Let every Missionary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help feel the joy and love that the God of mercy pours into our hearts as we celebrate our feast in the 150th Year Jubilee Celebration of Making Known the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help. In 1866, Pope Pius IX entrusted the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help to the Redemptorists with the mission to "Make Her known" throughout the world. Yes, 150 years have passed and we continually respond to this mandate as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a Congregation founded by a zealous Redemptorist missionary Fr. Agustin Nistal Garcia together with a woman who always had Mary as her model in following Jesus, M. Ma. Teresa Rivera Carrillo. Our Congregation’s name is already a way of making Her known but we know that what Pope Pius IX really meant when he entrusted the Icon to the Redemptorists was something even deeper, something beyond ways that could be enumerated. They are the incomparable and priceless experiences of journeying with our Mother of Perpetual Help all through these 150 years. With this sacred Icon that we have either hanging on the wall of our chapel, office, bedroom or even, aside from a picture frame, in the form of sticker or a stand placed in our car or on our personal working table, we know deep in our hearts that the phrase “make her known” does not simply mean propagating the image of our Mother of Perpetual Help but the Pope refers to the very message of the icon and most especially, that people may truly know the Persons found in the icon and have a deep relationship with them who actually live among us in the midst of the daily challenges and struggles in our journey. The Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help is primarily a proclamation of faith, a Gospel in color and is alike to a ‘window’ offered to us to enter into the heart of our God (“Make Her Known” Power-Point Movie by Séamus Devitt C.Ss.R., Esker). It takes one to open her/his heart and whole life in order to find God and experience His merciful love. To “make her known” is first of all to know her and to understand the meaning of her gaze upon us, of the position of her hands, the message of the angels, of the symbols and colors found in the icon and most especially, to recognize the very center of the icon, Jesus Christ, the Perpetual Help, with whom there is fullness of redemption. Unless 4
one has realized and experienced the Perpetual Help of Mary, it will not be possible to “make her known”. Fr. Seamus, in his PowerPoint movie recalls to us the meaning of “Succour” as a word originally derived from the Latin “succurrere”, suc/currere ) which means to run beneath; to run to catch someone falling; to run to the help of someone in great need. He concluded that is, in fact, Mary for us. She catches and carries us. It is up for us to recognize this experience as we allow her to guide us toward Jesus, her Son. Again, we hear her saying to us: “Do whatever He tells you”. She literally “run to her Son to help the newlywed couple in Cana who were in great need. As the whole Redemptorist family and the devotees of our Mother of Perpetual Help in the world celebrate this 150th Jubilee of Making Known the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help, we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help joyfully take part in honoring, thanking and expressing our love for our Patroness through the various activities organized in the different MPS communities and regions. Let us read all these articles in a particular section that has been especially created in this MPH Feast 2016 Issue of Estrella Misionera. As mentioned in the beginning of this editorial, our being Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a way of making her known. However, it is a constant and great challenge as well for all of us. Our presence, through our testimony and missionary spirit must help the people who we come in contact with understand the message of the Icon and recognize the Perpetual Help of Mary. “With our gaze fixed on Jesus the Redeemer and Mary of Perpetual Help, and prompted by the missionary dynamism of our Founders, we participate in the apostolic mission of the Church through the proclamation of the Gospel preferably to the poor (cf. Lk 4, 18)” (C. 6b). For this, we continue to recall from our Constitutions: “Our Titular and Patroness is the Virgin of Perpetual Help, under whose maternal protection and constant aid we carry out our mission in the Church3 (LG 56; c. 663 §4). We contemplate and imitate the life of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, in her unconditional surrender; her attitudes as a disciple inspire and configure our being and doing (cf. Lk 1.38; Jn. 19 26-27); she shows us Her Son, the Way, the Truth and the Life (cf. Jn. 14, 6); she teaches us to radiate the light of her Son through charity, compassion, humility, tenderness, and love for the interior life, joy and simplicity: "Do whatever He tells you" (Jn. 2, 5) (C.7). Turning our gaze once again upon the Icon, let us then, “like her, and with her, hold Christ and offer Christ to the world” (Fr. Seamus). Happy Feast to all!
Hna. Maria Victoria Vivar, Flores , MPS 5
““AND HIS MERCY IS UPON GENERATION AFTER GENERATION” ““We, the sisters study, reflect, announce and pray the Mystery of Redemption through the Icon of Perpetual Help, making her known in their apostolic works with the objective of making extensive our spirituality. ” ” ( D 74.1).
THE ICON IS A PLACE OF MEDITATION. “The icon is a place of meditation. When we place ourselves in a prayerful attitude before an icon we can delve into the mysterious reality that it represents and we discover the value of liturgical prayer. The icons are made to be contemplated upon and to help us in contemplation” (REDEMPTORIST MISSIONARIES, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bogota 2016). Mary, the contemplative woman par excellence, woman of prayer and attentive listening, who welcomes and gives at the same time, who looks at us and allowed herself to be looked at, the woman who lives out the Word and receives such in her arms, who at the same time, she gives to us and sends us to “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2, 5), is the mother that we find in the icon of the Virgin of the Perpetual Help. She is the Virgin whom the Church teaches us to venerate with special affection for being the model of the woman, believer and obedient to the will of God. For us, the Missionaries of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help who have as Patroness and pillar of our spirituality, as expressed in Constitutions and the Directory, we are deeply united with the mandate that Pope Pius IX gave to the Redemptorist Missionaries: “Make her known to all the world”. We are committed before anything else in making her known through personal experience as we, missionaries, study, reflect on, pray and announce the mystery if Redemption through the icon (cf. D 74.1). Contemplating on the icon, we are imbued in the school of our spirituality, we discover the manifestation of God, the Father-Mother to men and women from the incarnation of His Son until the passion, death and resurrection, as described in the Gospels. We may have a deeper experience of the mercy of the Lord revealed in all that makes up the icon: Mary, the Mother, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the archangels Saints Michael and Gabriel, the instruments of the passion, it sandal that is falling off from the Child’s foot and so showing off the
sole, the union of the hands, the facial expressions, the position of the body, the golden background, the colors of the garments and finally the movements. It is not a static image, it is an auspicious image whose movement and inspiration make way for an encounter through the Holy Spirit that is present and was present in the author. This icon, widespread in almost all the world, manifests one of the realities of the Magnificat: “And His mercy is upon generation after generation” (Lk. 1, 50). Celebrating the Jubilee of the Icon and the special Jubilee year of the Mercy is a providential light for us to go deeper in our spirituality and charism, it is commitment to continually make known the merciful face of God in our community and apostolic life, as an extension of the mercy of God, to which we are invited to do based from our contemplation of the Mother of the Perpetual Help. “My thoughts now turn to the Mother of Mercy. May the sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God’s tenderness. No one has penetrated the profound mystery of the incarnation like Mary. Her entire life was patterned after the presence of mercy made flesh. The Mother of the Crucified and Risen One has entered the sanctuary of divine mercy because she participated intimately in the mystery of His love” (Misericordiae Vultus, BULL OF INDICTION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY, Pope Francis, #24). Like Mary in the Magnificat, let us proclaim the greatness of the Lord, let us thank Him you for making us partakers of this wonderful gift: for being disciples and missionaries of Jesus, the Redeemer, under the protection and help of the Mother of Perpetual Help. Let us contemplate and pray before this beautiful icon and from the deep awareness with and much security, let us continue the mission of "Making her known to the whole world", with our testimony that gives life in the contexts of death where we live and move, serving as living icons of the Lord Jesus so that the poor and abandoned may experience His redemptive action. With my embrace and prayer,
Your Sister Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS
“Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has enabled us to share in the inheritance of the holy people in light.” With gratitude and joy, let me share with you some of my experiences during my last trip to Rome. In my plan of six years, I only thought of participating at least once in the Plenary Assembly of General Superiors of the UISG (INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GENERAL SUPERIORS), however, the Lord surprised me with his plan when I was chosen as the delegate of Mexico for this instance, which required me to make two more trips, coupled with to a greater responsibility and commitment at the both levels: as a Congregation and national-ecclesial. With the theme “Weaving Global Solidarity for Life”, there were 870 General Superiors of us who gathered in Rome with all illusion to learn and share. The UISG is an organization where the voice of the women religious is heard before the ecclesial bodies at the Vatican, as well as in international organizations like the UN among others. The UISG is just as the Pope invites us to certain interventions in any of the dicasteries,
in synods or some permanent committees. With the openness of Pope Francis, we are increasingly achieving these spaces for participation, where the voice of the consecrated women manifests itself with more specific contributions and commitments at the level of authority and organization. In this occasion, the Assembly had two objectives: firstly, to present the reports of the journey, as well as the enlightenment and reflection that is given every three years; secondly, to celebrate together the 50th Anniversary of the UISG, since this emerged as result of the Vatican II and lastly, to begin the journey in a new Ecclesiology . All had idea of that at some moment, there would be a party or a special celebrative time for the anniversary, our surprise was that there was nothing of this in the program, there was a Superior General who had the courage to ask: “At what time would be the celebration of the anniversary? And the response was very wise: "the encounter, the reflections, celebrations, learning and the that fact that we see each other since the journey began of 50 years ago, with them projects, activities and actions are actually the celebration". All assume this celebrative spirit and we were happy, joyful and grateful for seeing the marvels the Lord has manifested all this time. The plus celebration was the special audience with the Pope, the enlightenment that he gave us was a response to questions and concerns presented by the constellations in the different countries. I had the luck to have been chosen as delegate of Mexico to be in a privileged place together with the Executive Council of the UISG and other delegates. At the end of the audience, the Pope came down and greeted each one of us with joy and a big smile that characterizes him. I am not going to repeat the message of the Pope since it was very widespread in the media. I would only convey the cordial and affectionate greeting that he gave for all our sisters, along with the blessing that we received from him. Starting from the biblical foundation "so that you may have life" and the Magisterium of Pope Francis ""I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security ". The various conferences in the Assembly occurred around the reading of religious life in a globalized world that places us before globalized contexts and scenarios: - We live in a world of dehumanizing poverty. - We live in a world in conflict. - We live in a world of migrants refugees and asylum seekers. - We live in a world that allows human-trafficking. Do these peripheries challenge us to be women of global solidarity? We need a personal and Congregational conversion. 9
The invitation for a more evangelical response is, no doubt, the conversion. How can we weave a global solidarity for our common home? We can explore three areas from "a long and loving gaze": The power of the world vision and the conversion of mentality. Mutual relations and conversion of the heart. Be witnesses of the Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit and the conversion of the will. Let us together globalize solidarity and hope. After the Plenary Assembly of the Superiors General, we had the Assembly of the Delegates where we elected the new Executive Council of the UISG, reviewed and approved the strategic plan that we had started in the previous assembly and then, we took some decisions. At the end of week, mid-part of the two assemblies, I had the opportunity to visit St. Alphonsus’ Church, where the original icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help is venerated, and before which I had to aim of spending a contemplative and prayerful moment, to standing, kneel and sit down before her and tot beg her for each sister, each missionary work, needs, and especially for new vocations. It made me feel our mother's great love and tenderness with the way she looks at us and accompanies us as a Congregation being under her protection. She strengthened my hope and enthusiasm to continue in the service of authority that is entrusted to me in the spirit of the Gospel. Thereafter, I celebrated Pentecost and the Lord gave me a deep experience of love and mercy that I shall simply share with you. I visited the General Curia and the General House of the Redemptorist Fathers and it was a very fraternal encounter of sharing experiences and getting to know the Congregation of the most Holy Redeemer more aside from mutually participating the joy that makes us celebrate 150 years of Making the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help known. With deep gratitude to the Lord, with the attitude of responding to both: to the gift received and in thanksgiving for each sister as a Congregation that have accompanied me in these experiences, I end up this sharing, rest assuring each one of you, our communities and our mission of my prayer. With an embrace and my prayer in Jesus, the Redeemer and Mary of Perpetual Help,
Your Sister Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS 10
CENTRAL AMERICA REGION Giving Life for Plentiful Redemption
As part of our mission of evangelization, we have conducted recollections with the teachers to start the year in order to ask God for the grace and wisdom that we will need for the new school year. Likewise, we have conducted recollections for the young graduates.
