ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD WEB HOSTING PROVIDER? If you have any business, it is absolutely essential to have a good website. For reliable web hosting, you need a good service provider like InterServer. When you want to find a good provider, there are a few parameters that you should consider and these are the factors that will help you choose the right one.
There are typically two types of hosting services that you can choose from - the first one is free web hosting and the second one is commercial web hosting. So which one do you choose and what is the best one for you? Here are a few suggestions to help you make the right decision.
Free Web hosting With free web hosting, as the name suggests you will be able to host your website for free. But what's the catch? The catch is simply that you will have to show advertisements on your website. It is these advertisements that cover the costs that the service provider will incur in providing free space for your website. If it is a personal website or something that does not need to look super professional, you can definitely consider free web hosting. However, if this is a website of your business and if it needs to look official and professional in order to impress the customers, free web hosting is not the service that you must consider. The service provider may insist that you put up a banner on the webpages, and sometimes you might also have to include a pop-up window which shows some advertisement. So depending on your needs, you will need to decide whether you want free web hosting or not.
The space provided Are you getting enough space to host your website? If you want to expand your website later, will the space be sufficient? Most sites can be accommodated within 5 MB. However if you think that you would have to upload a lot of media and the space will be insufficient, you will need to find a provider which makes accommodations for bigger space when the website or the business expands. FTP access provision FTP is the most common and popular way to upload the pages from your local computer to the computer of the web host service provider so that it can be made accessible to everyone who types in the URL. There are a lot of service providers who will allow you to design the website using the on-site builder that
they provide. However, if you want to design your own pages there should be a provision for you to upload the new pages on your own. This is the facility that you have to check about with your service provider. Check the above factors and ensures that you're getting value for money from your web hosting provider.