RE Investment New - December 2019

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this leads to them getting frustrated due to a lack of detail in the connections they make. Speed networking is about being efficient, and that starts here. Come well prepared

The Best Speed Networking Tips & Questions To Know From Learn more at Every year at MAREI we host our annual speed networking event. Because we want to make sure you get the most of of this event we are sharing some great information provided in the article “The Best Speed Networking Tips & Questions to Know” from Understand what speed networking is all about This is something that many new speed networkers have trouble adjusting to. The format of speed networking is something that you should have in mind before you walk in the room. This will give you the ability to make the most out of your time there, and make quality connections. There are various forms of speed networking events (we will cover that later) so you should make sure you understand what you’re signing up for. Too many times you see people do speed networking but treat it like a normal networking meetup. Often

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This is a slight continuation from the tip above, but it’s worth breaking it out into two pieces. During a speed networking event it is extremely important to be well prepared, efficient and goal oriented. There is very little time for small talk in contrast to other networking sessions. Prepare yourself by setting goals and outcomes that allow you to deliver the message that you want to communicate. In other words, know what you want to convey and prioritize that heavily. You don’t have time to set things up as much as you would in a normal networking event. This can feel unnatural for some people at first, and it does take practice. Typically once you get into the swing of things you will find your groove and feel more comfortable getting right to the point. Also, don’t forget to bring a stack of business cards and preferably a folder or one-pager that clearly describes your company and what you offerings are. Always have the end in mind Before the speed networking event begins, set clear and concise goals and objectives to use as a guidance during the different meetings. To create a new contact in a specific local market could be an objective, but the overall goal should be more specific than that. A great way to set this up is by working backwards from what you need. For example, if your business needs new clothing distribution partners that would be a good place to start. From there, be prepared to identify other

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people who might have some connections to them. It’s probably unlikely that you will bump into a clothing distributor directly, but meeting someone else who has is far more likely. This also can be very useful when reviewing business cards after the speed networking is finished. Be honest and show respect This seems pretty obvious but you would be surprised how often it is ignored. There is a common trap to fall into with speed networking as a matter of fact. Many times attendees get caught up in the “speed” element of the event and that comes at the expense of courtesy, which will actually end up wasting your time all together. Who wants to do business with someone who isn’t polite? Keep it simple and respect the other person. Introduce yourself and exchange business cards before you begin and give the other person the chance to start unless he/she prefers not to. Being first has its advantages, but whoever speaks last can adjust the presentation to what they just heard, and in that way, touch on common denominators and create more interest. This is a helpful speed networking tip that will lead to better connections and more efficient sessions. You will gain from giving This is another aspect of speed networking that sometimes falls by the wayside. When attendees feel like they are under the clock they sometimes default to a “me-first” attitude, when the opposite can have be more effective. By helping the person you are meeting achieve their goals in an open minded and honest way, you will gain more from the meeting. One of the most powerful drivers of human action is reciprocity. When you help others they want to help you, and it applies to speed networking just like anything else. It creates a desire and will from the other party to help you out (since you just did the same thing for them). It also creates a more dynamic and open minded way of looking for win-win situations for both of you, as the party can find opportunities within your offer to help them out. This applies not only to speed networking, but all forms of networking activities as well. Be aware of your personal brand We have written about this in length in other blog posts too, but defining your personal brand will greatly benefit your speed networking (and all of your other career goals). Take some time before the speed networking event to establish your personal brand and make sure you are always looking through that lens. During the meeting, make sure this is a fallback point of view if you feel you are getting off-topic. Understanding your personal brand will help you stay on track as well as find new opportunities. Think of everything. Are you dressed according to the expectations of the event, are you communicating your core values and your basic principles, are you looking past a first point of contact for potential fits? Also, be aware of your posture, your body language and note the way your counterpart are responding to the way you are delivering your message. Speed networking is always viewed as a quick way to gain connections, but it is also a fantastic method of getting feedback for your pitch.

