is literally “carrying back,” or “carrying paper,” on the property being sold. Instead of a buyer giving the seller a down payment and getting a loan from a bank for the balance, the buyer gives the seller the down payment AND the monthly payments. The seller receives payments according to the terms agreed to in a Promissory Note, which is secured by a Deed of Trust in Missouri (or Mortgage in

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Kansas) against the seller’s property until the note is paid off.

these when you’re the one extending credit?

Seller Financing applies to all types of real estate: homes, land, mobile homes on land, apartment buildings, condos, office buildings, farms, commercial, industrial, and warehouse properties to name a few. Seller Financing is also frequently used in the sale of businesses and certain items considered personal property: cars, boats, airplanes, and mobile homes in parks.

Credit report

1003 loan application

4506-T so you can check tax returns down the road

Do you need to be worried about RESPA or Truth in Lending requirements?

How are you going to make sure the buyer stays on top of property taxes?

Is there insurance and are you listed as the Loss Payee?

** What about Dodd-Frank and the S.A.F.E Act **

Whether you’re the Buyer or the Seller in a seller carry back scenario, you’re probably wondering how to put the transaction together in a way that will help maximize your investment, protect you, and meet the objectives of everyone concerned. If you think you will ever want to sell all or part of any note created, for instance, then it’s absolutely imperative that you structure your transaction in a way that preserves the value of your note in the secondary market. When you’re going to be the bank on your own property, you’d better think like a bank, and put all the paperwork together so you’re sitting watertight no matter what you decide to do. What you do at the point of note creation will make all the difference. Have you thought about all the paperwork you go through when you apply for a bank loan? Don’t you think you might want some of

These are just some of the things that most sellers who carry paper just don’t seem to think about. Seller Financing can be a great tool if used properly. So, as the bank, here’s what you should be doing:

• •

Have the prospective buyer fill out a credit application (and save it) Run the buyer’s credit report (and save it) Ask for the largest down payment that the buyer can come up with (protective equity) **And if they are going to live in it, you may need to be working with Registered Mortgage Loan Originator**

Becoming the bank is an excellent way to create cash flow and im-


prove your quality of life. You can sell for top dollar regardless of market conditions by offering terms . . . you just have to structure your seller carry back transaction intelligently Banks have whole underwriting departments. You, as the enlightened seller willing to carry paper, need your own underwriting department, and that’s where I come in. Sellers and other agents frequently want me to help them think through the deal to make sure they end up with a note that’s worth holding or selling in the secondary trust deed market. That way, if they want their money early, they can sell all or part of their note. The great thing about notes is that if you end up needing a lump sum of cash, you may not need to sell the entire asset to get it. You may only need to sell part of the note. Have you ever tried to sell just 1 bedroom of a 4-bedroom house? To sell all or part of your note to a note broker, they are going to want to see

the note (must have – no note, no quote)

the deed or mortgage (very helpful)

escrow instructions and/or escrow closing statement (very helpful)

payor’s SS#’s (and credit report, if you have it)

12 months’ payment history (bank statements, canceled checks, etc.)

insurance policy showing you as Loss Payee or Add’l Insured

lender’s title policy (if you don’t have one, you’ll need to buy it before selling your note, just like in real estate transactions)

 Defer Capital Gains  Maximize the Sale Price by Offering Terms  Keep Your Equity Working for You  Hassle-Free Monthly Income for Years  No More Tenants or Maintenance  No More Property Taxes or Insurance  You Can Sell Part of the Note for Cash

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Be thinking about how much cash you really need. Are you open to selling a part of your note? You will often have greater success with a Grow Your Business

“partial.” The discount will generally be smaller, and there are more buyers for your note. You can get some cash up front, but then still have payments coming to you down the road. Just something to think about.

words that causes people to get a bit queasy, but really, in most circumstances, it’s not that big of a deal. How strenuous the process is depends largely upon what kind of a down payment you received at closing.

What If the Buyer Quits Making the Payments?

The time to worry about a loan is before you make it

You, the seller, are ‘lending’ the buyer your equity in the property. You are taking a down payment and agreeing to let them pay you over time for the rest, with interest, of course.

