sof tly t wisted voluminous forms in trend-for ward silhouettes
huggie hoop
pendant necklace *earrings shown together on ear for scale ear cuf f hoop
bubble ring door knocker statement studs
toggle front necklace side toggle semi-cuf f bracelet
S S 21 - M E E T T H E M U S E
modernist sculptural pieces inspired by artist Barbara Hepworth
BARBARA HEPWORTH Barbara Hepwor th was a leading ar tist and sculptor with a highly regarded reputation in modernist s c u l p t u r e . O v e r t h e s p a n o f 5 d e c a d e s , f r o m 19 2 5 t o h e r d e a t h i n 1975 , s h e m a d e o v e r 6 0 0 u n i q u e p i e c e s with an astounding range and deep emotional force.
modern touches of glass
artful, inspired
molten, fluid, organic
S S 21 - H E P W O R T H C O L L E C T I O N modernist sculptural pieces inspired by artist Barbara Hepworth
double drop earrings
droplet pendant necklace
ringlet hoop earrings
pendulum mis-match earrings
gravit y y -necklace
signet ring
tension cuf f bracelet