Mariam Omara | Architecture Portfolio 2020

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Curious to know something about everything. Always trying to conceptualize complex ideas. Currently aiming to expand upon my practical experience in the creative design field. PERSONAL STATEMENT

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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


I’m an Architecture and Urban Design Graduate who’s into experimenting with illustration styles and visual narrations. Striving to create authentic work that merges architectural theory and design craft with visual arts; since the passion for architecture was struck from my ingrained love for arts, and the discipline’s demand for logic and spirituality.

GET IN CONTACT! Cellular // +20 1061593343 Personal Email // Address // New Cairo, Egypt



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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O




00 02 04 07 RESUMÉ





THE SAND BOX experimental interior composition

01 03 05 06 SITOPIA V2.0




09 OFFICE MONO interior visualizations

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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O




This project aims to revitalize the area of Complexo da Maré, an informal settlement in Rio, Brazil, and relate the existing fabric in both scale and rhythm, and display the power of food production, in moving the people of Complexo da Maré, from striving for basic human needs to self-fulfillment, derived from food sovereignty. The food asset appears as a key driver for the revitalization process since it’s strongly identified as a successful lever for community engagement and empowerment. The upgraded food policies can activate synergic strategies, towards a new circular metabolism for the favelas, that favors plurality for the city. The proposal offers a template for a productive conservation strategy that is scalable and resilient, and dissolves geo-coded social and physical boundaries and by triggering new activities, starting with answering this one question:

---how are the people living here eating?

Elements of Urban Space

Upgrading Food Policies Towards a New Circular Metabolism.

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+ Mapping of food territories around the area of Complexo da Mare, sends geo-coded messages, that show the concentration of leisure and recreational activities in the formal rather than in the informal neighborhoods.

+ Concentration of trees disappears gradually the more we get closer to Mare.The right to having green spaces is restricted for Favelados.

+ The resulted pattern by which these activities are concentrated, creates an additional layer of a concieved boundary, along Avenida Brazil, fortifying the separation.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O

For most of our existence on earth, we’ve lived in productive landscapes, we live in a world shaped by food, a Sitopia [an artificial term yet natural connection coined by Carolyn Steel: [si: food, topos: place], food theoretically and pragmatically controls most of how we live our life; it’s a complex inter-relational political issue.



The recent events of covid-19 in particular, have made the fragility of our food systems even clearer. Seeing through the lens of such events is solid proof that everything is changed, and nothing has changed; the paradox of our urban reality. It’s important to show that alternatives to how we live our everyday, do exist, especially that inspecting and upgrading our food systems has been overlooked for years. In a time when our cities are in crisis, and our obsolete systems are collapsing, we must develop new models and relationships that answer some of the big questions that yet to this day, remain unanswered. How do we rebuild food systems for us to achieve resilience? How do we use food to animate our lives? How do we make food processes visible again? In short, how do we update to Sitopia v2.0?

The proposal aims at activating a set of existing urban elements, and suggests an architectural toolbox that can be easily replicated in different areas. Joining up the available pockets and abandoned warehouses, the hybrid/industrial area will be transformed into a landscaped productive masterplan, that functions as a “green-knowledge-economy” corridor to promote sustainability and inclusive wealth.

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Fish Farm +++ The intervention is meant to bring back the original trade and culture of the residents of Complexo da Mare.The flexible structure is designed to be versatile, to adabt to multiple uses and purposes, blending in cultural and economic value. It can even be transformed into a permenant on ground structure.


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CAPSULE 2 0 15 / ’ 2 0

M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


INTERVENTIONS Building upon Plato’s [a good society is one where everyone eats well], the proposal introduces an urban food language, or a social matrix of programs, that form the grammar to the city. The programs include, an agri-vocational school, a fish market, a tree nursery, a green house, a community kitchen, a food production hub, a food pavilion, a rehabilitation seed center, a research lab+factory, a bee garden, laje food sheds, and a mobile food stall network. The programs are designed to operate as mechanisms of transformation, that will be able to potentiate the qualities of the created spaces, as aestheticized, productive, and therapeutic social spaces.


