Maria Bernat - Designer Porfolio

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Maria Bernat PORTFOLIO



Maria Bernat



M My Logo Maria Bernat

3 Experience Center Konnagar, Kalcata

6 Casa Batllo Store Barcelona, Spain

1 Linden Residential Abijan, Ivory Coast

4 Elevate Residential Delhi, India

7 Plant Kind

New York, New York

2 Oberoi Residential Mumbai, India

5 Varca Hotel Goa, India

8 Hello Spain

Barcelona, Spain

9 Unemployed

New York, New York

Maria Bernat



Type Graphic

Branding Storytelling Graphic Design

My Logo


Creating my logo was a struggle. I wanted to create something that demonstrated my skills, my aesthetic taste, and my personality.

In the logo, you can see a large M in an axonometry. The M is the first letter of my name, Maria, and the axonometry is one of my favorite ways to display and visualize. Axonometric also have a specific use in Architecture, to put everything apart and back together. This is how I work. I want to firs understand all parts of a project and then execute. The aesthetic is minimalist and classic at the same time. I believe this is the best way to describe my style. Maria Bernat

My Logo


Type Graphic

Maria Bernat

My Logo


Type Residential

Location Abijan, Ivory Coast

Interior design and material choice Graphic design and technical drawings

Linden Residences This project is a Luxury residential building in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The scope demanded us to design a Building with four typologies of luxury apartments. There would be three types of floor composition. The first one with four apartment types: A 210sqm apartment with one bedroom, a 290sqm apartment of two bedrooms, a 330sqm apartment of three bedrooms, and a 400sqm apartment of 4 bedrooms. The second type of floor would have two apartments of 560sqm, and on one last level would be an apartment of 1220sqm for the client himself. It was huge. We developed an Interior design intent for the client’s apartment with a sober luxurious feel with the use of bare and natural materials due to that the already large rooms and spaces were the main attraction of this apartment. It was amusing to design, probably for any interior designer it would be. Yet, it was hard in the beginning due to that I had been used to smaller apartments design and trying to maximize space, where here it was the other way around. Maria Bernat


Ricardo Bofill

Linden Residences


Type Residential

Location Abijan, Ivory Coast



Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Linden Residences


Type Residential

Location Abijan, Ivory Coast

Rendered Plan

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Linden Residences


Type Residential

Location Abijan, Ivory Coast

Mood Board

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Linden Residences


Type Residential

Location Mumbai, India

Interior design and material choice Graphic design and technical drawings

Oberoi Residences The Oberoi residential complex was a competition for a residential complex in Mumbai, India. With a Built-up area of 735,000 sqm, which is enormous. The apartments were small, the towers tall and the site surrounded by slums. It was troublesome working on a project that was significantly more luxurious than its surroundings. It felt as if technically the scope indicated we had to give a luxury project, yet in flats of 60 to 100 sqm where considered luxury residences in India. Oberoi was one of the biggest struggles for me at the office. In a small space to give the feeling of luxury is difficult. Eventually, I decided to use precious materials and finishes for a luxurious feel, and it was a success. Maria Bernat


Ricardo Bofill

Oberoi Residences


Type Residential

Location Mumbai, India


Interior Apartment Facade

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Oberoi Residences


Type Residential

Location Mumbai, India

Rendered Sections

Rendered Plan

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Oberoi Residences


Location Mumbai, India

Mood Board

Type Residential

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Oberoi Residences


Type Retaill

Location Konnagar,Kolcata

Interior design and material choice Concept creation and storytelling Graphic design and technical drawings

Experience Center The Experience center was mostly a Sales center for a social housing type complex, were apartment types were to be held for the display of the apartments that would be on sale. It is a space that holds meetings and shared rooms with lounge areas were possible clients were to experience the whole idea of living in the residential complex, rather than just visiting the apartment they could purchase. The building was to be temporary and later replaced with retail space for the exclusive use of people living in the residence of the complex. The experience starts on the faรงade, locating the Ganges river (the river of the area) as the entrance to the building, later when entering the building, a hall with larger images of the whole complex would take the individual into a sizeable luminous space that finished with a large picture window, where you could see the lake of the complex.