Prepare your elevator pitch Having an elevator pitch locked in will make any speed networking event a breeze. An elevator pitch is a 30 second description of yourself, what you do and what you want to communicate. Prepare a pitch before the speed networking starts and think through the most important things you would like to communicate. Refine the pitch so that it sounds natural. If you can execute this well, you will have an audience that is alert and attentive to whatever you have to say afterwards. Present your elevator pitch and then tie things back to what they need as well. Bringing this back to how you can help the other person reaching their goals and how they can help you reach yours will make the whole process much easier. A good elevator pitch can be constructed by the following parts: Your name. Your title and company. The values you create for your clients, by describing a typical problem, what activities you used to solve it and the actual result. You can round up by including something about your goals and the results you wish to achieve from the meeting. At our event at MAREI, each participant will have less than 2 minutes to share their pitch. So there is not a lot of room for asking questions. However, you may be partnered with someone who does not know what to say and we do have an hour of open networking at every event so having some good questions as icebreakers is very helpful. The Brand Yourself Article Continues. Speed networking questions are important too Too often participants jump into an event without having any speed networking questions they can go to in order to get the conversation started. Having some good speed networking questions in your back pocket are also great to quickly see if there is a good connection with the person you’re talking to and an opportunity to work together. Some good speed networking questions to ask are:

What do you do?

How can I help you do that better?

What made you decide to come to this event? (this can be a great way to identify problems they might be having to see if you can help)

What inspired you to start doing the work you’re involved with now?

What are some strategies that you’ve found to be helpful for your recent work? All of these questions will do a great job of making sure that you are not only taking advantage of the time you have together, but you’re also engaging with the other

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participant. The quality of the connection you form will directly impact your ability to make something out of the networking event. Don’t forget that not all of the art of networking is in the initial live, face to face connection. Much of the art in making networking connections is in the activities completed after the event. The Brand Yourself Article has some great tips for this as well. Take notes Taking notes in a speed networking event is often overlooked despite the multiple benefits it can provide. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just enough to aid the process. Jot down who it is you are talking with, the date, the context as well as a summary of what is being said. Try to find common denominators and in which ways you can help the person in front of you, who amongst your contacts can be a good connection, which of your own goals can benefit from the other person’s experience, contacts, etc. Getting this all down on paper can make the speed networking process a lot more fluid and help you identify new opportunities. It also has the beneficial side effect of helping your image during the meeting. Someone who is attentive and takes notes will be perceived as

trustworthy, interested, and a hard worker. This will not only help directly, but trigger some reciprocity as well! It’s simple, always bring a writing pad and a pen to meetings. Successful people think on paper. Follow up It’s amazing how many people forget this part of the process. One of the most important aspects of networking is to follow up the contacts you have received during the meeting. For some reason though, a good number of speed networkers think that all of the magic is supposed to happen during the event. The reality is, if you do not follow up you might as well have stayed in

the office and done something more useful. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy either. Place a quick phone call, book a lunch or send an email so that the person gets a more lasting impression of you and what you do. This shows on professionalism as well as respect for the time the other person took to meet you. By revisiting your notes, it will be easier to recall details related to the goals of the other party. Work to continuously improve If you want to progress and attain your career goals, working to develop yourself and your skills is crucial. What went right? What could you have done better? Do not wait to figure out how you can improve until you’re in the middle of your next speed networking session. Prepare yourself ahead of time by improving your elevator pitch, prepare a mental checklist and think of how your personal brand can be even more relevant for the next speed networking event that you attend. If you feel uncomfortable, just remember that the majority of other speed networkers are feeling the same thing. It’s a big thing to go talk to new people and put yourself out there, but you do it because there are some big benefits of doing so. So keep going! As you can see there’s more to speed networking than meets the eye. While some dismiss the format in favor of more traditional networking styles, there are definitely some benefits to speed networking events. If you are serious about improving your personal brand and taking your networking to the next level, we highly recommend trying speed networking. Put the tips above into practice and give it a shot!