With much joy, we celebrated on February 4, 2016 the Golden Anniversary in Religious Life of M. Luisa Lugo, who, together with the community and the Congregation thanked God for these 50 years of consecrated life that God has given her to be of service to the most needy. The Eucharist was presided in the community by Fr. William (vicar of the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew), who urged the sisters to continue with their mission of accompanying the children, youth and adults towards God with our testimony of dedication and faithfulness in the call we have received. Thereafter, we had dinner with the sisters, teachers and close friends. Thanks, M. Luisa for your dedication and fidelity in our Congregation!
the Holy week,
the sisters from the community of Mazatenango, had a very beautiful experience to share with the communities in the Parish Center II La Mรกquina, where, in coordination with the parish priest Fa-
ther Fernando, were distributed by pairs for the mission experience. The postulants, along with Sister Judith, had their experience of the Holy Week Mission in the communities of Metalio, Sonsonate, wherein they were accompanied by the Sisters of the Sonsonate MPS Community.
On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of April this year, we had the joy of participating in a personal growth workshop called: "IN THE PURSUIT OF MY OWN REDEMPTION THROUGH FORGIVENESS, which was facilitated by Lic. Yaquelin Lòpez, who is originally from El Salvador and provided us with many tools on
how to forgive ourselves and others, as a way to achieve greater internal freedom. All the Sisters of the Region together with the formandas of the different stages participated in the said workshop. It was great blessing for all of us and we do thank the Lord for this great opportunity for growth.
Events St. John Neumann Community
On March 8, international women's day, we attended a workshop in Providence, MA, with the Northern Region of Religious Life in New England, wherein religious, Laity and priests and leaders responsible for Hispanic Ministry participated. This ongoing formation made us aware of our future as consecrated women and of concrete space, i.e., our missionary work in the Diocese of Springfield, MA. A layman Carlos Aedo, director of the Hispanic Ministry of the Diocese of Providence facilitated the workshop. This encounter is entitled the Discernment in the Ignatian Spirituality, that leads us to the personal and intimate encounter with ourselves and with the Creator. These significant events in this beautiful Easter were held in Holy Trinity, Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of Peace Parishes, in Franklin County, located in the north of Springfield, where we accompany our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the growth of their faith and their human development.
(These children are celebrating the Paschal Mystery )
The new generations of the Hispanic children: for them, it was their first time to know and celebrate Holy Week. Together with their families , they participated with their simple faith in the reflections for each day of the Holy Week in the Parish of OUr Lady of Peace. 17
Sr. Patricia Morales, MPS arrived on Holy Tuesday to be part of our Region and we received her with much happiness, it was the most beautiful gift Jesus gave us for this day. Sister Paty has come to be part of our Community St. John Neumann, here in the Diocese of Springfield, MA., and we thank Jesus, the Redeemer and our
Mother of the Perpetual Help for her presence in our midst. The fraternal spirit helps us to develop our heart, to love and respect one another as sisters who struggle for the same missionary ideal.
The Diocese of Springfield, MA, has a radio station via online: www.catolicaspringfield.com, channel 102.5 of FM here in New England. It completed one year last month of April and we are indeed thankful to God. As missionaries, we have started a vocation promotion program that we named: Jesus calls you! He is the way; we do hope that the Holy Spirit may continually give vocations to our missionary Congregation and to the whole Church. In the week of Easter, we had our spiritual exercises in the Jesuit Retreat House in New Jersey. Discernment is to be at every moment of our life, it is a road to arrive at the human, spiritual and psychological growth and better knowledge of our own history, in our relationship with Jesus, the Redeemer and with our sisters and brothers. We were happy and grateful to God for these days of spiritual recollection. Our spiritual life brings us to enjoy the mystery of the redemption in our own lives. . (Sr. Juana MarĂa HernĂĄndez)
(Sr. Jovelyn Mantilla)
The Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Philippine Region
gathered for rest, bonding
recreation last January
3, 2016. This was held at Nanay Tecla Beach Resort, Balacbacan, Batangas
4:00p.m. This was participated by the sisters from different communities. The gathering was organized by the
tariat of Religious Life in order for us to rest, bond, commune and enjoy with each other through sharing of experiences, swimming, eating, videoke-singing, sleeping and playing of scrabble and other games. The sisters were all very much grateful,
and happy, thanking God for the gift of vocation, Congre-
gation and the presence of each one, with the prayers and hope that the experiences of that day will be more lived, valued and deepened as one family
ing, helping and working together for the good of the Congregation and of the Holy church. 20
(Sr. Ma. Barbara V. Flores)
Several sisters from the MPS Philippine Region have celebrated twenty-five (25) years of Religious Profession. The first was Sr. Jenie Amsua in 2012, followed by Sr. Maria Theresa Gaufo, Sr. Evelyn Bacsan, and (+) Sr. Josephine Flores in 2013. Next and most recent were Sr. Annie Estraza and Sr. Nileta Rudillas in 2014. This year, the congregation especially the Philippine Region once again joyfully offers praise and gratitude to God for the gift of vocation and fidelity as Sr. Maria Victoria `Marivic’ Vivar Flores celebrates her Silver Jubilee as an MPS Religious Missionary on June 24, 2016.
Last January 10, the sisters from the different communities in Manila took the opportunity to celebrate this wondrous event as they gathered at the Regional House in Manila Times Village, Las Pinas, together with the Jubilarian, who at that time was on vacation in her hometown. Present also, were Sr. Marivic’s parents, other family members, and close friend-benefactor—Mommy Lita Sope. The gathering started with a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Rev. Fr. Jeff Manlapig who gave a very meaningful and heart-felt homily. His message revolved on three points which he specially addressed to Sr. Marivic and all the sisters, reminding each one of the challenge of God’s call: 1) `You are a woman onfire’...that as followers of Jesus, we must always be burning with zeal and passion; 2) `You are God’s beloved daughter’ ; 3) `You are called for Mission’. After the Mass, lunch was served and a short program followed which was hosted by Sr. Lourdes Martho of the Secretariat of Religious Life. It was a simple celebration but definitely a wonderful manifestation of God’s love.
(Sr. Ma. Barbara V. Flores)
The 51st International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) with the theme: “Christ in You, Our Hope of Glory” was held last January 24 - 31, 2016 in Cebu, Philippines, where thousands of Catholic faithful coming from 73 countries gathered and journeyed together through this very significant event. It was a great blessing for the Filipinos to be given this opportunity to host the IEC for the second time after 79 years. The first one, which was the 33 rd IEC and the 1st in Asia, was held in February 1937 in Manila. This time, we are filled with gratitude to God for allowing us to take an active part in this celebration as eleven (11) sisters from the Philippine Region were sent as delegates to the IEC. All were greatly inspired and challenged from the talks and catechesis delivered by our beloved Bishops and Cardinals, and from faith & life testimonies shared by individuals coming from different walks of life. It was truly a time of renewal of faith and deepening of our appreciation and devotion to the Eucharist. Other activities such as the Cultural presentations, the Visita Iglesia, the First Communion, the Candlelight Procession... were all moments of grace and an outpouring of God’s love, manifested in the spirit of unity, respect, charity and oneness shared and witnessed by each one in the midst of diverse culture and race. During the culminating Mass called Statio Orbis, Papal Legate Charles Maung Cardinal Bo of Yangon, Myanmar celebrated the Mass and delivered an inspiring message addressed not only to the IEC delegates but to all Filipinos, thanking each one for the warm hospitality. He also acknowledged the deep faith and devotion of Filipinos as he said: “Thank you for making us proud to be catholics”. Then, completing the IEC, just before the final blessing, our Holy Father Pope Francis gave his message via video. He relayed his experience during his visit in the Philippines during the wake of the Typhoon Yolanda and how he witnessed the `deep faith and resilience’ of its people. He also emphasized the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and challenged each one to be missionaries of sharing the good news of Christ’s redemptive love.
Sr. Annie Estraza
I had read an article of William A. Barry,SJ that explained what a “thin place” is. Many times, we experience God’s presence in an awesome—beautiful thing, place, person or event. But what caught my attention as William Barry continued is that a “thin place”, which may be the place of horror as in Dachau, just outside Munich, Germany during the rule of Adolf Hitler; The Badizimmer (bathroom) where men, women and children were gassed to death… may actually be a place where we can find God. I had my very own sort of ‘thin place’ when I did my Lenten apostolate at the Las Pinas City Jail last March 2016. During the various instances that I had to be at the vicinity of the three small cells in the Male Dormitory with more than 700 prisoners packed up together, I witnessed their inhuman conditions. They had to sleep by shifting since it’s impossible for them to lie down all at once. Some inmates in their early 20’s got crippled because they couldn’t stretch out their legs. In addition to that misery, was that taking a bath daily is given only to a privileged few. My heart was moved with deep pity for them. I asked myself ‘why this has to happen?’. I felt helpless, so helpless that I asked God why He allowed this to happen. I tend to close my eyes or just leave that “horrible” place so that nothing will ever disturb me anymore. But then how could I turn my back since that was the place where God invited me to experience Him at the very moment. Indeed, it was a “thin place” for me…God was so real then.
(*This rendition of the OMPH Icon was made by Carmela, one of our students in our catechetical apostolate in LPCJ. Let us continue to pray for our brothers & sisters in prison that through the intercession of our Blessed Mother , they may remain steadfast in faith and be open to the transforming grace and power of God’s merciful love.)
The first
`Moving-Up’ ceremony at the Maria Perpetuo
Socorro Learning Center (MPSLC) was held last March 22, 2016 at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon with a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Rev. Fr. Lito Marterior,OSJ. Fifteen (15) children stepped-up and received their ribbons and certificates on stage together with their parents. The event was graced with the presence of MPS Regional Superior, Sr. Alejandra Valdez who gave an inspirational message;
and Ms. Marieta Gaer, Senior Education Specialist from the Department of Education. Twelve (12) of the students will be proceeding to Kinder2, while three (3) will be proceeding to Grade 1. Congratulations to our dear little graduates and to their parents!
LENTEN MISSION The annual Lenten Mission of the MPS Philippine Region was held last February 28 to March 27, 2016 Antipolo, Rizal with the theme: “Mahabaging Mukha ng Diyos sa Krus at Eukaristiya” (Merciful Face of God on the Cross and the Eucharist).
