MargheritaPasquali_Curriculum Vitae_ Architectural Portfolio_ 2013-2020

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Margherita Pasquali Curricul Vitae Architectural Portfolio Curricul Vitae /2013-2020 Architectural Portfolio /2013-2020 Telephone / +39 393 9988306 Mail /

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MP/Curriculum Vitae



MP/architectural portfolio

“What I want to do is to create—within an institution—a public space or moments of public space. A space for encounters, dialogue, engagement. A space in which to be, to stay, to spend time and a space in which to think.” Thomas Hirschhorn

MP/Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum vitae / Resume Margherita Pasquali /General Information Date of Birth / 14th of October 1994 Place of Birth / Monza, Italy Address / 7, Luciano Manara , 20900, Monza,Italia Telephone / +39 393 9988306 Mail / Issuu / Linkedin/

Education / 2013-2020 November/2019-on going PhD Fellow Cycle 35/ “Architecture, Landscape and Plannig” Università degli Studi di Trento / DICAM Supervisor / Sara Favargiotti Co-supervisors / Mosè Ricci, Alberto Nucciarelli July/2019 Earning Master’s Degree in “Architecture”/ Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of “Architettura urbanistica e ingegneria delle costruzioni” Graduation / 110/110 with honors Thesis Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema / with Carlotta Olivari

September/2016-going on Master of Science in Architecture / Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of “Architettura urbanistica e ingegneria delle costruzioni” Dean Ilaria Valente September/2016 Earning Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Architecture / Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of “Architettura urbanistica e ingegneria delle costruzioni” Dean Ilaria Valente

January-April/2019 Exchange “Scholarship Thesis Abroad” at FADEU/ Pontificia Universidad Catòlica de Chile, Santiago de Chile Collaboration with Professor Francisco Diaz, Faculty of Architecture of PUC university/ Thesis Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema

April/2016 Workshop Metabolism of City NYC / International Design Workshop “Metabolism of a city. NYCER (LAB) “ New York Institute Of Technology / Faculty of architecture Prof. Giovanni Santamaria, David Grahame Shane, Michael Cohen, Eduardo Rojas, Antonella Contin, Pedro Ortiz

March/2018 IWUAD WORKSHOP BANGKOK / “Bangkok 2017. Contemporary Cities and Urban Regenerations IWUAD X Edition” Bangkok Chulalongkorn university / Faculty of architecture Prof. M.Carones

September/2016 Earning Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Architecture / Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of “Architettura urbanistica e ingegneria delle costruzioni” Dean Ilaria Valente

November/2017 A.T.H.E.N.S.(Advanced Technology Higher Education Network/SOCRATES) Workshop / Urban Development of Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan TU Delft / Faculty of architecture Prof. Ronald van Warmerdam

April/2016 Workshop Metabolism of City NYC / International Design Workshop “Metabolism of a city. NYCER (LAB) “ New York Institute Of Technology / Faculty of architecture Prof. Giovanni Santamaria, David Grahame Shane, Michael Cohen, David Gouverneur, Eduardo Rojas, Antonella Contin, Pedro Ortiz

March-July/2017 DIGI SKILL / Workshop in Rhino and Grasshopper modelling Prof Arturo Tedeschi MP/Curriculum Vitae


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Design Skills / 2013-2020 Windows, IOS

Revit /


V-ray Rhino /

Illustrator /

Qgis /



Indesign /

Hand Drawing/



Grasshopper /

Education / 2013-2020 March/2016 BIM modelling revit workshop / Workshop of Revit modelling base level. Prof. Gianni Utica November-April/2015-6 Atmosphere call for project 2016/ Workshop and competion, short listed project Fuori Salone Milano 2016/ Prof. P.Salvadeo October-September/2013-6 Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Architecture / Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of “Architettura urbanistica e ingegneria delle costruzioni” Dean Ilaria Valente July/2013 High school leaving qualification/ Classical Studies Liceo Classico Leone Dehon/ Monza

Research and Academic Experience / 2013-2020 July/2020 Politecnico di Milano/ “Workshop Rete Nazionele Aree Interne” “BRANDING4RESILIENCE. La risorsa idrologica termale per la valorizzazione delle aree interne e territori fragili in Trentino delineando un nuovo modello di turismo resiliente.” / Tourism Session