If you got a large down payment (20% or more), then you should have enough protective equity to get you through the foreclosure process without a loss. Protective equity ‘protects’ you against loss in case of default. That’s why you get the biggest down payment from a buyer that you possibly can.

So . . . you, as the lender on property that you previously owned, will do whatever banks usually do when they stop receiving payments:

Start the foreclosure process to regain possession of the property

Work out a loan modification with the buyer/payor

Sell the defaulting note at a steep discount

Foreclosure is one of those ‘F’

But I don’t want to have to foreclose on someone!!! If you just can’t stand the idea of potentially having to foreclose to protect your interest, here are some alternatives: Sell the note at a discount – even non-performing paper can be worth something on the secondary market, but you can choose to sell the note long before there is a problem. Some sellers use seller fi-

nancing to get a property sold, then they season the note for a while (collect a few payments) and sell it to someone else so they don’t have to worry about anything down the road. Put the property in a land trust before you transfer a beneficial interest to another party – besides allowing you to evict, rather than foreclose upon, a defaulting ‘buyer,’ this will also protect you from an increased tax basis should you end up taking the property back. ————————Want to learn more about seller financing, then join Dawn Rickabaugh the Note Queen at the June 11th MAREI meeting where you will learn why what you don’t know about owner financing and notes is costing you thousands. And look for “NoteQueen” on YouTube to listen to Dawn’s totally FREE monthly Virtual Coffee Meetings where she discusses Owner Financing and Notes.

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HAS MASSIVE BENEFITS A “Real Estate Investor Association” or REIA is a tremendous source of knowledge, networking and inspiration. You need to make these meetings part of your monthly schedule. Every club operates a bit differently, but the basics are all the same. They are a great place to meet other people in the business. People who can educate you, sell you deals, buy deals from you and recommend team members and services. The other people there are the number one reason you should go to the meetings. Being around others in the business and learning about how and why they are successful

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will help you succeed in your business faster. Connect While at a meeting, don’t be shy. Shake hands with the people around you and give everyone you meet your business card (you do have cards on you at all times, don’t do?) Be sure to get their card as well. If they do not have one, have them write their name, phone number and email address down. You will want all this information to build your database. These are the people who will buy your wholesale deals or the people that you can call when you are putting a deal together.

By Tom Zeeb

If you are the shy type, try to make a game out of it. Set a goal and tell yourself you want to leave the meeting with no less than three people’s cards. Then force yourself to say hello to the person sitting next to you. It will get easier every time. The conversations will be basic and remind you of your freshman year in college, when everyone asks the same old questions like ‘where are you from?’ and ‘what are you studying?’, but now it will be ‘what kind of investing do you do?’ and ‘how long have you been doing it?’ Ask Questions Want to learn how to estimate Grow Your Business

repair costs? Ask one of the renovators at the meeting if you can go see one of their projects and have them explain how they determined their costs. Offer to take them to lunch in return and tell them you’ll be happy to wholesale deals to them. Be respectful of their time though, they are busy and aren’t getting anything in return from you at the moment (other than lunch). Be sure to know the basics, you don’t want to waste their time on things that you should have already learned from books, you’ll get more out of it too! Build Your Team Putting together a team is an important step in building your business. The easiest way to build a team is to ask for referrals from other investors in your local area and then to piece together your team as you need them. You will need attorneys, accountants, realtors, contractors and others to succeed in this business. Many newcomers try to assemble their team first, even though they have no business to bring to their team. Certainly the realtor on your team can, and should, be put in place in advance of having a deal. This is because you will use them for marketing data and comps. But trying to put an attorney in place before you have any actual business to conduct can be difficult. This does not mean that you should not be asking around for referrals in advance of having a deal. It just means that your time will be better spent on other facets of the business, such as marketing at the beginning, and save the actual interaction with the attorney for when the time is right. As you put members on your Page 15

team, keep an eye on them. If you do not like working with them, or if they do not perform well for you, then drop them fast and find a new team member to replace them.

ly recommend becoming a member. The $200 you spend will be well worth it. Where else can you get all these benefits in one place? It is a totally deductible expense as well.

