Mariana Macedo Portfolio

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MARIANA M A C E D O p o r t f o l i o



p. 4


p. 6


House in Los Angeles

p. 8

City Market Rehabilitation

p. 12

Public Library

p. 16

Expo '15 Milano

p. 18

Rural Tourism House

p. 20

Collective Housing

p. 22

Students Residence/Gallery/Cafe

p. 26

Urban Planning

p. 28

Park Requalification

p. 30

Rendering works

p. 34



Mariana Gonçalves Araújo Macedo


Portuguese | 25.03.1987 Driving license category B P h o n e - 0 7 5 0 0 6 9 2 1 0 7 Flat 9, Scenix House, 86 Chigwell Road E18 1FF London

I am a portuguese architect, born in Braga, Portugal. From an early age I wanted to pursue architecture, having grown in contact with this subject since I was a child. In September 2005 I was admitted in architecture, in Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto - FAUP. This university, one of the most prestigious in Europe, where two Pritzker award winners studied and taught, provided a solid, sensitive and conscious formation. There I learnt the hard work, commitment and resilience it takes to develop a project, the value of group work for exchanging ideas and the growth that comes with different opinions. From September 2009 till July 2010, I was in the Erasmus Exchange Programme at Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy, and attended the 5th year, focused in Urbanism. Through that year I worked and lived with people from multicultural backgrounds, learnt spanish, french, and started mastering english and italian. In 2011 obtained my Master Degree in Architecture with a rehabilitation project thesis:

“Transformation project of an agrarian building into a rural tourism house�. While and after graduating I worked for one year as a freelancer with residential projects, gaining experience in interior remodelling, did external work to an architecture office and taught in a senior university. Alongside, from time to time, I also worked at events related with sports and leisure, at guests reception and sails, having helped me to develop social and managing skills. In 2012 started an internship at Lexarq, in Braga, where I kept working as an architect untill December 2014. I worked in national and international projects and different typologies: commercial, residential, mixed-use, educational, health, industrial, retail and offices. Through those years I was involved in all phases of the project: sight measurements, initial design, detailed design, technical drawing and detailing, construction place following, physical model construction and 3D rendering works. 2015 and 2016 was dedicated to architecture competitions with other architects and several projects, mostly residential, that you may learn more in my CV.

I consider myself as a dedicated and passionate professional, able to work effectively whether by own initiative or as part of a team. Responsibility, organisation and time management are skills that I assume to be essential, in order to achieve deadlines, budgets and objectives. I have great communication and presentation skills and experience with detailing and technical & site knowledge. Perseverant and easiness as a public speaker in three languages - portuguese, english and italian. I am a dynamic, passionate and driven person, very resourceful and with great attitude. I consider myself as a conscious person of the time we live in. I like to read a good book, go to a concert (from rock to classical music), cinema and furniture design. I love Art, Nature and travelling. As an architect, I try to have a sensitive approach, focusing on the user and our concept of quality of space. Confort, through beauty, is always the main intention. 5


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2015-2016 Renewal and extension of a single-family residence Braga, Portugal 2010-2016 Construction of four houses in cooperation with Arch. Pedro Macedo Braga, Portugal

EDUCATION 2013 Professional body Ordem dos Arquitectos (Equivalent to UK's ARB) Secção Regional do Norte, Portugal 2005-2011 Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto Oporto, Portugal Master's dissertation Transformation project of an agrarian building into a rural tourism house 2009-2010 Architecture Exchange Program - Erasmus Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy 2002-2005 High school level of education - Art Department Escola Secundária Carlos Amarante Braga, Portugal 2004 FCE Certificate in English by ESOL, Cambridge University International House Braga, Portugal 6

2015-2016 Recovery and restoration of a single-family residence, in an historical building Braga, Portugal 2015 Project for the renovation of social spaces of the industrial facility "Plásticos Bueso" Braga, Portugal 2014-2015 Project for a hotel/resort expansion Dakhla, Morocco 2014-2015 Architecture competitions in cooperation with other architects Braga, Portugal 2009-2015 Creation of 3D render images for other architects Braga and Oporto, Portugal 2012-2014 Internship and cooperation as an architect at LEXARQ Arquitectura,Lda. Braga, Portugal 2012-2013 Art History teacher - Senior University Braga, Portugal 2012-2013 Informatics teacher - Senior University Braga, Portugal

