The Holy Tablets
The Holy Tablets are claimed to be divinely inspired and holy as the Holy Bible and Koran and is to be treated in the same way. It is a revelation from the Most High (i.e. ANU) to set straight the records and to remove the falsehoods. The Koran has not changed the world, nor has the Torah or the New Testament. They have done nothing for the Nubians (i.e. black race) but were used to enslave them; yet, the Most
High (i.e. ANU) and his Heavenly Hosts have decided that it was time to renew Nubian (i.e. black race) history. Nuwaubian theology (i.e. Above This Planet) are key words in the Nuwaubian theology. His followers claim Dr. Dwight York was born on the planet Rizq in the Illyusm galaxy. Dr. Dwight York scripture (i.e. The Holy Tablets) claims our human ancestors originally came from the planet Rizq. They later moved to a planet called Kesiyl in the Orion constellation then to Mars (i.e. the canals on Mars was said to have been built by them), then to Pluto and finally to Earth. Dr. Dwight York says Earth has been visited by scientifically advanced beings from outer space who taught us their technology. Pharoah Ramses II was an extraterrestrial!!! This item includes 1738 pages of unique religious and scientific information. In the 19 chapters, 125 diagrams and 538 figures and glossary you will find information about Abraham meeting Imhotep, Jesus visiting the Kaba, and learn why we have 2 nipples, not 1 or 3. Theres an analysis of the Giza layout....The chapters include: 1). The Creation 2). The Slaves 3). The Scientist 4). The Enuma Elish 5). The Enclosed Garden 6). The Human Beast 7). The Living Soul 8). The Seed of Nakhash 9). Cain and Abel 10). Disagreeableness 11). The Secrets of Adafa 12). Tablet of Anzu 13). Generation of Abraham 14). The Story of Noah 15). The Christians 16). The Underworld 17). Epic of Gilgamesh 18). Tablet of Etana and Murduk. 19). Al Kihdr 20). Glossary 21). The Seven Thunders
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