February-July/2020 Università degli Studi di Trento_DICAM / Architettura del paesaggio [140392] Course leader / Prof. S. Favargiotti Co-teacher / M. Pasquali January/2020-on going PRIN 2017 - Linea Giovani / Branding4Resilience Coordinator / M. Ferretti (UNIVPM) Team UNITN/ S. Favargiotti, A. Nucciarelli, M.Pasquali, C. Chioni October/2018- on going WEAKCIRCUS / “1000 Weak Places” Future Pubblication / with Arch. Elisa Cristiana Cattaneo and Carlotta Olivari June-July/2018 MS-Lab A.Contin, A.Musetta/ Architect intern Project / TELL ME Milan March-July/2016 Prof. Massimiliano Nastri / Tutor “ Building Technology Studio” second year of Bachelar in Science of architecture Polytechnic of Milan

June/2020-on going Accademia dei Lincei, Mosè Ricci / MedWays “Le vie del mediterraneo” “La rotta (in)visibile del Mar Mediterraneo” / M. Pasquali “Mediterranea Thermae” / S. Favargiotti, M. Pasquali MP/Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum vitae / Resume Phd Courses attendances / 2019-on going 6th July - 10th July / 2020 HIT and AES Trento / Milena Bigatto coordinator “Research to Business From research to business: a technology transfer approach” 3 credits type A

WSeptember-November/2016 Cecilia Lurani architect / Graphic Designer Collage, view, 3D modelling Milan

25th May - 5th June / 2020 Univeristà degli Studi di Trento_Dicam / “Field sampling and Spatial Ecological Modelling [ICAM0056]” 5 credits type A

October-February/2015-6 GDMP bureau / Architect internship 2D, 3D modelling Milan

11th May - 15th May / 2020 Univeristà degli Studi di Trento_Dicam / “Environmental data management and analysis with GIS [ICAM0055]” 5 credits type A

October/2014- on going Pasquali Giaume architetti associati/ Architect intern

Work Experience Architecture / 2013-2018

Other projects/ 2013-2020

October-November /2019 Competition “Lecco Nuovi Riflessi” WEAKCIRCUS/ Arch. Elisa C. Cattaneo, C. olivari Second phase selected proect “Domenica ti porterò sul lago” Architect intern Milan

May / 2018- on going DI S P A C E LandscapeArchitecture / cofounder Architectural Platform and research collective of young architects. Carlotta Olivari and Margherita Pasquali / cofounder

October/2018- on going “Budapest South gate international masterplan design competition” EISENMAN ARCHITECTS, DEA s.r.l., WEAKCIRCUS/ Architect intern Milan

Publication/ 2013-2018

June-August/2018LAND srl / Architect intern Milan January/2018- on going Paola Iacucci Atelier/ Architect collaborator Concept, modelling 2D/3D, competition Milan June/2017 N.A.M. Village / Graphic designer at Pasquali Giaume Architetti Associati Concept, Abstract Milan November-July/2016-7 Repower / Architect intern at Pasquali Giaume Architetti Associati Concept, Abstract, techinical drawings, collage Milan

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July/ 2020 “Le Alpi Apuane: un’Antropogeografia Tecnologica in risposta alla fragilità delle aree interne della Lunigiana.” / M. Pasquali Paper Accepted to the oral presentation at SIU XXIII, June 2021 (codice: 000820019601.pdf) December / 2019 “Yuxtaposición extrema. A symbiotic relationship between the spontaneous settlements and the morphology of the natural context” / C. Olivari, M.Pasquali Maggioli Editore / ISBN 8891638786 / 9788891638786


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Personal Skills / 2013-2020 Mother tongue(s) Italian Foreign language(s) English: Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing Spanish: Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing

Organisational / managerial skills Previous work experiences, while I was studying, have allowed me to apply those concepts that I have learnt in university to actual architectural projects. More importantly, working has allowed me to understand that there are other skills necessary to be able to work well. Skills like time management, precision, working under pressure are no longer novel to me. Job-related skills Working during universities years has allowed me to understand that there are other skills necessary to be able to work well. Skills like time management, precision, working under pressure are no longer novel to me.

