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Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy Gun House 1 Artillery Passage Aldgate London E1 7 L J
arts, culture and heritage
FundraIsIng TraInIng Courses
Cause4 offices London: (+44) 207 247 2963 Leeds: (+44) 113 323 0957
Images Front cover: Raphael Koh Page 1: Mike Wilson Page 5: Page 9: Volkan Olmez
FundraIsIng TraInIng Courses Welcome to our new training programme, offering exciting and fresh opportunities for individuals working across the arts, cultural and heritage sectors. As fundraising and financial resilience become more integral to everyone’s job, we have devised a programme that will enhance your fundraising practice, encourage entrepreneurship and help deliver creative, resilient leadership to achieve your organisational goals. Our essential Fundraising skills courses provide everything you need at a practical or strategic level, from writing compelling applications to harnessing new digital tools for giving; whilst Fundraising Leadership FundraIsIng TraInIng courses for senior managers will support you to raise funds within an ever more competitive environment. Our popular half-day Trustee Leadership sessions bring Trustees and Chief Executives together, helping participants understand the essential role that Boards play in fundraising, across regulatory, strategic and communications contexts.
arts Fundraising & Philanthropy continues to explore new ways to learn, develop and share good practice. Thanks to funding from Arts Council England, we have also devised and launched a range of exciting new e-learning initiatives. You can find more details of these on page 10. Please sign up to our mailing list via to stay up to date on developments.
arts Fundraising & Philanthropy’s one day Fundraising courses, led by experienced arts fundraising practitioners, are aimed at equipping you with the skills and knowledge to succeed in raising funding in your role. The courses are designed to give you the nuts and bolts of successful fundraising and development approaches. You can book one or more to meet your needs. All Fundraising essential courses are for people who are early in their fundraising career or who are established in another discipline and wish to refresh their skills or to incorporate fundraising into their work.
I hope you find something in this programme to inspire and enhance your skills which will bring practical benefit to you and your organisation, no matter what stage you are at in your career.
We are also offering three Fundraising Leadership courses, for managers and leaders of arts and cultural organisations, whether you are a fundraising specialist, freelancer or have a broader management role. These courses cover themes of strategic planning, developing an organisationwide approach to fundraising and success through partnerships.
Courses Michelle Wright Programme Director Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy
Additionally, our popular half-day Trustee Leadership in Fundraising & Income generation courses will help leaders and their Trustees to more confidently deliver their organisation’s fundraising.
Find out more and enrol online at
“The quality of the training really is outstanding. I’ve done 4 out of 5 of the Essential Fundraising Skills courses and am very impressed. The trainers are not only experienced experts in their respective fields but are also excellent communicators.” Ruth Northey, Soft Touch Arts, Leicester
The arT oF FundraIsIng HELEN JENKINS
WrITIng sTrong aPPLICaTIons For FundIng FERN POttER
CorPoraTe FundraIsIng: BesT PraCTICe In a ChangIng LandsCaPe NICOLE NEWMAN
IndIvIduaL gIvIng and reLaTIonshIP FundraIsIng
Is fundraising a dark art? Fundraising is often seen as partly a magical process and part luck. Helen Jenkins dispels the myths and shows you how research, planning and careful preparation can build successful fundraising. You’ll learn about different fundraising income streams, standard ‘return on investment’ ratios for those different streams and available research resources to build a case for support. The training is designed to help you overcome the most common barriers to fundraising success. No magic wand is required!
Fern Potter will lead you through writing a strong application for funding – whether grants from trusts/ foundations or statutory bids. With practical exercises to improve your case, the course will ensure that anyone can produce a strong fundraising application if you follow some simple rules. You will need to bring along an actual project so that you come away with increased confidence in your writing skills, budgeting and a toolkit for ideas generation.
usIng dIgITaL TooLs For CreaTIve FundraIsIng HOWARD LAKE
Nicole Newman will provide a step by step guide to developing successful sponsorship and membership programmes. This course is relevant to organisations looking to work with all scales of businesses, from local companies through to national brands. You will have the opportunity to discuss issues and think creatively around your sponsorship challenges, and leave with a toolkit and better understanding of how to implement a corporate fundraising programme.