TRAINING_CPD 2015 Course “Preparation of a safety record and a Fire Safety Project” (Elaboração de uma ficha de segurança e de um Projecto de Segurança contra Incêndios), promoted by Ordem dos Arquitectos, Oporto, Portugal

SOFTWARE AutoCAD ArchiCAD (BIM) Artlantis Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Microsoft Office Revit (BIM) Rhinoceros Vray Adobe Illustrator

LANGUAGES Portuguese English Italian Spanish French

OTHER SKILLS Good pshysical model construction and 3D rendering skills. Able to express through freehand drawing. Good knowledge of Art History, Music, Cinema and Literature.

2015 Course “Special energy efficiency. Roofs, coatings and facades” (Especial eficiênca energética. Coberturas, revestimentos e fachadas) within CONCRETA, promoted by Portal da Construção Sustentável, Matosinhos, Portugal Course "Construct, Deconstruct, Rehabilitate” (Construir, Desconstruir, Reabilitar), promoted by Câmara Municipal da Maia and LIPOR, Maia, Portugal 2013 Course “Economy in small scale rehabilitation projects” (Economia em obras de reabilitação de pequena dimensão), promoted by Ordem dos Arquitectos, Oporto, Portugal

SEMINARS_CONFERENCES 2011-2013 Conferences: “MESA Talks” by Casa da Música, Oporto, 2011; “Curator’s Lab #1” by 2012's European Capital of Culture, at ASA Factory, Guimarães, 2012; “Do Conceito à Obra” (From concept to work) by Fundação Arpad Szenes e Estratégia Urbana, at Matosinhos, 2011/2012 2010 Workshop and conferences “Green city toward the cities of the future” – First European Convention Green City within the International Environment Festival, 10 hours, promoted by Il Verde Editoriale in FieraMilanoCity, Milan, Italy 2009 Seminar "Sustentabilidade e Design - O papel da madeira" (Sustainability and design - The role of timber) within the Ciclo 3R, 2 hours, promoted by Jular and Ordem dos Arquitectos, Oporto, Portugal 2006 Seminar "Para que serve a arquitectura" (What is architecture for), 3 days, promoted by Departamento Autónomo de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal 7

HOUSE IN LOS ANGELES ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION Los Angeles, California, USA June 2015 Collaboration with AndrĂŠ Fernandes (PT) and Miguel Barbosa (PT)

The steep terrain required a sensitive intervention, capable of respecting the land and fulfill the client requirements. We created a body composed by three floors and tried to minimize the intervention on the terrain.The main conductive lines were to fully benefit from the views, the sun exposure and to create a strong water presence. A south facing patio was shaped, served by the pool and all social areas of the house. This same pool continues up north, where it has an open wide area and view over the city. The entrance is made through a foyer which is situated at an intermediate height between the room's floor and the common areas' floor. Therefore, the foyer became a reference point in the project and was designed as a distribution element of great visual permeability. The waterfall located in the southern face of the foyer and the interior garden create a singular environment in this area. The parking garage is divided into two volumes. One with direct access to the foyer and another independent volume situated at a lower elevation, more related to the gym and all the underground floor program. 8

Northeast view of the house


Ground floor plan


Longitudinal section


North patio


South patio

Dining room

House entrance

Master bedroom


CITY MARKET REHABILITATION ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION Braga, Portugal April 2014 Collaboration with André Fernandes (PT)

Braga's City Market is located in Praça do Comércio, a noble and central area in town. The main goal was to transform the market, a building with historical and social importance for the city and its inhabitants, into a living organism, where several programs work together to attract and maintain a steady stream of people that would attend it with different purposes. It is proposed the addition of a diversified leisure/recreational program to the existing commercial program, believing that they can stimulate each other. The intervention focused on the building's central courtyard in order to spare the exterior facades and its original identity. A new volume that expands itself for the patium was addorsed to the existing building. This created a new center, a fresh new image for the market and also optimised the relation between the market's internal program and the exterior space, rearranging the entire market dinamics. The program was divided into two groups. One that is associated with daytime activity, where normal market functions take place, associated to others of ludical character: a restaurant, a caffe/bar/study space and a multifunctional room that would have an important social role (work with schools, workshops, classes, etc.). The other group of activities are designed to operate at night. The restaurant and the bar would also operate during the night. It was intended to enhance the rentability of the building by attracting different publics for different activities. 12

