Company setting

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Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Q1: What is an SL company, Socieded Limitada (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY)? A1: It is a mercantile organisation in which the capital or money invested by the partners is divided into the company’s shares or participations. The investment contributions of the partners could be monetary or non-monetary. Q2: What types of Limited Liabilities exist? A2: There are different types of limited liability companies in Spain. Broadly speaking company types will depend on: a. The minimum number of partners b. Minimum and/or maximum investment required for its establishment. c. Social Security system in which partners/workers are or have to be registered. d. Some companies may benefit from state or local financial aid and some other sorts of assistance. In this sense the Limited Companies that may be incorporated within the Spanish territory are: Company Type

Number of Partners

Sociedad Anónima (S.A.)

Minimum 1

Sociedad Limitada

Minimum 1

Minimum CapitalInvestment Minimum €60,101.21 Disbursed Capital must be at least 25%

Minimum €3,012


Social Security System

Limited to the Capital Invested

Autonomous (independent Worker) for those partners who work in the Company

Limited to the

Autonomous (independent

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Maximum 5

Nueva Empresa (S.L.N.E.)

Sociedad Limitada (S.L or S.R.L.)

Minimum 1

Sociedad Laboral Anónima

Minimum 3

Sociedad Laboral Limitada

Minimum 3

totally paid. Maximum €120,000

Minimum €3,005.06 totally paid.

Minimum €60,101.21 Disbursed Capital must be at least 25%

Minimum €3,005.06 totally paid.

Capital Invested

Worker) for those partners who work in the Company

Limited to the Capital Invested

Autonomous (independent Worker) for those partners who work in the Company

Limited to the Capital Invested

General or Autonomous System for those partners who work in the Company

Limited to the Capital Invested

General or Autonomous System for those partners who work in the Company

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Sociedad Cooperativa

Minimum 3

Minimum €1,803.04


General or Autonomous System

Q3: What’s the advantage of establishing a company instead of being an sole trader or "Autonomo"? A3: The first and most important advantage is that with a Limited Company your liabilities with third parties are backed up only by the company’s assets. As a independent worker you would have to face any liability with your own personal assets and thus is considered as unlimited.

Q4: Which is the minimum investment required to incorporate a limited liability company? A4: As shown in the chart above each Limited Company Type has its own minimum investment requirements. Some of them additionally require that the investment is paid (deposited in the Company’s Bank Account) before the company is formally established when signing the title deeds in the Notary.

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Q5: What steps must be followed to establish a Limited Liability Company and to start its economic activity? A5: The chart below outlines the steps necessary to establish a limited Liability Company. Step

Procedure / Step



Form – Price

Important Info Documents Required


Company’s Name Negative Certificate

Verify the Company’s Name is not in use by another individual or Company


Bank Deposit

Bank Account Opening and

Registro Mercantil Central.

Any Bank within the Spanish

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Certificación Negativa de Denominación

S.L. :€3.006 S.A. :€15,025.50

The Company’s Name reservation is valid for 15 months, although the Certificate is valid for only 2 months Bank Deposit Slip expires 2

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745




Drafting and Registration of Company’s Constitution Document

Required investment (Capital) Deposit

territory chosen by the Entrepreneurs


Constitution that sets the Company’s Economic Activity purpose and Regulations

Notary Public. It may be advisable to hire a lawyer to draft the Constitution

Depends on the Company’s Capital Lawyers Fees

Provisional Tax I.D Number (C.I.F.)

Tax ID Application to obtain the Provisional Number and the ID stickers.

Patrimony Transfer and Documented

Payment of the Company’s

months after it has been issued Company’s Name Negative Certificate Company’s Constitution Bank Slip

Tributary Agency (Agencia Tributaria) that corresponds to the Company’s Fiscal Address have some sections in English) Dirección General de Tributos de la

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

MODEL 036 or 037

MODEL 600 Tax: 1% of the

DNI or NIE copy of the manager and all the partners. Original and Copy of the Company’s Constitution Document

Simple Copy (Nota

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Legal Acts (ITP y AJD)Tax Payment

establishment inherent taxes

Consejería de Hacienda

Company’s Capital

Simple) of the Constitution Document certified by the Notary Original Constitution Document Deadline: 30 days after the Constitution has been signed



Company Registry

Accounting Books

With this Registration the Company acquires legal authorization to operate.

