Antarctica 2021 Getting there was half the fun
A travel journal by Margaret Plumley
I get lost in MCO We get our purple bracelets
Meat and mountains Then held captive on a catamaran On the plus side, we bond The infamous Drake Passage I bump into walls Henry almost falls off the stage Zodiac ride where we do not collide with an iceberg I go kayaking
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I fall into a hole
Postcards from Antarctica in u ng t e P os P
To: Ruth Ice sculptures. It’s a like a parade as they go by and each one is beautiful and amazing. The show is punctuated by the occasional seabird. M
To: Scott Leaving the Shetland Islands. The zodiac ride is like Splash Mountain but colder, wetter, and more dangerous. But also pretty awesome and something you can’t get in a Disney park. M
To: Michelle The ice is amazing. It’s carved into every shape imaginable from meringue to castles to abstract art. It’s cold and wet but WOW! M
To: Elaine Time is different here. It’s either stopped or it’s happening all at once. Or maybe it’s both. “Finally,” says the penguin, “You understand.” M
To: Mike Drawing icebergs from the ship on the way to Neko Bay. It’s just below freezing and snowing. I went kayaking earlier – the water is thick because it’s salt water that is actually below freezing but still liquid-ish because it is moving. M
To: Mom & Dad Sitting comfortably in the observation lounge looking out at the ice from a heated room and a cozy chair. This iceberg moves on and an ice floe flows in and it begins to snow. M
To: Anna The Shetland Islands as seen from the ship. It’s a pain to travel internationally right now, but how amazing and beautiful. M
To: Andrea My first Antarctic sunset. The Drake Passage has been kind to us. Only 90 passengers on a ship that holds 200. Have seen albatrosses and petrels but no whales yet. Sunrise is in a few hours; closing the curtains now. M
Extreme plein air
It was a hell of a trip
Thanks to the expedition team for keeping us informed, entertained, and most of all, safe in this extreme environment. You guys were amazing. Thanks to the ship’s crew for taking care of us and always being a pleasure to be around. Thanks to my fellow passengers for being a part of this rather memorable journey. It’s hard to sketch in all this gear, so see my blog for more stories and photos.
The author looking cold in a zodiac. Photo courtesy of a fellow passenger; I forget who.
© Copyright 2021 Margaret Plumley