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Elle Stiles - “Burton Serves the Community Through Virtue” [Abby Burton
Burton Serves The Community Through Virtue
By J1 Reporter Elle Stiles
Abby Burton is someone who inspires others. During her whole life she has always been a positive influence. She has always been extremely honest, supporting, and kind, and everyone really admires that about her. Throughout the past decade, she has always been there and willing to help. And the whole time, everyone around Abby has been inspired by her intense modesty and admirable virtues. She always inspires everyone around her to be a better person, and that’s why she makes a great friend and inspirational figure.
It all started during her childhood. Sandwiched between two brothers, she has had a very full and entertaining childhood. According to Burton, her upbringing had everything to do with who she is now. She states how her childhood was fun because her family “tried to let us get new experiences and taught us how to treat others correctly”. This uniquely kind and generous upbringing are what contributed to Burton’s present day attributes.
Currently, Burton attends Millard South High School. She is involved in jazz choir, and has been an avid achiever of Millard South’s high academics. She has achieved a 4.0 GPA and higher in high school, and has been on multiple honor rolls in middle school. Her academic drive is highly admirable and is currently the main focus of her life.
While Burton is focused on school, the greatest motivation and inspiration of her life is “religion because it’s my way of life”. A devout Mormon, Burton is deeply immersed in her faith. It drives her to live the way she does, and inspires her to better herself. She explains how her faith taught her honorable moral standards and a good work ethic, while also giving her hope and something to look up to. Religion is a central part of Burton’s life, making up a large part of who she is.
Along with having a righteous childhood and being a dedicated Christian, Burton is an extremely modest person. She is very humble and thinks more highly of others
than herself. When asked to describe herself, she stated that “I try to be nice to everyone, however I can” and that every now and then she says something positive or inspirational for the benefit of others. Burton also enjoys “I try to be nice helping othto everyone, ers by doing little things. however I can.” She loves to - Abby Burton do little acts of kindness that make people smile or laugh, and that brighten up their day. According to Burton, “When you don’t have a lot of time for the bigger services, sometimes the little lines are all you’ve got, and they add up over time”. This philosophy is what has brought many to enjoy her company. Through the past decade, Burton has always been kind to everyone and helped nearly everyone she meets. In middle school she would always help others with their schoolwork, helping in whatever way she could. A couple years ago, she brought a few home-cooked meals to the sick, completely making their day. And now, she displays her considerable love of knowledge in Millard South’s Early College Program which allows students to take advanced classes and even graduate a year early.
Abby Burton is kind, virtuous, and charitable, yet she somehow manages to stay humble. She has a proud past, flourishing present, and a promising future. Her work and dedication to helping others and making the community a better place are some of the most admirable aspects of her life. They summarize her drive of compassion and serve as a reminder of her inspiration.
Abby Burton truly is an inspiration to us all. charitable, yet she somehow manages to stay humble. She has a proud past, flourishing present, and a promising future.
Her work and dedication to helping others and making the community a better place are some of the most admirable aspects of her life. They summarize her drive of compassion and serve as a reminder of her inspiration.
Abby Burton truly is an inspiration to us all.