Weaving Lab Pocket Loom Kit Instructions

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Pocket Loom Kit Instructions

Pick your favorite colors and wind them on to bobbins. You’ll need a WARP and a WEFT.

Pop out the center area, including the needle and comb.

Wrap the WARP back and forth, from top to bottom. Secure the ends by hooking the WARP through the side notch.

Thread some of your WEFT into the needle and pass it under the WARP to start.

Using the needle, pick up every other WARP and pull the WEFT through.

Think: Over-Under Over-Under

To make the weave tighter, use the comb to pack the WEFT.


Experiment with different yarns and patterns!

Once you’re finished weaving, lift the WARP over the teeth of your loom and weave in the tails of your WEFT and you’re done!

For inspiration and more finishing ideas visit weavinglab.com

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