In response to the invitation of Fr. Norman Banzuela, OSJ-Parish Priest of San Antonio de Padua Parish, fourteen (14) sisters (Sr. Alejandra Valdez & Sr. Gay Orcullo; Sr. Maria Socorro Rivera & Sr. Shirley Mabunga; Sr. Michelle Gallon & Sr. Merlyn Canonio; Sr. Regina Erecre & Postulant Famela Jadulco; Sr. Merlie Decena & Sr. Maricel Gopita; Sr. Celsa Antonio Villaflor & Sr. Ma. Barbara Flores; and Sr. Leny Bravante & Sr. Sherryl Rivera) were sent in pairs to the different sitios belonging to Barangay Inarawan and some in Barangay San Juan. Mission activities were Home-visitation and Family Blessing, Catechesis for children, youth, and adults, Recollections, Stations of the Cross, and Propagation of devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. It was a meaningful and grace-filled journey as shared by the sisters. Each one, taking home with her learnings and renewed inspiration brought by their experiences and encounters with God’s people.
(Sr. Shirley C. Mabunga)
As a Missionary Congregation, whenever Lenten Season is coming, we are all excited to know whom will be sent for a one month mission. And perhaps those who never lost their passion for mission would always hope that they may be chosen. This year, I am grateful for the trust of including me to join the fourteen missionaries who were sent off for a one month mission in Bgy. Inarawan Antipolo, Rizal. With a heart filled with trust to the Lord (and a little pinch of fear of what awaits me there!), I opened myself and went where God wanted me to do— His mission. And just like in every mission, we prepared and disposed ourselves before setting off. I remember the very first meeting we had with other missionaries, we were asked to write what is our expectation for this year’s mission…And I could remember what I wrote: “I only want to experience the presence of God. Encounter Him in every experience and people during the entire mission.” I believe that this expectation is something already given in every mission, but as my second mission after Cagayan Valley Experience, this year, I just felt that desire to be attentive of His presence in every moment more than any other concerns regarding this mission.
Then, it was on the 28th of February, when we arrived and were welcomed by the Parish priest, Fr. Norman Banzuela, OSJ together with his Parishioners in San Antonio de Padua Parish in Antipolo, Rizal with a Sunday Eucharistic Celebration. After the mass, we were introduced to the different area coordinators and family hosts. I was feeling overwhelmed with the excitement and hospitality of the people who waited for our coming. The joy I saw in their eyes in meeting us could contaminate us too; I can’t help but get excited and overjoyed with their very warm welcome. Then, after awhile we were already brought by our respective host family to our designated areas. We were sent by twos, just how Jesus did in commissioning his apostles “they always come in pair”. With that joyful and warm welcome, God allowed me to feel at ease and made me know that He is with us in this mission. In fact He already prepared the place before us just as what He always does in all our missions and apostolate. As we move in our day to day, we come to know the place and the people. The areas were too vast for us to finish visiting them in one month. Most of the people were come from different places of origin and everyone has their own different stories about their own families. We gradually enter into their lives through daily integration and giving different activities set for them. We were moved by the people’s desire to be visited, heard and blessed by God through our presence and at the same time challenged by those who can’t find time to respond to God’s call through our invitation because of their many day to day concerns. In-
deed, there were so many experiences and learnings that this mission left me. But one that is really remarkable for me is the different experiences of being present with the people during our visits and encounter with them. I learned in this mission how to be generous in giving oneself without any fear or doubt. They taught me humility and trust in every sharing we had. There were no reservation at all for even the very confidential truth about themselves and stories about their families they shared. They were not afraid to be judged. I saw and felt that what they needed is to be understood, forgiven, accepted and listened. I was overwhelmed with their openness and trust in us. Their stories are not really that easy. But through this I come to know the depths of their lives and I come to know and experience the big place of God in their lives and in my own life. I realized how strong they have become especially through their faith journey; for despite of their realities they can still smile and move on in life. I salute their trust and confidence in God during the most difficult times of their lives. Stories such as a converted drug addict, a husband/wife having problem in their relationship with their partners, a mother’s distress for their stubborn children, a child who suffered from a broken family, the lament of a single woman etc. It is true that every person has flaws and no family is perfect. With the realities of the situation, culture and stories of the people in Antipolo, I come to realize again the reality of our weaknesses and limitation as human. But in our weaknesses, God strengthens and redeems us through his mercy. This can be attested by their stories. Despite of the challenges there were still a lot of grace and consolation. We are people who need to be redeemed from our stubbornness and sinfulness. But God did not abandon us. He is moved by mercy in seeing us in this situation that is why He gave us His own son even to the cross, to redeem us and give us hope. It is their Hope in Christ that these people were able to bear and triumph over their crosses. Through our weaknesses, we come to recognize our God who is merciful and compassionate. It is His mercy that brought us back to Him. It is His mercy that He forgives and accepts us. He gave himself for us. And His self-giving continuously happens every time we receive Him in the Holy Eucharist. I believe that experience of God’s mercy and compassion in the cross and in the Eucharist also takes place and is vividly experienced in the lives of these people. God brought us to these people to affirm that He never abandon them, not in any second of their lives. Through our presence and patience that God bestowed on us for this mission, people were touched and encountered Him among us. Every time we listen to their stories of joys, sufferings and faith; every time we educate them with our catechesis from children to adult; for the joyful encounter with the youth; for blessing their homes and families; facilitating their encounter with God in Recollection; introducing Mary and encouraging them to ask the intercession of Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help through her novena and encouraging them to be reconciled once again with God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist, we become once again a channel of God’s love and mercy to these people because of this gift of mission He entrusted to us. It was definitely an experience of encountering the Merciful God in
these people. 27
The sisters in the MPS Philippine Region had their annual retreat last March 29 to April 4, 2016 at the San Sebastian Retreat House in Lipa City, Batangas. The speaker/facilitator was Rev. Fr. Martin Tobin, C.Ss.R, who guided the sisters to a closer encounter with the Lord as he shared enriching and inspiring insights on essential topics such as Faith, Prayer, Mary, and the Eucharist. Each day was made complete by a celebration of the Holy Mass and an hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The quiet, beautiful and nature-friendly surroundings also made the week-long journey an opportunity for each one to rest and be revitalized. Filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of zeal for the mission, the sisters happily received the letters of their new assignments for the fiscal year 2016-2017 which were announced and given by Sr. Alejandra D. Valdez-Regional Superior during the closing Mass, just before the final blessing. The retreat was indeed a blessed and grace-filled experience that left in each one the inspiration and challenge to know, love and follow Jesus, our Risen Lord more deeply and thus to continue to be bearers of His good news and merciful love to the world.
You may also see at: http://perpetuosocorro.com.mx/es/mpsphilippine-region-annual-retreat
AVE MARIA , SISTERS! 4th of May 2016 Grateful with the God of mercy who guides our life, we want to share with you a little about the journey of Superiors of communities of the Mother of the Redeemer Region. It has been a very enriching and motivating experience that we have had during this year. 1st Meeting: EVALUATIVE EXERCISE ON THE APOSTOLIC JOURNEY (May 2015) Each Directress shared the lights and shadows experiences in her apostolate. Two of the proposals of greater resonance: Develop the manual of functions and give it continuity. Each community shall develop their projects so as to improve their apostolates and must make them concrete, feasible and realistic. 2nd Meeting: “SERVICE OF AUTHORITY” (September 2015) In the Eucharistic celebration for this meeting, we had the sending off of the new superiors: Central House - Sr. Yolanda Sánchez Beltran; Juan Ramón Jiménez School – Sr. Maria Rosa Vargas Rendon; Morelia Community – Sr. Maria Elena Sastre Moreno; and La Villa Community – Sr. Aida Perez Salvador. Fr. Efren Balleno (OFM), invited us to always allow ourselves to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit and to question ourselves if we are being the good soil for the fruits that God expects from us. He stressed that the evangelical authority is moral strength and a sacrificial, humble and responsible work. Most of all, it is to animate the sisters, in order to live the Gospel, to have community participation and to encourage the mission in the world (Reflection based the Document “Authority-Obedience). At this meeting, the Regional Council presented the Plan of the Government and the schedule of the activities in the Region. 30
3rd Meeting: “REVITALIZING MY CONSECRATION” (November 2015) The Eucharist was presided by Fr. Desire Afana and was celebrated along with the superiors of the Southern Mexico Region. Fr. Desire Afana shared with us the theme on: "Revitalizing my Consecration" based on the document " Rejoice". The reflection was about the question: how shall we revitalize Consecrated Life? The world needs to be comforted by the embrace and the tenderness of God, which is the remedy in the family. To make flesh the Good News in the following of Christ as witnesses. Joy and consecrated people go hand in hand, the joy when it is caused by a religious is actually a testimony to the Kingdom. 4th Meeting: “MY LEADERSHIP IN THE STYLE OF JESUS BEGINNING WITH MY DIRECTIVE TASK” (January 2016)
This reflection was facilitated by educator Elizabeth Judd. She mentioned three aspects that face the challenges of education: The value of dialogue that looks to the integral development of the person, who responds with respect to freedom with a Christian response and value of listening. This is a value of the directresses. The preparation of qualified formators before a changing reality, where every educator is called to change knowing how to communicate with their students. The responsibility of educational institutions to express a living presence of the Gospel, going boldly into the world. At this point, she spoke of the discourse of his holiness Pope Francis in the plenary for Catholic Education Promoting a contagious Leadership: + To smile and listening before speaking. + Rev up the forms because these are the bases. + Encourage and do not order A positive way to accompany the teachers is by asking what did you do well? What can you improve? That I tell her what went right and what I must say in general is what she can improve. REFLECTIONS ON LEADERSHIP "He who remains with his brothers should not be closed-minded but must turn to all sides," Abad Mateos It's good to win but sometimes leaders have to stop so that all may win. It is necessary to multiply more skills to do tasks, for relationships, and to have broader view Educational leaders must find seductive ways of announcing the Kingdom by knowing always the workers and not the masters of construction. RECOLLECTION: “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” (March 2015) We had Lectio Divina based on the Gospel of Mt. 25, 31-46. Fr. Desiré Afana explained through a painting by Bosch "The garden of earthly delights", about heaven, earth and hell. He emphasized the love of God, the importance of remembering always that He loves you and all the others, therefore, you can return to the Father's House. Know that God needs you! 31
We reflected on these two questions: how responsible are the communities, what are the sins that you see have been committed and how do you forgive them? How to be forgiving without being permissive or an accomplice? The 6th meeting has for its OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the journey of the meetings during the year 2015-2016 and to project ourselves for the future for a better journey of the communities. We know that the Congregation is composed by us, the sisters and that we are responsible in radiating the merciful love of God. Thanks, Sisters. We commend ourselves to your prayer. Aware that we are working as a family, we can truly be women of integral transformation. (Sr. Ma. Isabel Aguilar Maldonado)
ALL FOR THE ABUNDANT REDEMPTION January has finally arrived ... the month much awaited for in Alfonso de Ligorio School to celebrate a great Saint in the Church. With much joy and emotion, in the days prior to this festival, the students moved from one patio to another in order to rehearse the numbers that they would present in the Alphonsus Festival. For this year, the feast was held on the 23rd of January. We gladly were accompanied by Fr. Desire Afana, as a spe-
cial guest to attend this commemoration. We especially want to instill in the whole school campus the sense of redemption, as it was experienced by and the desire of St. Alphonsus: that all human being may daily live as their own the redemption that was brought to us by the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have valued the literary works written by this Saint of the age of enlightenment wrote. The children knew some of the phrases made famous by him, the songs he composed that at the end were identified with him.