Portoguese (Brasil): Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing Communication skills Public Speaking: Good: especially in case of work presentations Writing skills: Good: applications, abstracts, cover letter, formalemail ( Italian highquite good English- good Spanish) Grammatical skills and lexical skills: Good (HighItalian,I’malsoteachingItaliantoforeigners;good English) Storytelling skills/Synthesize: Quite good and also good ability to synthesize , good communication in formal events Empathy and listening skills: ( Italian/English/spanish) quite useful abroad and also I developed it very well thanks to three years of international master course with foreign students from different countries.

MP/Curriculum Vitae

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MP/Curriculum Vitae



MP/architectural portfolio

Table of contents / Selected works 2018-2020


.Fatal Attraction / (In-)stability

Polytechnic of Milan / Master “Architecture” E12 Umbria/ Castelluccio (Norcia) Design Studio 2 / prof. E. Cattaneo, S. Giostra Year / 2017-2018 p.


.Budapest South Gate / international masterplan design competition EISENMAN ARCHITECTS, DEA s.r.l., WEAKCIRCUS / Arch. E.C.Cattaneo Coll/ C. Olivari, E. Dinarama Year / 2018 p.29


.Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema / Master thesis

Polytechnic of Milan / Master “Architecture” E12 Chile/ Viña del Mar Collegue / C. Olivari Supervisor/ Prof. E. C. Cattaneo (Polimi) Co-Supervisor/ Francisco Diaz (Fadue, PUC) Year /2019 p.


.1000 Weak Places / Research publication


.B4R / Prin Project

Research Work/ Landscape and Architecture Coordinator / M. Ferretti (UNIVPM) Team UNITN/ S. Favargiotti, A. Nucciarelli, M.Pasquali, C. Chioni Year / 2019-on going p.51


. La rotta (In-)visibile del Mar Mediterraneo / Med Ways “Le vie del Mediterraneo” Research Contribution/ M. Pasquali Coordinators / M. Ricci, M. Mantelli Accademia dei Lincei Year / 2019-on going p.


. Le Alpi Apuane: un’Antropogeografia Tecnologica in risposta alla fragilità delle aree interne della Lunigiana. / SIU XXIII Paper/ M. Pasquali Conference / SIU XXIII Società Urbanisti Italiani Year / 2020-on going p.

authors / E.C. Cattaneo, C. Olivari, M. Pasquali Year / 2019-on p.

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MP/Curriculum Vitae



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1.Fatal Attraction / (In-)stability

Polytechnic of Milan / Master “Architecture� E12 Umbria/ Castelluccio (Norcia) Design Studio 2 / prof. E. Cattaneo, S. Giostra with C. Olivari Year / 2017-2018

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Concept/ Fatal Attraction Abstract / What can be considered as Fatal Attraction? Is it an inhospitable natural site ? Why do human being have a fatal attraction to ho- stile natural places ? Is this attraction dictated by a vital need? Looking at Umbria’s actual situation , it is certainly true that the paradox beetween human settlements and the closeness to risky zones in the region is the main issue . How is human being still attracted to an unwelco- ming land? e unwelcoming and risky land is , afert all, the most productive area. is relationship beetween pro- duction and risk is leaded by the soil composition: when the soil is clayish and perfect for agrigulture, the highest is the risk of a natural disaster. Di erent- ly the less fertile soil is the most resistent to natural disaster. The need of man’s autocracy is bringing him to establish his economic network , as the agricultural one in Umbria, in the weakland. Nevertheless, the weak area is becoming attractive , fatally attractive,

Concept/ Section DD’ 1:100

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becouse the soil composition has also strong points. e variaty of soil composition is clearly contrinuiting to a variety of vegetation. Ecosystems are changing relative to a soil composition changment, as well as land use is doing. erefore, the economic system is leaded to the soil’s capacity of being productive, of being suitale to settle down, of being reachable by infrastrctures. The weakness of the “productive” land is the reason why we can talk about fatal attraction. e economic system is prevailing on the importance of a safe area to live in. e human being is hardly trying to be an adaptable creature as nature do, however he will never be able to be adaptive as nature. Its necessities are carrying him to deal with fatal disasters each time he’s trying to face nature. Since this paradox seems to be insuperable , how is possible to take on this new challenge ? Is it enough ghting nature? Or maybe can nature be the tool to strengthen the weakland to solve the human issue ?


