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Sidra Medicine
GEMS Wellington School, Qatar F4 British Curriculum 4041 7444/5 gemswellingtonschool-qatar.com German Int'l School Doha D4 IB Programmes 4451 6836 ds-doha.de
The Gulf English School C2 IGCSE, International Baccalaureate 4457 8777 gulfenglishschool.com Hamilton International School E4 International Curriculum 4492 4343, 5043 8885 hamiltoninternationalschool.qa Ideal Indian School E3 CBSE India 4468 4849 idealschoolqatar.com King’s College Doha E4 British Curriculum 4496 5888 kingscollegedoha.com Lycée Bonaparte C4 French Curriculum/IB 4496 0300 lycee-bonaparte.fr Lycée Franco-Qatarien Voltaire French Curriculum/IB Al Waab D3 4035 4060 Salwa D3 4035 4025 West Bay B3 4035 4040 lyceevoltaire.org MES Indian School E3 CBSE India 4457 2888/4468 1816 mesqatar.org Michael E. DeBakey High School – Qatar D3 American Curriculum (focus on Science and Mathematics) 4499 9851 debakeyatqatar.org Newton British Academy (NBA) National Curriculum (UK) Al Dafna B3 4414 2294 Barwa City E4 4006 1501, 4035 7601 newtonschools.sch.qa Newton British School (NBS) National Curriculum (UK) Al Waab D3 4447 2427 Muraikh D2 6647 7410 newtonschools.sch.qa Newton Int'l Academy (NIA) F3 National Curriculum (UK) 4001 6401 newtonschools.sch.qa Newton Int'l School (NIS) National Curriculum (UK) D Ring Road D4 4466 6246 Legtaifiya (Lagoon) B4 4412 2254 West Bay B4 4493 5507 newtonschools.sch.qa Nord Anglia Int'l School Al Khor British Curriculum 4437 9600 nordangliaeducation.com Northview International School Artemis Education 3038 5685 northview.school
Oryx Int'l School, Doha E4 National Curriculum (UK) 4036 0063/85 oryxschool.qa Pak Shamaa School E4 Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) Islamabad Pakistan 4416 3712/13/18 pakshamaa.com Palestinian School E3 Palestinian Curriculum 4436 2053 pal-school.info Park House English School E3 National Curriculum (UK) 4468 3800 parkhouseschool.com Pearling Season Int'l School D4 British Curriculum Al Gharrafa C2 4032 2408/07 Al Mansoura D4 4476 8000 psisd.sch.qa Philippine School Doha C3 Filipino Curriculum 4440 9888 psd.sch.qa Qatar Academy C2 IB 4454 2000 qa.edu.qa Qatar Academy Msheireb C2 Dual Language Programme/IB 4454 2116 qam.qa Qatar-Finland Int'l School A3 Finnish-Qatari Curriculum 4012 7890 qatarfinlandschool.com Qatar Int'l School (QIS) C4 National Curriculum (UK) 4483 3456 qisweb.qis.org The Royal Grammar School (RGS) Guildford in Qatar A2 British Curriculum 4036 0450 rgsgq.com SEK Int'l School Qatar C3 IB/PYP Curriculum 4012 7633 sek.qa Sherborne Qatar National Curriculum (UK) Prep School 4459 6566 D2 School for Girls 4495 3444 A2 Senior School 4459 6400 C2 sherborneqatar.org Summit Academy American Curriculum Duhail South (KG) D4 4466 3802 Furousiya St (main) E2 4468 8590 summitacademyqatar.com Swiss Int'l School Qatar (SISQ) C3 IB 4036 3131, 7070 6963 sisq.qa The Int’l School of Choueifat – Doha (ISC-Doha) B4 British/American Curricula 4495 9595 iscdoha.sabis.net
The Int'l School of London (ISL) Qatar A2/A3 IB 4433 8600 islqatar.org The Lebanese School of Qatar (LSQ) C4 Lebanese/French/English Curricula 4493 4545 lsq.sch.qa