Maria Bernat


Ricardo Bofill

Experience Center


Type Retail

Location Konnagar, Kolcata

Back Facade

Transversal Section

Longitudonal Section

Ground Floor Plan

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Experience Center


Type Retaill

Location Konnagar,Kolcata

Back Facade

Rendered Section

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Experience Center


Type Retail

Location Konnagar, Kolcata

Mood Board

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Experience Center


Type Residential

Location Delhi, India

Interior design and material choice Graphic design and technical drawings

Elevate Residential This project was one of the first ones I worked on when starting at the taller. Elevate was a complex project. It required a level of extreme detail and the choice of profoundly beautiful colors. We defined from the concept stage where we were going. Following a strict design intent of an English colonial-type club — the use of classic materials like dark wood, paneled ceiling, lounges with leather sofas, and tables with vintage design furniture turned out to be an ideal choice. Elevate’s Club was the first project where I had to follow through the design development stage (The last step the office was usually providing drawings for), where I had to define all the technical drawings and records with all furniture, fixtures, materials, and finishes. It was a gratifying experience to see how pleased the client was with the project after so much hard work. And an incredible learning experience.

Maria Bernat


Ricardo Bofill

Elevate Residential


Type Residential

Location Delhi, India

Longitudonal Section

Ground Floor Plan

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Elevate Residential


Type Residential

Location Delhi, India

Renders by 3d department

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Elevate Residential


Location Delhi, India

Mood Board

Type Residential

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Elevate Residential


Type Hotel

Location Goa, India

Interior design and material choice Concept creation and storytelling Graphic design and technical drawings

Varca Hotel Hotel Varca was meant to be located in Goa, India. This area is well known for it’s beautiful and extent beaches, and together with those, by beautiful botels to differentiate Varca hotels from the rest of the ones in the area. We decided to give it a more rustic, greek-styled, and at the same time, respectful to Bofill’s design principles. The two main areas I designed where the main rooms and what we called the “Central spine.” In the places, I used materials like natural terracotta stone and marble, to maintain the luxury feel, and tropical red oak wood, found in the area, that respected it’s a natural environment. In the central spine, I created a game of different cutouts in the rectangular structures that served to teach the use of each space — creating a set of lighting and a fine line between the interior and exterior space, a remembrance to Morrocan styled riads.

Maria Bernat


Ricardo Bofill

Varca Hotel


Type Hotel

Location Goa, India

Room Plan


Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Varca Hotel


Type Hotel

Location Goa, India

Renders by 3d department


Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Varca Hotel


Type Hotel

Location Goa, India

Mood Board

Maria Bernat

Ricardo Bofill

Varca Hotel


Type Graphic

Location Barcelona, Spain

Branding Storytelling Graphic Design

Casa Batllo Store The museum house Casa Batllo in Barcelona, Spain, is opening a new store. They wished to take on a unique perspective to both buying products and producing. They want to use Gaudi’s craft as that filter and needing a new branding strategy, and they called me in to help. Taking their already existing logo, I designed four other for the new store, as well as an allocation for them as signage and distribution of the product. I continue working with them, helping them find collaborations with artists and designers for new products. Maria Bernat


Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo Store


Type Graphic

Maria Bernat

Location Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo Store


Type Graphic

Location Barcelona, Spain

Ceramic Work

Inspired by the top of the facade.

ra mi




Metal Work

Inspired the the balcony masks

Me t al

Glass Work

Inspired the the balcony masks

Gl a ss

Artisan logos

Maria Bernat

Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo Store


Type Graphic

Location Barcelona, Spain

Allocation - Signage

Allocation - Tickets

Maria Bernat

Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo Store


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New Yrok, New York

Branding and graphic design Storytelling and concept creation Strategy and business development

Plant Kind PlantKind is a project I’ve been working on in school for a class called Strategic technology. We started designing an app for plant-lovers. A platform to share your hobby for plants. We invented the UX as well as a user journey. We applied class material to a real challenge, building a business with technology, finding ways to make a product both human-centered and functional, as well as strategizing what engagement would the product have and how to market it. Maria Bernat


