Claiming Our Seat at the Table: Women, Work, and Leadership
Lisbeth Calandrino
Flooring Specialist and
Associate Publisher and
Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine
laiming your seat at the table” means taking the opportunity to actively participate in leadership activities. It represents an opportunity to be heard, respected, and the power to make a difference. But, if we take it to the next level, does it also mean that those at the table have an obligation to notice who is NOT at that table and to ensure they are included as well? I come from a long line of rule-breakers. Way back in the ’50s, my mom proudly announced one evening at dinner that she was getting a job. This just wasn’t done back then! My dad was embarrassed. He said this meant everyone would think he wasn’t “man” enough to support his family. My mom replied, in a stern but very sweet voice, that she was going to work, no matter what he thought. This was the start of my mom’s career as the owner of a real estate firm and political activist. Dad also changed, eventually telling everyone how proud he was of her and her accomplishments. My dream was to own my own business, and I believed I could achieve it partly because my mom gave me confidence as a female.
“Claiming your seat at the table” means taking the opportunity to actively participate in leadership activities. It represents an opportunity to be heard, respected, and the power to make a difference. 22 Premier Flooring Retailer | TISE Edition 2022