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Territorial Mapping/ Risk relationship

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Critical Map/ Fatal Attraction

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Dinamic Mapping/ Invisible Forces

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Territorial Computation/ Parameters

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Project/ Up intervention

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Project/ Program

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Project/ Utopistic View of Fatal Attraction

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2.Budapest South Gate / international masterplan design competition

EISENMAN ARCHITECTS, DEA s.r.l., WEAKCIRCUS / Arch. E.C.Cattaneo Coll/ C. Olivari, E. Dinarama Year / 2018

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Concept/ Landscape Team Abstract / The Landscape Strategy analyzes the Planning Area from the aspects of urban development, architecture, landscape architecture and transport planning, and the goal of the proposal is applying all these aspects in an integrated system and in a sustainable way. e goal is to create an urban park which will be connected to the everyday life of Budapest, it will catalyze the development and rehabilitation of neighbouring areas, as a result of smart and innovative solutions, highstandard community spaces and green spaces and the functions to be established, it will provide a suitable life space to those living there and will also become an attracting destination for the population of Budapest.

Masterplan/ Performative Landscape

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The aim for the landscape strategy is to form sustainable green areas, which, in addition to serving the demands of the local residents, will also be an attractive place for people from the broader neighbourhood, thanks to its dimensions, character and functions. Due to the deteriorated state of the environment and the lack of functions, the area is believed to be an out-of-theway part by the people of Budapest. In general, it can be stated that the ora of the Planning Area, composed overwhelmingly of invasive species, does not represent an ecological value. e green areas created as a result of the investment will be able to create more valuable ecological relations than the present ones, even in case of implementing a higher rate of build-up.


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Performative strategy/ 1-Bloom Strategy, 2-Ecology Strategy, 3-Vegetation Strategy

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Project/ Landscape Masterplan

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Project/ Utopistic View of Performative Landscape

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3.Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema / Master thesis

Polytechnic of Milan / Master “Architecture” E12 Chile/ Viña del Mar Collegue / C. Olivari Supervisor/ Prof. E. C. Cattaneo (Polimi) Co-Supervisor/ Francisco Diaz (Fadue, PUC) Year /2019

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Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema/ Published Maggioli 2019 Abstract / Yuxtaposiciòn extrema. A symbiotic relationship between the spontaneous settlements and the morphology of the natural context. This thesis aims to investigate the issue of informality, a current and continuously increasing phenomenon. Specifically, we analyze the symbiotic relationship between the informal development and the morphological conformation of the natural context, with the consequent intersection of the inhabited space and the natural one. Studying and intervening in this context, means giving a reading of the informal space, which can not disregard the social and political aspects that characterize the area of development. The spatial interaction between the natural context and the informal advancement is extreme in the Chilean territory. Chile is characterized by natural phenomena of endogenous nature and has such a conformation that the topography itself becomes an urban fact: social, spatial, cultural and architectural relations are deeply and

Theorical Rizoma/ Research Framework

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intrinsically linked to the territory. In particular, the Chilean campamentos are an expression of this interaction: in an area of social disparity, spontaneous settlements prove to be highly adaptive to the morphology of the territory, by creating a new rural and social dimension. After developing a transdisciplinary theoretical-design platform between the architectural, philosophical and sociological fields, the final objective of the thesis is to apply the defined design method in response to the endemic problems detected in different places. The aim is to show that the natural context becomes an essential dynamic resource in the informal development process; therefore, the strategy of the outlined architectural intervention, which takes into account social interactions and therefore the human factor, must be related and conform to this natural process.