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fish++ market 2 0 15 / ’ 2 0

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The proposal starts from the formation of a network of agents to work with a food vulnerable community, with the intention of proposing concrete, viable and sustainable alternatives to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Complexo da Mare.

A manual or framework will be provided by the NGOs & Educational Facilitites, to support individuals to kickstart their contribution to the food production strategy on a micro scale.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


How Can “food-production” work as a catalyst for urban growth in the Twenty First Century African City? The Following Project is a theoritical and experimental study on the for It









scenarios from which the new city could gain a strong competitive edge, in the modern era, by holding on to its original agricultural roots and fishing heritage, and escelating from there to a self-sustained, regenerative city, and a global trading center.It experiments with multi-saled interventions in the various layers of the city, looking for answers to one central question; --How Can “food production” work as a catalyst for urban growth in the Twenty-First Century African City?


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



The Three Stage Rocket “Core” Food production Strategy //

“The plan is perceived as a ‘threestage rocket’, starting with food production, then focusing on light industry and finally attracting and developing a service industry. First, the city will contain its own food production in the estuaries and in the fishing communities that already exist. Hence, the base for the current local economy to exist and expand is there. Secondly, a zone for logistics and (light, non-polluting) industries is planned close to the Trans African highway. This zone could attract investors and industrial companies who can set up shop there. The area is attractive for both local and global investors to step into, due to its closeness to airport, port and road connections, and Ghana’s overall stable environment. This allows from a transition from just the production of food to ‘off farm’ production in which farmers can expand their production to other parts of the food (and value!) chain. These include planting material, supply, application, logistics, sales and consumer thus generating more income for the community. This same goes for the fishing industry: an industry can be set up for fish processing.”---UN Habitat Ningo-PramPram

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Through out the history of Ghana, Tema in particular, urban

One of the most recent releases for African cities building

planners and researchers have proposed a series of building

manuals, was made by Michelle Provoost and Rachel Keeton

manuals, DIY tool kits and guides that can be easily customized

in 2019.The very same planning framework, can be imposed


on the dwellers of future cities, and will hopefully transform

to the living and working purpose of dwellers,

provided with a general framework or area building codes.

cities to environments, that are tailored to specific puposes, and flexible to live, work and produce in.

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Tema + Ningo PramPram “Anchoring” Strategy //

Starting with connecting Temas Industrial Zone to Ningo Pram-Pram with an extended «arm» from the the structural green web, with the aim of creating a multiplelink production cycle, where crops would be farmed in Ningo Prampram, shipped to the factory zone in Tema, a potential area for food production factories. When the food is processed, food production escelates to a new level of production, creating a broader job market and diversifying food production possibilities.Temas Fishing Harbour could also act as an important factor contributing to the overall food production cycle. In the future, if the plan continues to blossom, Ghana could become one of the leading exporting countries of crops and food products. Ningo Pram-Pram will consequently become an attractive arrival city, after its “anchored” by Temas industrial zone and harbour.



The invisioned food production process 2 0 15 / ’ 2 0

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F ro m Te m a To N i n g o - P r a m P r a m





follows; crops will be planted & harvested in Ningo PramPram to fulfill individual need, excess will be moved to local markets or the new local port for exports. A portion of the crops will be transported to the industrial zone, where new products will be created for both local and global



goods will then be exported from Tema’s industrial port to the world.Ghana has been home to chocolate production factories like Hersheys for decades now, and has been leading the cocoa beans




markets for years. Building on this history, the new scenarios hope for Ghana to continue in the same direction, and build an urban image thats both in

based food







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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O

Potential Food Production Zones

The following interventions might be seen as rather imaginative or experimental.They are very different in aproach, scale and implementation.However, All five interventions contribute collectively to the main strategy; “food production as a catalyst for urban growth in new African cities”. The proposed ideas are imposed on different layers of the new city.Each of the ideas contribute in a way to the overall strategy.They can be considered as blueprints that fit in within the larger framework.


