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Appendix 3. Household questionnaire
from CHILDREN'S INDEPENDENT MOBILITY A child-oriented perspective on walking, playing and socialising in
Neighbourhood perceptions / Licence
Community ties
Afterschool activities
About your neighbourhood and the streets, you walk on every day. Check what best describes how you felt…
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Not at all A little Fairly Moderately Extremely Someone may say obscene or disagreeable things to them Are the streets dangerous? Are the streets dark? Are the streets nice? Is it possible for the child to go out alone at night? Is it possible for the child to go out with his friends at night? Can the child walk alone during the day? Can the child walk with his friends during the day? Can the child go out to play or practice some activity in the streets? Do you trust your neighbours? People in my neighbourhood are willing to help their neighbours People This is a very close-knit neighbourhood People in my neighbourhood are trustworthy People in my neighbourhood usually do not get along in my neighbourhood do not share the same values, attitudes or beliefs Are you going to the Ciclovida? What do you do at the Ciclovida? How often do you go to the Ciclovida accompanied by the child? How often do you go to the cycle life without the child? Thinking of afterschool activities, what is the place in the neighbourhood more frequented by the child? What is the main activity that the child does in that place?
Appendix 3. Household questionnaire
Question Total number of members Number of members without student Relationship to head of household Highest educational level Response Number Number Head of household, child, father, mother, partner, grandparent, niece/nephew, sibling, other relative Incomplete primary school, primary school, incomplete secondary school, secondary school, technician, uncomplete university, university, uncomplete postgraduate, postgraduate.
Main modes of transport (multiple choices) Main occupation Main occupation trade Do they take the child to school? How do you/they accompany them? Vehicles: Car, Moto, Bike Quantity Condition of vehicle Walking, bus, cycling, motorcycle, informal transport, car drive, school bus Open question Category Yes/No Mode Number Number Good, bad, poor