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Design process/ Declaration of Intent

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Critical Maps/ Risk, Resource, Dis-connection, Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema

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Taxonomy/ Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema

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Critical Maps/ Yuxtaposiciòn Extrema, Valparaiso Region

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Weak Strategy / Valparaiso Provincia

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Social map/ Invisibility

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Design Strategy / Campamentos Rio Valdivia_ViĂąa del Mar

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Design Strategy / Campamentos Rio Valdivia_ViĂąa del Mar

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Design Strategy / Campamentos Rio Valdivia_ViĂąa del Mar

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5.B4R / Prin Project

Research Work/ Landscape and Architecture Coordinator / M. Ferretti (UNIVPM) Team UNITN/ S. Favargiotti, A. Nucciarelli, M.Pasquali, C. Chioni Year / 2019-on going

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Title/ B4R Branding4Resilience. Tourist infrastructure as a tool for the enhancement of small villages through resilient communities and new open habitats. Brief/ Project and Phd Thesis development “BRANDING4RESILIENCE. The hydrological thermal resource for the enhancement of internal areas and fragile territories in Trentino, outlining a new model of resilient tourism. “ The thesis proposal, on which I am working with the support of my supervisor and researcher Sara Favargiotti, aims to explore the themes of water resources and territorial fragility. aleareeinterneinTrentino.Latesididottorato is also linked to the PRIN2017 “BRANDING 4 RESILIENCE” project which explores the potential of branding in the small villages of inland areas, with particular attention to the transformation of the tourist infrastructure as the engine of resilient development in areas subject to depopulation. Within the research, vulnerability is understood as a “territory of possibility” (Dematteis 1987) on which to act with a resilient strategy. Furthermore, the territorial development strategy aims to respond to the need for an economic model that is not only related to “tertiary

B4R/ Focus Areas

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tourism, but which becomes a hybrid economic system, therefore civil”. (Leonardo Becchetti, GreenWeek 2019, Trento). To investigate such a complex territory and cope with the fragility that characterize the Italian internal areas (depopulation, need for a new spatial planning, need for a new management of the cultural and natural heritage that surrounds the internal areas) the thesis of doctorate wants to make use of the following methodology. The methodological apparatus starts from the theory of the Landscape Ecology and the use of the mapping tool and the processes of co-design and co-visioning, in order to define ecological, dynamic, resilient, adaptive strategies that are able to respond to different situations of vulnerability. At the end of the research path, also understood as a scientific process, the feasibility and fallibility of the outlined strategy must therefore be subjected to an assessment of future scenarios, in which we focus on the management of thermal water resources for the reactivation of the Areas Internal in Trentino


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Mapping Exploration/ Project B4R and Phd Thesis

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6.La Rotta (In-)visibile del Mar Mediterraneo / MedWays “Le vie del Mediterraneo� Research Contribution/ M. Pasquali Coordinators / M. Ricci, M. Mantelli Accademia dei Lincei Year / 2019-on going

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Concept/ The (In-)visible ways Key words/

Parole chiave/

Extreme territory, Connectivity, Relational space, Invisible infrastructure, Dynamic mapping.

Territorio estremo, Connettività, Spazio di Relazione , Infrastruttura invisibile, Map- ping dinamico.



What is the port of Forchis without the many ships that pass through it? How can we consider Ithaca a simple sce- nography and the Mediterranean sea only a natural space? Isn’t the metal so longed for by Creon for his war same as the search for resources of the “floating bodies” (A.Lahoud) that live today in the Mediterranean Sea? And ignore the fact that the overheating of the Mediterranean Sea is the cause of the increase in the level of aridity of the surroun- ding lands, and consequently of the increase in the flows of the same migration phenomena that pass through it?

Che cos’è il porto di Forchis senza le molte navi che vi transitano? Come possiamo considerare Itaca una semplice scenogra a e il mar mediterraneo solo uno spazio naturale? Il metallo tanto bramato da Creonte per la sua guerra non è che trasponibile alla ricerca di risorse dei “ oating bodies” (A.Lahoud) che abitano o i il Mar Mediterraneo? E ignorare che il surriscaldamento del Mar Mediterraneo sia causa dell’ incremento del livello di aridità delle terre circostanti, e di conseguenza dell’aumento dei ussi degli stessi fenomeni di migrazione che lo attraversano?