Real Estate Investor SPEED NETWORKING to benefit

Toys for Tots Join us at MAREI Tuesday December 10th 6 pm to 9 pm Bring 1 New Unwrapped Toy Or a Donation

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Grow Your Business

Article from REI BluePrint I think one of the most important lessons I have ever learned in business, heck even in life, was to Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable. I am sure that most of you have seen this written somewhere. Usually it pops up on my news feed on Facebook a couple times a year or I see it on one of those inspirational posters in the doctor’s office with a cute kitten hanging from a tree or something. You may even be thinking while reading this, “Well of course you do that is the only way you can grow!” But how many of you have actually implemented it in your business? Do I Need to Make Outbound Calls? I would venture to guess that that most of you haven’t. I am sure that there are parts of your business that you have dipped the tip of your pinky toe across the uncomfortable line. Maybe it is writing that first offer or telling the drywaller that you want the outlet moved 2 inches to the left, but I would venture to say that most of you are not willing to get uncomfortable with one of the key marketing strategies you must use in your business! I am talking about Outbound Calling. I have made MILLIONS of dollars because of outbound calls. The first 50 deals I closed in real estate came from nothing but finding a list, skip tracing the list, and then just getting on the phone and calling. The reason I know most of you aren’t is because it is inevitably the first job that people ask me how to delegate off. My students are always asking for an ad or what criteria they should be looking for in an assistant, a VA or a call center. And I will tell you the same thing I tell them. That is the absolute last job you will ever delegate off in your business! What Are You Afraid of? What is it about making these calls that makes you so uncomfortable? Are you afraid of getting yelled at? Are you afraid of imposing? Are you afraid that they are going to look up where you live and TP your house? I can honestly say, I have never really been uncomfortable with making that phone call in my real estate business. I think that it has to do with the fact that fresh out of high school I worked as a collection agent in one of

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the largest debt collection firms in the country. Trust me, there is no worse phone call you can make then the one where you are trying to collect money! (BTW Joe in Boston, thanks for explaining in detail where I could stick it. I didn’t even know that was humanly possible! ) No one wants that call! I have been hung up on, cussed at, you name it, but after everyone of those calls, I had to pick up the phone again and make the next call. The 10th Call is The Money Call As we all know, marketing is a numbers game. You have to send out a certain amount of marketing to get a certain number of deals to yield a certain profit. What would you do if I told you had to make 10 calls to get

one 40K deal. Would you be willing to make the other 9 calls? Even if everyone of them yelled at you and hung up? Of course, you would? What if the number was 20 calls or 50 calls? You definitely would!!! That is why it is so important to make that shift to pushing past your uncomfortableness. You never know if the 1st call or the 26th call is going to bring you in a 50K profit check. You just have to pick up the phone and make the call. So, if you are ready to start learning how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, then join us the January 14th MAREI Meeting. Come learn a few of the marketing secrets on our BluePrint.

TO BE DIFFERENT DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT REI BluePrint’s 90 Days to Cash 3-Day Immersion Register today and attend to learn •

The number one thing you must have in your real estate business to guarantee growth and profits and why 90% of other investors fail

Why you don’t need any experience to make big money in real estate investing • How to flip a house in just a few short days without fixing anything or using any of your own cash • How you will locate below market properties at 60-80% of market value even in competitive markets • How to find all the money you need to take down a deal And much, much more! •

REGISTER AT MAREI Member’s Save $100 Page 8

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Article provided by Titan Environmental

What Is Asbestos? Asbestos is a mineral fiber. It can be positively identified only with a special type of microscope. There are several types of asbestos fibers. In the past, asbestos was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide heat insulation and fire resistance.

