Santorini from the ashes of Atlantis
“In ancient times the gods had the whole earth distributed among them by allotment. They distributed the whole earth into portions differing in extent, and made for themselves temples and instituted sacrifices. Poseidon received for his lot the island of Atlantis. The There he saw Cleito, a human girl of marriageable age. Her parents were Evenor and Leucippe and they lived on the raised hill at the center. The maiden had already reached womanhood when her father and mother died; P oseidon fell in love with her and breaking the ground, enclosed the hill in which she dwelt all around so that no man could get to the island”.
“In the ce ntre of the who le isl an d, the re was a pl ain which is said to have bee n the faire s t o f all pl ain s an d ve ry fertil e . Pose idon m ade al tern ate z one s o f s e a an d l an d l arge r an d sm al le r, en circl ing one anothe r; The re were two of land an d thre e of wat er, which he tu rne d as with a lathe , e ach having its circ umfe re n ce eq uidistant eve ry way fro m the ce nter.”
Atlantis, a city built on the desires by the God Poseidon
“He himself, being a god, found no difficulty in making special arrangements for the centre island, bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, and making every variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil. H e also begat and brought up five pairs of twin male children. The eldest, who was the first king, he named Atlas, and after him, the whole island was called Atlantis.”
The Atlanteans were a powerful and healthy race with all of the virtues, and they lived in harmony as long as the part of their divine nature remained strong, but when the human part took over, they became sinful and invaded by crimes.
They began to fight wars and oppressed other races with their ruthless strength. Only the Athenians, by virtue of their own military and moral power, were able to prevent Atlantis from invading the planet and defeating it.
As the years passed antiques legends started to appear. It’s been said, Santorini emerged from the sea and its harmonious shape undoubtedly inspired Herodotus, the father of history, to call it Strogili, ‘the round one’. Afte After having been abandoned for centuries, Santorini begins to rewrite its history, keeping many secrets in the grounds until very recently when one of them was unraveled. Recent excavations uncovered an ancient city near the village of Akrotiri. The name of the city cit still remains a mystery. A fresco found in the West House of Akrotiri reveals a truth that lied hidden for centuries. An inhabited and flourishing landscape with concentric water-land ring structures.
Having neither beginning nor end, the circle has long been, across time and cultures the symbol of original perfection, the symbol of eternity. This principle dominates our first collection Eterno, a window to the past, a window to the prehistoric settlement of the Greek island of Santorini.
The vol c an ic n atu re of San torini shape d its ex iste nc e an d brou g ht to life ou r c oll e ction . E te rno’s col ors , bl e nde d toge ther, orig in ated by the l ost city of Atl an tis.
“Atlas had a numerous and honourable family, and they retained the kingdom, the eldest son handing it on to his eldest for many generations, constructing temples and palaces. The stone which was used in the works they quarried from underneath the island, one kind was white, another black, and an a third red.”
For m ore than 3,5 00 years, the ancien t B ron ze Age c omm un ity l ay hidde n, c overed with hot lava an d pil es of as h preservin g the rem ains , fre e zing it l ike a mo me n t in tim e . F or m ore than 3 ,500 it was bu rie d u nde r the sea, u ntou c hed, s tan din g st il l , waiting to be u nve iled. E ac h piec e o f ou r co ll e ction is in spired by the beau ty of Santorin i an d its mys te rie s , waiting to be dis cove red an d m e an t to l ast for a l ifetim e .
Eterno ‘‘ It is said, on Santorini’s island, when the moon is shrouded in a veil of darkness, shooting stars illuminate the dark ‘‘Erebus’’, touching the rising lava, just before disappearing into the deepness. A night spent on this ancient sacred land served as inspiration for the design of my current collection, dedicated to the harmony of sky and earth. ’’
The Eterno pendant represents the heart of the collection in its purest elit, sedand do eiusmod simplest form.cintempor
Eterno Disc Pendant, Oval Rings & Cuff Bracelet in 18K Gold Vermeil and Black Rhodium Plating
Eterno Disc Bracelet in 18K Gold Vermeil & Black Rhodium Plating
Maria Glezelli is a contemporary jewellery designer based in London. Committed to preserving tradition, Maria combines age-old techniques with innovative designs. Each piece of jewellery is crafted entirely by hand with precision, artistry and distinctive craftsmanship without the use of any machinery.