Inside view of the restaurant

General view of the market block


Lower ground floor plan

First floor plan


Ground floor plan

Fish area

New market center Vegetables/ Fruits/Flowers

Meat area



Multi-functional space


14 Gourmet area

Inside view of the gourmet and fish areas

Night view of the patium and stage



Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal June 2009

The building, a public library in Vila Nova de Gaia, extends itself through the terrain in a composition built by two masses of white concrete. The first one assumes a U shaped form turning East, and the other, a triangular shaped mass opening to North, seems to lay under it. On the first floor, the main entrance is on the higher level, lay all the public spaces, while in the ground floor are the administrative and technical spaces of restricted use. The patium in the center illuminates the atrium, brings nature to the interior and counters the massive form of the building. The project aims to create a space with a strong relationship between the outside and the interior space, allowing the users to enjoy the calmness and silence of an indoor, closed space or reading in the middle of nature. Inside, at some points, there are visual connections through the different rooms. As a public building in a part of the city where the urban tissue is very diverse, it assumes an independent character, creating urban green spaces and inviting the local users to take ownership.


Northeast and southwest model views





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First floor plan

Ground floor plan

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Transversal section

EXPO ‘15 MILANO Amazon ACADEMIC PROJECT Architectural Design Studio

Milan, Italy July 2010 Collaboration with Fragkiskos Sarris (GR) and Sara Neuberg (PL)

The Expo 2015 in Milan, unlike other Expo’s, will be an universal event focused on the sustainable development, tradition, creativity and the feeding sector. “Feed the planet”, where all the nations should expose their bio-diversity, products and culture in a strip with approximately 10 meters large by 120 meters length. The theme developed was the Amazon in all its diversity. By studying this amazing area of the planet, we porpose an area that would recreate the feeling in the Amazon, the humidity, the shadows and the culture of the native people, the indians. You would hear the cracking noise that comes just from walking in the floor, made from leaves and bark. Feel the humidity in a hot day, associated to nets that hang above our heads, creating different tones of shadows that allude to the different layers of the forest. In this wide and practicable space, wooden pilars support the nets above and the scattered hammocks. Three buildings lay inside - two circular structures, that allude to the common tents of the indians, with information about the fauna and flora and hammocks to rest; and one walkable dark glass cube that contains seeds from the Amazon flora, precious for nowadays medecin and its future evolution.

Expo 2015 Milan Masterplan by Herzog & DeMeuron

Aereal view

Aereal view of the structure

The general ambiance

Longitudinal section


Master Thesis -"Transformation project of an agrarian building into a rural tourism house" Vieira do Minho, Portugal July 2011

My Master Degree Thesis was motivated by the development of a conversion project – an old building which used to manage and storage corn into a facility envisioned to receive Rural Space Tourism. From this proposition, a theoretical/practical work were developed. It starts with a land in a small parish in Vale do Ave, Minho, with three remnants structures – the old corn managing building surrounded by two old corn containers. These represent the importance of the Corn Culture in Minho’s character and landscape, where Nature and country environment still keep a strong presence. After studying the building’s typology – a sequeiro – and its meaning as a symbol of popular architecture in the North of the country, it was clear the importance of preserving these buildings, or at least their shape, since nowadays their function has become out of context. This proposal aimed the construction of a new building that honored the preexistent but that was also representative of the moment when it was constructed. The main goal was to accomplish a solid and consistent project, that would bring life to that place, naturally fitting into its landscape, history and social life. So that that new element, initially strange, will become part of the new whole. So that it can, again, shelter men and become a stage for life. 20


Cover plan

Ground floor plan

First floor plan

The ruin

The house - south facade

Longitudinal section


PROJECTO - CORTE A - Esc. 1/100


Porto, Portugal June 2008







This exercise consisted in designing modullar apartments that could be repeated themselves to create housing buildings, in order to reach an urbanistic solution to an unused terrain in Quinta Amarela. A module was developed to form the vertical multiple access housing blocks, all turning to the main streets. The module is formed by a three-bedroom apartment and a two-bedroom apartment. The main building is located in a new square, with commerce on the ground floor and housing on the other top three floors. The north side of the building turns toward an urban environment - the new square, the street - so the facade reflects the desire to fit in its urban context preserving at the same time its inhabitants privacy. The south facade has wider windows and clearly embrasses the neighborhood atmosphere. Two vertical panels of horizontal wooden slats protect the stairs area and an horizontal panel of vertical wooden slats covers all the ground level where the commerce is. This solution allows their ventilation while security is assured.