How Can Asbestos Affect My Health? From studies of people who were exposed to asbestos in factories and shipyards, we know that breathing high levels of asbestos fibers can lead to an increased risk of:


lung cancer:— mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the chest and the abdominal cavity; and— asbestosis, in which the lungs become scarred with

fibrous tissue. The risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma increases with the number of fibers inhaled. The risk of lung cancer from inhaling asbestos fibers is also greater if you smoke. People who get asbestosis have usually been exposed to high levels of asbestos for a long time. The symptoms of these diseases do not usually appear until about 20 to 30 years after the first exposure to asbestos. Most people exposed to small amounts of asbestos, as we all are in our daily lives, do not develop these health problems. However, if disturbed, asbestos material may release asbestos fibers, which can be inhaled into the lungs. The fibers can remain there for a long time, increasing the risk of disease. Asbestos material that

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would crumble easily if handled, or that has been sawed, scraped, or sanded into a powder, is more likely to create a health hazard.

Where Asbestos Hazards May Be Found In The Home 1. Some roofing and siding shingles are made of asbestos cement.

2. Houses built between 1930 and 1950 may have asbestos as insulation.

3. Asbestos may be present in textured paint and in patching compounds used on wall and ceiling joints. Their use was banned in 1977.

4. Artificial ashes and embers sold for use in gas-fired

ficult and costly. Titan Environmental Services can facilitate a wide range of asbestos abatement and removal services to meet the needs of our clients. Whether the asbestos removal is driven by planned renovation, demolition, restoration, or is needed through rapid response due to a flood, fire, or other emergency, Titan has the solution to the problem and can oversee the project from start to finish. Join us at MAREI in February 2020 when our guest speaker will by Kyle Gunion with Titan Environmental. He will be sharing what housing professionals need to know about Asbestos and other hazardous items found in our homes: what they are, how to spot them, what to do about them if anything, and disclosures needed.

fireplaces may contain asbestos.

5. Older products such as stove-top pads may have some asbestos compounds.

6. Walls and floors around woodburning stoves may be protected with asbestos paper, millboard, or cement sheets.

7. Asbestos is found in some vinyl floor tiles and the backing on vinyl sheet flooring and adhesives.

8. Hot water and steam pipes in older houses may be coated with an asbestos material or covered with an asbestos blanket or tape. 9. Oil and coal furnaces and door gaskets may have asbestos insulation.

How To Manage An Asbestos Problem If it is a problem, there are two types of corrections: repair and removal. REPAIR usually involves either sealing or covering asbestos material. Sealing (encapsulation) involves treating the material with a sealant that either binds the asbestos fibers together or coats the material so fibers are not released. Pipe, furnace, and boiler insulation can sometimes be repaired this way. This should be done only by a professional trained to handle asbestos safely. Covering( enclosure) involves placing something over or around the material that contains asbestos to prevent release of fibers. Exposed insulated piping may be covered with a protective wrap or jacket. With any type of repair, the asbestos remains in place. Repair is usually cheaper than removal, but it may make later removal of asbestos, if necessary, more dif-

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Grow Your Business

Kansas City Missouri: If you missed the Special Housing Committee meeting on December 2nd, we have posted a recording of it on our blog at and we have noted some key testimony that you might want to review if you don’t watch the entire video. After going through the various versions of the regulations, a little over an hour of testimony from both sides and some very good questions by the committee, the Resolution was passed fairly quickly, and a revised version of the Ordinance was passed after many questions and revisions.

bringing both sides together to address the issues that will enforce and fund current existing local regulations and address the much larger issue of affordable housing. Further revise language in both the Resolution and the Ordinance to be more defined and precise and less onesided. And to eliminate the entire new unfunded department in both documents in favor of enforcing current regulations. There will be a full city council meeting at 3 pm, Thursday, December 12th at City Hall on the 26th floor in Council Chambers.

The most recent versions that MAREI has access to are posted on the blog post.

What can we as concerned citizens do in the next few days leading up to this meeting?

What happens next?

