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4 Meeting Marrakesh Getting to know about the city we are about to explore. Its culture and their main caracteristics.

6 Riad stay Starting the day with a tipixal Marrakesh´s breakfast with their best sweat bread.

7 Camel Ride Cheapest rides for am hour along the beach.

8 Entering in Marrakesh The center of Marrakesh, the Zoco, one of the most touristic points where anyone can find anything for good qualitty and price.

9 Essaouria A charming town three hours away from Marrakesh with one of the most important ports in Morocco.

10 Best products 12 Curiosities




from above


arrakesh is one of the most important cities of Morocco. It is located in the south of the country. Considered one of the principal tourist attractions due to the great number of monuments, existing heritages of the humanity, in it. As for the climate, we find soft winters where the cold does not prevent the tourism, where as in summer we find a very dry climate and with very high temperatures that reduce the percentage of

ON ROAD tourists visiting the country. Due to their economy based principally on the tourism, we meet a city focused in all his aspects to satisfy abroad with intention of promoting tourism. Though not for it the whole population lives with his satisfied needs. We can see a high percentage of poverty and mendacity. Marrakesh is divided in, one divides very developed, behind the wall that surrounds the souk and other one with many lacks inside of it. But in short Marrakesh is a place replete of smells, colours and amusement that attract every day thousands of tourists. Dont miss the oppontunity. It will be a great experience!



Not without breakfast! a good supply to which the animal is submitted.

The riad it the typical marroquian house where any tourist can lodge. They are characterized by their structure, thought to face Morocco´s climate. With a much elaborated decoration, we find terraces in his interior as well as water sources. And the walls adorned with Arabic prints. First thing in the morning if you are staying in a riad, they will delight you with a typical Marroquian breakfast. It is necessary to emphasize the orange juice, typical of Marrakesh, which flavour combines the acid and the sweet. It provides the necessary vitamins to confront the day under those temperatures. Their breakfast based on natural products, would contain different jams made of natural fruit accompanied with honey crepes called Cringal. For the lovers of milk, there we find milk of goat nourished with

And of course, the typical and aromatic mint Marroquian té. It is due to their natural products that we can estimate the quality of their sweets and food. With a merger of flavours we fill ourselves with vitamins and proteins. Arabic breakfast always combines their best products with bread, but not any kind of bread, bread without crumb and well buttered. However, if you re not into sweet and pastry , they count with the best seasonal fruit. Marrakesh´s culture is based on satisfying the neighbour as far as possible and this added to their economy built over tourism, you will have the good guaranteed treatment and your stay will be of the most suitable!

“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast” Jonn Gunther

The Moroccan food is unique, since it combines the marroqui´s customs with an important Turkish influence. In Marrakesh, as they do all around Morocco, the kitchen is considered a woman task. Women who pass on their mothers’ recipes to their daughters. It is characterized principally by a significant use of spices and the indiscriminate mixture of sweet and salty. It is a very domestic kitchen made with a lot of care and with the major number of natural products as possible.


The camel, though in this case dromedary, has been a principal transport in the desert zones from several years ago until now. We will be able to differ to a dromedary of a camel for his hump.The camel has two where as he dromedary only has one. Dromedaries are covered with blankets on which we can seat and avoid hurting the dromedary´s back. Its one of the favourite activities for tourist that visit marrakesh.

Would you like a ride? El Palmeral, Morocco

Essaouira, Morocco

It is considered a luxurious place covered with more than one hundred thousand palm trees. It is now a place where economical privileged people would afford to live there. The main means of transport are either taxi or camel. They offer an hour long walk for tourist for about 150 Dirham, 15 Euros in total. They also give you the right equipment needed to cope with high temperatures. You will be able to wear their traditional cloths. The walk includes a tour along desert zones and local areas on the back of the camel. You will always be under the supervision of a local camel rider.

It is located two hundred kilometres away from Marrakesh , a really quiet village known for its windy beach , a perfect place where to surf and also for its fishing port, one of the most important of Morocco. They offer among other activities such as surf, kayak, and horse riding... they also arrange camel tours. You will walk along the beach admiring the view while the animal goes up and down the dunes. If you close your eyes you can even feel like if you where in the dessert. Mean while, the camel leader will take pictures of you over the animal if you wish.


o c o z h s e k a r


‘‘ No matter where or why you travel there is always somthing wonderfull out there to be found.”


