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institutional Client

Dona Coisa


Charming identity, pieces in vibrant colors give this women’s clothing retailer a chic and informal tone. Packages come in 3 different sizes and colors.


Identity Brand Background texture Packages Brochure Business card Tag

P at t e r n s Description

Series of patterns for watchbands inspired on Marajoara art (an Indian culture from the Amazon region).

p e r s u a s iv e p o s t e r Description

Do not feeD the rats.

Use trash cans.

Poster for Milton Glaser’s Design and Intentions class at SVA MFA Design program. The intention is to provoke disgust to change people’s behavior of littering.

D e s ig n a n d E t h ic s Description

Posters for Milton Glaser’s Design and Intentions class at SVA MFA Design program. Posters for a Design and Ethics AIGA event. Posters with optical illusions. Designers shouldn’t lead people to a wrong way, in this case, to make people think the poster is moving when in reality is not.

p u b l ic in t e r v e n t io n Description

Use vinyl to create legitimate signs in a public environment. Assignment for Jan Wilker’s Design Galore class at SVA MFA Design program. Due to constructions, the subway station for the N R W trains at 23rd street had only one exit working, which made it very intense the traffic of people on the stairs on weekdays. The solution presented is still posted.

Product launch Client

Banco da Amaz么nia


Launching of a series of products: life insurance, health insurance, and retirement plan.


Brochures for clients Brochures/guides for bank managers Posters Brochure display

in t e r a c t iv e d is c Client

Icatu Hartford


Interactive piece simulating fund interest scenarios.

Annual report Client

Icatu Hartford


Annual report of IHPrev Fundo Multipatrocinado, a fund made for employees of Icatu Hartford’s associate companies. Composed by two parts: a book with general information about the product, attached to a report for each of the 12 partners.

o jornal da Previdência Privada

em revista

Publicação semestral | Janeiro a Julho 2007

Por dentro

nesta edição

iHPrev já começa com r$ 600 milhões de patrimônio administrado

Processo eleitoral

As armas e os Barões assinalados Que da Ocident 50 al praia Lusitana Por mares nunca de antes nav 100 egados Passaram ainda além da Taprobana, Em pe 150 rigos e guerras esforçados Mais do que prometi 200 a a força humana, E entre gente remota edifica 250 ram Novo Reino, que tanto sublimaram; Luis de 0300 E também as memórias gloriosas Daqueles Reis q 350 ue foram dilatando A Fé, o Império, e as terra 400 s viciosas De África e de Ásia andaram devasta 450 ndo, E aqueles que por obras valerosas Se vão 0500 da lei da Morte libertando, Cantando espalharei550 por toda parte, Se a tanto me ajudar o engenho 600 e arte. Luis de

Camões, Os Lusíadas. Luis de. 0650 Cessem do sábio Grego e do Troiano As navegaçõ 700 es grandes que fizeram; Cale-se de Alexandro e 750 de Trajano A fama das vitórias que tiveram; Qu 800 e eu canto o peito ilustre Lusitano, A quem Ne 850

Eleição do conselho administrativo em novembro.

Gestão Financeira A estrutura de gestão financeira.esto endigniat utpatumsan hent doloreetue vel dolore

destaque A Central de atendimento Fundo de pensão foi certificada pela Probare.

Plano Geral

Patum dolor sum duismodiem igniam vero esto duisi erat, att sequate dolorper senibh er iustrud duisi.

Como aproveitar o benefício máximo do Imposto de Renda

ptuno e Marte obedeceram. Cesse tudo o que a M 900 usa antiga canta, Que outro valor mais alto se 950 alevanta. Luis de Camões, Os Lusíadas. Luis d 1000 E vós, Tágides minhas, pois criado Tendes em 01050 mi um novo engenho ardente, Se sempre em verso1100 humilde celebrado Foi de mi vosso rio alegrem 1150 ente, Daime agora um som alto e sublimado, Um1200 estilo grandíloco e corrente, Por que de voss 1250 as águas Febo ordene Que não tenham enveja às 1300 de Hipocrene. Luis de Camões.

escolHa o nome do jornal

Os Lusíadas. Lu 1350 Dai-me üa 1650. fúria grande e sonorosa, E não de a 1400 greste avena ou frauta ruda, Mas de tuba cano 1450 ra e belicosa, Que o peito acende e a cor ao 01500 gesto muda; Dai-me igual canto aos feitos da 01550 famosa Gente vossa, que a Marte tanto ajuda; 01600.

estilo de vida Prepare-se para os 100 anos de idade. A vida começa aos 60.

Participe do concurso e escolha o nome da Revista IHPrev, duis nit irilit, commy nostrud tat do ex endrerit.

rentaBilidade senim zzriure consecte magniamet lorper ilis nonumsan vendion sectem vel ex enisl ipsu. Confira sua renda em www.ihprevonline.com.br

Painel de Bordo Patrocinadores












Benefícios pagos


Relação das patrocinadoras


e d it o r ia l Client

Icatu Hartford-IHPrev


Corporate newspaper redesign.

p r in t k it Client

Citibank - Icatu Hartford


Print material for bank managers and clients regarding retirement plan rules.


Envelope Pocket guide Brochures Welcome letter Disc Paper binder

totem Barbecue Description

Easy to clean and store, this project was selected by Design Excellence Brasil to represent Brazil in the student category in the international IF Award.

P e r s o n a l d ia ry Client

L’Oréal Kérastase


Personal diary developed for L’Oréal’s clients, specifically women. Compact size, easy to carry. A display was also developed.

P a c k a g in g Client

L’Oréal Kérastase


Development of a practical and beautiful box showing the color of the product inside. Low-cost production: selfclosing system, no glue used.

Product launch Client

L’Oréal Kérastase


Launching of a line of hair products sold in upscale beauty salons.


Catalog Guide for professionals Guide for consumers Packages Product glorifier Display

I n t e r a c t iv e d is p l ay Client

L’Oréal Kérastase


Consumers can discover what products they need by moving the display tabs. Each hair type and characteristics reveal a group of products.

N at i o n a l c ata l o g Client



Catalog distributed in every pharmacy and beauty products retailer of all Biotherm items sold in Brazil. Screws allow attachment of additional pages when new products are launched.

e x p e r im e n ta l g r av u r e s Description

Series of prints using an unconventional method: drawing with markers on glass then transferring to paper with alcohol and sponge. Selected prints were used on CD covers.

photography + press Client



Photography and special event cards production for a textile retailer.

I l l u s t r at io n & m e n u a p p l ic at io n Client

Lavazza Italian Coffee & Restaurante Gato Pardo


Drawings and menu layout for Lavazza special coffees.

P a c k a g in g Description

Bottle for Acetto Balsamico di Modena. Project developed at Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy.

Brazilian, 25 years old Phone [917] 445 2330 marianauchoa@gmail.com

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