ウラジオストクの旅行スケッチ物語 Sketch story about my trip to Vladivostok July 2017
by Mariia Ermilova
I am ready to take the plane. My friend Luba advised me this flight.
I am going back to Russia. Excited and relaxed.
My official purpose of visit to Vladivostok was 6th ACLA international symposium in FEFU dedicated to urban cultural landscape regeneration.
Delegates came from India, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, Korea, China, Germany, Italy, Iran and Russia.
This photo is kindly taken
by Evgeniy Ko
I was surprised how interdisciplinary the cultural landscapes discussion can be.
The campus of FEFU on Russky Island was huge and empty.
Nikolai, Fyodor, Evgeniy, Elena and me go to the forest close to campus for a walk.
We listened frogs. We saw fireflies in the darkness of the forest.
And then, these giant butterflies.
We go around Vladivostok together, too.
With Maya, Aicel, Kat, Josh and Michael in front of the theater
After conference I started the discovery of Vladivostok by myself
Do you know this place?
Also, I wanted to learn about spoonbills nesting in Russia. If we have opportunity to observe these birds, Russia can unite with other asian countries through environmental projects, dedicated to their protection. It was my little mission.
I checked the museum first ➞
In FEFU museum
Many blue birds discovered!
The bridge and railway station !
I met with local ornithologist Rada and her friend for a cup of coffee to hear about environmental movement in Vladivostok and spoonbills.
Black-faced spoonbills were present in Russia. But on remote protected islands with unstable population. Too bad!
I got an advise to go to Oceanarium and butterfly exhibition.
I love to sketch here
fish faces
quite dark and no one around
Sturgeon and sterlet fish - once the numerous inhabitants of my native Volga.
Осетр и стерлядь - некогда многочисленные обитатели моей Волги.
Один большой сомище в аквариуме
Koi fish
inquiring faces
Exhibition, where I touch tropical butterflies for the first time
Some of them would stay calmly on your hands, some fly without rest
Here I met an ornithology student Irina, working part-time with caterpillars.
She kindly introduce me to her university teacher, Olga Valchuk. And we go to bird ring station, where they work.
When we arrived it was dark
Insects were coming to light
Biological station kitchen
Local people help to keep the camp equipment between the seasons.
� Cups protected from forest guests
 S a m o v a r traditional kettle used to heat and boil water in Russia !
Завтрак на полевой станции кольцевания птиц Уссурийского центра биоразнообразия: творожники со сметаной и вареньем из жимолости, вареный кофе. Красиво жить не запретишь! :)
Изготовители завтрака Костя и Ольга Павловна за плитой полевой кухни.
Breakfast at the ringing birds field station of the Ussuri Biodiversity Center: cottage cheese cakes with sour cream and jam, coffee.
Camp director wagon house
Мне показали фото - вот какую работу ведут на станции. Тут рады помощникам и можно поработать волонтером, проживая в палатке на опушке леса.
On the bird ringing station they are happy to see guests, who are interested in nature and can help scientists to collect and ring the birds during the season. Photo from archives of Olga Valchuk
Ornithologists, working on the station: Konstantin and Denis
The fireplace
Common photo before departure from forest back to Vladivostok. I am grateful to the team of bird ringing station for the warm greeting. Thank you!
Last days in Vladivostok
I made a visit to Alexey with his cats charity exhibition.
The most memorable meeting was with a black blind cat, who being taken in hands, let out his claws in order to "feel" the space and was always alert but at the same time touchingly helpless with these huge clawed paws.
Более всех мне запомнился огромный черный слепой кот, который, будучи взят на руки выпускал когти чтобы "пощупать" пространство и был всегда настороже, но в то же время трогательно-беспомощным с этими огромными когтистыми лапами.
And go hiking on Russky island with new friends from landscape symposium.
With Yulia, Anna and friends on cape Tobizina
Then it was time to say goodbye to Vladivostok
and take a little Aurora plane. See you again.
The end