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The Fisherman’s village arrival village

Ningo Prampram is expected to be an attractive site for workers from all over Ghana, typically village dwellers or the existing Ningo-Prampram inhabitants, who will see potential job opportunities for them in the city thats just beginning to re-form. This exact area, near a possible secod local harbour, creates an anchor point for a fisherman’s village. The fisherman’s village will house the people, within a flexible modular structure, on the outskirts of the new metropolis. The units can be tailored to different dwellers needs and uses. The village will alllow the dwellers to build the place they live in by themselves within a standardized framework. The structure also investigates the connection of people with their food and creates modules that connect architecture with agriculture. By establishing new foundations that embrace the country’s cultural heritage, through introducing mixed urban typologies, the fisherman’s village will continue to attract people from all over Ghana.


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Structural Modules

+ Apart from the flexible module, the new Fishermen’s village will offer, It will also incoporate the latest farming technologies, making the maximum output from the available natural resources. -aquaponic farming -for instance, relies on fish waste as a fertilizer for plants, and simultanously, fish feed on the plants.

+ [aquaponic farming] +


[the studio]

[the duplex]

[the appartment]


The Research Lab

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This facility is meant to take “food production” to a new level, beyond corn kernells & cocoa beans.The research lab runs in a different scenario, that also starts with herb harvesting. Ghana can create medicines and remedies that are 100% naturally extracted from its lands, and in the future export them to the whole world. This cycle allows for a transition from merely production of food from the planted crops to “off farm” production in which farmers can expand their production to other parts of the food value chain. These might include roles like vendors of planting material, suppliers for plants and herbs, doctors, techicians, representative members for the overall application process, logistics, and sales, thus generating more income and elevating the city’s urban image.


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The Business District Pavillion The new city Fariming “Service” center //

In order to make people of NingoPramPram an integrated part of the proposed strategy, the right amount of general knowledge and awareness needs to be spread, and a sample show case project needs to be shown to the genral public, as small proof that it coould actually work and cause grate impact on the long run.The Trans African Highway will become a fundamental spine in the city and a tourist head-to area reflecting the image of the city, it will be a zone for offices and businesses, and will attract loal and global investors. The Farming Pavillion can also function as the “New City Service Centre”, an on ground facility, that delivers the necessary knowledge to express the importance of the plan.This Service Center is more than just a technical facility; it is a hub bringing together people for engagement. The New City Service Center will link local knowledge and expertise to the network of specialists in Ghanaian universities and the networks of the Urban Lab.

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The University Campus District Lab Live Experimental Agricultural Laboratory //

The -University Campus District- is considered an essential zone to kick-start the food production strategy. Agriculture Education is a very important tool at the beginning of the implementation process, many of the millenials lack enough knowledge and awareness about the possibilities and potential the agriculture sector holds for their future and the future of their country. Around the campus area, is a vast area of land, which will be used as a “live experimental laboratory” for the students to recieve professional agricultural knowledge. The area could also withhold educational pavillions and modular structures for reading and relaxing, in order to enhance the quality of the experience. The space should be flexible, to be used for a various number of purposes, to host a speech or an open market event for instance. This proposal for the University Campus District could be considered as a new urban combination/ integration, where new ideas and concepts revolving around food production, could flow freely between farmers and the young generations.



Ve r t i c a l C a t t l e + C ro p s F a r m / /

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Farming “Y-axis”

With the new identity, the city aims to shape for itself, creating a resilient economy from food production, the process will have to be faster and smarter. Vertical farming could be a very convenient option.Regardless of its many advantages of saving land area and creating a moden image for the city, vertical farming could be a very useful tool, not only for crop planting, but also for live stock operations. The Vertical Farm answers this question: how to farm, produce, store, and sell in the same place, regarding the vital needs for its functions, while interacting harmoniously with its urban context? The structure offers an unseen integration of functions. Inhabited research and experimenting areas are contrasted by efficient, spaces of production, and storage.It merges the specs of the traditional village structure, as an outset to create a modern structure and landmark for the new food based city.




