Portfolio - Maria Rugeles - 2019

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Maria Rugeles

Selected Works 2008-2019

I walk on a fine line between the freedom of art and the reality of science. Within this line exists a constant tension between what can be measured, proportions, as well as aesthetics, and the abstract, the infinite, and the emotional. It is formed by a predominant mix of possible architecture and impossible art. With a foot in each world, yet without completely belonging to either, I search for the illusion of balance that transcends the limits of this line on which I walk.

Content immersive spaces 1. The last dinner on earth


2. Sp 2. Vibrant Paths 3. Les ambiances du pliage

3. Ca parqu

1. Plaza


2. Liminis

amino del ue



interior design


1. El color del olvido 2. Infinitud

Immersive spaces

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

The last dinner on earth D ate: m ar ch 2 0 1 9

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


Central Saint Martins – In collaboration with Jennifer Yang, Amelia Vilaplana, Eunbi Kim


The last dinner on earth is a dining experience designed to raise awareness among guests about how their consumption habits have great impact on the environment and climate change.

The dinner promotes a champagne brand, pioneer in organic production and grower-producer movement.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

Invitation, brochure and menu design. Invitation contains a hidden message to be discovered with UV light lanterns at the beggining of the experience.

Through dynamic installations including uncanny membranes, ambisonics and projection mapping, environmental catastrophe is depicted.

The last dinner on earth


Li n si pt ier ra tai orny Inspired by the eerie narrative of Cortazar's tale House Taken Over, attendants experience the progression of an unidentifiable presence that progressively transforms the house and chases them from one space to another. During the night, visitors realize that this bizarre haunting is related to the current ecological crisis.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

E c o l o g i c a l issues The main three ecological challenges the brand aims to mitigate (soil contamination with "gadoues" (contaminated compost as fertilizer), CO2 emission as a result of the incineration of pruning waste, and water pollution by the use of fertilizers and pesticides) are metaphorically represented in each of the rooms.

The last dinner on earth project

This cathartic journey ends up in a relaxing and pleasant dinner where guests discover that by drinking champagne, the force is overcome.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

Vibrant Paths D ate: m ay 2015

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :

competition shortlisted team

In Collaboration with: Yaatzil Ceballos and Dino Zhao Signage design by: Jimena Rugeles


Vibrant Paths is a new user experience with a graphic aesthetic proposal for moving around Padddington.

Each step taken will lead visitors to discover different stories through specific lenses such as mobility, daily life, attractions, and nature. The proposal consists of four different routes that encourage visitors to explore Paddington in a colorful and inclusive way. By transforming banal street elements like pipelines while making pre-existing gems visible and easy to find, Vibrant Paths unifies Paddington´s vast palette of amenities into offerings for every interest.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

Paddingtons uniqueness Inspired by Paddington’s landscape we abstracted geometrical elements and created 4 graphic patterns: The lines inspired by the railway system, the waves inspired by the canal, the squares inspired by the modern buildings facades and the arches inspired by iconic historical places. By unifying these pieces, we created an art piece that would act as the strongest visual element of the experience.

Vibrant paths project

Starting points

Patterns to follow

Space appropriation

The strategy 1. Starting points General route information points in sculptural forms composed by dynamics volumes that hold eyecatching information.

Interventions in The Bays alley: existing pipelines colored with the project’s palette, luggage trail, signage, and floor patterns.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

2. Patterns to follow The starting points then unveil into lines and patterns that lead visitors to explore points of interest in an organized and clear manner. There are two types of this kind of intervention: 2.1 Floor lines 2.2 Complementary signage

Signage design for lampposts and walls.

Vibrant Paths project

Patterns to follow on the floor and transformation of the beams under Bishop’s bridge with the colorful art piece designed by us.

3. Space appropriation The patterns and lines occassionally transform into three-dimensional functional elements. Depending on their location, they can merge with: 3.1 Site surfaces 3.2 New urban elements

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

les ambiances du pliage D ate: m ay 2012

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


École d’architecture de Grenoble – In collaboration with Loubna Alillat, Cristina García, Isabel Recubenis


Du ri n g t h e se meste r I stu di e d in Fra n ce o n Aca d e m i c Exch a n g e, I d eve l o p e d t h i s p ro j e c t t h a t co n s i sted of a modular system based on a g eomet ri c pri n c i pl e a pp l i e d to s pa t ial d es i gn , i n o rde r to ge n e ra te l i g ht a nd sound vari ati ons.

Exploring senses, materials, and emotions

The co nce pt wa s base d on two p ro p or t i on a l tri ang l es t h a t prod u ced nu m erou s i d e nti cal “ p u zz l e p i e ces� t h a t fo l d e d a nd co n n e c te d , g e ne ra t i n g a n i nfi ni te pa tter n wi th star for m ed ho l es t h a t a l l owe d l i g ht a n d so und to pa ss.

Les ambiances du pliage

We crea ted t h is u n i q u e p i e ce t h a t c rea ted a pa tte rn throu g h con n ec t i n g to ot h e r i d ent i ca l pi e ces.


interior design

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

Penarandas D ate: j une 2 0 1 7

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


(Interior design for Proyecta DiseĂąo, in collaboration with Cristina Michelsen.)


