Talk of the Club (April-May 2011)

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April-May 2011

Mentor Spotlight


Kent Gerhan is the club’s mentor and a big reason why our young club is doing so well. He is also a seasoned Toastmaster and an evaluator extraordinaire! Not only has he won almost every “Best Evaluator” ribbon, but his evaluations always move us to the next level of speaking excellence. In his honor, we include these words by his favorite writer— as we reserve a regular spot on “Talk of the Club” for his upcoming contributions. Kent, we want to learn more from you!

a bimonthly look at Toastmasters@SDCC

From the President

“Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things

alk of the Club dedicates this issue to our

ahead than any we leave behind.”

beloved member, Amanda Graham, who will be “I gave in, and admitted that God was God.”

graduating from San Diego Christian College with

~ C.S. Lewis

a degree in Musical Performance on May 7th. Amanda has added so much joy and class to Toastmasters@SDCC. Although she is the youngest member of our club, her extensive

Join us Mondays

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5:30 – 7:00 PM San Diego Christian College Room 12 2100 Greenfield Drive El Cajon, CA 92019 Contact Us

Thank you, Dr. Larry Pawl! 619-590-2175

I imagine that it must be hard to

stage experience (performing in musical theatre and as a fea-

visit or join a club full of

tured soloist), her poise and confidence, as well as her maturi-

strangers, but new visitors will

ty and love for the Lord have elevated the caliber of our

not find a friendlier club than

meetings. Not only is she a great speaker, but her input dur-

Toastmasters@SDCC. It offers a

ing speech evaluations always gives her fellow Toastmasters

warm and friendly atmosphere

encouragement and valuable for improvement.

week after week. We pray be-

Amanda’s immediate plans after graduation includes

fore the meeting and greet

her mission’s trip to Israel with SDCC’s Vision music and dra-

newcomers with excitement

ma team. Amanda is still raising her support; if you want to

and enthusiasm. By the time

contribute, mail your check to Vision Israel 2011, Dept. of

they leave, guest will feel

Music, San Diego Christian College, 2100 Greenfield Dr.,

blessed by our uniquely Chris-

El Cajon, CA 92011.

tian club and an amazing group

Join Am anda's Celebra tion!

of Toastmasters who are here Launching a successful Toastmasters club does not happen by accident. Only through the investment of mentors who have donated their time to teach us the ropes has Toastmasters@SDCC thrived as a very young club. We owe much of our success to Larry Pawl, 15 year Toastmasters veteran. He invested much energy and experience in our club leadership, meetings, and members. Last Monday, April 25th, Larry bid farewell to our club with a passionate and emotional speech, urging us to “leave a legacy.” In an economy like today’s, he reminded us, many people are looking for jobs and need the skills Toastmasters can provide. Larry, we are going to miss your humor, enthusiasm, and passion. Thank you for your investment in us! We hope you visit us often!


to grow and help others do the same. But our Toastmasters are also fierce competitors—they speak with passion to win a “Best Speaker,” “Best Table Topic,” or “Best Evaluator” ribbon for the evening. Yet there are no sore losers here, only men and women who want to improve even more. Come join us!

Sam Keckler

Amanda We Are So Proud of You! May the Lord continue to rule in your heart and bless your steps. We can’t wait to see how He will grow you and use you for His Glory even more! (John 15:5).

Passion >>>

Member News & Nods

Passionate Speakers Among Us We recently held a club speech contest to select the best speaker to represent us at Area 15 Speech Contest. Our four contestants delivered four impressive and passionate speeches:

Sam Keckler’s speech, “We Have to Fight,” convinced us to be prepared to “Fight” for God! He was a regular David against Goliath!

Diane Szuch challenged us to ponder about Our Whisper In Time and what we will do with the short time we have on earth.

Linda Blackburn presented an edge-of-yourseat, dramatic speech, illustrating the story of an abused woman in “Sands of Time.”

Ann Williams challenged us to “Live in the present with the great I AM.” Wow!

Diane won the “Best Speaker” in a close race! She represented Toastmastersers@SDCC beautifully at the Area 15 Speech Contest on April 9th on the campus of San Diego Christian College.

Quick Thinking & Table Topics Diane Szuch, Laurie Jones, Sam Keckler and Amanda Graham all participated in our “in club” table topics contest. Everyone received the same “secret” question: “What is your favorite Reality Show and why?” Thinking on your feet is not as easy as you may think, especially when you have only 75 seconds or less to answer a question you’ve never heard before. Laurie Jones walked away as the winner with a mixture of “cooking show” fodder and the passion she has for cooking “boiled over.” Laurie represented our club beautifully, achieving “Runner Up” ranking at the Area 15 contest.