Although the preparation involves hard work, pressure and investment of human and economic resources, everything is worthwhile to see the fellowship that occurred on the day of the Festival. The coming and going of students, parents, teachers, who all smiled as they await their participation or those who were satisfied with the presentation they did, as they went down the stage to go and taste the Tampiquenos treats that are displayed in the corridors of the school. It was all hustle and bustle, there was that healthy fraternal fellowship atmosphere everywhere.
We were also able to put up a book fair, wherein the publishers were invited to expose their materials to promote reading in families. The three levels of basic education school prepared an exhibition with craftwork of the students of various manual works which contain a reference to Saint Alphonsus. The Eucharist was celebrated to commemorate this illustrious Saint in the afternoon of Monday at the Cathedral.
With these beautiful biblical phrases, we wish to narrate the great feast that we celebrated for Srs. Sofia Aguilar Rodriguez and Julieta MejĂa Urtis for their Golden Anniversary on February 6 at the MPS Central House, together with all the MPS Sisters in order to give thanks to God for having wonderfully chosen them among so many. Also, they were accompanied by their families, friends and former students. It was really a very touching moment, Sr. Sofia wept during the whole Eucharistic celebration, for her great joy for those so many years of perseverance, it seemed like her heart could not hold the feeling. Monsignor Diego Monroy, a dear friend of Sr. Julieta MejĂa presided the mass while Fr. Desire Afana concelebrated. There was really a fraternal fellowship among all. Everybody went straight to the dining hall to share a delicious banquet.
We were happy for having both celebrants in the community. During the Jubilee Year, they shared some anecdotes and their experiences during those 50 years of consecration to the Lord Jesus. They were together in the formation and when they professed as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, each continued in the mission that each of them had been sent to. Then our Lord Jesus has brought them together to celebrate with great joy this anniversary. The Colegio Alfonso de Ligorio was pleased, to celebrate them with 34
bells and whistles, as it greatly appreciates the dedication and commitment that these two sisters have manifested in their lives, offering such plentiful redemption. On the 25th of February, a beautiful festival was presented, where, all the three departments that made up the institution, organized a program which shows all the different places where the sisters had gone for a mission. Thus, there were dances of Venezuela, the isthmus of Tehuantepec, MichoacĂĄn, and Veracruz, which was culminated with a beautiful song sung by the elementary school students entitled: "I will follow you" de Lani Hall. It was a work of art assembled by the music teachers of preschool, elementary and high school.
The Eucharistic celebration as thanksgiving or the 50 years of religious consecration of these exemplary sisters was held on Saturday, February 26, in the Cathedral Church, at 12:00 sharp noon. Most Rev. JosĂŠ Luis Dibildox, the presider, gave a very touching homily highlighting the
work of the Missionary Sisters. Some of the priests of the diocese who are close to the community also concelebrated. Some sisters from different congregations residing in Tampico City also came and accompanied us in this memorable event. When the mass got over, we went to school multipurpose hall, which was already prepared as ballroom to honor the Golden celebrators. There, we were accompanied by the Fr. Alfonso, Our Lady of Fatima Parish Priest. We had a sumptuous meal and a delicious cake baked by the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sisters. The staff of the institution, friends, religious friends and our sisters enjoyed the fellowship. We had the pleasure of having the presence of our Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia and the Regional superior Sr. Isabel Aguilar Maldonado. In addition, another sister who was also able to join us in this celebration, Sr. Patricia Morales, who had already been with us for some days as we invited her to accompany the students in their encounters with Christ.
SOME INTEGRAL EXERCISES With this phrase we started our annual community spiritual exercises. The sisters of the Vasco de Quiroga School community was pleased to invite us to share with them this beautiful and transcendent experience of God in our lives.. During the Easter Octave, we headed for the colonial capital of San Luis Potosí in order to join our sisters in that city. This was on Sunday, March 27, and on the Monday after breakfast, we left to Jesus Maria village, specifically in the former Cabrera family farm, which is now a convent of the Religious of the Cross, a Congregation founded by Mrs. Concepción Cabrera of Armida.
This place is exceptional, there is a spirituality atmosphere everywhere. It has a beautiful and extensive lawn which is conducive for prayer and meditation, apart from the oratory chapels where the Lord is sacramentally present, day and night. Indeed, we have chosen a nice and well-arranged place for retreat. The attention of the Religious of the Cross was fraternal, friendly and hospitable. We felt so at home. We highly recommend this place to you for your retreats. Yes, we don't forget the phrase we used in this article. Brother José Cruz Prado from the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, was the one who guided us in this integral journey. He told us that his experience with the tribes in Africa, where he shared his life, made him realize that he cannot speak of exercising the spirit without taking into account the total integrity of the human being, i.e., his body, emotions, feelings, characters, total personality. By this, he decided not give “spiritual exercises ", but lead some kind of “integral exercises ". And, he did so, because we led us to a process from our nature human to our spiritual essence. He guided us into the healing of deep wounds,
which served to make way for the light of life in the risen Christ. He shared with us the experience of a very emotional indigenous ceremony that lasted for more than three hours. We imagined the ritual diversity and native mystic. We regret that two of our sisters from the community were not able to participate in this retreat for some health reasons.
30th of April 2016 During the Holy Week, two students along with a guide directly participated in the field of mission and shared their experience to the “Sowers” magazine. Here is their experience: “Hello, Happy Easter! Greetings from Tampico, Tamaulipas! We are very happy to share Easter with the community of San Lorenzo and San Cristóbal Xochimilpa, in the State of Puebla. On this occasion and for the first time, two female members of the IAM high school took leave of their families to go for a whole week of mission. It was quite an experience, rather tiresome, the roads were complicated and have very long distances; but we do agree that the people are beautiful, they speak “nahuatl” but also Spanish. Well, some were slightly struggling, the priest did not manage to attend to all the communities and we were glad to collaborate with this work, by accompanying them and bringing hope and joy to all. They said that next year, Godwilling, we want to return. Whoever gives love becomes filled with it. God bless you”. Likewise, in order to celebrate the World Mission Sunday with the IAM Diocesan director, we offered a missionary march all the way from Carpenter’s Lake up to the Cathedral where we culminated with the Holy Eucharist presided by Most Rev. Luis Dibildox. There were also a motorcade participating from others IAM centers. It was indeed joyful, interesting and a very colorful experience.
On April 30, we celebrated in IAM the children's day. Each level presented a song or a little artistic presentation and they were given a message on the great love God has for them. Teacher Angélica Romero Rivera
Greetings of peace to all! The Teachers of English as a second language in Colegio Alfonso de Liguori are honored to do some activities with Sister María Victoria Flores in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. During her visit the students showed their ability in speaking and thinking in English. First of all the elementary school with students from first grade to sixth grade had their first spelling bee contest. The spelling bee contest in the High School department was developed in three parts namely by writing, spelling by syllables and spelling after the definition of the word was given. After each phase of the contest, each level has presented a song in English. Sr. Marivic also gave us some tips and tech-
niques on how to facilitate better our English classes. Finally, on July 9, 2016, we shared in a great experience during a course on “school ministry”. (Teacher Greysi Aguillon)
AVE MARIA, SISTERS! For two consecutive years, I had the opportunity of doing my spiritual exercises during the Holy Week at the Central House, facilitated by Sr. Maria Veronica Zendejas Echeverria, MPS.
This year, it fell on the dates March 21-25, 2016, with the general theme "Living a spiritual path toward holiness in the light of the Icon of our Lady of the Perpetual Help" with the following subtopics: 1. Pilgrims with Mary 2. You are full of grace. 3. Be it done unto me according to Your Word 4. You will conceive and bear a Son 5. Do whatever He tells you 6. His Mother at the foot of the cross of Jesus 7. Woman behold your Son, behold your mother. 8. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior My experience in this occasion was very significant since I've been able to deepen my experience of accompanying Mary in the Paschal mystery of her Son Jesus. She invites me to follow Him from the manger to the Calvary.
Personally, I found these themes quite deep and at the same time, so fitting for us elderly sisters, as also expressed in the assessment by those who took with me these exercises. This is so since the biblical theological and spiritual content was presented, prayed over and reflected upon in each one of the themes. All these have strengthened my identity as MPS. The elements of the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus our Redeemer are in the Icon of Perpetual Help. I invite all the elderly and sick sisters who were not able to travel and failed to have their annual retreat to participate in this grace and blessing that we received. I am grateful to Sr. Veronica for her availability as well as to all the sisters from the General and Regional Councils for having given us this opportunity. with love from your sister, Margarita Jaime RubĂ, MPS.
CASA HOGAR PERPETUO SOCORRO “…Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these ” Mk. 10, 14
Ave María! A special greeting to each of you, wishing you all the abundant graces and blessings to carry out the mission entrusted to you.
Once again, let us share with you some activities that we have had in the Casa Hogar Perpetuo Socorro de Zacatenco. On May 15, we celebrated Mothers’ day, starting with the Eucharist that was presided by Fr. Desire Afana. After the mass, we went to the school grounds where girls presented a dance for their mothers, and then the psychologists facilitated some activities. One of the activities was that a mother would make a bracelet with the material that describes her daughter and the daughter would make one for her mother, with material that describes her mom. Finally, we offered a snack, and everybody had a pleasant time and an opportunity to experience family integration.
We continue with the month of May, and on the 31st, we organized the prayer of the Holy Rosary and the coronation of our Mother in heaven. This activity was coordinated by M. Oralia.
Finally, on the 4th day of June, a group of 19 girls received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The celebration was held at the Cristóbal Colón School of the La Salle Brothers. The mass was presided by Bishop Armando Colin, with concelebrant Fr. José Luis, Parish Priest of Immaculate Church to which we belong. Srs. Margarita Jaime and Margarita Hidalgo took charge of preparing the girls for the sacrament. Sisters, let me bid goodbye, with this phrase of Dra. Elizabeth Kubler Ross from his book: "The wheel of it life": "love and brotherhood transcend the language of nationality"”
See you soon, Sisters. God bless you. Sr. Margarita Hidalgo Castillo
are all ignorant but not all are ignorant of the same things”. With these words of the scientist Albert Einstein, the 6th grade student Yael Maya Diaz of Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez, started his speech at the awards ceremony of the 2016 CHILDREN KNOWLEDGE OLYMPIAD. The school is filled with immense joy to receive the news that we did not only receive first place, but also 8 other 6th graders were still included in the first 15 places who won in the Olympiad in our zone this year.
The awards ceremony was held on April 7 in Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez, our very own school, which served as the host and lovingly received the winners of the different schools, as well as the supervisors who visited us to congrat-
ulate the children. We also had the presence of Sisters Isabel Aguilar, Anavela Caseros and Patricia PĂŠrez who joined us in celebrating this great joy for the Congregation. We started by giving honors to the flag, then the giving of official award to each child and a very big surprise awaited all who were present, i.e., to witness one beautiful dance that were prepared by the students of our school for all the winners. We concluded the event by enjoying a delicious meal that the school offered as an acknowledgement for each child. We congratulated each student for his/ her effort, but above all, we all feel grateful to God for all the blessings that He showers on our students each day.
