Leadership and communication icm

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LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION Communication is one of the most essential processes of leadership and in an organisation, it is very fundamental for an organisation to run smoothly. Communication is necessary for staff leader relationship. Leaders communicate visions and values and this is how they develop staff and transform an organisation .leaders cannot do the work of the organisation but they can communicate what needs to be done, inspiring confidence and motivating staff to accomplish their plans. Therefore through effective communication a leader is able to articulate vision and move the organisation forward Golberg et al (2010).Communication is important because the staff needs to know strategic decisions and the impact it will have on them. A leader clearly communicating ideas and expectations to staff is essential to the productivity and longevity of an organisation. Leaders lead people, they guide their staff to new direction and the communication style influences the satisfaction levels of employees. My position in this essay is to argue that effective communication is a tool that leaders should have to attain the organisational objectives and to develop staff. In this essay I will point out to the following: social skills are important for a leader to develop their staff, leadership style is linked to effective communication, listening as an important trait to effective communication, that proper use of language avoids miscommunication. Social skills enhance leadership, communication is not something do to each other but rather it is a process in which leaders creates a relationship with their staff by interacting with each other Barth et al (2009). For example, in a hospital set-up a nurse may face a great deal of stress due to work overload or other problems and they may require a leader who has social skills to express their situation to, a leader who they can solve problems with and who can provide


emotional support and care.

A leader with social skills is able to communicate uncertainty and understanding during organisational change. Staff in an organisation prefers to hear implementation related and jobrelevant information from their leaders than from other sources HR magazine (2008). If for example a hospital has come up with a policy that new mothers cannot co-sleep with their babies when earlier on co-sleeping was accepted, if these information is communicated to staff by the nursing head ,the staff will ensure that it is adhered to because it came directly from the their leader. It is also important for leaders to create a rapport with their staff, which is an important step towards intercultural relations and developing staff. A good way a leader can create a rapport with their staff is when he /she greet staff in the morning for example.. Some leadership styles are based on effective communication. The style and effectiveness of communication between the staff and leaders has a direct relationship on the leadership style Hicks (2011). Transformational leader is able to recognise organisational desires and is able to influence staff to move in that direction. Furthermore the transformational leader is able to motivate staff through mental stimulation .By clearly telling the staff expectation, the leader can motivate them, and this will require effective communication. Transformational leader are responsible for communication and following up to see that the information has been received. On the other hand, transactional leaders seek to motivate staff through rewards, praise, promotions in exchange for improved performance. Staff look for organisational reward system,


as well as signals on what the organisation really merits. Listening is a trait of an effective communicator. Listening is one of the most important skill that a leader can posses and can use to transform an organisation. When a leader hears and response accurately, they can build confidence in an organisation and create a culture that is built on adherence. In an organisation effective listening skills can improve clients satisfaction ,build partnership and maintain relationship between staff and their leaders Mineyama et al (2007).Active listening is a way of listening and responding to the other person which improves mutual understanding. One of the key components when a leader is actively listening is the listening attitude and listening skill. A research conducted by Mineyama et al found that supervisors that have acquired listening attitudes and skills foster improved communication with staff and increase the staff understanding that their leader cares for them. Also, the leaders listening attitude is associated with an increased sense of independence among staff. Most staff work better when they feel that they are understood and when they understand the condition in which their leaders work, could (2007).

Effective communication will occur when a safe environment for staff to communicate is created, Shiela (2010) .When the leader is communicating it is necessary for him /her to be nonjudgemental and accepting to the staff this will allow the leader to understand the staff in that situation therefore it is necessary for the leader to suspend any pre-conceived beliefs about their staff when communicating. Stereotyping and judgements can therefore be barriers to actively listening and leaders should avoid them in an organisation. Good listening involves reflection,


summarization, and feedback, which are important for staff to perceive that their message has been heard and understood, Sheila (2010).leaders interact with staff depending on the staff's ability and values. For a good quality relationship, it will involve a communication style that involves more staff participation and staff feedback Hicks (2011). Lack of proper use of language can lead to miscommunication and ineffective communication. Leaders should words that do not create negativity or defensiveness .Leaders should avoid using j argons, the use of jargons produces unclear communication that leads to confusion and prevents staff from comprehending the message. Macdonald 2006 argues that jargons can create a barrier between leaders and staff. In addition jargons can create misunderstanding about

roles and obligations; they can create mistrust in the workplace and can make staff feel inadequate. Those staff who will not understand the jargon may feel inferior. Jargons may differ from organisation to organisation or from department to department therefore lack of consistency in terminology will create miscommunication. Jargons can turn away staff and leave leaders looking untrustworthy and weak, Globe and Mail (2006). Jargons may include phrases like ''heads up”, “helicopter view” ,”watsup”, ”blue sky thinking”, this types of words and phrases an make a leader to be mistrusted and can promote a feeling of inadequacy. Staff cannot follow a leader in whom they do not trust. Trust is the unquestioned belief that the other person has your best interest at heart Belsin and Reddin (2004).It is therefore important for the leaders to use a language that will promote trust.

In conclusion, leaders are known to play a significant role in expanding and preserving


the culture of an organisation schoeff (2007). The merits trust and manners of the staff are established by the leadership of an organisation. The leadership is in turn established by the communication and function of the organisational leaders .Communication is probably an important determinant of whether an organisation is healthy or not healthy. In addition communication is also vital in the productivity of an organisation. Many mistakes committed in a hospital set up are a result of communication or miscommunication. Leaders communication comprise some of the numerous difficulties in an organisations. Communication is particularly of great importance in the healthcare set up.

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