The Cobb House, now the Allison Vladimir Art Center
t hardly seems possible to think of a time when we were not completely consumed by our current public health crisis. As an observer of this past winter’s Board of Trustees and Alumni Council deliberations prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, one clear and decisive message resonated throughout their assemblies: the future remains at hand. With the dawn of a new decade, there is much to celebrate on The Storm King School campus. The good health of the School’s balance sheet is still reflected in every facet of the life of the School, whether in-person or remotely. Early winter saw work begin on the Cobb House, home to the Allison Vladimir Art Center, marking the last of many deferred projects. As social distancing restrictions were relaxed, the much needed exterior work was completed and now complements the interior of this renowned fine art center; home to world-class instruction in painting, drawing, graphic design, fashion design, and film. We were grateful to have a strong and growing Storm King Fund for much of this work, as well as the disciplined fiscal management of our Board and management team. This past fall, the lighting system in the Henderson Dining Room within Orr Commons was also completely redone with energy efficient lights that enhance the stunning views of the Hudson Valley below and Catskill Mountains beyond. As we say goodbye to this past decade, The Storm King School can also say farewell to deferred maintenance.
Henderson Dining Room