Our Five Senses by Emily Vissers Illustrated by Maria Deau

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Our Five Senses by Emily Vissers

This book was produced in the fall of 2014 at St. Norbert College, in De Pere, WI. This book is a collaboration between design and teacher education students. It is typeset in Marker Felt Wide and was digitally printed by the college print center. All illustrations were produced by Maria Deau using pen, scanned, and digitally colored.

Our Five Senses

By Emily Vissers Illustrated by Maria Deau

We have 5 senses.






We use our ears to hear sounds. We can hear people talk, the birds chirping, and music.

Some words we can use to describe thing we hear are loud, quiet, squeaky, and creaky.

We use our eyes to see different things. We can see pictures, animals, and teachers. Some words we can use to describe things we see are tall, blue, small, and round.

We use our nose to smell things. We can smell cookies, flowers, and perfume. Some words we can use to describe the things we smell are flowery, stinky, fishy, and minty.

We use our mouth to taste things. We can taste pickles, oranges, and hamburgers.

Some words we can use to describe the things we taste are bitter, sour,

We use our hands to touch things. We can touch our pillow, pencil, and our shoes. Some words we can use to describe the things we touch are cold, hard, wet, and rough.

With our five senses we can hear, see, smell, taste, and touch different things. We use our senses everyday and they allow us to learn and enjoy the world we live in.

You try! Using your five senses describe popcorn. Popcorn Smells like _________________

Tastes like _________________

Sounds like ______________________

Feels like ______________________

Looks like ______________________

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