Architectural Portfolio. Part 1

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Circle: crematorium, cemetery, open green space, and community space

Gasholder Bases Competition by RIBA

The United Kingdom

As an architect at Jolma Architects, my duties of a sustainable development director of the project team included concept-, and sustainable approach development. I was responsible for developing innovative and creative solutions and steps towards achieving carbon neutrality such as incorporating ideas regarding green architecture, urban gardening and farming, as well as considering solutions for renewable energy, oxygen generation and carbon capture, rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling. I was working on creating of the Circle of Life diagram, and narrative writing for the competition entry.

status: competition entry


SketchUp, VRay, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

# ideas competition, architectural competition, innovative ideas, recycling, reuse, renovation, redevelopment, concept development, sustainable architecture, carbon neutrality, green architecture, urban gardening, renewable energy

Jolma Arkkitehdit Oy [Jolma Architects] / Tampere, Finland 2017
professional teamwork
Gasholder Bases Competition by RIBA
Gasholder Bases Competition by RIBA

THREE: Yilong Futuristic City

Yilong Futuristic City

International Design Competition Yilong District, Guizhou, China

As a part of the team at Jolma Architects, and sustainable development architect, I was in charge of developing innovative solutions to deal with the current challenges of global urbanization such as noise-, and air pollution, carbon capture, (rain) water harvesting, wastewater treatment, and water source shortage, eco-friendly transportation, and smart problem-solving solution to deal with traf昀椀c congestion. I was working on developing the Circular Concept diagram, and narrative writing for the competition entry.

status: competition entry

Software SketchUp, VRay, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

# architectural competition, innovative ideas, global urbanization, urban planning, urban pattern, smart city, urban infrastructure, sustainable urban transportation, landscape design, recreation area, landscape conservation, soil erosion, noise pollution, air pollution, carbon capture, renewable energy, building reuse, wood architecture

professional teamwork
Jolma Architects & TUPA architecture / Tampere, Finland 2017 Example block elevation to south Example block site plan
Yilong Futuristic City competition
Example block section
from the main square to southwest
Yilong Futuristic City competition

Solar panels Modular solar panels are easy to install to create sustainable energy and heat.

The blocks produce more energy and materials than they consume.

Water harvesting Membranes collect dew and rain water, provide radiative cooling and regulate humidity.

Productive elements Modules can be used to different productive combinations.


The blocks use and collect water efficiently.


Planting Network of roots protects the the soil from erosion.

Productive functions Blocks contain a diverse mix of funtions increasin efficiency and productivity.

New lifestyle Blocks support the shift to a new sustainable lifestyle by encouraging sociality and sustainable habits.

The fragile landscape is protected from soil erosion.

Natural zones The surroundings of the lake are kept mostly natural with recreational and cultural functions.

REDUCE Landscape
Water Energy & Materials
Circular Yilong Futuristic City competition

Wooden structure

Wooden building materials store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Reusable buildings

The standardised modular building parts can be easily disassembled, transported, repaired and assembled.


It is quiet and peaceful to live and work in the blocks.

Noise deflection

Urban facade deflects noise from streets, creating quiet spaces within city blocks.

Waste is procesessed as resourse adding value to the system. form combinations.

The city structure supports the use of sustainable modes of transportation.

Eco transportation Electric cars and tram reduce pollution and traffic.


Locally produced biofuel is an ecological alternative for electric transportation.

Bamboo waste water treatment

Waste water percolates into soil via bamboo roots which cleans it through phytoremediation. Bamboo is periodically cropped, removing toxins from system. Biomass is burnt for fuel.

CO2 Waste
Noise pollution Traffic congestion
Recycling water and

Smart, Ecological, Sustainable Inspirationistakenfromthetraditionalterrace farming of the area in both the built form and the landscape.Traditional techniques, such as terracing, and phytoremediation meet with modern technology to provide a secure and sustainable built environment for all. Collecting and sharing of information is encouraged in an open, circular economy, across all systems including transport, health, industry, and governance. An ef昀椀cient tramway connects with the intercity train network, lessening the need for cars, thus reducing air and noise pollution.

The New, The Old, The Future

The new city grid is aligned sympathetically to the Old Town with a green buffer to the southeast. Buildings are concentrated in the areas most suitable for development to protect the vulnerable local ecosystem and fragile kast system. The historically sympathetic and sustainable use of wood ensures carbon capture and storage throughout the lifecycle of buildings.