Today the Mediterranean is “a geography of the possibilities of the territory, which, meeting latent or unsatisfied needs, aims to become the foundation of a new social and political order”. (DeMatteis 1985) Conflicts, violence, wars, rites, ancient, modern and future society; incessantly delineate the Mediterranean Sea as an extreme territory *. Here, in fact, the maximum ratio between the anthropic resource coincides with the maxi- mum anthropic risk and with its connection-disconnection to the surrounding states. e Mediterranean Sea, as an extreme territory located beyond the limits of Mediterranean society, presents itself as a fluid and dynamic space. Above and below sea level the network of connectivity levels narrated by Braudel takes shape: shipping routes, maritime traffic, Conventions, Agreements, Navigation Codes, migrations, territorial limi- ts and areas of influence . is network of connectivity levels creates a fluid, dyna- mic, unstable and invisible space of relationship. e set of socio-economic, geopolitical and socio-ecological relation- ships, invisible routes that cross the Mare Nostrum, trace within it a new expansion and implosion of the visible (In-) infrastructural urban space. Starting from the provocative question “Is the Mediterrane- an Urban?”, posed by Neil Brenner and Nikos Katsikis, this research aims to map the fluid and relationship space, given by the “footprint of human mobility” with the contribution of the LandScan approach(Neil Brenner, Nikos Katsikis) . e map becomes a dynamic tool to translate “ e (In-) Visible expansion of the Mediterranean Sea” to achieve a vision of a place and a reality implicitly necessary, but removed from sight.

O i il Mediterraneo è “una geogra a delle possibilità del territorio, che, incontro a bisogni latenti o insoddisfatti, mira a diventare il fondamento di un nuovo ordine sociale e politico”. (DeMatteis 1985) I con itti, la violenza, le guerre, i riti, la società antica, odierna e futura; delineano incessantemente il Mar Mediterraneo come un territorio estremo*. Qui infatti il rapporto massimo tra la risorsa antropica, coincide con il massimo rischio antropico e con la sua connessione-disconnessione rispetto gli stati circostanti. Il Mar mediterraneo, in quanto territorio estremo situato oltre i limiti iscritti della società mediterranea, si presenta come uno spazio uido e dinamico. Sopra e sotto il livello del mare prende forma la rete di livelli di connettività narrata da Braudel: le rotte di navigazione, il tra co marittimo, le Convenzioni, gli Accordi, i Codici di Navigazione, le migrazioni, i limiti e le aree di in uenza territoriali. Questa rete di livelli di connettività crea uno spazio di relazione uido, dinamico, instabile e invisibile. L’insieme delle relazioni socio-economiche, geopolitiche e socio-ecologiche, rotte invisibili che attraversano il Mare Nostrum, tracciano al suo interno una nuova espansione e implosione dello spazio urbano infrastrutturale (In-)Visibile. Partendo dalla domanda provocatoria “Is the Mediterranean Urban ?”, posta da Neil Brenner e Nikos Katsikis, questa ricerca vuole mappare lo spazio uido e di relazione, dato dall’”impronta della mobilità umana” (NBNK) con il contributo del LandScan approach. La mappa diventa strumento dinamico per tradurre “L’espansione infrastrutturale (In-)Visibile del Mar Mediterraneo” per il ra iungimento di una visione di un luogo e di una realtà implicitamente necessaria, ma rimossa dalla vista.

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Mapping/ The extreme Mediterranean Sea

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Mapping/ The Invisible Relational Space of Mediterranean Sea

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7.“Le Alpi Apuane: un’Antropogeografia Tecnologica in risposta alla fragilità delle aree interne della Lunigiana.” / SIU XXIII Paper Accepted Conference / SIU XXIII Società Urbanisti Italiani Year / 2020-on going

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Concept/ The Technological Anthropogeographies Key words/

Parole chiave/

Extreme territory, Relational space, Invisible infrastructure, Dynamic mapping, fragile territories, ecological networks, social exclusion/integration.

Territorio estremo, spazio relazionale, infrastruttura invisibile, mappatura dinamica, territori fragili, reti ecologiche, esclusione / integrazione sociale.