Future Proofing Ghana’s Agriculture Based Economy //

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For the Srategy to work effeciently now and even 100 yeras later, Ghana will have to build a strong IT network all over the city connecting farmers, land owners, markets, producers etc. And with the fourth industrial revolution striking up, the age of internet and digitalisation, Agriculture has to be incoporated in the fast changing technology in order to continue to become the backbone of development in the city. With the use of mobile applications, drones, sensors, IoT, green houses and Artificial Intelligence, food production processing and manufacturing will be easier, and will secure a stable place for most Ghanians in the economic cycle.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


EMBASSY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC [ Addis Abeba | Ethiopia ]


A European embassy in Africa is more likely to be an imposed affair, using materials and human resources brought from outside. This Proposal for the Embassy of The Czech republic in Addis Ababa is different. It’s meant to be entirely realized by local materials and local workforce using the only widely available local construction material, Ethiopian Earth, more of a vernacular building approach, coupled with Ethiopian stone and timber for the interior and exterior finishes. With the use of the richly pigmented Ethiopian earth, the walls, floors and ceilings are all composed of the same material. Also, the earth could be mixed with various iron oxides to pigment the layers and thus create unique textures and patterns. Although the buildings external appears to be purely Ethiopian, The walls metaphorically narrate the story of the Czech Republic being captive in the Soviet Union For many years before it became an independent country, like wise, the exterior fencing or wall, diverges towards the inside to shape the architecture and guide the circulation into all the different spaces through out the embassy complex, with the wall serving a purpose beyond safety and functionality, but to create a unique architectural experience, as the walls alternate in pattern, height, thickness and spacing between one another.

[ Exploded Axonometric | Zoning Diagram ]

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[ Office Sections | Main Embassy building ]

[ Design Language Imposition ]


Villa Tugendhat | Mies Van Der Rohe] Embassy Design Proposal


ii. walls are added, both horizontally and vertically, as a tool to guide the circulation through out the embassy complex, shaping enclosed spaces and exterior social zones.

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i. following a 1x1 m grid, walls are placed essentially to set boundaries between the different zones that require separation for security purposes.

iii. interior walls are then used to divide further the interior spaces, demonstrating a clear hierarchy, the walls are designed in different heights and thicknesses to differentiate between the various zones.

iv. a circular wall is embedded within a main horizontal axis, forming an architectural statement. the same linear language is then replicated outwards to create the urban scape [water features +seating elements+green scapes +shading devices]

v. a clear articulation of indoor and outdoor spaces is formed with the flat roofs. the walls create solid vertical + horizontal axis within the complex, influencing experiences of the space dwellers, alternating between public and private.

vi. the architecture masses formed diverge towards the exterior fencing or wall, with the wall serving a purpose beyond safety and functionality, entrances are thus defined according to the functionality of spaces.


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The embassy complex is designed as 5 detached buildings, separated yet connected by “the wall”, that originally was only the exterior fence surrounding the complex; with the main embassy and staff residence buildings as double story buildings while the consular and visa department, ambassadors residence, and social housing buildings as single storey buildings. The main entrance to the embassy complex is located on the south with a driveway and drop off for the main embassy building guests, with a parking on the south eastern corner, and a departure point to the east. On each entrance visitors are guided along the extended wall towards the inside of the building.

The proposed organization helps with the readability and clarity of the various entities of the project, achieves all security measures required, while conveying an international image of a European Country. The starting point for the design of the embassy was promoting the wall as a security element to something more, beyond being a barrier, but as a tool to create different types of spaces. This linear principle was fused from a 1x1 m2 grid, the walls language was supported by alleys of trees and water features.


In the sense of sustainability, the building material used is local ethiopian earth. Other contemporary Czechs themes are expressed in the embassy complex such as the sculpture garden, and the sculpture of the hanging man at the entrance of the main embassy building. Inspired by one of the most prominent contemporary architecture examples in the Czech Republic, Villa Tugendhat, & specifically with the outstanding circular architectural element and alternating walls, that automatically catch the eye when looking

at the space, I attempt to integrate this gesture with the concept of the Ethiopian -Tukul- [a round pergula], to develop an architectural statement. The final design provided the separation between the embassy, the consulate and all the residential facilities; a series of indoor and outdoor operational spaces glued all together with a continuous wall. This proposal allows for advancing the idea of building with earth so that its’ technically and logistically up to date, and empowering the majority of the world to turn this technique, into a