The joy and simplicity that a child projects towards everything he does is what motivates us to continue in this great mission. For our founders, the children were the main inspiration in the charism, they are the present and the future of a world of love, peace, forgiveness and solidarity; in summary, they are the reflection of the Kingdom of God.
For this, on April 28, Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez students received big surprises during its celebration of CHILDREN'S DAY. We started with a Marian act directed by the first graders where they gave a tribute to our Mother of Perpetual Help as they beautifully sang: “Junto a ti, Maria”.
All the children received the blessing and then the Sister Directress Maria Rosa Vargas gave them a message where she spoke on the importance of living the childhood stage with joy and always giving thanks to God. The school was filled with princes, princesses, superheroes, etc.; but most of all, joy was the main costume for all. And the moment came for the teachers to express their childlikeness as their way of wishing the children. Each presented themselves in a very creative way via a fashion show.
Each child in each group enjoyed this great party with food, sweet and above all the games that were organized for all them. In reality, what they most liked was the disco where all danced till they got tired and yet with their 100% energy, indeed as any child!
Teach them to dream ...
but not dream your dreams. Teach them to live ... but not live your life. Teach them to sing ... but not sing your song. Teach them to think ... but not as how you think. But you will know that every time they fly, dream, live, sing and think ... The seed will be in them from the way they were taught and learned! (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Colegio Juan Ramon Jimenez celebrated on the 10th of May Mothers’ Day for all the mothers of its students, firstly by giving thanks to God for this great gift of a mother for each child. The Eucharist was presided Fr. Desire Afana who spoke to the mothers of the importance of their testimony for their children, since they are the reflection of where the
child looks at every day. A ceremony where pupils heartily surprised their moms with beautiful dances was subsequently held. A small lunch prepared with for everyone was enjoyed in the school afterwards. We thank God for this great blessing of having our mothers beside us, but also we lift up to Him all the deceased mothers who continually send us their blessing from where they are now.
A TEACHER IS A GUIDE WHO SHOWS US THE WAY God has blessed us with great teachers in each of our schools and on May 15, the students at the school and the community of Juan RamĂłn JimĂŠnez paid tribute to our teachers. We started with the Eucharist presided by Fr. Desire Afana. It was a very nice celebration, and there was an atmosphere of joy and gratitude in the whole school for each teacher. The mass was harmonized by the choir formed by girls of the Casa Hogar. After the mass, the students gave a tribute to teachers.
At the end of the program, the school offered them a delicious meal which the teachers received with much joy. They also happily enjoyed a moment of dancing. We wish that every
teacher may truly live this important vocation and through the intercession of our founders, may they obtain many blessings to continually participate in building the Kingdom.
placed by God in a place much higher than that of any other creature. Mary is the greatest jewel placed in the jewelry box of
the Holy Trinity, the hope that was planted within us as the maximum point of creation. She is the perfect creature that rises above all our weaknesses and worldly tendencies. That is why, she is our Mother! And God made her the Queen of Heaven, and of earth, too! There is hidden the mystery of Mary as the new Ark who will take us again to the Palace, to worship the Throne of the Triune God. Mary is the point of union between God and us. That is why she is the Ambassador, Advocate, Intercessor and Mediator. Who is better than her in understanding us and in pleading for our souls to His Son, the Just Judge? Mary is the proof of the infinite love of God for us: God has placed her to defend us, knowing that in that way, we will have many more opportunities for us to be saved, counting on the most loving and merciful advocate that has ever existed. The students, parents and staff of Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez recognize Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth, therefore, on May 31, we all gathered together in the morning for a Marian act of crowning Mary as Queen. Before the coronation, there were different symbols that were placed around her statue to further enhance her Majesty: the Rosary, was bathed in rose petals, rose perfume and finally the crown. Mary was crowned by 6th grader Ulises de Sexto, who before crowning her dedicated a word of thanks to the Blessed Mother for her maternal love for all
her children. A beautiful flower arrangement was also placed under her throne. It was indeed a spectacular day for the school. There also were beautiful angels running around the ground as they were announcing the presence of Mary. These angels were preschool 3 rd level students who were dressed like little angels. They thank Mary’s protection and love through a song.
MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES OF MORELIA COMMUNITY Ave María, Sisters! With joy, let us share with you some of our missionary activities here in the community of Morelia. During the month of March, the children of the catechesis participated in the Via Crucis. The catechists organized them according to their ages. It was a very strong experience for them you are very young to offer and practice availability and reliability. During the Holy week, the Holy Child Jesus of Health Parish organized
together with the catechists the celebration of the Paschal Triduum, at different schedules where the parents and young people attended. The community also attended together with the Ocolusen Village where there is a chapel that belongs to the parish. We accompanied it in the preparation to experience of the Paschal Triduum. The response was very positive and the parishioners felt very motivated. Here in our Perpetual Help Pastoral Center, we give catechesis on Saturdays, around 60 boys and girls are attending, some are taking pre-communion, first communion and confirmation catechism. There are also talks and retreats for parents wherein we are accompanied by a group of lay people who hopefully may be integrated to our apostolic work. They are those who support us in our activities and pastoral initiatives. Also, the center is providing the facilities to other groups, such as the prayer workshops of Fr. Larrañaga. We are integrated at the parish pastoral level and we contribute based on our missionary charism. For the vocation team, a systematic formation is currently being offered. In the Students’ residence, we offer the young ladies a space: accommodation and accompaniment in their journey. The presence of these young people is a great opportunity for evangelization not only with the words, but with testimony. We commend ourselves to your prayers and count on ours for you.
(Your Sisters Bertina Teresa Ledesma, Carolina Miranda, Verónica Zendejas y María Elena Sastre.
A grand inauguration: “PERPETUO SOCORRO� Computer Room On February 12 this year, the Perpetuo Socorro Escuela Hogar, Toluca IAP, opened it facilities and computer equipment that was donated by the DIFEM. The event was attended by authorities of the Board of Private Assistance of the State of Mexico, members of the Emprende Foundation, and of course, by the sisters, who, during the present term, will take care of coordinating this beautiful care work. Sr. Lidia Tello was also present as the representative of the MPS Southern Region Government, whose support we greatly appreciate. The inauguration ceremony was followed a few motivating words of welcome by Sr. Leticia, current General Directress of this institution. Afterwards, one of the girls, Stephanie, gave a message of gratitude to the authorities. The cutting of the ribbon by the present authorities followed and then the girls attending the event, demonstrated some of their knowledge in computer. This activity was formally concluded with the traditional toast and sipping of a rich hors
d'oeuvres. We also received from Professor Naveda, Executive Secretary of the JAPEM, wishes and congratulations for the work and achievements that we have achieved up to the present. Thanks to our Creator that in his infinite Providence, He daily gives us a home, clothing, material and spiritual necessities in this work that He has entrusted to us.
Ave Maria to each of the sisters! Happy Easter to all of you! In the following article, we, Fr. Israel Romo, C.Ss.R and yours truly, Elia Vazquez, MPS want to share the experience of the youth mission that we have both coordinated in our vocation ministry. The first mission we performed as a team was a Triduum for our Lady of Guadalupe, in San Vicente Chicoloapa, State of Mexico.
The second mission was composed of the Sisters of the Juniorate Community with Fr. Hector Jiménez C.Ss.R, and the high school seminarians. Fr. Israel, lay vocation promoters and Sr. Elia team assumed the responsibility of coordinating communities in the parish of Mexquitic, San Luis Potosi: Ranchería Guadalupe, Milpillas, Salitrillo, Porvenir, Derramadero, San Agustín and Cañón de ojos Zarcos, are the communities that the pastor of San Miguel Arcangel Mexquitic assigned to us where to carry out the Youth Mission, with vocation promotion activities in this Holy Week 2016. We planned to go to San Luis Potosi by plane but instead we went by bus from North terminal to San Luis Potosí. We arrived at the minor seminary, left our things there and set out to visit the community of the Sisters of the Community of Vasco de Quiroga which the juniors got to know for the first time. After a delicious meal with all, we went to register ourselves to be integrated in the dynamics. We formed teams according to the communities. There were nine communities for the different teams.
With the buses that were ready, we got our luggage and we headed to Mexquitic, and arriving to the parish, the parish vicar panicked when he saw the crowd of young people, and even more when he gave the news that two communities would be visited another team of missionaries. We were reduced from nine to seven teams. Well, what was nice here… the vans that the people brought for their 50
missionaries’ luggage or the missionaries would fit and that was really fun. We actually finished at 8 pm when the last team reached San Agustin. In the course of the week, Fr. Israel was visiting the seven communities to see how the teams were doing and where they were assigned. Well, there were many needs emerging as in every mission, most especially, material wise and comfort wise since every missionary is accustomed to live in a house with everything you need, but there were some inconsistencies this time as in “how do I go to the bathroom under a tree? How do I do it? Where I'm going to take a bath? I don’t have water boiler, etc.” However, the surprise because the Lord does wonders when the heart of the missionary is full of the spirit of God, these small mishaps, and deficiencies are not with the joy of the experience that is being lived. Some-
times, it is not easy to communicate with friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, the little sisters, etc. via WhatsApp although we miss them because we are separated from them but since the reason for this mission is: be merciful as the Father, even if we do not have a boiler, etc. this time. We are here for the mission. The news we receive thru the WhatsApp each day were surprising, the missionaries who were short of
material needs were still feeling joy in their heart each day. On Holy Saturday: what a great joy that all the teams of missionaries gathered in Rancheria Guadalupe and the air were filled with greetings, hugs, kisses, screams of happiness as all shared their respective experiences. The Guadalupe community prepare for us a delicious fruit and some fresh juice drinks. The team animator of games facilitated some cheerful moments with a contest of dynamics for integration. Afterwards, we all proceeded to the chapel which was arranged that time as a hall wherein each community presented a video of their in their area. It was a video made up of a motivational, vocational, Redemptorist, Perpetual Help materials and that of the year of mercy mixed into one. The song of mercy was the hymn of the Youth Mission. FOR THE JUNIORS, IT WAS A RICH AND WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE, BECAUSE EACH OF THEM WAS RESPONSIBLE OF A COMMUNITY TEAMING UP WITH THE REDEMPTORIST VOCATION LAY PROMOTERS. This is an invitation so that we may learn to work with laypeople. This is a demand of the Church today 51
in order to effectively evangelize. We have proven this in this particular mission that we cannot do our missionary work alone. IT IS AN URGENCY TO INVOLVE THE LAY IN THE CONGREGATION. Is this why our formation houses in Mexico are empty? WE THANK GOD, OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP AND OUR CONGREGATION FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE OF YOUTH MISSION AS WE ARE INDEED PART OF ALPHONSIAN FAMILY.
AN ENCOUNTER OF TRUE LOVE (Sr. Yolanda Castañeda)
On March 21, Monday, shortly before 10 a.m.
A strange parade of walkers, wheelchairs, canes, and
something else... appeared but they were not coming alone, they were supported by some elderly and sick sisters of the Southern Region.