Special Focus >>>


Meet Maria Keckler Where are you from? I was born in Mexico City. I moved to California

May 7 Amanda Graham’s graduation. Worship Center of Shadow Mountain Church.

when I was sixteen, so the Mexican girl is most definitely Californian. Tell us about your family: I’ve been married to my best friend, Sam, for 23 years. Our only daughter is a freshman at Biola University. Both of

10:00 AM

them are the love of my life.

June 13

What are some of your life goals? As new empty nesters, Sam and I are embarking on a new chapter

Toastmasters@SDCC Fundraising auction (see back page for details)

August 17-20

of our lives, pursuing some of the dreams the Lord has placed in our hearts. One of them is launching Vineworks Publishers, a non-profit Christian publishing house. Although it’s a huge undertaking, I’m excited about the first project: “Stories from the Vine (,” a line of story

Toastmasters International Convention

Why did you become a Toastmaster? As the Director of the Ezra Center for Excellence, I’m always

Bally’s Las Vegas

looking for professional and personal development opportunities for the constituents of Christian

Las Vegas Nevada

Unified Schools, San Diego Christian College, Southern California Seminary, Shadow Mountain

August 30

Church, and the local community. Toastmasters was a perfect fit, so when Kent Gerhan offered to

Eastern Division Contest

mentor a new club, SDCC jumped at the opportunity to sponsor it. I joined to get the club going and

Hubbs-Sea World Research Insti-

to inspire my husband to join. Since then, I have already seen my speaking skills grow significantly.

tute; 2995 Ingraham Street, San Diego

What do you do? I’m the director of instructional technology and the Ezra Center, serving the organizations I mentioned. In short, I teach teachers and help make professional development accessible. What do you do for fun? Reading, writing, and learning new things are my brain candy. Teaching


(without grading) fires me up, so I do it as often as I can. Family time is the best fun of all!

By Marg Whitten

Famous Quotes from Our Very Own Toastmasters@SDCC

Many Toastmasters, including myself, have struggled with confidence issues. They come up when speaking in public, being in crowds, or interacting

“It’s wiser to be quiet sometimes.” and “Everything you want to know about brakes without dying.” Jack delighting us again.

with others. We may feel like we cannot do anything right! Moses had these feeling too, but he begged the Lord, “O Lord, I am just not a good speaker…I am clumsy with words.” Exodus 4:10-

12. God wanted to use him anyway and in a

“I’m more of a Tango guy! I like reading straight ahead.” Larry on reading old books.

 “I was on the road to hell for 33 years and was loving it … until I met Jesus!” Sam on living for self and changing course.

 “I almost passed out when giving my Master’s Thesis, but I am thankful for that opportunity because I got to meet you!” Debra on inspiration for joining Toastmasters.

mighty way. Moses example matters because we

Peggy Leslie... This funny lady was the Table Topics Master one evening. She had us finish the lines she doled out to help get ideas for her new mystery novel! Maybe she’ll share the book royalties with her club when it becomes a bestseller.

have a unique Christian Club. We work to develop in ways that will glorify God! How exciting is that? My prayer is that God will use our little club here in San Diego Christian College and El Cajon in a mighty way as we encourage one another and bless our community…and the world. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my

Ann Williams...

heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord my Rock

Reminded us that for Christians, Heaven is spelled H-O-M-E.

and my Redeemer.” Ps 19:14

 ”Say things in a fresh new way, Dazzle us!” Maria, on being creative, responding to Table Topics questions.

 “We need to take a leap of faith, and we need to find our own zip lines! Sharon, telling her leap of faith story.

 “I love to cook… and feeding people!” Laurie, on what she loves to do.

tracts that will allow many of God’s people to share their story in 850 words or less. I’m so excited to help many Christians bear fruit for Christ, sharing the stories that God has entrusted with them.

The Editor’s Lens

“The best invention, in my opinion, is Ms. Clairol.” Evie, with Table Topics wit.

Visit our Facebook Page to view and congratulate weekly winners: Best Speaker. Best Table Topics. Best Evaluator. Most Improved.

KUDOS, Dave Jones! David Jones organized and led our club’s speech and Table Topics contest. He did an amazing job, putting together and hosting a first class contest that gave the club the “authentic” Toastmasters competition experience. A huge “Thank You,” David, form all of us!

Club Officers Sam Keckler, President Marguerite Whitten, VP of Public Relations Linda Blackburn, Treasurer David Jones, Secretary Lynn Bleyle, Sergeant of Arms Kent Gerhan, Club Mentor Learn about these and other leadership positions in your Competent Leadership Manual. We are looking for more leaders!

We’re looking for submissions for the June-July “Talk of the Club.” Email them to

Did you know? >>> Pat Johnson, Toastmasters International President, said that strong evaluations are the gift we give each other as Toastmasters. “As we listen intently, we develop critical thinking skills.” Check out the April Toastmaster Magazine to understand how to manage your speaking anxiety!

Welcome to the Club! Rob Rowsell

Join the Editorial Staff Marguerite Whitten Maria Keckler Sam Keckler


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