[ Main Embassy Building Side Shot ] ft. the hanging man sculpturre

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A core aim for the proposal is to provide a strong architectural impression, architecture that is contemporary but inspired by the context in which it occurs yet represents a european country on a cultural and political level. The challenge was to create a certain mood, a

certain scale with modern tools and architectural vocabulary. Thus, the architecture is voluntarily massive, aesthetically powerful, and plays with bringing the exterior into the interior, which plays a keyhole in the perception of all spaces [genius loci].

[ Main Embassy Building South Entrance ] [ Main Embassy Building Back | Representative Garden ]


[ Consular and Visa Department | Staff Entrance Hall ]

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[ Consular and Visa Department | Outdoor Waiting Area ]

M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


[ Thermal Mass ]

[ Thermal Capacity ]

[ Rammimng Technique ]


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hands on experimentations


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A “Women’s House” is to be built in Baghere Village in Senegal, as a symbolic and environmentally friendly structure that is inspired by local traditions. A “Women’s House” is a space in which associations and members of society will be able to meet and discuss the topics of equality and human rights, guaranteeing involvement and emancipation of the female community in favour of the region’s social, economic, and political development. Form follows Feminine; in an earth made pathway blending a rectagular wooden skeleton structure with its surrounding landscape, focusing on making the in-between spaces gathering areas for activities where people are allowed to move freely with an easy visual connectivity and protection against direct sun and heat. Circulation is enhanced by dividing the covered space with the curved wall into multiple zones, acting as the main spine in space. The boundaries between interior and exterior, closed and open, public and private are blurred, and in that double ambiguity - of context and use -, we make use of the culturally biased state of the context as an opportunity to design not only spaces of work and gathering, but also of recreational, cultural and educational purposes, creating an inclusive educational infrastructure for women-lead conversations that never existed, hence the structure becomes a spinal re-cord.

[ Baghere Village | Senegal ]

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The goal is to allow one to wander and perhaps lose oneself, and for the spaces to interact together in harmony, encouraging dwellers to discover and comprehend their surrounding. The proposal questions the interior-exterior duality condition that divides people, politics and culture.


Spatially; the covered area provides indoor-outdoor-like spaces that could be used for multiple purposes, as a community hub in addition to its main purpose, as a meeting or administrative area. The curved earth wall is sculpted in a way as to block undesirable sun and control wind speed to provide thermal comfort, and curves inwards where an extruded seating element is attached, to create a rather enclosed space that can be used for board meetings and discussions. The wall also imposes a statement aesthetic and creates an intriguing visual impact, with the contrast of the rigid rectangular structure and the freedom of the flowing curve. Environmentally; Shading is either by cast shadow from the rectangular structure, or the easily built sheds with local materials or trees which could be replicated allowing for a wider shadow range & better heat-comfort in the space.

Structurally; wooden sliding shutter panels with horizontal openings allow for natural ventilation for a cooling effect. The sliding panels are made from local pine wood and are used to shape the exterior perimeter of the 200m2 covered rectangular space, and allow it to be flexibly exposed to the outdoor; the panels can be controlled manually to permit the needed heat, light, air, and accessibility to-and-from the in-between spaces. The roof is structured with an under layer that collects water rain through pipes so it could be reused. The inside-outside opposition gets dissolved as the rectangular perimeter opens up towards its surrounding. Different spaces are generated; concave and convex, these spaces are projected for community life: shows, talks, workshops, and meeting spaces.

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originally, designed by Schinkel; destroyed by the GDR. 2 0 15 / ’ 2 0

M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


This design studio tackles the idea of rebuilding Berlin’s Bauakademie; by implying the dialectic of two aspirations: the repetition of ‘past’ and the creation of ‘future’. It dwells opon the idea of developing an architectural spatial concept based on Schinkels original design. The building is considered a didactic representative




surrounding in the center of Berlin. It should however not just become an architecture to visit, but an architecture to use. [ Proposal ] After studying the original form, one feature was very prominant; the central void. Attempting to build on that, a hollow alien-like concrete sculpture starting at the center of the mass was created.The concrete alien will evntually become the new identity of the Bauakedemie.