Resource, Recapture, Reuse

Water passage into the lake and river is slowed through planting, terracing, and attenuation ponds. Bamboo plants clean the water. Bamboo biomass is cropped and used for heating and as a sustainable building material. The buildings are draped with a rainwater and dew harvesting membrane. This membraneisusedasascreenforprojecting media, including local traf昀椀c, public transport, weather information, entertainment. Biogas is manufactured from captured grey water, human waste, and factories, to provide a sustainable source of heating.

Yilong Futuristic City competition
Location of the Yilong district within Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Region. Kunming Nanning Guiyang 200 km 190km 350km Museum PavillionProtected park PavillionHotel Healthcare Xingyi airport connection Restaurant Green

Xingyi County Site

Xingren Country

Zhenfeng County

Anlong County

Site location within Southwest Guizhou.

Continuous green corridor with pedestrian and bicycle paths along the river Healthcare center connection Green area as a transition from green corridor to the city Masterplan

Ecology, Environment, Empathy

The ecology of the river system is protected through a minimal intervention at Qiushui Lake. A central park is created around the lake, encouraging connection with nature and fostering empathy for environment.

A Third Way

Three explores the middle ground between tradition and modernity, ecology and human habitat, connectivity and identity. Three creates a new unique futuristic city that respects the local cultural landscape heritage of the area whilst providing a smart 21st living environment.

Connected, Cultural, Community

The strong sense of community is re昀氀ected throughcommunal,cooperativeliving.Three creates communities across three scales: enabling communal living in 昀氀exible housing units, creating a sense of community in city blocks and a new, distinct identity for New Lutun.Accommodation is arranged in a 6 m by6mgridofindividual,customisableunits. These components may be added together to create larger units for families.

Street facades rise vertically creating a city structure that protects the inner blocks from road noise.At street level, commercial uses create dynamic streets and provide residents with accommodation above ground level.

Pedestrian and cycle paths passing through the blocks create neighbourhoods with intimate communal spaces. Internally the blocks are terraced towards their centres to allow light and fresh air to penetrate right to the ground level. At the heart of each block there are centralised community spaces and buildings that residents can customise/ develop themselves.

Yilong Futuristic City competition
57km 31km 20km 30 km


1. Developing the tram line to connect all regional centers Phase 0Phase 1Phase 2

Existing roads

Site location

Road, Rail, and Tram

The tram connects New Luton to Luton Old Town, and the high-speed intercity rail networks that service the whole of Yilong. This increased connectivity reduces the need for cars, lowering pollution in the area.

Stimulation, Develpoment, and Urban Acupuncture

Three shifts the local transportation node into New Luton. So, urban, social, and economic development is stimulated at the node, providing a pivot for the settlement to develope around.

Phasing, Future, and Fortune

By providing a stimulationg platform for development, the tram line enables future development of the area in currently less accessible areas to connect all regional centers.

Wanton Xingyi train station Luton Luton old town Longguang Xinqiao Anlong train station Planned tram network 2. Expanding into less accessible zones
Yilong Futuristic City competition



Second building

Development, Direction, and Destination

The interface between Lutun Old Town and the proposed development at New Lutun will be strengthened by a new tram line that provides local residents with a smooth and smart link between the two settlements.

Connectivity, Sustainability, Walkability

The greenway that connects New Lutun with Lutun Old Town promotes sustainable transportation between the two areas, where walking and cycling are given priority over car transportation.

Extension, Encouragement, Engament

Three stimulaters development of the futuristic city northwards and westwards to seemlessly connect with the local services such as the health centre north of New Lutun.

Luton old town Wang Lake First building phase together with a partial tram line connecting to the old town New pedestrian path in accordance with the planned river Qiushui lake gradually to the north towards the health care center New secondary pedestrian system around the Qiushui Lake and in the old town walkable green corridor connecting to Luton Old Town
Phase 0Phase 1Phase
SITE DEVELOPMENT Yilong Futuristic City competition
phase together with the extension of the tram line
section A-A
section B-B Site plan Yilong Futuristic City competition


Electric vehicles Sharing, Enabling, and Mobilising

A network of shared E-vehicles enables residents to have the convenience of private car use without the long-term economic commitment of ownership. This sharing economy New Luton will be a futuristic city of low traf昀椀c congestion, and near zero traf昀椀c emissions.