Libro de Diario

Registro Mercantil that Corresponds to the Company’s “Social” Address (usually the Province Mercantile Registry)


Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Depends on the Company’s Capital. S.L. €180 APX S.A. €210.35 APX

Original Constitution Document Paid MODEL 600 Provisional CIF Deadline: 2 months after the Constitution Document has been signed Request Form and

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745


Libro de Actas Libro de Socios

Company’s Books

Mercantil that Corresponds to the Company’s “Social” Address



Economic Activity Start Up Declaration (Declaración Censal de Inicio de Actividad)

Partner’s Social Security Registration

Declaración Censal de Inicio de Actividad. Economic Activity Registration

Tributary Agency (Agencia Tributaria) that corresponds to the Company’s Fiscal Address

MODEL 036 or 037

Depending on the type of company and the number of shares in the company, working shareholders

City’s Tesorería or Administración General de la Seguridad Social

Official Model TA521 Regimen especial de Autonomos (Special System for Independent workers)

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

CIF DNI/NIE of the Manager or authorised person to act on behalf of the company Deadline. Before starting the company’s activities Social Security card Economic Start up Declaration Original and Copy Constitution

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Social Security

must register in the Social Security as Autonomo.

Document Copy DNI/NIE of the insured individual Original and Copy Deadline: Up to 30 days after starting the company’s activities



Company’s Social Security Registration

Workers’ Social Security Registration

If the company plans to hire employees

When the company hires employees. If employees are not registered in the Social Security System they must be first registered

City’s Tesorería or Administración General de la Seguridad Social City’s Tesorería or Administración General de la Seguridad Social

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Official Model TA6 Social Security Company Registration

Official Social Security models TA1 and/or TA2

DNI/NIE copy of the employee Social Security Card Deadline: Before the employee starts working for the company

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745





Work Centre Operation Start Up Communication

Autonomous and Municipal Licenses

Entrepreneurs must notify the opening of their work centre

Some economic activities require special licenses or permissions

Book of Visits (Inspections) Purchase

When starting activities

Definitive Tax I.D. Number

Once the Company is registered

Dirección General de Trabajo of your Autonomous Community Depends on the Activity and the licenses or permissions required

Free Model of Work Centre opening

Deadline: Within 30 days after opening the work centre

Depends on the Town Hall

Depends on the Activity

Libro de Visitas Specialized Bookstores or in Inspección del Trabajo Administración o Delegación of the AEAT

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

MODEL 036 Signed y the manager and the partners

DNI/NIE copy of the Model c30 signee Original Copy and Copy of the

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de CĂĄdiz Member 2745

Constitution Document Provisional CIF Deadline: Before the expiration date of the Provisional CIF

Q6: What is considered as the Social Address of the Company? A6: The social address of the company is where the main office is located and where the management of the same is effectively carried out. A Spanish Social address must be located within the Spanish territory. Q7: What is considered as the Fiscal Address of the Company? A7: The fiscal address of the company is analogous to the social one and hence is the place where the economic and managerial activities of the company are carried out. Q8: May a Limited Liability Company have Branches? A8: Yes, It may have branches and as many as it considers necessary for its economic purposes. Q9: May a Limited Liability company have branches in foreign countries? A9: Yes, a Limited Liability Company may have its branches either within the Spanish territory or abroad in any foreign country. Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Q10: Do I need to produce a Constitution Document? A10: Yes, it is obligatory to draft the company’s constitution document in order to be able to establish a company. This document has to be notarised and also registered in the Mercantile Registry. This document has to be granted by all the company’s partners. Q11: What elements or aspects need to be mentioned or be contained in the Constitution Document of the Company?

a. b. c. d. e. f.

A11: The aspects or elements to mention in the Constitution Documents are: Partner’s name and Identification Numbers (NIE, DNI, Passport). Partners individual investments or contributions. Number of shares and their unit price. The appointment of the company’s manager. Description of the Economic Activity of the company. Company’s purpose. The Company’s articles of constitution Q12: What must be indicated in the Constitution Articles of the Company?

a. b. c. d. e.

A12: The information required in the Company’s Constitution Articles is: Company’s name and Social Address Company’s economic activity purpose Period of the fiscal Economic Activity exercise. Company’s Capital and Shares Managerial proceedings and organisation as established by law: o 1 Manager o Board of Administrators… among other types. Normally the Company’s Manager or administrators are the company’s shareholders or partners, but it may be appointed a totally independent person(s).

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Cádiz Member 2745

Costa Luz Lawyers C/ Ancha 30, 3º - 11201 Algeciras - (t) +34 956.092.687 - (f) +34 956.092.697 –

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