4 Mistakes to Avoid in Finding the best Site Hosting Provider
Are you searching for a website hosting provider? Be careful; if you are stuck with a bad host, it can impact your bottom-line by slowing your website. It can cause frequent downtime and may lead to poor customer experience.
Mistake-1: Not choosing the right hosting provider Many get lured by the free hosting, but it is going to cost a lot in the long-run. If you prefer it, you may have to deal with the unsolicited 3rd party advertisements on the site. Then you may have to experience the slow loading speed. You may also not be able to scale the website either. Then there are many security issues which you have to deal with.
To Do: You should start with Linux VPS hosting to make sure that there are fewer issues about shared hosting and your site is secure as well.
Mistake-2: Not reading the reviews of hosting provider It is easy to find a package that is the best for you but if you don’t do much research. You should read the reviews of the hosting services provider to see what it offers and how good are the various services offered. You should look for the customer service complaints, the issues with downtime or slow loading speed. But if you find that all the reviews are only good, then it should raise the eyebrows as well.
To Do: You should be reading the reviews of the technical writers who have taken the services of hosting provider.
Mistake-3: Overlooking Considerations If the hosting package sounds too good, then you need to study the fine print correctly. It may well be possible that the company has launched a marketing campaign to lure new customers. If you find something in the plan offered which sounds confusing, you should immediately ask the agents of the provider to clarify it. For instance “unlimited� bandwidth, if you are not convinced, you should be chatting with agents right away to find out any limitations. Who knows, when you start to approach the bandwidth limit, the company may begin to slow down your site. Then there may be restrictions with the installation of the software, the SSH or with the POP accounts.
To Do: The best ahead will be to talk to the representatives for more information or dig the site.
Mistake-4: Not testing the customer service You will need customer services for many reasons for one issue or the other. If the customer service department you may be left struggling on own. You may often see that the customer support is available roundthe-clock while it may not be the case. But before subscribing to the various plans, you should try to test their services out. You should try out all the channels like e-mail, phone and live-chat to check the services out.
In the End If you can avoid these mistakes and prefer Linux VPS hosting right from the beginning, you may have to face fewer issues.