what MATTERS to YOU, MATTERS to US. RESIDENTMONTHLYEVENTS GUIDE Check out the new event optionsFriendsgiving!including November 2022 Edition

RSVP for our FREE Virtual Events WeidnerEvents.com

Nov. 12th, & 26th
Wednesday Yoga/Deep Stretch
Nov. 22nd
Cooking Class
Live Trivia Night
Nov. 2nd, 16th, & 30th
6pmNov.BingoCSTNight29thCST&6pm PDT
Nov. 15th 6pm CST & 6pm PDT
6pm CST & 6pm PDT
9am CST & 9am PDT
Nov. 3rd, 10th, 17th, & 21st 6pm
6pm CST & 6pm PDT
This Month:
Saturday Yoga/HIIT
Paint Night
6pm CST & 6pm PDT
Dance Classes
Nov. 8th
SpotlightEventoftheMonth NOVEMBER2022 What’s Inside? Food is always a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving. This theme is great for bringing people together! 5 November Event Calendar4 Spotlight Event : Friendsgiving Fall GratefulFestivalScavenger Hunt Whisker Wars Cozy Coffee Bar Nacho WeidnerEvents.comPetYappyWarmSandwichDayDayUPHouroftheMonth Flyers Employee Spotlight1714108657911121315Friendsgiving 3 18 Bulletin Board Post

Event Calendars NOVEMBER 2022 4 Click Here to Download

• Basic Supplies needed: Decorations and food. Check with vendors for sponsorships or donations
• It is recommended to host this the week prior to Thanksgiving. An evening activity is ideal.
Thanksgiving is one of the most celebrated holidays in the US. Food always plays an important role or you can play on the charitable spirit of the holidays and set up a food drive for the homeless. Submit a zendesk ticket to Marketing > Resident Event Support for assistance with planning.

• Expected costs: Decorations $100, Food $5 per serving, or potluck style set up.
The way to my heart is thru my stomach! Click Here to Download FRIENDSGIVING SpotlightEventoftheMonth 5
• This event allows you to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with residents. A pot luck or catered event is ideal. Save money by doing a pasta dinner the week prior. Simplify the event by creating a sharing table for donations to give to those in need!

• Basic Supplies: Decorations, refreshments, and food
• Approximate Costs: Flexible. Contact Joeg@ weidner.com for assistance.
• This is a broader theme to use in November to celebrate Thanksgiving or any other activity. Create leaf piles for people to jump in, a food related event, or grab and go snack are all good options. Even a simple photo op creation will get residents excited.

A great theme to celebrate fall! Click Here to Download
You can do as much or as little as you like for this event. There are a ton of ideas available for this theme. Identify what your team can manage, budget availability, and build out from there. It is recommended you submit a support ticket to Marketing > Resident Event Support for guidance.
• A weekend is a great way to enjoy the fall weather for an outdoor activity. Indoors should be hosted on weekdays evenings.

This is a great way to get residents to visit us without having a problem. By setting up a fun prop station w/ backdrop to take photos is a great way to build rapport and generate bulletin board content. Keep it simple and give out good prizes like a shaving kit, facial services, etc.
• People love pictures of themselves and what better way to generate content than props. Hosting a contest for the best beard, or collecting before and after photos is a great way to generate content for your bulletin boards.

• Basic Supplies needed: Fake beards/wigs and prizes for winners
To Beard or Not to Beard! Click Here to Download

• This event can be hosted all month long as a content generator or photo op.
• Cost of supplies - Fake Beards $15 and photo props can be found HERE.


• Recommended Prize: Gift baskets, or items specifically from their list. $100 is a good start price.
• Basic Supplies needed: Prizes.
• This can be sent digitally and collected in the same manner. Make a special announcement identifying the winner of your raffle including a picture of the winner
Ask for corresponding photos as attachments and generate a ton of shareable content. This will help us build resident rapport so be sure to share all submissions with the entire on site team. Keep these on file and utilize these lists for potential Love Notes. Building community is easier to do with the proper tools in place.
A Raffle or Giveaway is a great motivator Click Here to Download
• Ever struggle to identify Love Not opportunities? Here is a great way to set up a raffle and generate data points to spread the Weidner Love! Ask residents to complete the form for a chance to win a prize in a raffle.

Variety is the spice of life! Click Here to Download
• Estimated costs is based on consumption. Initial toppings display approximately $150
Indoor or outdoor, be sure to keep everything stocked. Always add “while supplies last” to the end of your flyer. It’s important to maintain your supplies for the FULL duration of your promotion. Regularly check your display to ensure it is appealing and organized at all times. A good cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or cider is amazing!
• A good warm cup of coffee can jump start most days. While we typically have coffee bars, spruce things up by adding special toppings and flavors. It’s a super easy grab and go option that will keep residents coming.

• This is a month or week long event. Set up a quality grab and go style display.
COZY COFFEE BAR Property Name Apartment Homes November XX, 2022 Description details. What event is, where and when. 9
• Basic Supplies needed: Coffee, Syrups, Candy cane, marshmallows, whipped cream, and flavored creamers.