Find out more and enrol online at uk/training 4
David burgess will lead you through the different ways that individuals give to help you understand how to identify supporter motivations. This will enable you to develop the most appropriate individual giving schemes for your organisation or project and – more importantly – for their potential supporters. You will leave with an outline of how to plan the journey from initial donor awareness to long-term relationships. A toolkit for developing donor journeys for different prospects and resources on best practice will be provided, including guidance on new funding regulations.
Howard Lake’s practical course gives people from any scale of organisation, or freelancers, the tools to make the most out of digital fundraising (email, web, social) with minimal time, skills and budget. Are you one of the 50% of charities without a digital strategy? Could you benefit from using digital tools to support fundraising? Expect to work on practical digital exercises, so bring along a smart phone, tablet or laptop!
FuNDRAISINg LEADERSHIP these senior-level courses are led by leading business and cultural fundraising consultants and active trustees to help to stimulate effective fundraising at a leadership level across a wide range of arts and cultural organisations.
“I found the simple explanations, honest analysis and relevant examples most interesting and helpful. The trainer was open to discussion, answering individual queries and addressing specific examples. It felt collaborative, I wanted more! I could have sat and talked with this trainer and group for a couple of days…” Roisin Caffrey, Executive Producer, Stan’s Cafe
CreaTIng and ImPLemenTIng a sTraTegIC FundraIsIng PLan
Fundraising is a long game, and requires clever, strategic use of what are always scarce people and financial resources. It is impossible to fundraise effectively and consistently without a strategic plan that has been agreed and is being implemented by senior leaders, Trustees and staff.
Sarah gee’s interactive course will support you in creating or implementing a strategic fundraising plan. It will give you the skills to both lead and oversee fundraising activities; the information required to create a strategic fundraising plan; deeper knowledge of the new regulations around fundraising, as well as techniques to motivate yourself and others – plus worksheets and top tips to take away.
deveLoPIng an organIsaTIonWIde aPProaCh To FundraIsIng
We all know the mantra ‘fundraising is everyone’s responsibility’, but how do we take this from theory to practical application? Successful fundraising requires not just creative ideas and specialist expertise, but support from every part of the organisation.
Ruth Jarratt, will support you to negotiate your organisation’s competing agendas and objectives to create a fully co-ordinated approach that will maximise fundraising potential. You will learn what an organisation-wide approach to fundraising should look like; have a plan to ‘make things happen’; an appreciation of the importance of organisational culture in achieving this goal and a methodology that can be used iteratively to bring everyone on board for fundraising success.
aChIevIng FundraIsIng suCCess Through exTernaL ParTnershIPs
The landscape for fundraising remains full of opportunities, but they are increasingly fragmented, specialised and time-consuming. For an organisation to pursue a wide range of opportunities that can maximise its fundraising potential – the most successful ones work in partnership.
Michelle Wright will explore the power of building partnerships that enable arts and cultural organisations to stand out in fundraising, thereby creating competitive advantage. By the end of the day you will have increased confidence in developing strong external partnerships and the know-how to craft a compelling and distinctive fundraising case for support. Real case studies and examples will help you implement strategies within your organisation.
Find out more and enrol online at uk/training 7
PrICIng & dIsCounTs TrusTee LeadershIP In FundraIsIng and InCome generaTIon SARAH gEE & MICHELLE WRIgHt
This half day course offers practical guidance on how a cultural organisation’s Trustees and staff team can work together more effectively to develop and lead a successful fundraising strategy. The training will be led by experienced business consultants and cultural fundraising experts, who are both serving Trustees for cultural charities: Sarah gee (Director of Indigo Ltd) and Michelle Wright (CEO of Cause4).
essenTIaL FundraIsIng skILLs Full price: £105 + VAt Sector partner discount: £95 + VAt Individuals, or those within orgs with turnover of £500k or less: £90 + VAt
FundIng LeadershIP & TrusTee LeadershIP Our Fundraising Leadership courses also include an additional 30-minute post-course mentoring session
Trainers will draw upon their own extensive experience to discuss the ways in which a strong collaboration between Trustees and staff can strengthen an organisation’s strategic approach to fundraising and encourage funders to support their cause. Participants will be encouraged to consider practical ways in which they can apply the learning from the training directly into their own organisations to make an immediate impact. These training seminars are for Trustees and CEOs or other members of the leadership team from arts and cultural organisations to attend together.
