Eco-School Valsassina | LOW CARBON SCHOOL

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Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Responsabilidade Social, Educação Ambiental, Eficiência Energética, Educação, População, Educação para o Desenvolvimento, Energia, Pegada Carbónica, Educação para a Saúde, Respeito, Educação para a Cidadania, Educação para a Democracia, Educação do Consumidor, Educação ao ar livre, Ensino Experimental, Educação Artística, Trabalho, Conservação, Educação Anti-racista, Educação para a Igualdade de Género, Educação para o Futuro, Água, Mobilidade Sustentável, Direitos Humanos, Valores, Reciclagem, Educação Multicultural, Anti-Violência, Futuro, Biodiversidade, Educação Alimentar, Gestão de Recursos, Educação para a Paz, Liderança, Educação Cooperativa, Biodiversidade, Comunidades de Aprendizagem, Ecossistema, Sustentabilidade, Inteligências Múltiplas, Partilhar, Cooperar, Educação para o respeito, Gestão, Tolerância, Literacia, EcoEscolas, Ciência, Inovação, Competências, Educação para o património, Participação Pública, Agenda 21, Deveres, Direitos, Qualidade de Vida, Natureza, Conhecimento, Agir, Recursos Naturais, Princípio da Precaução, Futuro Comum, Gerações futuras, Economia, Educação para o Consumismo, Poluição, Relações Internacionais, Saúde, Agricultura Sustentável, Cidades Sustentáveis, Turismo de Natureza, Redução da Pobreza, Responsabilidade Colectiva, Participação Cívica e Boa Governação, Justiça e Ética Intergeracional, Pegada Ecológica, Biocapacidade, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Progresso, Áreas Protegidas, Poluição, Ética, Valor Intrínseco, Ordenamento do Território, Geodiversidade, Razão, Estratégia, Parceria, Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio, Política de Ambiente, Cultura, Criatividade, Compromisso, Aprender, Ecologia, Solidariedade, Visão, Sociedade de Aprendizagem, Responsabilidades Colectivas, Escola, Família, Coesão social, Aquisição de Saber, Mudança, Cidadania Participativa, Solidariedade intergeracional, Biosfera, Vida, Terra. Um só Mundo.

Valsassina: Low Carbon School

Our view about the future...

…a school where worries about the impact of its activity on the Planet, particularly, on climate, have been included in the daily management, leading to actions of activity management, which reduce the impact on environment, having economic and social benefits. Working at Local level, but thinking Globally

How to achieve sustainability? • Detailed Diagnosis and definition of Goals (medium and long term) • Engagement and Participation of all the elements of school community: • Separation of the Power of the Process: “All Equals” • Definition of a Strategy and Policy, as well as Annual Reduction Plans • Working with the three aspects of the Sustainable Developmen (environmental; social; economical) • Permanent Evaluation and Monitoring: a wish of doing more and better – external validation of the process and results. Partner: Ecoprogresso. • Creation of conditions for a every year continuity • Replication of actions/Continuity: School- Families- Community • Undertake, Innovate, Be different... willing to be the model. 1st school in Portugal in its way to a Low Carbon School

Calculation of the Annual Carbon Footprint According to: • Guidelines of the Protocol of Greenhouse Gases of WRI and WBCSD • Methodologies of the Intergovernmental Panel for the Climate Changes (IPCC) • Methodology adopted at a constant level of the National Inventory of Emission and Removal of Atmosphere Polluters (INERPA- NIERAP) The calculation of Greenhouse Gases (GG) emissions involves: • Elements of all the school sectors • Permanent Monitoring of data (particularly energetic consumptions) Identification of sources Calculation methodology Data and selection of methodology and emission factors

Application of calculation tools

Tool for the calculation of Carbon Footprint

Data Registration

Participation of all school community actors Environmental letter of Valsassina School A process which had a discussion period to all the elements of the school community.

The Board Eco-School gathers elements of the whole community ( methodologies for the active participation of everybody are used).

Conferences for students, teachers and other workers; Information and Awareness actions; Study trips for students and workers (in the picture: a visit of workers to CTRSU of Valorsul)

In action....Students as Agents

Composting of some waste from the canteen and the green areas. The result product is used in the vegetable garden of the kindergarten.

Communication/Formation by students for students

Ateliers by students for students

In action (campus ColĂŠgio Valsassina ) Double glasses

Economizing lamps

Transversal to all activities: Permanent Evaluation and Monitoring (energetic consumption, water, waste, etc).

Profiting solar energy (Photovoltaic; solar collectors heat the water in gym showers and in the bar.

Resources Management...

All the classrooms and offices are equipped

System of waste management in




labels of awareness and




recycling containers (all the materials were

partnership between the Eco-Escolas

built and distributed by the students).

(Eco-Schools) Board and the school board.

Annual consumption of water


Consumo anual de ĂĄgua

12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0



9866 8253






Communication with parents/tutors is made by

Reduction of water consumption( for example, by means of the installing of caudal redactors in the taps).


Active Citizenship‌. Experimental teaching For example: biodiesel production from used food


Preparing and publishing of in conferences articles in Portuguese and English. Ex: Participation in Young Reporters for Environment(PT;EN)

Campaigns for social

causes. Ex. Book

Presenting communications in


collecting for PALOP

Social and Environmental Responsibility • Carbon tax applied on travels/study trips • Compensation of inevitable emissions • Support to projects of social aspect • Promotion of the maintenance of biodiversity and defence of Nature • Partnership with Agência Cascais Natura: adoption of a place in Parque Natural Sintra Cascais : Reforestation with autochthonous species • Colégio Valsassina editions are Carbon neutral • Example: Valsassina newsletter • Partnerships with associations/ONG’s of local community • Communication/Relationship School-Family:

Reduction of 45% of Carbon footprint


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