1 minute read

Margaret Franklin Resolution

pencil case displayed in Mrs. Murray’s shop window and I’d look in each day hoping it would still be there when Santy came for it.

At last, it was Christmas Eve, the greatest night of the year. The red Christmas candle was put in the jam jar amid the holly and ivy, decorated with red crepe paper, lit and placed in the window, to light the way for the coming of Baby Jesus. I hardly slept, waiting for the sound of Santy and his reindeer. I prayed he would get down the chimney safely and did not touch the hot embers burning in the hearth. Morning at last, but no Christmas tree then, to leave the presents under, but there on the kitchen table was my green pencil case. Then we set off walking to Mass, with snow covering the ground. Magic Christmas Day was here.


Imelda McKiernan


Let us make a resolution To have no more revolution, As too much blood already has been shed.

Let us talk to one another, As to sister or to brother, Until there's simply no more to be said.

Until we reach consensus, Let's not dwell on past offences, But forgive the wrongs of generations dead.

Looking forward to tomorrow, In happiness or sorrow, And build a Nation for the years ahead.

Margaret Franklin

National Poetry Day 28th April 2016. The suggested theme was ‘Revolution’

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