Direct Mailer By: Mariah Bly
This is the beginning process of my flower invitation, this sketch here is my first design that I was going to go with.
This was a idea that I came up with, I really did like the long ways intiation with the brick texture for the background.
This is the flower pot invitation idea I had, I thought it would look neat to have the flower showing at the top of the invitaiton.
This sketch included the envelope that would go with it.
This was my final sketch idea that I ended up going with. I did not like how my other sketch the flowers were round. I ended up changing it to this.
This picture here is my sketch cut out with all the information on it.
I ended up changing my flower design a second time to this one. This sketch made it much eaiser to fold up and allowed me to have more space.
This is the back of my mock up with it folded all in.
I new all along that I wanted a belt like thing to go around the outside of my invitation. I decided to go with a flower on the outside of it with the petal coming off with the address of the event.
I decided to paint the back of the inviation in this teal color because I did not like how it was just plain white.
This is just a picture I took after painting the outside. As you can see it got a little messy.
I decided to go with a yellow petal for the outsdie and to have a flower with it.
This is my mock up put all together.
This is the outside of the final piece. I went with the paisley background for where I put the text and the teal blue all over.
This is the other side of the envelope, as you can see I did the teal blue on the outsdie and inside.
This is the inside of my invitation, I really liked how it turned out. The colors stayed good even after getting printed. I went with a fade on the petals so that it could add more texture to it.
The Glorious Garden Festival circle comes out and has more information on the front and back.
This is the backside of the circle that comes out.
This took me the longest to decide on, I did not know if i wanted to have it just teal or if I should do a texture on the outside. I narrowed it down to putting spring bright green grass on the outside. I think it ended up turning out good.
This is anther picture of the envelope.
ANDD... TA-DA.. This is my final invitation all put together. Overall, this project was really fun and I leraned a lot. I think it turned out really well and im happy about it.