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Remembered Celebrating the lives of alumni, family, and friends
Cal Adducci Heather (McCann '86) Akiyoshi Sr. Mary Albrecht, OP Bert Allen Cherie (Sauerbier '62) Andrews Garry Atkins Carol Attanasio Rose Baikauskas William Baikauskas Darlene Bailey Ronald Baron Nick Barone Timothy Benker '90 Donald Berger Sr. Regina Marie Bernet, OP Joseph Bijak '63 Ryan Blackstone '96 William Blewitt '10 Mary A. Bodnar Linda Braun Robert Brooke Wilma Brothers Frances Budig William Butchko Loretta Cameli Theresa Candreva John Ciaccio Ardith T. Claussen Caleb Collins Eileen Cook Ralph Cooley Richard Coyle Allen Crow Ann Cullinane Ed Cummings Frank DeLuca Robert Dinkelman Edward J. Donahue Patricia Draper William Dunn Jr. Daryl Edwards Mary L. Emig Mildren Faron Genevieve Feit Gloria Fimbianti Evelyn L. Foran John Fouch Georjean Gautsch Nancy Girard Sr. Mary Frances Gorman, OP Linda A. Green Barry M. Grenier '63 Hilda B. Grimes Joel Grossi, Sr. '63 Rose M. Haley Laura Hartelius Margaret Hawkey Thomas Hayes John Herbick Jesse H. Hinton Greg Hocka Tony Hrubes Sr. M. Ruthanne Huss, OP Phillis Jameson Joyce Janowick Ethon Jorjorian Joan Kaim Alice Kaminski Loretta Katauskas Karen Keane Kian F. Kemnitz Mary M. Kester Catherine Kinoff Kathleen Kosteck Elaine Kuffel Joyce LaGona Christopher Laud '95 Dorothy (Tuttle '70) Lavery Aileen L. Lee Violet M. Lindner Robert Loftus John S. Longo Patrick Lorden Mary L. Luciano Patricia Lyza Rene Mack Jim Maher Carmela Malito Brad Malm Vida (Talandis '69) Maloni Thomas Martin Lois Massucci Robert McAdams Katie McCarthy John “Jack” McGarry Timothy McGugan '80 Christine M. Meade Phyllis Meade Terry Meade Marcia Mendenhall Jose Mercado Alexa R. Messina Triss Meyer Susan Mick Sr. Loyola Miller, OP Mary Moutvic Julio Munoz Helen Muzzy Sean Neidhart Dorothy Nowak Mary Nuziel Michael Olsen Evelyn Paskiewicz James Pasyk Peter Pennesi Dean Perozzi Jr. '94 Harlene Perry Sr. Janet M. Pfile, OP Thomas Pignotti Donald Pilny David Porten Gilbert G. Pote Clint Powell Mrs. Glen Stucke Geoff Upjohn '02 Andrea C. Urban Bernard Van Etten Jr. Michelina R. Vanchieri Charles Varkalis, IV Richard Vieck Robert Voss John Vrdolyak James H. Watson Jr. Arthur Welsh LaVerne Welsh Curtis Wicklund Cameron R. Williams '06 Edward Wojtczak '65 Maribeth Woodward James Yant Filemon Yao, M.D. Terrell Yon Jr. Justin M. Young '21
Carole Prystalski Vicenzina Romeo Mike Rusco Krista Rynberk Paul L. Saccomando Thomas Saccomando Pauline Santini Karl Schaeflein Theodore Schafer Jonathan Schultz '04 Sam Scrementi Jr. '73 Lena Segala Catherine (Riley '64) Seper Cathy Seper Colleen Shea Lorriane Shea Ronald Sherlock Carrie Sherly Leo Spain Georgene Spoonhour Diane Stanfa Glen Stucke February 3 - August 27, 2021

In Loving Memory of Justin Young '21
July 1, 2003 - March 18, 2021 Marian Catholic senior Justin Young tragically passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident on March 18. A former member of the football team, Justin was known as a loyal friend and teammate, always there to help anyone in need. Principal Steve Tortorello '04 remembered Justin as “a kind, quiet young man who left a lasting impression on his friends, teachers, and coaches by treating everyone with respect and positivity.” During a socially-distantanced prayer service held on March 19 to honor Justin’s life, Matt Dee '07 told students, “We need to do our best to remember him by living the way he would, and that is with respect and care and kindness toward other people.” Hundreds of students, family members, and friends gathered on March 24 for a candlelight vigil on Dave Mattio Field where Justin played defensive end to celebrate his life and share stories. The football team also remembered Justin with a moment of silence on Saturday, March 20 before the first game of the 2020-2021 season.