Labyrinth of cheap little stores that take over dozens of streets in the old centre of Marrakesh. We can find many kinds of products such as clothes, skin purses, spices, argan oil...for the best price. The craftsmen gather in crowds for unions and they dominate multiple languages. You should know, you never should pay not even a third part of the price they give

you, bargaining is the key. The best time to go during the day is early in the morning when every single store is open and you have enough light so that you don’t get lost. There are many diferen tips that everybody who has been in Marrakesh will recommend you to follow. Dont let them see your enthusiastic about a product, this will let them know you will buy it at any price.



Charming landscapes Essaouria's port If you are spending several day in marrakesh, go ahead and visit Essouria. They provide you with buses that go streight to the city and back. You can either take the first option available daily, or rent a car. This second option is really cheap, but you should be aware of the wildly drive they have. Also you should make sure your document are updated , there are many police controls in the roads that go from one city to another. There is a very stricted speed control, cars can only go to 100 kilometres per hour.

Essaouria is a very small and charming citty. It does not possess big monuments but its charm relies on the structure of the streets and their products. You will have the opportunity to try many different types of food. Fresh fish is the most popular option in between tourist. But you can also have access to typical Marroquian food. Essouria’s port is famous about its traditional fishing work and its landing of fish that goes streight from the ships to the restaurants where customers will enjoy their deliciuos meals.

Essauoria , one of the most important cities due to its fishing port of Morocco. It is located in the Atlantic coast. The center pf the city or what they call ‘‘Medina’’ is considered World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Its economy is based on the fishing, and textile industry but mainly on tourism . His beach has been an important center of attraction for all those tourists interested in surf , their strong wind provides them with great waves and tides. It is considered a very calmed place compared to a bussy city like Marrakesh. Their Medina is also surrounded by walls andin the center tourist and local people walk trough their traditional stores. A great plave to walk due to its moderated temperatures.



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Carpets The carpets are one of the main attractions of the zoco, due to the great variety of models that we can find. It is impossible not to think that at least one of these colouring carpets hand woven by the Moroccan women would adorn to the perfection our apartment´s floor. On the other hand this product turns out to be very valuable for the admirers of the crafts and hand made products, since the foreigners who travel to Marrakesh won’t find this relation quality I boast in the western countries from which they come. They are specially striking the called “carpets of prayer” because of their size and because they are very exotic for those who don’t usually use and object like that to worship.

Findings on prices the sellers know that the potential shoppers will want to haggle over price. It is what they carry out two tactics, on one hand the increase the starting price in a way they don’t lose money and on the other hand the sellers invite the shoppers to have a cup of tea creating a familiar atmosphere to persuade them to buy some products. They are capable of recognising Physical features according to the country, and use it in their one benefit. Try to avoid following them when they try to sell you products and turn aside of the route, they might guide you to locals where illegal imitations are made and they could get you in trouble

“You can´t buy love , but you can by handmade and thats kind of the same thing”




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From the top of the tree to the bottom of your cup of tea

Tourist attraction

Goat´s milk

Curious but effective techniques I’m sure you have check twice to see if you were actually seeing well and and they are goats those that walk along the high of the trees. This peculiar picture comes in responds to obtain milk with a high nourishing level, it is why they place them on the top of the tree to add in their menu the Argan seed.

Where ever you go, always...

Marrakesh transformed into a spectacle when the sun goes down

When the sun comes down we can be whitenesses of the metamorphosis of the zoco. What during the day is a concentration of juice stores during the night it transforms into a place where to have dinner while you enjoy spectacles. You can choose between amusing yourself seeing magicians of serpents, transvestites’ dances or to enjoy a story accompanied of music. This way the zoco turns out to be the main point where different types of people join and relax having a great time. Every food store will be assigned with a number and every client selects one of them in order to their food and charm. Sellers will be trying to attrackt your attention singing very well known song according to the county you come from. You should be aware about not getting lost , it is eassy to get lost into the crowd and darkness doesnt help. To sum up we can see its a very different culture with many multiple habits that are not even similar to western world , but at the end of the day we seem to want the same thing. We want to forget about everything and enjoy the night. Zoco’s night does not make distinction on ages and you can either find a man in his fifties watching tipical marrakeshs’ dances or a ten year old boy amazed about a snake.



Trying stuff since 1938

Hope you enjoyed the flight

“Life is a trip , plan your next vacation” Maththew E.Freyer

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