CCDN271: Design as Inquiry Tri 1, 2011 Assignment five: final research paper Deliverables: final, revised research paper of 2000words [APA style] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 15%of the final grade Due: Friday 3 June2011;before 3pm Description : For your final assignment you will synthesize the comments and editorial suggestions given to you in the mark-up of assignment 4 in the production of a polished and well-constructed final research paper. Pleasetake the time to consider your first draft (assignment 4) and to revise according to your own senseof what still needswork aswell as in compliance with the suggestions of your tutor. It is in the review and revision of your work that truly sophisticated and well-reasoned analysis and interpretation is possible. Directions: Pleasehand-in your final draft, PLUS YOUR ROUGH DRAFT (assign. 4) , on Friday 3 Junebefore 3pm to Nan O’Sullivan (in her office—2nd floor Wigan). Pleasealso submit a final ditigal copy of assignment 5 to the R-drive. Make sure to put your name and your tutor’s name on the cover page.
Expectations: • 2000 word final, revised research paper investigating an original thesis argument, with appropriate and sufficient scholarly “evidence”—casestudies, images, historical or literary precident, etc—supporting and illustrating the validity of the principle assertions of the thesis argument. • An introduction and conclusion must be evident. • Useof appropriate imagesto illustrate or expand aspects of the thesis argument. • A bibiliography comprised of at least five scholarly sources –NOT WEBSITES! • Correct use of APA Style for all citations and bibliographic references.