Almost Pretty Brunswick
Industrial Junkspace
Maria Giovani isalaura 621831
Analysis Map Building footprint Heritage overlay Industrial uses Industrial buildings under Heritage overlay
20- 24 Tinning Street The silos were built in 1952 by Brunswick Plaster Mills Pty Ltd, manufacturers of Plaster of Paris and other building products.
23- 25 Tinning Street
1-17 Colebrook Street
14 Frith Street
Factory & warehouse property with office space.
Former Melville’s Grain Store built in 1888. The use of bluestone is a reflection of the 19th century industrial boom in Brunswick.
Former Steel Company of Australia built in 1960. It is one of the last intact example of the area’s once thriving steel industry.
342-348 Victoria Street Former Australian Licorice Factory Chimney and Fire tunnels built in 1922.
The si s Ques t i on Ho w t o a d a p t a n d r e u s e i n d u s t r i a l s t r u c t u r e s i n c l u d i n g t h o s e n o t pr ot e c t e d by t he he r i t a ge ove r l a y t o ope n ne w pos s i bi l i t i e s f or a dve nt ur e , c ul t i va t i on a nd l e i s ur e ?
Site 01 Union Street
Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Site 02 Frith Street
Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Site 03 Tinning Street
Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Site Photos
Site Elevation
Existing Context
Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Existing Building Height
3 Storeys & above 2 Storeys 1 Storey
Removal of derelict spaces
Indicates removal of derelict spaces, such as automotive workshops with tin facades, run down materials, etc. Indicates a partial removal of the structure + addition of new floor plates Indicates building upgrade, occupying it rather than changing it.
Case Study
Case Study
Proposed Plan Old buildings are a good opportunity to work with. It is about recycling old buildings, junkspace which clutters our streets, turning them into something better. Nowadays cities are divided into two areas: one that changes quickly, and one that cannot be changed. (Koolhas & Foster 2001) Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Public Space
1. Staircase leading to the new train station, allowing a chance of encounter 2. Market square where pop up markets can take place during weekends 3. Seats for outdoor cinema / performance as a part of remembrance. Penders Horseshoe Nail Factory in Tinning St was used as a cinema, later named Oxford Cinema but was demolished in 1983. 4. Public seating 5. Cafe
Building Height Before
3 Storeys & above 2 Storeys 1 Storey
Nolli Map The nolli map helps to highlight the difference between the solids and voids in the city which allows us to quickly compare sizes, orientation and shapes of the urban form. It also allows us to identify the public and private buildings and their relationship to the urban fabric.
Massing Diagram
Train line Residential Industrial Office Community Train station Education Retail Ind Structure w/ Heritage overlay
Upfield line section
Courtyard typology block The old industrial structure is retained, new floors are added to add new uses such as cafes, flexible spaces on the ground floor, gym, child care centre on the first floor & residential on the second floor.
Public room
Mixed Use
Silo is connected to the new train station & acts as a public room. It is also an art gallery & a retail space.
The old warehouses are adapted into cafes, retail and services on the ground floor. New entrances are added to create new front doors. The warehouse is also divided in two to create a new pedestrian link.
Cultral : Arts, Education
Amenities: Lunch time locations, gyms, services
Mobility: New pedestrian route, New train station
Public Space
Figure ground