Full price: £130 + VAt Sector partner discount: £120 + VAt For individuals, or those within orgs with turnover of £500k or less: £120 + VAt SECtOR PARtNER DISCOuNtS OFFERED tO MEMbERS OF: Association of British Orchestras, AD:UK, Association of Independent Museums, Arts Marketing Association, British Arts Festivals Association, CVAN, Independent Theatre Council, National Museum Directors’ Council, One Dance UK, Society of Chief Librarians, Sound and Music, UK Theatre
We are also able to deliver our existing courses anywhere in England led by an experienced team of fundraising consultants, with content tailored to suit your particular needs. This approach is particularly suited to Arts Council England Catalyst recipients, Creative People and Places or other strategic funded organisations.
We can also create bespoke courses for staff within individual organisations, or for staff across a group of organisations. These could be in any area of arts fundraising and leadership suited to your specific needs, including Trustee training & Board facilitation; Developing a Fundraising Culture across the organisation; Fundraising and Marketing and Essential Fundraising Skills, for your particular cohort or sector. See website for full terms and conditions: booking-terms-conditions/
If there is a topic you are interested in please let us know. We would be pleased to work with you to devise a course tailored for your own situation. Please contact Pamela Johnson, Head of Programme at who would be happy to talk with you about your specific training requirements and costs. 8
ComIng soon
e-LearnIng In arTs FundraIsIng Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy has been working with Proversity, an award winning digital e-learning company, to design a new series of two hour e-learning modules downloadable by mobile or laptop/tablet. Launched in June 2017 these offer new ways of delivering impactful arts fundraising learning, bridging the gap between education and employment. This training is for arts and cultural professionals working across all scales of organisation, as well as freelancers. Participants may be at an early stage in their career as development specialists, or may have other practitioner roles but consider fundraising to be an increasingly important element of their work (e.g. artist, producer, artistic director, curator, administrator, education manager). The first module Asking People for Money is available for free from 6 June –14 July 2017 and covers an introduction to individual giving, across communications, cultivation, CRM databases, friends schemes and events. Further modules will follow between Autumn 2017 and Spring 2018.
Thurs 14 Sept 2017
using digital Tools for Creative Fundraising
Wed 8 Nov 2017
Tues 19 Sept 2017
Thurs 18 Jan 2018
Tues 12 Dec 2017
Tues 20 Mar 2018
Tues 30 Jan 2018
Wed 28 Feb 2018
The art of Fundraising
The art of Writing strong applications
strategic Fundraising Planning
Thurs 7 Sept 2017
Wed 18 Oct 2017
Tues 31 Oct 2017
Thurs 25 Jan 2018
Also coming soon is a Massive Open Online Learning Course (MOOC) developed by our partners at the University of Leeds. This new learning programme will cover the essential aspects of arts and cultural fundraising and leadership and will be available from 2018.
Tues 28 Nov 2017
Thurs 8 Feb 2018
Sign up to our mailing list at and we’ll make sure you’re amongst the first to receive further details about our e-learning programmes.
Corporate Fundraising masterclass: Best Practice in a Changing Landscape
Tues 10 Oct 2017
Wed 21 Mar 2018
Tues 17 Oct 2017
Tues 5 Dec 2017
achieving Fundraising success Through Partnerships
Thurs 25 Jan 2018
Wed 1 Nov 2017
Tues 13 Mar 2018
Wed 14 Feb 2018
Tues 3 Oct 2017
Trustee Leadership in Fundraising and Income generation
Thurs 23 Nov 2017
Thurs 9 Nov 2017
Thurs 15 Feb 2018
Thurs 7 Dec 2017
Wed 21 Feb 2018
Tues 27 Mar 2018
Individual giving and relationship Fundraising
Tues 6 Mar 2018
Sign up to your mailing list at for more information
developing an organisationWide approach to Fundraising