Pratt Institute

Plant Kind


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York


Style Guide

Maria Bernat

Pratt Institute

Plant Kind


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New Yrok, New York

User Journey

Maria Bernat

Pratt Institute

Plant Kind


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York

UX Design

Maria Bernat

Pratt Institute

Plant Kind


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location Barcelona, Spain

Design consulting Strategy and concept creation Graphic design and branding Hello Spain Ashoka is the largest worldwide organization dedicated to social innovation. Their latest initiative has been Hello Europe, tackling the issue of Migration that Europe faces today. Hello Europe wants to tackle migration locally by having migrants be the main character in their narrative and development. Beginning with the first event in Madrid last year, companies that brought real solutions to the issue gathered in conversation with migrants and government departments to find ways where these solutions could be applied and help. Taking Hello Spain to Barcelona is essential; each region and community’s demands vary. Therefore, with the event in June, we want to create a model of a summit that can be scaled and reapplied in other regions in Spain. My job at Hello Spain is not only to help design, fund, and carry out the event but to create a model of a summit that can be successfully reapplied. In the images, you will find both some shots of the funding deck, a roadmap of the initiative, and ways I have found with my skills to explain Ashoka and Hello Spain’s graphically and didactically. Maria Bernat



Hello Spain


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location Barcelona, Spain

Fundraising Deck

Maria Bernat


Hello Spain


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location Barcelona, Spain

Hello Spain Roadmap

Maria Bernat


Hello Spain


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location Barcelona, Spain

Ahsoka Selection Process

Maria Bernat


Hello Spain


Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York

Storytelling and structure Graphic design and Branding

Unemployed Unemployed was in need to showcase their projects and magazines on a deck to be able to display to clients what they have done. They asked for help in building that deck strategically. My main tasks in this project where to create a deck grafically, aesthetically similar to the magezine and a structure for the display. Maria Bernat


Unemployed Magazine



Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York








Art of the Box All of our issues come in an original and ever-evolving format. Our latest issue is presented in a multipurpose box, functioning as both the packaging of the magazine and also a custom made backgammon box.




“You can’t do the same things every season, you have to take risks”




Images from the Deck

Maria Bernat

Unemployed Magazine



Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York

Gigi Rose Gray Artist

Max Farago Photographer

Mel Odom Artist

Hannah Young Photographer

Lotte Selwood Designer

Lea Colombo Photographer

Helena Tejedor Designer

Kate Bellm Photographer

Ivar Wigan Film

Kris Martin Photographer

Emilie Kareh Artist & Stylist

Joachim Johnson Photgrapher

Jules Moskovshenko Photographer

Dustin Dollin Artist

Harley Weir Photographer

Ida & Wilfred Artists


Charlotte Casiraghi Writter

Juliette Seydoux Artist

Greta Ilieva Photographer

Kriztian Eder Photgrapher

Evan Tetreault Photographer

Charlie Engman Photographer

Gaspar Noe Film

Buck Ellison Photographer

Collier Schorr Photographer

Yorgos Lanthimos Artist

Theresa Martinat Photographer

Will Benedict Artist

Oliver Handlee Pearch Artist

Carlotta Kohl Photographer

Alba Hodsoll Artist

Adwoa Aboah Model

Chadwick Tyler Photographer


Vicky King Photographer

Tristan Savoy Photographer

Victoria Sekrier Model

Mohamed Bourouisaa Artist

Omaima Salem Stylist

Pirerre Auroux Artist

Maria Bernat

Pierre Agne Carlotti Photographer

Pieter Hugo Photographer

Robert Lindholm Artist

Nikolas Lorieux Film

Sara Rabin Artist

Reto Shmidt Photographer

Tannaz Hazemi Film

Romain Mader Photographer

Unemployed Magazine

Sophie Green Artist


Meet the Artists



Type Graphic & Strategy

Location New York, New York



Project User Journey

Maria Bernat

Unemployed Magazine



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