A major requirement for us is that team members use and are comfortable conducting business over email. We have had good attorneys in the past who we worked well with, but they did not use email for business. That made it very difficult to operate our systems with them, as so much of what we do is centered around email.

Some of the associations have websites packed with great information. Some have on-line bulletin boards as well. This is another great source for info or for advertising deals. Some of the websites are for members only.

We want to conduct business in writing and have a written record of our interactions with people. Email makes this easy. So when we were only able to interface with this attorney via the phone, we lost written record of our progress. It also made it difficult to catch up on work after business hours since no one was available by phone at night. Email doesn’t have that problem, as you can send it and then wait for the response. Think about these things when assembling your team. Do Deals Some groups have a ‘deal makers’ section, where they let people stand up and announce deals. Others have a ‘success stories’ section where anyone who has done a deal in the past month can stand up and give the details and then be applauded. Pay attention to who stands up during these sections month after month. They are the players in your local market and people you should make an effort to know. Membership The clubs are not usually free and there is a charge per meeting or on an annual basis. I high-

Speakers with Training Most meetings will also have a speaker, usually a national speaker. These are gurus who come to town to teach you about their particular real estate investing specialty and to offer you their home study course. The speakers vary widely but we find that we always get a few great ideas from each one and it is well worth listening to them. If you resent being sold to, get over it. They are there to make money and they have given you free advice and inspiration in return for being able to pitch you. There is nothing wrong with that. Especially if you walk away with a great idea. We will often buy their courses if we think it will give us great ideas that we can apply in our own business. Most of the courses that we’ve bought we’ve made the money back many times over from the great ideas that the courses taught us. Buying courses is fine as long as you plan to read them and put the ideas into action. Don’t fall into ‘analysis paralysis’. You won’t make your money back by letting it sit on the shelf unread and unused. Tom Zeeb owns and manages Traction REIA in Washington DC, find them online at Grow Your Business

MAREI Members LOG INTO for our Discount Code

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With MAREI Business Members Save time and money by starting with service providers who already know your business. Who can solve problems as they arise to help you get the deal completed on time and for maximum profit. Accountant Beebe & Associates, LLC Brian Beebe 816-388-9222 Coleman Accounting Service Bob Coleman 913-787-0308 Mid America Tax Planners Ahmad Malik 913-210-4765

Appraisal Ladys Appraisal Service Kathy Allen-Grey 816-678-2794

Attorney Anderson & Associates Evictions / Collections Julie Anderson 816-931-2207

Rick Davis Legal Real Estate Law Rick Davis 913-283-8300

Auction Company Rachel Bailey 816-797-6875 Monthly Auction 101 Workshop

Joe’s Carpet / Weber Flooring Joe Weber 913-469-5430 The Home Depot 2% Rebate / 20% Off Paint Details in Member Benefits Rugs, Rolls and Remnants Jerry Ratway 913-593-0568

Building Supplier


Coronet Window Company Brent Huckabey 816-472-1788

Above & Beyond Building Services James Carollo 816-674-6132

DeMayo Enterprises Wholesale Cabinets Mark Yanda 913-980-4260 Earthwise of KC James White 816-231-7011

Hearth Masters Fireplace / Masonry Gene Padgitt 816-461-3665 Genesis Home Restorations Mold Remediation Terry Amerine 913-270-0812 (Continued on page 18)

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HCS Restoration KC, LLC Mike Peace 913-731-6537 NuLook Custom Finishes Cabinet Refinishing Carol Baldwin 913-385-2574 Under Pressure Property Services Rehab, Maintenance, & Staging Dallas Kidd 913-274-9555

Financial Planning HighPointe Financial Edward Ethington 913-234-034 TR Bass Financial Terry Bass 816-251-4524 Home Warranty Choice Home Warranty Jayme Dickey 816-550-5144 Insurance Agema Insurance Fred Dickinson 913-543-8116 Arcana Insurance Insurance for Investors NREIA.ArcanaInsurance 877.744.3660 Brian Rauber Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance

(816) 436-1016

Self Directed IRA Equity Trust Company FREE Training 844-732-9404

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