Bike, pedestrian Sharing, Cycling, and Reducing

A system of local bicycle sharing encourages sustainable transport that reduces pollution, improves health of residents, and is economically obtainble for all. Smart enabled bicycles gather atmospheric, transport, and user data to share within the open smart city platform.

Tram Sharing, Going, and Staying

The tram encourages residents to share their commuting experience. GPS and smart enabled tram and train links enable residents to seemlessly change between local and regional connecitons.

A B Main road Secondary road Tram line Pedestrian path River
Yilong Futuristic City competition

Marstopia international architecture competition

VulcanHab is an adaptive sustainable Earth-independent habitat designed for a 昀椀rst crew Mars mission. Living in a dangerous and extreme Martian environment requires a new matter of a habitat - a (portable) life support system, a human-robot hybrid, an autonomous self-sustaining biosphere, which could provide a livable environment and sustain its inhabitants. VulcanHab is designed as a set of individual but interconnected, isolated, sealed and controlled arti昀椀cial living environments of moderate size and volume, located underground inside natural Martian lava tubes. VulcanHab, initially developed for the Marstopia competition, is also a part of my master’s thesis titled “Cyborg city: re昀氀ections on a concept of a sustainable urban formation on Mars”.

status: competition entry, and Master’s thesis

Eleven magazine / The United Kingdom 2017 Tampere University / Tampere, Finland 2020

Software Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

# cyborg, smart city, urban planning, space architecture, parametric design, in-situ additive manufacturing, sustainable approach, interior design

academic individual
VulcanHab Plan. First floor
Section Elevation Marstopia architecture competition
Plan. Second floor
Marstopia architecture competition

Integrated greenhouse area not only supplies with food but also acts as a recreation space, piece of greenery, peaceful place for meditation or area for dynamic activities like jogging. Its upper deck area provides

panoramic observation of the surroundings. This approach aims to maintain human connection with natural environment and may act as solution against claustrophobia.


It is believed that underground position of the habitat of at least several meters of regolith should be de昀椀ned as bene昀椀cial in terms of radiation shielding, thermal insulation, Martian dust and micrometeorite protection. Underground position provides not only geothermal energy, but also higher than above ground atmospheric pressure.



Interior is developed with consideration of continue spatial reorganization as movable walls allow free transformation of indoor area. The individual living cabins can be replaced by a common area, and vice versa. This brings interior freedom and helps to create feeling of spaciousness.


The arti昀椀cial living environment of VulcanHab can be de昀椀ned as a sort of biosphere as it considers growing of food (insect farming, vegetables and fungi) and algaculture (for oxygen generation). The system designed for VulcanHab is reliable

and durable as all the functional zones (a greenhouse, the units for algaculture and insect farming kits) are separated. This solution increases redundancy as it allows to individually control microclimate of each functional zone.

Marstopia architecture competition


VulcanHab has a lightweight foldable in昀氀atable mesh structure made of durable membrane-like nanomaterials known for their high damage-tolerance and radiation protection. VulcanHab can be deployed on-site by robots. Multiple habitat units can be interconnected via node elements; thus, habitation can be linearly extended. VulcanHab can be folded up into a spherelike shape for compact storing and transportation through the system of underground pressurized tunnels built inside the lava tubes.

Thanks to the In-Situ Resource Utilization, it is assumed that nanomaterials and polymers required for, e.g., window glazing can be produced locally and printed using a 3D printer.

Roof of VulcanHab consists of a double-dome structure. This solution ensures an additional protection and maintains thermal insulation. Filled with water inner shell of the double-dome structure can be used as protection solution against radiation.

Joint airlock (a detail) Self-luminous exit

Kinetic facade

Hybrid lighting system (solar panel + 昀椀ber optics + LEDs)

Ramp to top observation deck Gym

Marstopia architecture competition


Habitat’s intelligent lighting is a hybrid system, based on fusion of arti昀椀cial lighting and natural sunlight brought from surface.

Roof kinetic façade with integrated solar panels aims to act as an innovative technology for window openings. This smart automatic system can calculate insolation of a greenhouse. The system lets natural sunlight in during the daytime, ensures thermal insulation during the nighttime, and provides shielding against dust during the dust storms. Thanks to the roof integrated solar panels, the system allows solar energy to be generated, collected and stored.

