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Power Your Business with CHIPD
Join more than 30 independent associations that trust us to process over $2 billion worth of transactions every year.
Special Rates for WFCA Members!
As WFCA’s newest endorsed partner, CHIPD provides cost-effective, and timesaving, state-of-the-art online payment solutions to leverage technology to accelerate payments, increase cash flow, decrease accounts receivables (AR), and reduce office interruptions and administrative costs.
With over 20 years of experience in merchant payment processing, CHIPD understands how to navigate high transaction volumes, chargebacks and other factors affecting the flooring industry.
CHIPD Payment Gateway
Giving your customers different payment options allows you to accept payments easier and faster. This solution allows for payments at the front desk, over the phone, across office locations, the ability to set up recurring payments AND customer payments from your website, allowing them to pay anytime, at their convenience, 24/7! The CHIPD Gateway also allows multiple businesses to have credit card processing funds deposited into separate checking accounts through one system. All your reports in one spot!
Approval Process
CHIPD makes it as easy as possible to get your new account up and running quickly. Credit card processing is a banking product, therefore sponsoring banks and processors are required to meet certain federal mandates. As part of the USA Patriot Act, passed in 2001, banks are REQUIRED to get certain information, like social security numbers and financial information.

The Program
As a WFCA member, CHIPD offers you a payment processing program tailored to your business needs:
• The ability to accept credit, debit and mobile wallet payments
• Competitive processing costs
• Extremely competitive processing rates
• No long term contract
• 24/7 customer support
• Businesses can use existing equipment
• Cutting edge credit card hardware available to purchase or lease
• Variety of add-on services available including gift card and loyalty card programs
Members can save an average of $8,000 in fees per year.

Call 1-866-249-1237 or visit bestcardpayments.com/ wfca today for a free cost analysis of your current processing program and see how we can help add dollars to your bottom line.