Learn about Hip Flexor Stretches Hip flexors are a group of muscles which let you lift your kneeup towards your chest and bend it forward from the hips. While collectively it is known as hip flexors, it actually includes iliopsoas, thigh muscles and inner thigh muscles. If your job dictates you to sit a long time and is a disk job, then tight hip flexors is a common problem that you might face. When being in a seated position for a long time, the hip flexors tend to remain in a shortened position. These shortened muscles over the time become tight leading to a set of problems. Some of these problems include lower back pain, hip pain and injury. During activities which involve kicking and sprinting, a lot of strain is put on these muscles. For example, runners are more prone to these injuries due to the small and repetitive movements involved in running. However, even if you aren’t an athlete, hip flexor injuries can occur in everyday activities too. Even when these tight muscles are stretched beyond what they are accustomed to, it leads to pain in the area where the hip meets the pelvis.
A few simple hip flexor stretches and hip flexor exercises can help the muscles from becoming tight, thus this decreases the risk of becoming tight and in effect reducing the risk of injury. Here are some simple hip strengthening and stretching exercises that will decrease the tightness while also avoiding the onset of piriformissyndrome. Do these exercises 2-3 times a week.
Seated Butterfly Stretch: this is a simple stretch wherein you sit on the floor and put the soles if the feet together in front of you while the knees are bent to the sides. Now pull your heels towards you while relaxing the knees towards the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds and breathe deeply.
Pigeon Pose: This posture lengths the hip flexors. You start with the push-up position on your hands and toes. Now lift your right foot and the right knee forward towards your left hand. This will let your knee and outer ankle rest on the floor. Slide the left leg as far as comfortable. When you hold the stretch, breathe slowly and steadily. Hold for 10-30 seconds and then switch sides.
Weighted hip extension: this exercise helps to lengthen the hip flexors while also strengthening the glutes.
All these exercises will help you as it will ensure that your flexors are not tight and you do not suffer from any conditions