The hybrid lighting system considers the implementation of 昀椀ber optics and LEDs, which are integrated into a smart textile made of carbon nanotube fabric and polymers. Usage of 昀椀ber optics aims to conduct natural sunlight from the surface of Mars to the underground area.

Relaxing area Meditation Stress relief deck
Solar panels PVs

New tram stop in Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel

Development of Hämeenkatu in Tampere, Finland

Hämeenkatu street represents a noisy and busy environment. Usually people just use the street due to business purposes, shopping, hanging out in the numerous cafes, bars of Hämeenkatu. Otherwise people try to pass fast through Hämeenkatu, have no reason to stay longer. The street do not offer a place for social activities. There is neither spaces for relaxing walking nor for cycling. Currently the Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel reminds a part of an abandoned industrial building. The aim is to improve the livability of Hämeenkatu street. Design strategy considers urban scale and leads to a smallscale design: from improvement of traf昀椀c and urban spaces on Hämeenkatu to design idea of renovation of the Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel. By removing buses and cars from Hämeenkatu, replacing them by bikes and tram, the area gets extra space and qualitative improvement. The focus is to not only improve traf昀椀c, encourage eco-transportation (bikes, tram) and design a new tram stop but also bring a new life to the tunnel. Proposed scenarios, like Aurora show, lighting design, media installations, open-air exhibitions by the local street artists, and music performances may attract different people. The tunnel may become a new place for gathering, social activities and cultural events. Temporary events and activities inside the tunnel may inspire young people, attract elderly and be interesting for the families.

status: studying project

# sustainable renovation and redevelopment, designing sustainable change, sustainable approach, urban transportation planning, innovative problem solving

academic individual
Tampere University of Technology / Tampere, Finland 2017
3ds Max, Corona Renderer, AutoCad, Photoshop, Illustrator Scenario 2. Aurora show
Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel
Scenario 1. Lighting design installation
Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel
Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel, tramline, pedestrian and bike paths
Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel
Tram station Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel
Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel

Open-air exhibition

Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel, pedestrian and bike paths

Scenario 3

Moomin museum

Eteläpuisto, Tampere, Finland

According to the design brief, a new Moomin museum shall represents a building that not only becomes a landmark of Tampere, but also presents imagined spaces: a museum for the stories, characters and places of the Finnish Moomin graphic novels by Tove Jansson. For the design of such a public building, questions of place, landscape, the experience of spatial and material qualities are crucial.

Eteläpuisto shall be characterized by its calm, peaceful and widespread 昀椀elds and open spaces as well as picturesque views to/from the given site.

“Unveiling place” of the given site can be considered through nature preservation (keeping the existing landscape), taking advantage of the site (open 昀氀atten surface of the site for the building location), decentralized position of the building on the site, transit: stairs/pedestrian path/pier as a connectioning element with urban environment and nature (lake, greenery) as well as through site observation and panoramic views.

status: studying project


# public architecture, sustainable approach, Nordic architecture, Scandinavian design, interior design

academic individual
Tampere University of Technology / Tampere, Finland 2017 Revit, 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign


Loop formation of the traf昀椀c 昀氀ow allows bringing the visitors to the same place from where an observation has been started.


Main stairway as a river

runs through the museum building, leading from a real urban context and busy environment to a fairy land of the Moominvalley.


Spatial experience and qualities shall be enhanced by using of the

small-scaled enclosed free-form volumes, a space to be adopted from bright area (open public spaces) to dark one (enclosed smallscaled volumes), and creating a transit from the museum space to the surrounding environment - the terraces, walkable roof, openings,

panoramic views affect visual perception by capturing the best views.

Dipping into a fairy world shall be done with help of such spatial features as the room’s shapes and positions, enclosed and void volumes, and open spaces.

Moomin museum
First 昀氀oor. Hall. The beginning of the adventure: path to the Moominvalley
Moomin museum

- Learning center - Administration - Personnel facilities - Exhibition spaces

- Public service spaces - Start of “adventure”: stairway as a river running through the museum and leading to the culminationMoominvalley & Moominhouse

