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Sidra Medicine
Throughout the Year
Lectures, exhibitions and workshops • Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar Dean’s Lecture Series. 4454 8400, qatar.cmu.edu C2 • Embrace Doha Workshops and events aimed at enriching the cultural experience of expats and visitors. embracedoha.net • Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Faculty Lectures. 4457 8100, qatar.georgetown.edu C2 • Katara Exhibitions, cultural and music events, and workshops. Call Centre: 182, katara.net B4 • Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art Exhibitions, workshops and artist encounters. 4402 8855, mathaf.org.qa C2 • Museum of Islamic Art Workshops and educational programmes. 4422 4444, mia.org.qa D4 • National Museum of Qatar Online tours, workshops, lectures, and activities for schoolchildren. 4452 5555, nmoq.org.qa C4 • Qatar Foundation Convocations, summits, and lifestyle and business-related workshops. 4454 0000, qf.org.qa C2 • Qatar National Library Workshops, educational and academic programmes, silent book club. qnl.qa C2 • Virginia Commonwealth University of Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) Gallery lectures, exhibitions, and community classes in art, design and crafts. 4402 0555, qatar.vcu C2 Music, drama and more • Doha Film Institute Film screenings and festivals, workshops and educational programmes. dohafilminstitute.com • Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra Regular performances of Western and Arabic music. qatarphilharmonicorchestra.org • Radisson Blu Hotel, Doha Pub Quiz at Shehrazad on the last Monday of each month. 4428 1555, radissonblu.com D3/4 • The Doha Players An amateur dramatic society that presents a range of shows and open mic nights throughout the year. See their Facebook page • The Doha Singers Qatar's largest and oldest amateur choir. dohasingers.com
Events are subject to a change of dates/cancellation. The Sports Events Calendar can be found in the Sports section. To be included in our listings, email marhaba@qatar.net.qa m
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+Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) Qatar Foundation C2 4470 7000, qncc.qa øDoha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC) C4 4033 1111, decc.qa ^Katara Cultural Village Lusail Street B4 182, katara.net Qatar Tourism visitqatar.qa