The Next GIG
Chad Ogden QFloors President/CEO Chad Ogden is the CEO/ President and developer of QFloors flooring software. He grew up in the flooring industry, has a BS in Computer Engineering, and worked many years in the technology field before coming back to his flooring roots. He currently serves as the Secretariat of the fcB2B committee and is a widely recognized industry leader in floor covering technology. To contact him, email
or call 801-563-0140.
Affordable Flooring Software (for Even the Smallest Dealers) significant number of flooring dealers
act as sort of a calculator, computing figures,
are hobbling along, not benefiting from
they were created for general business needs
all of the massive time savings that technol-
and not with flooring in mind. As a result, they
ogy can bring. Why?
aren’t ideal within our industry. For instance,
For many, the issue has been cost.
they often require a lot of workarounds to pro-
QFloors’ new QPro POS+ cloud software
duce accurate numbers, which a surprising
is hoping to remove that excuse completely.
number of accountants don’t realize. Off-the-
It dramatically reduces IT costs due to being
shelf software also can’t utilize the enormous
100% browser-based. That means it can
time-savings of fcB2B electronic transfers
be accessed by a device with an internet
from suppliers, which QPro includes.
browser, anytime, anywhere. This completely
QPro offers easy drag-and-drop navigation
removes the need for a business to have to
and practical features customized to the needs
set up and maintain expensive servers, net-
of a busy floor-covering dealer. It can be used
works, and other pricey tech overhead costs.
alone or alongside generic accounting soft-
And starting at only $500 down and $50
ware such as QuickBooks. QPro also offers
per month, QPro comes in at a price way
advanced integration with QuickBooks Online.
below what industry-specific software typi-
QPro POS+ streamlines and manages
cally requires.
inventory, sales orders, and purchase orders,
“We wanted to completely remove the
as well as commission, labor, and sales tax
barrier of cost, and $50 a month is less than
reporting. It includes instant job costing and
most people spend on lunch in a week, let
the ability to collapse, expand, or move line
alone a month," said QFloors President Chad
Ogden. “Even the smallest dealers can afford the efficiencies QPro will bring.”
“I love to show people how QPro works," says Chad Ogden, "because there's really not anything else like it in the market. It's
Resourceful Flooring Features. User-Friendly Mobility.
very innovative.” To see if QPro is a good fit for your needs,
Why not just use generic off-the-rack soft-
visit or Or email
ware? While these types of programs can
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