- Work & storage for exhibitions - Maintenance facilities

- Moominvalley & Moominhouse exhibitions - Panoramic view - Walkable roof

- Temporary exhibition - Personnel facilities - Tove Jansson exhibition

- Loop formation of traf昀椀c 昀氀ow - Circulation around the stairway

IV trk Kaasuk. rk rk Koulu 80 90 80 85 85 80 80 85 Nalkalankatu
Etel‰puisto Kurilankatu Papinkatu Touristbusstop taxidrop-off&pick-up Functional diagram Tourist bus stop taxi drop-offpick up Underground tunnel loading bay Roadway
Moomin museum
Pedestrian & bike path
UP UP UP Museum shop 48 m Exit enclosure 24 m Exit enclosure 20 m Info point 19 m Amateur Moomin poster exhibition 30 m Kid's drawing exhibition 32 m Toilets 13 m Toilets 13 m WC 4 m Kitchen 37 m Dressing room 13 m Cloakroom 34 m Lounge area 78 m Restaurant Cafe & Bar 200 m Kid's club zone 19 m Hall 352 m _0.000+ Skylight DN UP UP UP Lounge area Kitchen 54 m Negotiation room 31 m Cloakroom 10 m Office for director 20 m Terminable workers 42 m Photographer Photo studio 41 m Storage 18 m Secretaries 20 m PR Marketing 21 m Designer 19 m Chief technicians 28 m Researcher 29 m Chiefs & Amanuensis 86 m Storage 13 m Workshops 55 m Learning spaces 64 m Storage 17 m Storage 10 m Storage 14 m Archieve 22 m Kid's playground 54 m +5.000 Kid's playground 39 m Foyer Multifunctional hall Exhibition area 373 m Entrance area 26 m Multifunctional hall 149 m Library 162 m Toilets 8 m WC 3 m Photocopying 10 m Corridor 121 m +2.890 +2.210 DN UP UP UP Storage 48 m Break 24 m Dressing room 14 m Dressing room 14 m Digital exhibition 114 m Digital exhibition Video room 87 m Showers 8 m Showers 8 m Temporary exhibition area Tove Jansson museum 1228 m +10.000 WC 3 m +7.890 Ventilation machinery 200 m Moominvalley 120 m Moominhouse 108 m Moominvalley exhibition 575 m +15.000 Walkable roof 716 m First 昀氀oor planSecond 昀氀oor plan Third 昀氀oor planFourth 昀氀oor plan Moomin museum
+2.500 -5.000 +2.210 +0.000 +5.000 +10.000 +15.000 +20.000 +21.200 +16.200 +17.500 +7.500 +7.890 +2.890 -5.000 +5.000 +10.000 +2.890 +12.500 +15.000 +16.200 +20.000 +21.200 +0.000 +17.500 +7.500 +2.210 +7.890 +2.500 Moomin museum

Cross-cut-, and longitudinal section

Moomin museum
Moomin museum
Second 昀氀oor. Foyer


THREE: Yilong Futuristic City

Yilong Futuristic

City International Design


Jolma Architects & TUPA architecture / Tampere, Finland 2017

Tutors: Kasmir Jolma, Ashley Penn, Juuso Livonen

Team: Armioun N., Bonetti A., Caraux L., Jin Y., Jolma K., Iivonen J., Orbea C., Penn A., Smirnova M., Vaginay M.

Teamwork: brainstorming, ideation, R&A, R&D, concept development, urban planning, drawing sketches. status: competition entry

Circle: crematorium, cemetery, open green space, and community space

Gasholder Bases Competition by RIBA

Jolma Arkkitehdit Oy [Jolma Architects Ltd.] / Tampere, Finland 2017

Tutors: Kasmir Jolma, Ashley Penn

Team: Armioun N., Bonetti A., Caraux L., Jin Y., Jolma K., Orbea C., Penn A., Smirnova M., Vaginay M.

Teamwork: brainstorming, ideation, R&A, R&D, concept development, drawing sketches. status: competition entry


Marstopia international architecture competition

Eleven magazine / The United Kingdom 2017

Tampere University / Tampere, Finland 2020

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.]

Master’s thesis: Smirnova, M. (2020). Cyborg City: Re昀氀ections on a Concept of a Sustainable Urban Formation on Mars. Tampere University, p. 68. Available at: http://urn.昀椀/URN:NBN:昀椀:tuni-202004294506

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10860.18561

Thesis supervisor: Panu Lehtovuori

Opponent of thesis: Fernando Nieto Fernandez status: competition entry, and Master’s thesis

Itsenäisyydenkatu tunnel

Development of Hämeenkatu and a new tram stop

Tampere University of Technology [Tampere University] Tampere, Finland 2017

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.] Course: Negotiating and Designing Sustainable Change

Tutor: Harry Edelman

status: studying project

Moomin museum

Eteläpuisto, Tampere, Finland

Tampere University of Technology [Tampere University]

Tampere, Finland 2017

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.]