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i. Schinkels original design is studied closely & abstracted to become the new editions starting point

iii. the alien void emerges at the center of the building

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ii. plot is divided proportionally to a 3x3 m2 grid

iv. the alien void extends an arm towards the main facade at the ground floor level v. the alien rotates touching the western facade of the first floor level

vi. the alien rotates touching the eastern facade of the second floor

vii. the alien rotates touching thesouthern facade of the third floor level

neue bauakademie in context

light + shadow diagrams

exhibition hall



i. basement floor plan -5.00m this underground level is a metaphor, as if this massive stark cube burried under the ground was the root, where the massive alien like structure emerges from.

the concrete structure emerges at the center of the neue bauakademie. the alien core extends its massive walls towards the main facade, stretching towards the main entrance. the arm on this level acts as a vacuum, pulling people towards the inside of the building.

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ii. ground floor plan +0.00m

iii. first floor level +5.00m the core’s function is to simultanously withhold circulation & host social spaces. the contrast between glass and concrete plays a major role in the users experiences, as if the whole cubic glass structure is floating around the concrete core.

iv. second floor level +10.00m the stairs attached to the arm on this level lead to a cafetria, leading to an indoor/ outdoor terrace.

v. third floor level +15.00m the arm leading to the final level finally lands to a common space from which a library and the design studios could be accessed.


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e-mobility vehicle center. 2 0 15 / ’ 2 0

M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


With the design site located in Cairo’s New Capital, a design proposal is to be made for an e-mobility vehicle center. The land opun which the project is proposed, is situated partly within the built-up area of the city on one side, and on a vast ribbon of greenery from the other. The primary focus for the design was to create a rather forward looking structure that accentuates a sense of movement. The proposed design has a powerful form, with a prominent entrance that drags visitors inwards from a large public plaza. The building acts as a buffer, a space that connects the busy street side with the calmer greener side on the opposite end. The interior spaces of the building comprise mostly of exhibitory spaces, that are all open and visually connected, around a central atrium, around which all the internal stairs and ramps overlap to create a dynamic circulation. The ground floor withholds a spatious reception area directing visitors towards the main circulation core, that leads towards the exhibitory spaces on the upper level, where a research lab would also be located, showcasing an exclusive behind the scenes process for visitors of the exhibition. Technical and maintenance spaces are located on the underground level. The building’s exterior skin is design mostly using prefabrocated GRC panels and thermally insulated glass.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O


reading between the lines a design proposal is to be made for a hybrid living space. the attention of the design course is to discover the unique experiences of spaces, focusing on three main elements: i.form ii.light iii.material the three elements are inherently fundamental to architecture since they connect constructed spaces back to individual experiencing them. located in a unique context in Old Cairo, right at the foot of the Citadal, the design proposal considers a layer of histoical sensitivity. it provides an environment for diverse modes of inhabitation. the final design is a pattern of spaces with a connective function, allowing dwellers the experience of moving around three-dimensionally; horizontally, vertically and through time. the plot is a 8x12 m2 land with 2 interior courtyards. the ground floor is a public cafe open to the street front and a backyard. a separate entrance leads to a private living space and bedrooms, leading to a roof terrace.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O




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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O

a sand box is normally reffered to as a tool or symbol of calmness. similarly, this experimental visualization for an interior of a coastal studio metaphorically echoes the natural and serene atmosphere.


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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



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M A R I A M O M A R A // A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O



office mono uses a restrained material palette imposing a strong aesthetic statement. the design is mainly composed of clean lines and fine detailing that strike a sophisticated-minimal impression. the dramatic warm monochromatic tones in the different textures, create a bold masculine feel to the inteior space. two main colour systems are sorted: -grey and beige-. a hierarchy of grey shades is used in different elements to harmonize the space, and textured materials are used to amplify the beige tones, topped with brass to add richness.

mariam omara

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