All of us were called for a spiritual-fraternal encounter on the occasion of the celebration of Easter, located in Xochimilco, where Sr. Hiliana resides, who multiplied her efforts in carrying out her responsibilities as Regional superior, School Directress and Superior of Colegio Martin de la Cruz community, and sometimes nurse either in the day or night. Accompanied by Sr. Diana Cruz, who helped in the formation of the juniors according to her possibilities due to the sickness of her mother. With goodwill and effort, they organized the retreat which lasted from Monday 21 – Saturday 26 March. The scene of the encounter was in the central hall of our House. This time, it was adorned with inspiring images and electronic devices to illustrate the development of the theme of the Mercy of the Father in His love for us by sending His Son to teach us
the way and accomplish His plan of salvation for all, by giving His life till death on the cross and giving us new life through His Resurrection. Sr. Diana prepared very well the reflections related to the numbers of the Constitution based on the following of Christ the Redeemer, who in His life and action was able to redeem the fallen mankind and that we in the living of our missionary charism are frequently called to continue this abundant redemption.
There was a good atmosphere and trust in participation, where each sister, within her possibilities, throughout her life, even in illness, have contributed to be bearers of the Father's mercy, through their humble services to those most in need. We celebrate with faith and joy the Holy Week 2016 according to the possibilities of the priest Fr. Antonio Bonanno, Servant of the Poor, who supported us by making adjustments in his commitments. The retreat was concluded with the Easter Vigil mass at 4:00 pm. which celebrated with love and joy.
“MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” “Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life”. Pope Francis
AVE MARIA, SISTERS! Greetings to all you and as always, I ask our merciful God to bless your work with Mary of Perpetual Help. Let me share with you our spiritual experience in the Casa Hogar Community in Toluca from March 28 to April 01, 2016. After the Holy Week experience in the different communities, or after having participated in other activities, we have gathered for our spiritual exercises, which were directed by Fr. José Guillermo Vences Gómez, SSP. Fr. Vences facilitated the days of retreat in an environment that favored prayer, discernment and reflection on the mercy of God; I liked the way he led us to the subject by presenting mercy from the Old and New Testaments, the Fathers of the Church, the Magisterium of the Church and in the person. He started from the exterior to the interior. We meditated upon the objective of these themes: "deepening the Congregational charism and identity, in order to live the mercy by being more human in the distinctive style of Mary” Each sister looked for moments and spaces for prayer, discernment, reflection and guidance. Fr. Vences emphasized to us that we exercise the three acts: "FAITH, LOVE AND PRAYER" which are fundamental in the spiritual exercises and to be accompanied by works of mercy. The central theme was: "MERCY" and from there, we started to deepen some virtues that are proper to us as M.P.S. LEAD: Practice and faith SANCTIFY: mind, will and heart MEDITATE: Dogma (Creed), Moral (Commandments, Evangelical Counsels) and Worship (Celebration of love rooted in prayer) FRUITS: Mind (Truth of Christ), Spirit (God's grace), Will (Aim of the exercises) Fr. Vences invited us to meditate on the following questions: do I need the mercy of God? In what? Do my community, region and Congregation need God's mercy? What am I willing do to practice God’s mercy in my personal, community and Congregational life? The theme to meditate was: “Be merciful as the Father is merciful” (Luke 6, 35). God’s mercy is being lived personally, so that one can express it to his/her the brother/sister who needs God’s love. Some biblical quotes that we meditate upon were: "The good Samaritan" (Luke 10: 25-37) and "The prodigal son" (Luke 15: 11-32). With these passages, we saw that God restores and returns gives back 54
the dignity of His children; the conversion is the opportunity that God grants us with His mercy as we accept His Kingdom. We had the celebration of the Holy Eucharist each at 18:30 o'clock and on Thursday, we had the holy hour which was directed by Fr. Vences, who encouraged the sisters to offer a prayer for the needs of each community. The communities that were represented in this beautiful experience were: Casa Hogar Toluca and Zacatenco, Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez, Salina Cruz, Ixtepec, Coyul, Tlalpizahuac, Juniorate, San Antonio Buenavista, Central House and Fray Martín de Valencia. On Friday, we culminated the retreat with the Eucharist with our renewal of the vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and our consecration to Mary of Perpetual Help. Fr. Guillermo thanked the group for the opportunity of directing the exercises and for the kindness each sister. The Southern Region Council Members thanked the participation and the service that the women working along with some girls in Casa Hogar extended especially for preparing the food for the retreatants during the week. We also thanked Sr. Leticia Diaz, superior of the community. Later, we shared a nice fellowship accompanied by a delicious dinner, joyful dancing and singing that truly made us all enjoy. Finally we saw a film that left a good flavor in our mouth, i.e. "The theory of everything”. And so we realized the task of continuing with our mission by living the experience we had of practicing God’s mercy, with the Congregation, Region, community, Church and recipients and primarily in our very person. I pray to Mary of Perpetual Help to bless you in the mission that each of you are carrying out. Receive my cordial and affectionate greeting,
your sister María de Lourdes Villalobos García M.P.S. 55
UNEXPECTED GIFT FROM GOD (Sr. Martha Alicia Burgos)
A surprise party: the secret friend of Sr. Hiliana de el Socorro García, Southern Mexico Regional Superior, asked the community to prepare something special for Sr. Hiliana’s birthday and they all agreed and collaborated in one way or another. On May 09, we celebrated the birthday of Sr. Hiliana in the community of Colegio Martín de la Cruz where we invited the Sisters of the General Government and the communities of the Southern Region that live close by. The Eucharist was at 1 p.m. and it was presided by Rev. Fr. Ricardo Valencia, a missionary of them poor, who during his homily stressed the dedication, generosity, responsibility and love with which Sr. Hiliana has offered in her missionary work during all this time. At the end of the Eucharist, Sr. Hiliana thanked God for the life and then thanked everybody for the surprise party that she did not expect with the presence of the sisters. We are infinitely grateful to the Sisters from the General Government Maria Victoria Flores, Maritza Morillo, Anavela Barrientos and Patricia Perez and to the community of the Juniorate who honored us with their presence giving a tone of joy and color to the celebration. After the Eucharist, an exquisite Mexican food was served, which all enjoyed along with company and fellowship. Another surprise which had livened up the occasion was the Quartet that came that made even the afternoon even more enjoyable. There is no doubt that the loving presence of God which guides and illuminates us is always in our midst and our Mother of Perpetual Help is always leading us towards Her Son Jesus. God bless you. 56
PASTORAL VISIT IN THE LORD’S RESURRECTION PARISH “It is vitally important for the Church today to go forth and preach the Gospel to all: to all places, on all occasions, without hesitation, reluctance or fear". (Pope Francis)
This was the experience of the pastoral visit of Bishop Ubaldo Ramón Santana Sequera, Bishop of the Archdiocese of Maracaibo and his auxiliary bishop Angel Francisco Caraballo Fermin. It started day on June 5 this year, and on the occasion of this visit, The Lord's Resurrection Parish Priest Fr. José Gregorio Morán called upon all parishioners in order to organize the activities. The first activity conducted was a walk for peace. The different activities suffered changes because of the electrical problems and that due to the order of the national executive, some electrical restrictions were done. For such reason, the walk was held in the afternoon. From the 4:00 pm, as expected and as always, all the communities of the parishioners received our Bishop with much joy. The San Pancrazio chapel as ever: "Christ is the joy that no one can take away from us”.
The Catholic Rally for peace was from the
The Risen Jesus went out to the streets to bless the sector with His presence and to walk with His people during these difficult times that we are experiencing. The whole parish was present and every faithful shouted out for peace as we all welcomed our pastor.
Curva de Molina sector until the Parish Church.
The invitation that the Pope makes to daily, has been responded on this very day as the Church goes forth, , willing to accompany her people in moments of pain, sadness and anguish. This march is
not just a walkathon, it is a walk in faith for peace. Venezuela is in need of men and women of lively faith and a profound experience of God and who are willing to accompany and to experience its pain.
The Church is in the street, it is the hour, the Passover of the Lord among His people. The San Pancracio community as always was accompanied by the Missionaries of our Lady of Perpetual Help. This experience of the openness to the pastoral visit had been a reason for all the communities to be present in a creative way especially on the
day that were assigned to them. The San Pancrasio Community had the great blessing to receive Bishop Ubaldo on June 10. With the Eucharist at 7:30, we also had the presence of a representation of the students of the U.E. Arq. "Maria Auxiliadora". The 5th grade students did a military parade as a sign of respect for the Bishop. The children of the catechesis of first communion and their catechists have received him with a cheer of peace "It can be seen, the Church can be felt, and it is present!"
The Eucharist was the center and moment to give thanks to God for the gift of the pastor of this people. This closeness of the pastor, allowed to the people to live the moment as a Passover of God in their lives. At the end the Eucharist, the Bishop joined the staff of the institution and with the groups of apostolates of the San Pancrasio community. Each one expressed their desires to work and they expressed their petitions to improve the evangelization of the poor.
To culminate the activity, we also took some “groupies”, all with their groups of apostolates. The Missionaries of Perpetual Help would always be at the service of the Church. (Sr. Edith Dominga Martínez) 58
A pril 27, 2016 is a very significant day for our Congregation here in Macau, China because on this day we celebrate the Golden Anniversary of our missionary presence in this place. It was on April 27, 1966 when the first three MPS Mexican sisters arrived in Macau. His Excellency Most Rev. Pablo Tavares, the then bishop of Macao, through Rev. Father Agapito Martinez from the Congregation of the
Most Holy Redeemer, invited the Congregation to extend our mission in this precious city of God. We would like to sincerely thank our Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, who happened to have been part of the MPS Macau Community before she was elected as Vicar General in 2005, as well as
to Sr. Alejandra D. Valdez, MPS Philippine Regional Superior for having graced this very special celebration with their presence. His Excellency Most Rev. Stephen Lee, the new bishop of Macau, presided the Eucharistic celebration at 6:30 in the evening at St. Laurence Parish Church. Concelebrated with him were nineteen diocesan and religious priests from the different Congregations. The family of our sister Brígida Kuan, sisters from different Congregations, benefactors, friends and devotees of the Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help joined us in the celebration. Seeing the vast crowd before the Mass begun, we immediately felt the immeasurable love of God to
all of us. And in the silence of our hearts, we knew that Mary, our Blessed Mother, brought the people together to her Son Jesus. And as we gazed upon her Icon in thanksgiving, she invited us to fix our eyes, not on her, but on Jesus, her Son, for it is He who renews our world and shows us the way to live life to the fullest. Her eyes are constantly fixed on us as a mother looks after her children. This is a reminder for all of us to always take Mary as our model in her unconditional acceptance and communion with God’s work in joy and love. After the Mass, we proceeded to St. Joseph’s Seminary Gymnasium for the agape. Sumptuous food was served and everybody enjoyed that evening’s happy and joyful atmosphere. Oh, Mother of Perpetual Help, lead us always to Jesus. Help us to always seek and do His Father’s will as we continue to make the Perpetual Help of our Mother Mary known here in Macau. (Sr. Nileta Rudillas)
My heart is filled with joy for all his goodness to me. I thank God for the gift of vocation that I nourished and nurtured. I now celebrate the wonderful gift of Consecrated Life to which I respond to God by committing myself fully to Him. I embrace the charism of the Congregation as I give my forever yes to the Lord.