Course: Architecture Design

Tutor: Klaske Havik

status: studying project

“Buoy Pori”

Urban research and design intervention

Pori, delta of Kokemäki river, Pori region, Finland

Tampere University of Technology [Tampere University] Tampere, Finland 2017

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.] Course: Urban Planning and Design

Tutors: Panu Lehtovuori, Jenni Partanen

Team: Herbst M, Mitish G., Siitonen L., Smirnova M., Vilenius V. Teamwork: brainstorming, problem de昀椀nition, SWOT analysis, data analysis, spatial analysis, qualitative analysis, GIS, ideation, R&A, R&D, concept development, urban planning.

status: studying project

Sustainable food-growing unit on Mars

Epic Challenge Joensuu international educational programme under the Epic Education Foundation Karelia University of Applied Sciences / Joensuu, Finland 2016

Degree: Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Design Course: Epic Challenge Joensuu

Epic-project tutors: Heikki Immonen, Dr. Ana Gebejes Bachelor’s thesis: Smirnova, M. (2016). Concept of a sustainable food-growing unit on Mars. Karelia University of Applied Sciences, p. 75. Available at: http://urn.昀椀/URN:NBN:昀椀:amk-2016052810513

Thesis supervisor: Jukka Niskasen

External thesis advisor at Epic Education Foundation: NASA Engineer and Astronaut Dr. Charles Camarda BioMars Team: Gebejes A., Holappa K., Ibrahim A., Ilo T., Karhu H., Korhonen J., Pölönen M., Smirnova M., Soloveva K. Teamwork: brainstorming, R&A, R&D, concept development, prototyping, labwork, experimentation and testing. status: Bachelor’s Thesis

Stengate Building Complex

Zero-Energy Building (Net ZEB)

Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 2015

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.]

Course: Sustainable Architecture

Tutors: Olena Kalyanova Larsen, Marie Frier Hvejsel

Team: Kristiansen M., Kuzmicz N., Loth L., Smirnova M., Sørensen J.

Teamwork: brainstorming, R&A, R&D, concept development, drawing sketches, modelling, daylight factor, development of wall detail, narrative writing.

status: studying project

Pavilion: reciprocal wooden structure

Kaffe Have roof in Anne Just’s Have, Aalborg

Aalborg University / Aalborg, Denmark 2014

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.]

Course: Performance Aided Design (PAD)

Coordinator: Dario Parigi

Team: students of the Master of Science (Architecture)

Teamwork: construction workshop, concept development, mesh de昀椀nition, global shape, structural analysis, detailing (joint development), building an experimental 1:1 scale prototype of a novel system. status: completed

“A Place to Ascend” 3D abstract plywood object

Arkitektur som Møbel exhibition in Utzon Centre

Aalborg University & Utzon Centre / Aalborg, Denmark 2015

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.]

Course: Tectonic studies: structure and construction

Coordinator (@Aalborg University): Marie Frier Hvejsel

Curator (@Utzon Centre): Lasse Andersen

Team: Chiambretto A., Kronborg T. A., Ryltoft Z. L., Smirnova M., Suorsa H.

Teamwork: designing and constructing plywood 3D abstract object and sculpture. Experimentation in form, structure, material and details [construction workshop].

status: completed

Sleeping Concert

Design & Construction workshop, exhibition design 3D installations and folded structures

Smukfest [aka Skanderborg Festival]

European Architecture Student Assembly (EASA) / Fredericia, Aarhus, Denmark 2017

Tutors: Eske Bruun, Kateryna Romanova, Anna Opitz

Team: Erga T., Kling J., Melioli L., Skujina K., Smirnova M.

Teamwork: concept development & prototype building: designing and building 3D installations and folded structures. status: completed

Sinai: Hatlehol Church Hatlehol Church Competition

Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 2014

Degree: Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture [M.Sc.] Course: Tectonic design: Structure and Construction

Tutors: Dario Parigi, Marie Frier Hvejsel

Team: Jensen A., Kuzmicz N., Nielsen M., Smirnova M.

Teamwork: brainstorming, R&A, R&D, concept development, cite plan, drawing sketches, building form concept, structural system development, model building, narrative writing.

status: studying project based on the design brief for the Hatlehol Church Competition

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