Module apartment

North facade

Ground floor plan

First floor plan

North facade

Cross-section details

South facade


Porto, Portugal June 2007

Located in Passeio das Virtudes, Porto, the project consisted in creating a residence destined to lodge students and investigators of Porto’s University, and a Cafe and and an Art Gallery, that could function independently. Through the work of a modular apartment for five students, vertically multiplied, the building assumes the form of two narrow towers that resemble Porto’s bourgeois houses shape, from the 18th and 19th century, submerging into the landscape of this area. The windows on the Eastern and Western facades are ripped vertically in order to evocate the previously mentioned tipology but with an accentuation on their height. Facing North and South there are wider openings, having the South facade a big balcony that provides some shadow to the inside. Under these two towers lays a wide, solid foundation, a floor with large openings to the outside, where the reception and the public spaces of the building are, designed to seem part of the terraced land. On the other side of the garden, next to the city court, the gallery and cafe materialize in a building that overcomes almost fifteen meters in two different bodies, connected on the inside.The gallery turns East, to the most crowded space where all the services and cafes are. Turning West is the cafe, in order to serve the people that use the lower height and the student’s residence. 26

Student’s modular apartment

Southeast view of the model

North view of the model



Laboratorio di Progettazione Urbanistica Milan, Italy February 2010 Collaboration with Eleonora Zanchi (IT), Daniele Zanello (IT) and Eris Plaku (ALB)

Function’s distribution - residential, services, industry

For the project of urban development, initially the wider area was located in the Southeast milanese - two parishes called Corvetto and Rogoredo. Later, having to focus on a strategic point, Rogoredo was chosen due to its potentiality. The chosen area surrounds the old railway. It was the southeast car entrance in the city, it had a railway (presently inactive) and it had a metro stop. Besides, it was close to Parco Sud, a very important agricultural park in the south of Milan. Essentially, we focused on accomplishing several guide lines: -Reconnect the eastern and western border of the railway, through the construction of a bridge at north and a new railway station on the south, container of services and elements that would serve both margins; - Contribute to the ambitioned Milan’s green ray, by linking Parco Sud in the south to Parco Alessandrini in the southeast, creating a green area along both sides of the railway; - Create a system of quality public spaces for the city; - Transform Via Toffetti into an alternative route to corso Lodi; - And finally use the unused urban areas, either by demolishing or requalifying, in order to design a mixed urban tissue: housing and production. 28

Mobility - railway, underground, bus/tram

Synthesis (unused areas, parks and borders) and selected area

Final proposal for the urban development of Rogoredo



Segrate, Milan, Italy July 2010 Collaboration with Fragkiskos Sarris (GR) and Pieterjan Delbecque (BE)

In Segrate, a comune in East Milan, you can feel the presence of a warm and open community, with some shattered attempts to import social driven spaces amongst the housing. The aim was to improve the public spaces network. On a macro scale, the coherence of the place is broken by the limits around and through Milan. On a micro scale, there are obvious attempts to bring green, cultural and social spaces to this area, though none reach a level of intimacy due to being always overwhelmed by the urban, industrial or rural landscape. The physical spaces were formed using the concept of waterdrops with various dimensions, around and intersecting the main lake in Segrate, all of them connected by an alternate land/on water wooden path that outlines the lake. Therefore, a social-cultural city center was developed in order to create a park for all generations, full with possibilities and different uses. The new park had a water sports club, a beach, a green crater for relaxation, an amphitheatre for cultural programs, an area destined to agriculture for Segrate’s local residents, green spaces, sports fields and the global path to walk, jog or simply to enjoy nature. A bridge was also created in order to connect the park to the comune located at north of Segrate. 30

Waterdrops concept

Segrate’s decreasing dependence on Milan by developing a quality center for the community

Amphitheatre, beach and wooden path


Programme distribution



General plan for the public space design

Amphitheatre/wooden path

Agricultural area



C Lexarq


C Lexarq

C Pedro Macedo, arq.

C Pedro Macedo, arq.



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