Toppings make simple things special Click Here to Download
Toppings turns something simple into something extraordinary. Provide an assortment of toppings and display them for residents to choose from. It’s a great way to satisfy varying tastes and preferences. Do NOT go cheap on topping and residnts will really appreciate the options.
• This is a great weekend or mid week snack to host in the early afternoon or early evening.

• Cost for Event: Purchase toppings from local grocer roughly $150 per 100 servings. Warming Pot/storage $25-$50 found HERE
• This customizeable snack is a great option to bring people together. With just a few quality ingredients you can provide your residents with a great time and delicious snack

• Basic Supplies needed: Chips, Salsa and/or Chili, and a variety of toppings. Use special containers when needed for warm toppings.

Here to Download
This is a great event to set up a partnership with a local restaurant. Order large quantities and ask them to be cut in 3” portions to manage consumption. Be sure to provide vegan, vegetarian, or gluten free options. Allow vendors/sponsors to set up serving station and invest your time building rapport with residents!
There’s a sandwich for everyone!

• Basic Supplies needed: Sandwiches, beverages, and chips
• People love grab and go options. The simplicity and variety of sandwich options make this a perfect star to satisfy our residents hunger. Network with local businesses for off site opportunities, or let a vendor sponsor this event by purchasing from a local establishment.

• Any weekday evening will generate decent participation.
• Estimated event cost - Chips, beverages, and Sandwiches $2-4 per serving.
• A weekday early evening is ideal.
Click Here to Download
Once the weather starts getting cold, residents are looking for a comfy place to warm up. Utilize your community space to create that opportunity. Providing an assortment of throw blankets is a great way to encourage residents to socialize in our lounge and communal space.
• Supplies needed: Hot Cocoa or Cider, Syrups, Candy cane, marshmallows, whipped cream, and cinnamon sticks.
• Estimated cost of supplies: Hot cocoa or Cider $40, Toppings $100. Throw Blankets $4-$10 average per blanket. the body to warm the soul
• With the weather getting colder this is a great single day event. Create a hot cocoa or cider bar with all the fixings. Enhance the experience with throw blankets or fun activities.

• Cost of supplies: $50 to $100 for treats and toys. Toys can be reused to save money. Partnerships or sponsors minimize cost substantially.
Pets love treats!

• Creating a monthly or quarterly yappy hour is ideal for pet friendly communities. Create partnerships with local pet service and pet store facilities to minimize cost and appeal to our furry residents and their owners.

YAPPY HOUR 13 Click Here to Download
• Hosted Monthly or quarterly, a weekend or weekday evening schedule is ideal.
Tying this event in with your POTM is ideal. Use this regular event to get updated pet photos, pet info, and to share your POTM winners with the community. It’s a super easy event to maintain and very appealing for local businesses to sponsor or support this activity.
• Supplies needed: Pet Treats and Pet Toys. Providing beverages or snacks for residents is recommended.
• Activity Costs: FREE
Pet of the Month is the best and easiest activity you can maintain monthly. Take a day and find a local pet store, groomer, or pet service location and work out a promotional partnership. Contact Joeg@ weidner.com for assistance.

We love our pets! Click Here to Download
• People LOVE their pets and love showering them with treats. You can set this up for several months in advance.
• Every Pet Friendly Community should have a Pet of the Month. Collect pet details quarterly. Choose at random

• Event Supplies: pet treats, prizes, or discounts established with local pet groomers, food suppliers, dog walkers,

A weekly class of Yoga, BodyZen, Meditation Yoga, and more. Classes will rotate between Saturday’s and Wednesdays.
Live Trivia Night

Print and display to distribute the following flyers for the virtual events you’d like to promote at your community. All Class start times are listed in Pacific or Central Standard time zones. Refer inquires to Events@weidner.com
A challenging, and fun trivia event hosted by Joe G. Topics change every round and prizes are issued to winners.
Click Here to Download
Click Here to Download
Click Here to Download
A low cost and relaxing paint night experience. Classes include acrylic, watercolor, and a variety of other painting techniques.

Dance Fitness Classes

Click Here to Download
Workout with Weidner
Flyer Downloads
Paint Night with Weidner
A virtual dance introduction class. Hip Hop, Belly Dancing, and Kids classes available. All beginner friendly instructors.
Bingo Night
This monthly cooking tutorial is inexpensive. delicious, and a hands on culinary experience.

Flyer Downloads
Print and display to distribute the following flyers for the virtual events you’d like to promote at your community. All Class start times are listed in Pacific or Central Standard time zones. Refer inquires to Events@weidner.com
Download Click Here to Download 16
A fun interactive Bingo night provides fun for all ages. No apps required and prizes give to winning residents. Here to Download to

Click Here
Cooking Class
Thanksgiving Office Closure 2 Click Here to Download Thanksgiving Office Closure 1



Meet Tina King, CD at Plaza (AK), of the review!
5 Star
Send Love Notes, Associate Highlights, and Resident Events to WeCare@weidner.com or to the Associate-Shout Out section on My.Weidner.com 17 Leadership with a Smile!

With a wealth of property management experience, Tina King joined team Weidner in 2015. Since joining us Tina has taken the art of generating 5 star reviews to new heights! What’s in the special sauce you might be wondering.... Just Ask!

Work Hard, Play Hard, and Win Big Trophies! Secret to JustSuccess....Ask!

Bulletin Board Post November 2022 18 Click Here to Download