After 20 years inhabiting this traditional apartment in the north of Bogotรก, its owners decided to refurbish it.

The most challenging space was the great room, which went from being divided in three independent spaces, to becoming a single large room that housed different activities. We designed a big library that integrates the whole space and contains the chimney, the television, and the bar.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions



1.1 .15



One of the main objectives of this venture was to achieve the integration of the antique furniture that had sentimental value for the family, with more modern elements included in the interior design.


E cd el se icg nt i c





2.00 .90







17 .15



















.07 .17


We designed new furniture and renew existing pieces to create two lounges that conform the living room and are integrated through light elements such as the chairs and the round puff.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions


.25 .03












Blanco Gris








Blanco Estructura en madera según muestra.













Gris Entrepaño en blanco poliéster.

Escritorio en blanco poliéster. Pata en madera según muestra.


.03.03 .30















.03 .25






Blanco Gris

.30 .30



.03 .25





Estructura en madera según muestra.


Escritorio en blanco poliéster

Entrepaño en blanco poliéster.




Pata en madera según muestra.


.30 .06





Family r o o m One this project’s main

requirements was to generate storage for a lot of books, so in the family room we designed another library with a cozy reading corner.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

Sportlab D ate: o ct o b e r 2 0 1 6

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :



Sportlab is a high-performance sports group that trains for trail and triathlon races.

Two years ago, the need to find and adapt a training space in Bogotรก arose. For this purpose, we used an old call-center office as the space that was completely reformed to give place to a training hall, suitable with bathrooms, showers and dressing rooms.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

T hc he a l gl ern eg ea t I had to create a friendly and functional space with a very low budget. It was meant to reflect the values of the community and allow the group’s growth through an adequate performance of sports training.



The floor was covered with synthetic grass that is very functional for training and provides a welcoming atmosphere within the space.

B e i n g friendly I designed a small lounge with a chalk and cork board so that goals and races could be shared on it, thus creating a feeling of community. The furniture was made with recycled pallets in order to fit into the project’s limited budget, which also managed to introduce an innovative design concept.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

Camino del parque D ate: feb r u a r y 2018

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


(in development.)


This classic apartment was renovated so it could b e a yo u n g co u p l e’s n ew home. The architectural finishes where changed and the woodwork was restored in white color to give spaces more light and amplitude.

We performed an architectural review, in which we decided to unify the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen, into a large integrated social area full of natural light.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

The staircase

This old, closed concrete staircase was demolished and replaced by a very light metal staircase. In addition to being a sculptural element for the apartment, the stair also extends the dining room space.

Camino del parque


The chimney was changed to a modern gas flute, and the brick wall in the dining room was left in sight painted white to give a rustic touch. Likewise, the dining room bar storage was restored in turquoise, adding a hint of color.

Exploring function, eclecticism, and proportions

Camino del parque



We designed a large library that integrates a mini bar and television in the family room, located next to the terrace and meant to become the perfect space for family gatherings.

Exploring legacy, eclecticism, color and proportions

Bathrooms The bathrooms were completely remodeled, as the finishes, countertops, and taps were changed. We sought to give these a unique touch through different details such as the wallpaper and the mirror’s lighting.

Camino del parque



Exploring interactions, context, and form

Exploring interactions, context, and form

Plaza D ate: decem b e r 2010

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


(in collaboration with Manuela Pretelt and Gregorio Maya.)


Th e development of this project was ba se d o n a d eta i l e d a n a l ysi s of an em b le ma t i c zo n e i n t h e C i ty Ce nte r of Bog ota, l ocated i n the j uncti o n of two m a i n ave n u es a n d t h e co nfl u e n ce of two co nfro nt i n g n e i g h b o u rh o o d s.

The building’s design was meant to connect these two societies, thus promoting the resolution of some of the urban problems that currently occur between them.

Exploring interactions, context, and form

The main cThish aproject l l e nproposes g e to generate the integration of two social

groups through the creation of a public space and by generating activities within the building that respond to the needs of the two sectors .



In front of an area of large financial buildings is one of the most deteriorated neighbourhoods of the city, inhabited by marginalized people that have been excluded from the City Center. By consequence, they live under poor conditions and are surrounded by a deteriorated urban space.

Exploring interactions, context, and form



Its value

The building aims to provide solutions to other problems that currently exist in the area, such as pedestrian segregation, a lack of green and recreational spaces, contamination, high saturation of means of transportation, and a deficit of urban structures.

Exploring interactions, context, and form

Liminis D ate: m ay 2013

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


(Architecture degree project, in collaboration with Juliana Montoya)


Th i s p ro j e c t resulted from an analysis of the M i n u to d e D i os ne i g h b o u rh o o d i n Bo gota , w h i c h co n se r ves a st ro n g co mmu n i ty l i fe i n w h i c h p u b l i c s pa ce i s mo re i mp o r ta nt t h a n p ri va te. Over t i m e, t h i s d i st ri c t h a s ma i nta i n e d a s ma l l tow n i d e nt i ty, w hich is being threatened by a c i ty t h a t g rows a n d expa n d s a t a n u n co nt ro l l a b l e s p e e d .

