by Christopher Fechner - Smith
Christopher Fechner - Smith is a New York / New Jersey based portrait and nature photographer specializing in aerial perspectives. He strives to blur the lines between art and science, highlighting the physical manifestations of the fundamental laws of the universe when they reveal themselves to us in nature. Fractal dimensions, self similarity, and order within chaos are the primary themes of his work. Christopher ’s photos illustrate how the thoughtless falling of raindrops, flowing of streams, and cracking of ice can emulate the most sophisticated forms found in living organisms, from the bronchioles in our lungs to the capillaries which circulate our blood. Perhaps we can view these parallels as evidence of our deep connection to the earth on which we live and the universe itself. Through his work Christopher invites the viewer to create their own conclusions about that which is being shown; is there an elegant thread which interweaves us all together with nature, is it merely coincidence, or is the truth beyond our understanding?
- 0.40+0.65i S e a r les Lake, Califor nia
0.2+0.3i S e a r les Lake, Califor nia
Br ownian Tr ee S e a r les Lake, Califor nia
L i chtenber g Figur e #1 S ea r les Lake , Califor nia
f=0 Tr ona, Califor nia 2
L aplacian fir ur e 1 Tr ona, Califor nia
Laplacian figur e 2 O w ens Lake, Califor nia
Laplacian figur e 3 O w ens Lake, Califor nia
52° T w en tynine Palm s, Califor nia
Fifth Str eam T w en tynine Palm s, Califor nia
M icr oglia S e a r les Lake, Califor nia
Spor oza S e a r les Lake, Califor nia
Recur sion 1 Tr ona, Califor nia
Dendr ite 1 D ea th Valley, Califor nia
Disunion 1 T w en tynine Palm s, Califor nia
Disunion 2 T w en tynine Palm s, Califor nia
Ar aneifor m 1 L a ke Geor ge, New Yor k
Ar aneifor m 2 L a ke Geor ge, New Yor k
Recur sion 2, P or tsm outh, Vir ginia
Anfr act S a ranac Lake, New Yor k
Im pasto 1 Keene, New Yor k
Im pasto 2 Keene, New Yor k
Dendr ite 2 L a c e y Township, New Jer sey
Dendr ite 3 L a c e y Township, New Jer sey
Atsion 1 E l Cam pillo, Spain
Atsion 2 E l Cam pillo, Spain
mockup featuring Christopher’s photographs source of background photo: Contemporary Art Daily
Avaliable size: 8” 16” 20” 30” 36”
x x x x x
10” 20” 30” 40” 48”
ask for m or e
chris@csmit h.phot os inst agram: _sat ellit es_ www.csmit h.phot os ( 732) 300- 4725
P lea s e c o nt act t he art ist if you are in te re st ed in cooperat ion. Mo st p h o tographs which can be fo u n d o n his websit e and inst ag ra m a re a lso avaliable f or print !