The very theme of my profession is about the love of the Almighty Father. His love is wider than the universe and deeper than the ocean. He untiringly invites everybody to live the virtue of love through the different forms of vocation. Profoundly experiencing his love and call in my life, I leave behind everything and offer wholeheartedly my precious life to our Lord Jesus Christ. I keep in my
heart and mind the love of Christ, the Redeemer and spread His love through my ministry and mission. It is my joy to belong to the MPS family.
Realizing the genuine and steadfast love of God, I chose to remain with Him till my last breath. I thank all my animators, superiors and vocation promoters for continually assisting me to discover
"As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you…
the call of God and for being instruments in shaping my life according to the Charism of the Congregation of the Missionaries of our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Vocation is indeed a gift of God and each individual is a gift of God. Hence, I myself is a gift of God to this Congregation. I know that in order for a person to bear fruit, she/he has to be united with the Father and His grace will enable this person to bear fruit. I have reached this stage because of the grace of God and the cooperation and prayers of my parents and the prayers of my sisters in the Congregation. I am sincerely grateful to all. The Lord says: “I am the Light of the world”. It is the Lord whom I have been following in my life. I truly believe that He is the light in each step that I am going to take or had taken since I have experienced in every action and decision that I took that He was with me as in my trials and sorrows, joys and suffering, success and failure.
The day of my final profession is a special day to remember in all my life and I will be celebrating this
event each day in the Eucharist. As the Pope has declared the Year of Mercy, each one is invited to be merciful like the Father. Surely this Mercy of God has blessed me abundantly. I was waiting patiently to see this day and finally this day has come. Nothing is impossible with God, there is just the right time for everything.
The core of my consecration is the Lord. In Jn 3:16, we read “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” and so convinced of His love, I have committed myself totally to the Lord. The intercession of our Blessed Mother would be Perpetual Help for me. I honour her faithfulness and prayerfulness and take her as my model in religious life and so I constantly seek her
intercession. As a Marian Congregation, we are privileged to have our Mother of Perpetual Help as our Patroness. May her Perpetual Help always help us to do our mission faithfully. Allow me to end my reflection with a popular phrase by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta who is going to be canonized in September “we are called to be a faithful not to be a successful“. Let us then remain faithful to our Spouse, Jesus Christ.
Sr. Shanti Kiro, MPS Perpetual Profession 16th of April 2016, Bangalore, India
and 22nd of 2016, the Regional Superiors with their council members, the School and Casas Ho-
gar Directresses of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Mexico, and the representatives of Central America, USA and India have gathered together to give continuity to a pre-chapter process. This workshop has been organized by the Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and the members of the General Council and was facilitated by Lic. Francisco Javier Villanueva from the SERAPAZ Group. This was held in two days in order to present to the sisters who have been the result and synthesis of the Three-fold AutoDiagnostic Material that was sent to all the communities and sisters.
Even though Philippine Region and Macau communities were not represented, all their contributions to the analysis were taken into consideration. The results to the said analysis and questionnaire that were prepared by Srs. Anavela Barrientos Caseros and Norma Patricia PĂŠrez Esparza, gave us a good picture of the present reality of the Congregation. The facilitator made use of various dynamics that made group sharing and reflection even better. The participants, at the end of the workshop, were motivated by M. General to continually be women of hope, sewers of love and creativity in the communities for the good of the Congregation, the Church and the universe in which we all take part. The sisters would also like to thank Fr. Desire Afana,
CICM and Fr. Guillermo, SP, for their support as they celebrated the Eucharist with the sisters during those two days.
IN THE EXPERIENCE OF OUR CHARISMS” Ave María, Sisters. Greetings in Communion of Jesus, the Redeemer, who has sent us the Holy Spirit and has filled us with joy for the 150th Anniversary since Pope Pius IX entrusted original icon to the Redemptorist Missionaries to "make her known”. Let me share with you some outstanding aspects of the LI National Assembly of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors of Mexico, A.R (CIRM) that was held in Xalapa City, Veracruz from 29 th of April to 1st° of May 2016. The Assembly had as its title: "Horizons Emerging in the Experience of our Charisms" wherein Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and yours truly participated. During the first day, the chairperson of CIRM, Sr. Juana Angeles Zarate Celedon, CSC gave the welcome remarks wherein she emphasized: from the icon of Bethany, Consecrated Life in its journey in the history of reconfiguration as a house of encounter, community of love and heart of humanity. Challenged to unleash the
bonds of death and despair to awaken to life in response to the imperative voice of Jesus to go forth. Subsequently, the same sister, Juana Angeles presented the report of her presidency, in which she reported that the meetings of the Board of Directors have been held out monthly to follow-up to the projects that emanate in the Triennial Plan. She spoke about the changes that the Board of Directors had done. She informed the assembly about the events during the closing of the Year of Consecrated Life. Afterwards, Professor Alejandro Ortiz explained the clamors of the Mexican reality taking into account the provocations of the visit of Pope Francis faced with this reality. Professor Alejandro made a deeper and broader exhibition about the visit of the Pope Francis in Mexico highlighting that the agenda of the Pope was to be with the poor (indigenous, prisoners, sick, migrants, victims of violence, young people). This agenda, however is clashed with the government which wanted to control, giving an unreal vision of the reality of the country, making it believe that the political elite is Christian, ethical and well presented.
Sr. Ma. Esther del Espíritu Santo Guillen Guzman, CMST presented the report of the General Secretariat whose permanent task is operationalizing the Global Triennial Plan, placing Jesus and His Gospel at the center of her presentation, in attitude of simplicity and generous dedication of one’s life. The day concluded with a Eucharistic at the Cathedral of Xalapa, organized by the CIRM local members and presided over by Bishop Hipólito Reyes Larios. After the mass, we enjoyed of a presentation of various typical dances courtesy of the Folkloric Ballet of Xalapa City, Veracruz.
On Saturday, April 30, the following topics were presented: "Horizons emerging Consecrated Life from our charism" and " Shared Charisms ". Father Guillermo Campuzano, CM was the one in- charge of this. The most emphasized part of it was the relationship of the religious congregations with the laity. As for what has been described so far is irradiation the projection to lay people, from a spirit whose origin and source is found in the corresponding religious congregation. However, today it is concluded that: there is no shared mission without sharing of life. The life shared gives a new horizon to the shared mission, and there are not few who began to think that it is an indispensable condition so that shared mission would be possible. Then, Bro. Martín Rocha, FSC introduced the document "Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church as he emphasized that the first objective of the male and female religious life is the experience of fraternity A panel was conducted afterwards on the following topic: Convictions of the emerging horizons in Mexico”, along with the Commissions of Justice, Peace and Integration of the Creation, networks, new generations and CIRM regional members. During the next moment, the same people presented the projects that they have and have subsequently participated in group work. At eh end, we had the celebration of the Eucharist and after the dinner, we enjoyed of a theatrical work on the life of St. Rafael Guizar and Valencia which allowed us to enter in contact with the life of a great missionary Bishop. On Sunday, 1 st of May, the commitments and the message of the Assembly were presented. We ended with the Eucharistic Celebration presided by the Nuncio Apostolic Bishop Christophe Pierre who insisted that in order for us to carry out the mission entrusted by God, we must never do it alone. He added that we should depend on the Spirit of God and its assistance, that must always invoke it, thus, to see, listen, feel and work on our interior being by freeing ourselves of our own "knowledge”. Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sánchez
MY VOCATION STORY Let me narrate to you my vocation story in three moments: my childhood, adolescence and youth. I was born in a Catholic family who always went to attend the Sunday mass, pray the Rosary and other pious acts such as bring flowers to our Mother Mary in the parish of our Lady of Guadalupe in Tierra Blanca, Veracruz (the bride of the Sun), as we used to call her. I am the eldest of four children, therefore, I was expected to show good example to my siblings in all areas of my life. I was a very restless, daring and carefree girl and I was very sure of myself, it was not easy to convince me, it was very rare time people give me with sweet, cookies or toys. I used to like climbing up the trees and to climb the taller trees had always been a challenge for me, I loved doing that because I was experiencing that I am actually very free and that no one can make himself equal with me, not even my brother and cousins. Today as I read between the lines, I forged part of my temperament, and here comes something very important from my childhood. At the age of 9, I started to prepare to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. My Catechist whose name was Carmelita and my mom demanded that I receive at home the catechism on weekends, and I was very excited, because my mom told me and my brother that Jesus was always with us, but on the day of first communion He would stay forever in our hearts and that He would never leave us alone, that we could speak with confidence, as He listens to us and wants us to be His favorite friends and that we may ask from Him something very special on our first communion day. I was wondering, what would that something special be, but I did not find any response within myself. And so after I received my Holy Communion on my knees I asked with my innocence, without knowing that I did this request "MY FRIEND JESUS, GRANT THAT I MAY BE OF HELP TO OTHERS". I am convinced that in this simple prayer, Jesus seriously took my word.
What can I tell about my adolescence and youth? It was a little complicated, I continued to be restless like all other youth. At 17 of age, I went Puerto, Veracruz to take up a course on technical computer, I dreamt to be an engineer in the future. And while studying, I also worked. There were 2 years of taking all the opportunities that were presented to me, such as boyfriends, proposals of marriage, and of course, I was also attending dances in disco houses which I would not miss. However, I was also was an Assistant Catechist in my parish. I belonged to a charismatic renewal prayer group where I had the experience of participating in a retreat for young people where the KERYGMA was announced and it was there where I confirmed my dream of being a religious. I went to the villages to give catechism on 68
confirmation and shared with them my short experience of faith. It was fascinating to talk about the encounter I had with Jesus, God gave me an approachable parish priest, who accompanied my vocation process, with the spiritual direction that he was able to listen to my concerns, doubts, and fears with much patience and availability to give me advices and guidance. I have a grateful memory of Fr. Eulogio Rosales Mojica, my great spiritual father, encouraged me and gave me the opportunity to know other congregations. My family, despite of being close to the Church, was not pleased to know that I would like to be religious. It was for me a very hard hit, I cried for that reality and I felt rejected by my own family, but I felt strengthened and beloved by Jesus at the same time that it felt so real until this very day. I met the Missionaries of our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1988 in the great mission in Tierra Blanca, Veracruz, where they gave catechism to the children and I was attracted by their joy, simplicity, closeness to all the people and their generous dedication in the mission... and I said to myself: "I want to be like them" which I had expressed until the mission got over. I did not want anybody to persuade me or to tell me “come with us”. I experienced this month of the mission deep within my heart, moreover, I asked everyone in the parish not to mention my dream to be a missionary... and at the age of twenty-five, professed my first vows as a Missionary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1991. I made my perpetual vows in 1997 and here I am, despite the fact that many doubted my vocation, only the one who is called knows what goes through her mind and heart... It is a unique experience, there are many details that I would like to share, perhaps, some other time and today, I am here and in few months, I will be celebrating with great joy, gratitude and hope this wonderful gift of being an MPS by the mercy of God who is madly in love with me. It would just want to say, “thank you, my beloved Congregation for being a mother to me, for taking care of me and providing me with everything I need for my human-spiritual growth. Jesus, thank you by looking at me and for inviting me to share this with you... this passionate love for being a missionary and bringing you to the poorest. Thank you, sisters, for your prayers and for being part of my life, thanks to my family for your trust in me and for accepting my choice of life... I am happy, very happy and I commend myself to your prayers. Sr. María Elena Sastre Moreno
With my batchmates (during one of our group preparation encounters with Fr. Desiré, CICM).
