Groups and Grouping

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Understanding Groups and Groupings

By Maryel Mendiola and MariaMoodle

There is a Course with 10 participants (teachers included) and they are going to work in groups. The groups will be: • • • •

Odd Numbers Even Numbers Consonants Vowels

And need to be grouping into: 1. Numbers grouping 2. Letters grouping We need groups with 2 persons each one. Let's do it !!!

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

First Steps First of all, we need to create Groups. Administration Block


There are 2 ways: 1) Create group one by one Or 2) Auto-create groups We are going to create the groups with second choice

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Select members from role: This option is for select who is going to be at Groups, within all roles defined in it. All?, students? Teachers? Other role? Specify : if we would like to create ‘N’ number of Groups or have each group contain ‘N’ number of students, i.e. We want 2 members in each Group or we want 5 Groups. The How is set in Specify, How much (a Number) is set in Group/Member count If we select Members per group the Prevent last small group will allocate additional members to an existing group rather than create a new group with fewer members than ‘N’ By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Allocate members: with this option we choose the method that Moodle is going to create Groups: •Randomly •Alphabetically by first name, last name •Alphabetically by last name, first name •Alphabetically by ID number

Naming scheme: with these options, we are defining naming scheme by Letter or Number e.g. Group @ {Group A, Group B, Group C … Group Z} Group # {Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 … Group n} Create in grouping and Grouping name allows us to create a new grouping and allocate the groups to be created to it.

In Auto create groups we have an awesome button: By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle


Indeed, the Preview button let us see how could be created our groups. If we are not satisfy, we can change settings again and again and see previews before we Submit the final settings

Maybe you should practice with all options and view what happen â˜ş

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Have you noticed the 3 tabs? One for the list of our Groups, other for the list of our Groupings, and the last one, Overview, where we can see together and organized Groups and Grouping . . . (we shall see forward)

When we submit the chosen settings, we have the result as this graphic

And now, what? We are clearly which groups we need. So next step is Edit each group changing the name and assign graphics individually By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

To edit each group, we have to: 1. Select a group (in this example we selected Group A) 2. choice ‘Edit group settings’ 3. Change group name to one of our first list • Odd Numbers • Even Numbers • Consonants • Vowels And another one for • Teachers At this point, we should have ready all graphics we’re going to use: 35 X 35 px for Group logo (that it’s showed at Forums); 134 X 46 px for Group List; 220 X 37 px for Grouping logo. Although this is optional, it is good to have always a good looking work :p By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Editing a Group New Name

Graphic Group This is Group description that everybody can see when need info about some Group

Group Logo This logo is shown bellow the picture profile person at Forums By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Look our 5 groups edited.

We set Groups by choose Auto-create groups way. Then we edit changing name



we passed

from this To this Editing the Groups

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Grouping Time !!! OK, we already have our 5 Groups created and edited and a Grouping Scheme. So, next step is begin to grouping (a piece of cake! â˜ş ) Grouping Scheme of Y(our) Course

Grouping Grouping Letters Letters

Group Group Vowels Vowels

Grouping Numbers

Group Group Consonants Consonants

Group Odd Numbers

Group Teachers Without Grouping

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Group Even Numbers

To create group: Go to Groups through Administration Block


This time you must select ‘Groupings Tab’

Click on ‘Create grouping’ button

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

This is setting page to create Groupings. It looks like Resources and Activities, has: A text line for Name, and a box text with editor to write Grouping description

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Now we need to Add Groups to Grouping Click on groups icon to enter

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Numbers has no Groups, let’s add them

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Let’s see Overview Tab

Here it is!!! ;D

The two with its groups

Groupings respective

and a Group (Teachers) without Grouping By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Before we see how to assign some activities to our Groupings, please read this metaphor that explain the logic of Groups and Groupings. It was taken from

“One metaphor that has worked well in training is this: At the Olympics, there are many sports—gymnastics, swimming, track—and many countries. In this way, there are two levels of being categorized as an Olympian: by your sport, and by your nationality. To be on the United States Olympic Team, you must first be a swimmer, a gymnast, a runner, etc.; you cannot be on the US Team without first being an athlete in a certain sport. Your sport is your group. Your country is your grouping. You must belong to a group before joining a grouping. grouping Does this make sense?” By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Now is Time to get ready for assign activities to Groupings 1) We need to Set the Default Grouping 2) Assigning an activities to Groupings

To set the default Grouping, go to course settings In the Groups section select the default grouping

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

We set default Grouping because in activities must be show a Grouping by default, we can change it or leave it so.

Every time we add an activity, we must edit some settings. The edit activity page has in the Common module settings: • Grouping (there appear the default grouping) • Available for group members only

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

And everything is ready to add an activity and choice which grouping is going to do it.

The Common module settings always are going to have this 2 options: Grouping and Available for group members only. As you see, these are the Advanced options, you can Hide or Show them

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

Finally we can check how many activities has a Grouping in Administration block


Grouping Tab

Let’s Keep Moodle-ing

By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

That's all for now. I will see you at next tutorial â˜ş

Don’t forget to visit


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By Maryel Mendiola & MariaMoodle

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