1 minute read

Capital letter

We can write each letter of the English alphabet as a small letter (abc...) or as a large or capital letter (ABC...). Here is a full list of capital letters.

Theories, models and disciplines: In academic writing, some types of nouns are often incorrectly capitalized people


Names (and words derived from them); nationalities; titles when used as part of a name place: Names of specific continents, countries, states, cities, regions, monuments and landmarks time:

Days of the week and months of the year; historical eras and named events; holidays other:

Organizations, companies and brand names

Religions and deities



Recognizing proper nouns: A proper noun is the specific name of a person, place, organization, or thing.

Directions and regions:

North, east, south, and west are not capitalized when they refer to a direction or general area. This also applies to derivative adjectives and adverbs

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