The Apuan Alps, a fragile territory of the Tuscan Sub-Apennines, are considered by this paper as a technological anthropogeography, whose endogenous resources can respond to spatial and social marginalization. The Apuane are crossed by continuous phenomena (depopulation and territorial over-exploitation) and by discrete or sudden phenomena (natural disasters and ecological imbalances), which affect the internal areas of Lunigiana and Garfagnana. The mountain is an anthropogeographic element: anthropological activities are distributed here in relation to the topographical conditions of the soil. The Tuscan Sub-Apennines - as stated by the SNAI Lunigiana and Garfagnana - “constitute a substantial part of the” internal areas “, which have always been considered a” problem “and” resource “in the area of northern Tuscany”. Here the contradictory condition of an isolated and marginal territory is reflected, at the same time a geological, ecological and economic resource. The criticalities are defined by the geological components, the ecological imbalance, and the socio-economic ‘traumas’. The economic resources are given by the same morpho-geological characteristics of the territory: for example the marble of the quarries can be considered as a resource both for the territorial capital and for the natural capital, and for the agricultural, tourism and manufacturing systems; and for the social energy of the local population.

Le Alpi Apuane,territorio fragile del Subappennino toscano, sono considerate da questo scritto come un’antropogeografia tecnologica, le cui risorse endogene possono rispondere alla marginalizzazione spaziale e sociale. Le Apuane sono attraversate da fenomeni continui(spopolamento e sovrasfruttamento territoriale) e da fenomeni discreti o improvvisi(calamità naturali e squilibri ecologici), che colpiscono le aree interne della Lunigiana e della Garfagnana. La montagna è elemento antropogeografico: qui si distribuiscono le attività antropologiche in relazione con le condizioni topografiche del suolo. Il Subappennino toscano costituisce -come enunciato dalla SNAI Lunigiana e Garfagnana- « una parte sostanziale delle “aree interne”, da sempre considerata “problema” e “risorsa” nell’area del nord della Toscana » . Qui si riflette la condizione contraddittoria di un territorio isolato e marginale, al tempo stesso risorsa geologica, ecologica ed economica. Le criticità sono definite dalle componenti geologiche, dallo squilibrio ecologico, e dai ‘traumi’ socio-economici. Le risorse economiche sono date dalle stesse caratteristiche morfo-geologiche del territorio: ad esempio il marmo delle cave è considerabile come risorsa sia per il capitale territoriale, sia per il capitale naturale, sia per i sistemi produttivi agricoli, turistici e manifatturieri; che per l’energia sociale della popolazione locale.



0 | The Apuan Alps in the internal area of the Garfagnana-Lunigiana 1 | The spatialisation of the Apuan Alps 2.1 | The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Nature and Raw Material (N) 2.2 | The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Anthropogenic Production (A) 2.3 | The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Demos (D) 2.4 | The Spatialization of NAD (Nature / Raw Material, Anthropic Production, Demos) 3 | From spatialization to territorialization: the Apuan Alps as an extreme territory 4 | The Apuan Alps, an Extreme Territory 5 | From the Extreme Territory to its ecosystemic transposition in Technological Anthropogeography.

0|Le Alpi Apuane nell’area interna della Garfagnana-Lunigiana 1|La spazializzazione delle Alpi Apuane 2.1|I parametri spaziali NAD applicati all’area interna pilota: Natura e Materia Prima(N) 2.2|I parametri spaziali NAD applicati all’area interna pilota: Produzione Antropica (A) 2.3|I parametri spaziali NAD applicati all’area interna pilota: Demos ( D) 2.4|La Spazializzazione di NAD ( Natura/Materia Prima, Produzione Antropica, Demos) 3|Dalla spazializzazione alla Territorializzazione: Le Alpi Apuane come Territorio Estremo 4|Le Alpi Apuane, un Territorio Estremo 5|Dal Territorio Estremo alla sua trasposizione ecosistemica in Antropogeografia Tecnologica.

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Mapping/ The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Demos (D)

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Mapping/ The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Nature (N)

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Mapping/ The Apuan Alps as an Extreme Territory

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Mapping/ The NAD spatial parameters applied to the internal pilot area: Anthropogenic Production (A)

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Mapping/ The Apuan Alps as an Extreme Territory

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Mapping/ The Apuan Alps as an Technological Anthropogeographies

MP/Curriculum Vitae

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