We urge all members of MAREI and other industry members as well as local Kansas City Citizens to take the time to read both the Resolution and the Ordinance. Take the time to watch the committee meeting. And then reach out to the entire city council and voice your concerns.

Over the next week, leaders from both sides will be meeting with the committee in an effort to further revise both. Those in opposition are working to either get one of three things to happen: Get enough votes on the city council to vote no on both as they are very one sided and for the most part are just restating city, state and federal laws with a few minor changes, namely creating an entire new city department with 6 divisions at huge tax-payer expense that will do nothing to solve the overall problem of lack of affordable housing in Kansas City.

Please make phone calls, send written letters, and emails. And make sure to attend the City Council Meeting on the 12th. We hope to again have a 4 to 1 standing room only crowd at this meeting.

Get the city council to table these regulations in favor of

Currently, there are many laws and regulations that

Here are a few that MAREI will be presenting in our own outreach.

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manage the landlord-tenant relationship, many of which are cited in both documents being considered. •

Federal HUD Regulations

Federal Fair Housing Law

State Landlord-Tenant Law

At the City Level

The City Codes Department as part of the City Planning and Development Department

The City Health Departmentt

The Healthy Homes Program Administered by the Health Department

The Human Relations Department

Neighborhood & Housing Services

Neighborhood Preservation

Vacant Home Registration Program as a part of Neighborhood Preservation

With the Resolution calling for the City Council to commit to creating a new department and the Ordinance laying out the new department with 6 divisions listed, we as housing providers that already have to answer to all the above Federal, State and City Agencies, would ask (1) how are Kansas City Tax Payers going to pay for this, (2) and if all those current rules and regulations are not doing their jobs, how will re-writing current regulations into a yet unfunded additional department make things different? And with the Resolution, we would ask does the City Council want to set a precedent by creating a bill of rights for one type of person in the city, would that not open the door for more bills of rights for every upset group of people? Rather and us against them ordinance, could we set this aside and work together on the brand new Housing Policy rolled out just a few months ago? Or will we just stick to the status quo – create new rules, regulations, ordinances. Propose new policy. Then set them aside and create something new. Why not stop and work with what we have? th

See you at the city council meeting on the 12 . ______

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Raytown Missouri At the Tuesday, December 3rd Meeting of the Raytown Board of Alderman, they passed a new Rental Dwelling Maintenance Regulation. If you were unable to make the meeting, it is recorded, and you can listen in to what happened at this meeting by visiting our blog post at The most recent version MAREI has access to can be read by visiting the above blog post. This is an ordinance that affects all owners of property in Raytown as it seems that it pertains to not only rental property but also non-owner occupied property, which we assume to mean vacant property. As we read the documents, it appears that a rental dwelling permit must be applied for by every owner of rental property and non-owner occupied property. At the time of submitting the application for the permit, inspection should also be applied for and should be completed within 7 days. If the unit does not pass inspection, you will have some time to make repairs and get reinspected. The initial permit should be valid for 2 years. If there is a change in occupancy (a tenant) or ownership (new buyer) before this permit expires, there must be a new inspection scheduled and new permits applied for. There were many questions around this ordinance, but it seems the board took the attitude of “get it passed now and figure it out later.” The city will start taking permit applications in April of 2020 and they have a deadline of April 30, 2021 for all rentals and non-owner occupied units to be in compliance. We urge all property and business owners to read the regulation and to reach out to the board of alderman to share your thoughts. One big question is how this will affect vacant property that might be waiting to be sold, inherited, foreclosed, or otherwise vacant and in need of repairs that the current owners are not in a position to make. Must they make the needed repairs to the vacant property before it can be sold to a new owner, such as one who might renovate and make a livable property again. ———— We need your help, let us know what is happening in your Kansas City Metro City so we can inform the membership and connect alliances.