We decided to design a project that would link the essence of the neighbourhood with the modernity of the city, generating a smooth transition through landscape and architecture design.

Exploring interactions, context, and form

Cultural center plan



The main cTheh aproject l l e intends n g e to propose an adequate balance of public and private space. It also takes advantage of the location of Minuto de Dios, which is located at the confluence of two main roads, and looks to generate a bridge between the neighbourhood and the great metropolis that Bogotรก has become.

Exploring interactions, context, and form

T he inspiration The building is developed based on the concepts of time and path, which articulate the architectural phenomena present. The phenomena are the different situations that are found while crossing the building, such as lines of attraction, nuclei of confluence, multiple roads, nodes, hierarchical progressions, and perceptual limits.




Exploring contrast, c o l o r, a n d g e o m e t r y

Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

El color del olvido

D ate: n ovem b e r 2 0 1 3

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :



Th ese paintings, made in acr ylic and oil o n ca nva s, a re i n s pi re d by t h e Wayuu co mmuni ty of the no r the rn coa sta l re g i o n of Co l o mb i a , La G u a j i ra . Th e Way u u co n s i st of a n a t i ve gro u p t h a t h a s i mpress i ve cul tu ral weal t h bu t l i ves i n po o r co n d i t i o n s d u e to t h e d ese r t’s extreme environment, the gove rn me nt’s a ba n d o n me nt, a n d soci ety’s ne gl i ge nce.

This community lives in the middle of a great desert on the seashore, with the most amazing landscapes and contrasts of color I have ever seen in my life. The cultural treasures, colorful art, and folklore of the Wayuu culture are added to this breathtaking landscape, creating a burst of beauty.

Oil and acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm

Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

Mantas, kn i ts, m o chi l as, a n d a ut he nt i c m u s i c a l l co m p r i se o n e of t h e greatest cu l tu ra l treas ures of Col om b i a – a t reasu re k n ow n by few an d ig n o re d by m any, hi d d en i n a sea of sand pra c t i ca l l y in access i b l e to ou tsi d e vi s i tors – a sea of sa n d t h a t represents p o et i c beauty yet p oor l i v i n g co n d i t i o n s, sca rce wate r an d sca nt wor k op p o r tuni t i es.

Through chromatic changes within the images and contrasting color and monochrome, I tried to represent the dualities of this reality, known and ignored by so many. Oil and acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm

El color del olvido


Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

A co m m u n i ty r i c h i n cul tu re b u t p oor in resources, st r u g g l i n g to s u r v i ve a g a i n st ad ve rse con d i t i on s, al l d o m i n a ted by t h e st r u g g le a g a in st ob l i v i on a n d aba n d on m ent t h a t makes t h e l a n d sca p e’s co l o rs d a r ke r, a n d t h e faces a n d v i va c i ty of the ma nta s, b r i g hter.

Oil and acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm

El color del olvido


Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

Infinitud D ate: m ay 2015

Ty p e o f p r o j e c t :


art degree project


These are a series of paintings i n s p i re d o n di ffe re nt i nte rests a n d exp e ri e n ces t h a t h a d ma rke d my l i fe, i n c l u d i n g t h e pi c to ri a l esse n ce of n a tu re, t h e co nt ra st b etwe e n co l o r a n d bl a c k a n d w h i te, t h e c h a rm of t h e u nfi n i s h e d , a n d u n i nte nt i o n a l a bst ra c t i o n . Through this project I wanted to explore and transcend the l i mi ts of t h e pa i nt i n g fo rma t a s i t h a s b e e n t ra d i t i o n a l l y kn ow n , t h u s c rea t i n g a n i nfi n i te a r two rk.

Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

The process The pa i nt i n g s we re g e ne ra ted ba sed on an i ma g e, a n or i g i n t hat i s s u b d i v i d ed g e ne ra t i n g i nfi n i te ramifica t ion s. These i n c rea se i n vi su a l b u t n ot i n fo r m a l sca l e.



Most co ra ls are fra c tals – g e o metr ic structures that are c h a ra c te ri zed by a ny of t h e i r par ts be i n g s i mi lar to t h e whole.

Exploring contrast, color, and geometry

The p i e ce i s a f ra c ta l whose function i s t he s u b d i v i s i on a n d i n c re me nt of t he i m a g e’s sca l e. Ea ch i te ra t i o n h a s a vari a t i on , l oop i n g i n betwe e n bl a c k and w h i te a n d col or f ra gme nts. Th i s al l res u l ts i n a d er i va t i o n of rea l i s m to abst ra c t i o n .

Oil and acrylic on canvas. From left to right: 40x40cm, 85x85cm, 175x175cm




Mar ia R mar ia.r ugeles +44 7828

nk you

Rug eles s@ gm ail.co m 8 03 459 9

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