2 minute read
21 Research methodology
In architecture, typology can be understood as a series of characteristics that can be physical or not, present in a class of architectural objects.This makes them similar and comparable amongst them and allows them to be classified within the same category. In this dissertation, typology will be referred to as a group of PS that have similar morphological traits. These typologies will be studied by describing and analysing a series of parameters found in all of them. The list of parameters is outlined in the literature review.
The tool designed to study these PS is a chart that includes the twelve parameters. They will be explained using graphic resources. One chart analyses each typology. In Leon there are various typologies found. Three of the most common have been selected:
•Consolidated or formal PS: ■Public square or plaza ■Green space: commonly found in the shape of public gardens or parks, such as: • Neighbourhood park • Pocket park • Metropolitan park • Local park • Linear park •Non- consolidated (informal): ■Brownfield
typology shape materiality landmarks sitting facilities and polygon Selection of materials used Map of adjacent reference artificial lighting Diagram representing urban surface in the paving points existing furniture used for seating and
Area in m2. design of this around the PS. lighting fixtures in the PS and PS. around it.
Geometric shape and entrances, if any.
shade and orientation connectivity and land use void and solid
Diagram of the shade provided by vegetation, if any, and the orientation according to the path of the sun. Overlapping maps displaying: the presence of important roads within the polygon and the land use to identify the type of activities taking place around the PS.
Map indicating the void and solid within the immediate context of the PS. To understand the relationship of built and unbuilt environment.
Section showing the dwellings and roads surrounding the PS to understand the relationship between this PS and its built environment. FIG 37. Template of chart used to analyse morphological parameters (author’s own, 2021). Within each of the two polygons previously studied, one example of each of the three typologies previously mentioned. Such typologies will be analysed using the parameters established earlier in the literature review, arranged in a chart using graphic resources such as plans and sections. FIG. 37 is the template of the charts previously mentioned. FIG. 38 and FIG. 39. show the location of the PS within the polygons of Jardines del Moral and San Francisco. The purpose of designing this tool is to study morphological traits found in this space to get to know each of them. This analysis will enable to compare similar PS found in contrasting contexts and understand how similar of different they are. The morphological characteristics analysed are the same parameters discussed in the literature review and have been arranged into a chart.
FIG 38. Typologies in Jardines del Moral (author’s own, 2021).
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FIG 39. Typologies in San Francisco (author’s own, 2021).