Grow Your Business

With MAREI Business Members Save time and money by starting with service providers who already know your business. Who can solve problems as they arise to help you get the deal completed on time and for maximum profit. Accountant Coleman Accounting Service Bob Coleman 913-787-0308

Attorney Anderson & Associates Julie Anderson 816-931-2207 Attorney Rick Davis Levy Craig 816-460-1819

Auction Company Rachel Bailey 816-797-6875 Monthly Auction 101 Workshop

Building Supplier Coronet Window Company Brent Huckabey 816-472-1788

DeMayo Enterprises Wholesale Cabinets Mark Yanda 913-980-4260

Hearth Masters Fireplace / Masonry Gene Padgitt 816-461-3665

Earthwise of KC James White 816-231-7011

NuLook Custom Finishes Cabinet Refinishing Carol Baldwin 913-385-2574

Joe’s Carpet / Weber Flooring Joe Weber 913-469-5430 Rugs, Rolls and Remnants Jerry Ratway 913-593-0568


Olson Foundation Repair Luke Olson & Peggy Stroud 913-592-3300 Under Pressure Property Services Rehab, Maintenance, & Staging Dallas Kidd 913-274-9555

Above & Beyond Building Services James Carollo 816-674-6132

Financial Planning

Genesis Home Restorations Mold Remediation Terry Amerine 913-270-0812


TR Bass Financial Terry Bass 816-251-4524

EZ Landlord Forms (Continued on page 14)

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Home Warranty Choice Home Warranty Jayme Dickey 816-550-5144

Insurance Agema Insurance Fred Dickinson 913-543-8116 Arcana Insurance Insurance for Investors NREIA.ArcanaInsurance 877.744.3660 Brian Rauber Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance

(816) 436-1016

Self Directed IRA Equity Trust Company FREE Training 844-732-9404

Lending Crossroads Investment Lending Hard Money Bekah, Brant, & Britton 913-800-8226 House Traders Monthly Meeting Flat Branch Home Loans Mortgage Banker Beth Langston 816-479-5841 x 1148

Gateway Mortgage Group, a division of Gateway First Bank Mike Leech 913-802-5015 Investors Choice Funding Hard Money Bob Woelfel 317-205-4797 Leader One Financial Kevin Roller KevinRoller.MyMortgge.Site/ 913-677-2781

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Lima One Capital Tracey Vinzant 913-671-0040 Merchants Mortgage Mushy Money Susan Aubin 303-514-0815 North Oak Investments Hard Money Tommy Nigro 816-249-1001 REI Investor Funding Charlie Fitzgerald 913-843-8650 Worcester Financial Hard Money 816-291-4146

Marketing 3 Leads Per Day Online Marketing Training from Investor Carrot

InvestorCarrot Websites for Agents & Investors Online Marketing

PropStream Build Marketing Lists & Research properties

REIPro Investor Marketing Platform Lists : Direct Mail : CRM Discount Code 66209PRO

Odor Removal OdorXIt

Office Supply Office Depot / Office Max Discount Link & Card in Member Benefits Package

Pest Control Stop Bed Bugs Discounts for Members

Private Lending Free Online Training Alan Cowgill

Properties KCInvest Investment Properties Scott & Kim & Don Tucker 913-735-0018

Pride Properties Wholesale Marcus Bray & Matt Bray 913-213-5370

Deal Makers Monthly Meeting Property Investors Inc. Todd Franzen & Chris Hellums 1-800-614-7705

Property Manager Home Rental Services Paul Branton 913-627-9543

M & M Property Pros Michael & Michele Belman 816-490-6745

MRE Property Management Turn Key & Management Nick McKinnis 816-388-9588

PMI Destination Properties Ryan Kernicky 913-583-1515

SG Property Management Randi Fiedler 913-717-8531

Grow Your Business

Realtor Crown Realty Rich Melton 913-215-9004

Screening Rent Perfect Tenant Screening Plus Heather Johnson 877-922-2547 Discounts Software Rehab Analysis & Management David Robertson (816) 559-1782

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Title Company Accurate Title Company Dave Green 913-338-0100

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