On April 15, 2016, Friday, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, together with members of different congregations in Mexico had the opportunity and blessing to participate in a Conference
for Consecrated Life, in which Monsignor José Rodríguez Carballo, O.F.M., Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Holy See, directed an encouraging and challenging message to us. This meeting was held in the Cardinal Miguel Darío Miranda Auditorium of the Curia of the Archdiocese of Mexico, located in Durango Street no. 90, Colonia Roma, Cuauhtémoc Delegation, Mexico City. We started with the welcome address and prayer at 9.30 am, and then from 10 in the morning, we had the encounter with Msgr. Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, where he profoundly discussed the call all the consecrated people to prophecy. He explained the meaning of the prophet and his mission. He also presented the prophetic dimension of the consecrated life and the characteristics of a prophet. He stressed to everyone that the Church asks the consecrated men and women to be prophets. Before the celebration of the Eucharist, there was a space for dialogue where Bishop Carballo answered several questions that were presented to him as he motivated us to realize the importance and value of fully living our consecration in the life of prayer, community and mission. The Eucharistic celebration presided by Bishop Rodriguez, concelebrated by Bishop Salvador Rangel, O.F.M., Bishop of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, in charge of the Dimension of life consecrated of the Conference of the Mexican Episcopal and other priests who collaborated and participated in the meeting followed right after the forum. It was a invigorating and fraternal encounter for us, the Consecrated persons who were challenged and encouraged to continually give testimony of what we truly are.
Aparecida, Brazil July 6 – 9, 2016 With great joy and missionary spirit, let us share with you the wonderful experience of having been able to participate in the First Redemptorist Family Encounter in Aparecida, Brazil, during the days 06 to 09 July 2016, in the Redemptorist Seminary, Aparecida City. Those who participated from the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and delegated by our Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, were Srs. Norma Patricia Perez Esparza and Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera.
The General Government of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer and the Redemptorist Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, motivated by the some initiatives of several religious congregations founded by Redemptorists and/or related to the charism, made this first encounter possible, whose theme is: THE REDEMPTORIST CHARISM: WITH THE POOR, MERCY, EVANGELIZATION AND SOCIAL ACTION This encounter was intended for the leadership or major superiors and the official delegates of all the Redemptorists provinces and a wide variety of congregations and institutes present in Latin America and the Caribbean who share the Redemptorist charism, with the objective of enriching further our charism, spirituality and mission as " Redemptorist family or charismatic family�.
The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Vatican has been using the term "Charismatic family" some time ago. With this term, they indicate a group of institutes, societies and associations of lay people who share elements of a common charism. This common charism can be shared for historical reasons, such as the fact of having the same founders. The common charism can occur also for reasons of affinity, like a mission and a common purpose that have led to a more significant collaboration. The term "charismatic family" embraces a broad channel of possibilities, affiliations and affinities. So, a programme was organized for four days of activities, encompassing some relevant aspects that show us the missionary horizon of this initiative to unite as "Redemptorist family" and to continually make the dream of our founders possible, i.e., the abundant redemption to all places where the spirit of Christ the Redeemer invite us to work.
The program presented included the following sessions: 1. Opening and presentation of the objectives of the Encounter 2. Redemptorist charism and Redemptorist Family 3. The intercongregationality in Consecrated Life and shared mission 4. Presentation of the charism, spirituality and mission of affiliated Congregations 5. How to live the spirit of mercy, an essential part of our charism? 6. Evangelize: Missionary spirituality and mysticism. Witnessing to the joy of the Gospel. 7. Pastoral Social Issues: Social Action, human development, fight for justice, defense of vulnerable people and creation. 8. Change of mentality, spiritual conversion and institutional structuring process. 9. Mutual Collaboration: How to work together? What can we do for the poor and abandoned? ¿On-going Formation, spirituality and shared mission? 10. Final Message of the Encounter. Agreements and conclusions. At the opening of the encounter, both the Superior General, Fr. Michael Brehl, and the organizing team headed by Fr. Enrique Lopez, Consultor General of the Redemptorists and Fr. Manuel Rodríguez, representative of the Redemptorist Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, considered that it is a process and must take account of three stages. A process was developed in the group work and in the plenary sessions each day. Collaboration on specific projects and ministries at the local levels: This collaboration can be expanded later, by
strengthening and developing relations between members of different congregations and their leaders. This could lead to joint projects in the formation, both initial and ongoing, and share deeper spirituality and life. Developing a shared vision, identity and spirituality: The second stage could begin while collaboration on concrete projects being developed, enriching collaboration, and in turn make more concrete sense of belongingness. Formal collaboration and institutional arrangements at the local level: This exists in some cases locally. As this unfolds, in communion with the lay associates who are also involved, they will need to guide lines for the discernment of priorities, ministries, and other decisions that are part of the collaboration and dialogue. This could lead to share more fully Apostolic Life. These agreements could start with a project or ministry and evolve as collaboration deepens.
Sup. General Fr. Michael Brehl and Latin America & Caribbean Conference representative Fr. Manuel Rodríguez 72
There were various speakers within the same family who shared with us their knowledge and experience. Also, we had group work, shared moments of prayer, daily Eucharist and to conclude the meeting, we had a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, participating in the Eucharist presided by Fr. Michael Brehl, concelebrated by three General Consultants and the Redemptorists Delegates They are representing the different Provinces of the Redemptorist Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean. At the closing ceremony, it was concluded to create a facilitative Coordinating Inter-Congregational Commission that would assume the suggestions supported by this Encounter.
The Commission is composed as elected, by the following representatives: the Coordinator of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, Fr. Manuel Rodriguez, a Spanish speaking Redemptorist from Paraguay, a Portuguese speaking Redemptorist from Brazil, a Spanish speaking sister from Chile and a Portuguese speaking sister from Brazil. In addition, the date and place of the second encounter was tentatively set for July 2018 in Paraguay. Participantes en la Clausura We thank God in Christ Redeemer and Mary of Perpetual Help for this event, and we trust in the intercession of St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori and in each of our founders and foundresses, for making it possible that the Missionary and Redemptive Charism may continue to be alive in many Religious Institutes and with the firm hope of doing so and sharing it dynamically so that the fullness of redemption may reach many souls.
(Srs. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera and Norma Patricia Perez Esparza)
SR. ROCĂ?O (RAQUEL) CASTAĂ‘EDA SALGADO Sister Rocio Raquel Castaneda Salgado was born in a Christian family on the 17th of October of 1935 in Apaxtla, Guerrero, Mexico. She had her first profession as Missionary of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help on the 2nd of February of 1955 and her perpetual profession on the 24th of June of 1963. He took up literature in the Federation of Private Schools. During her 60 years of religious consecration, she was faithful in living her commitment to our Lord Jesus. She was loving and responsible in prayer and other liturgical acts. She was very dedicated in her ministry in our schools in Mexico and Guatemala. She effectively contributed in the formation of postulants, novices and juniors.
God granted her a great missionary spirit that she shared in all the communities and apostolates that the Congregation entrusted to her; she also accompanied the people who were suffering for the loss of their loved ones through the rosaries and novenas during her last years of service the Central House despite her painful disease. The legacy that she left us is are the virtues of responsibility, dedication and generous service. She passed away on May 22, 2016, at the age of 80.
As part of the celebration of the 150
Jubilee of `Making
Known’ the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH), the MPS Philippine Region held a pilgrimage last January 16, 2016 entitled: `Pondering our Journey of Faith with the Mother’s Gaze’. There were more than a hundred pilgrims composed of sisters, and other lay OMPH devotees who participated with much enthusiasm and devotion. It started early in the morning at the Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine in Baclaran where a solemn procession and prayer was facilitated by Sr. Bella Sarsoza,MPS and Fr. Rico John Bilangel, C.Ss.R.,followed by a visit to the Divino Amor Shrine in Lipa City, Batangas, where the pilgrims were warmly welcomed by Fr. Ernesto Garcia,C.Ss.R. in a Eucharistic Celebration together with his concelebrants Fr. Enos Bali,C.Ss.R. and Fr. Willy Jecena,C.Ss.R. After lunch, the pilgrims proceeded to the San Sebastian Cathedral also in Lipa. The last Church visited by the pilgrims was the Shrine of St. Padre Pio in Sto. Tomas, Batangas. Certainly, it was a day filled with blessings and graces for all the pilgrims as each one was led into a closer encounter with the Lord. As it was said by Fr. Ernie in his homily: “We have the
best pilgrim guide, one can ever ask for...our Mother of Perpetual Help.” -(CCD) 76
A Holy Year is one of the most important events in the Catholic Church and usually takes place just once every 25 years. It is a unique time when the faithful are called to refocus on prayer and good works, seek pardon for their sins and gain special indulgences. Catholics were traditionally encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Rome during a Holy Year. They would conclude their spiritual and physical journey by crossing the threshold of the Pope’s Holy Door, symbolically marking their passage from sin into grace.
This Jubilee, for the first time ever, is not just pilgrims to Rome who will get to walk through the Holy Door and gain special indulgences. It is also a very special year for all of us MPS Sisters and the devotees of Our Mother of Perpetual Help because we were able to express our deepest longings of encounter with God in this spiritual journey.
would always be an opportunity to have a special blessing and for healing to take place. For me, as I reflect and contemplate upon our journey, I felt the assurance and guidance of Our Mother of Perpetual Help that she will always be there to accompany us along our path wherever life would take us. It was a symbol of love and mercy of God towards us.
Last January 16, 2016, all of us in the Philippine Region gathered together for a specific objective. A journey of faith that binds us together through the loving gaze of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Personally, I am so blessed by this experience. I am overwhelmed with so much hope and love. Grateful to God for His compassion and mercy on me despite of my weaknesses and limitations, and of course with the maternal love of Mary. This pilgrimage is a spiritual journey with a driven purpose.
As we came back from our pilgrimage, I had the joy in my heart of imagining an image of myself being forgiven and that I saw with renewed vision a new perspective and fidelity to my commitment.
I thank God and Mary for this meaningful pilgrimage!
As a pilgrim I know that every step along the way has meaning, and those challenges will emerge. As I look back, it was not a vacation; but a transformational journey if we allowed ourselves to be touched by Him, as we gained new insights and attained deeper understanding. It was a time to pause, reflect and to make an action as we re-visited new and old places in our hearts. There
(Sr. Merlie F. Decena) 77
This year’s Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH) is indeed extra-special as we celebrate the 150th Jubilee of ‘Making Known’ the miraculous icon. In the MPS Philippine Region, the celebration carried as its theme, “Make Her Known… Make Him Known…: 150 Taong Pagpapahayag ng Awa at Pagmamahal ng Diyos” (150 Years of Proclaiming God’s Mercy & Love). The Novena Masses and Fiesta Celebrations were joyfully held in the different communities where His immense love and graces through our Blessed Mother Mary was truly witnessed and felt. In the Regional Central Community located at Manila Times Village, Las Piñas City, the Novena was held from June 18 to 26, 2016 at the Last Supper of Our Lord Parish where devotees and participants were guided to contemplate on the different parts of the Icon. Invited priests for each Mass during the 9-day Novena shared their reflections and inspirations thru their homilies. The Feast Day Mass on June 27 was celebrated by His Most Reverend Bishop Jesse Mercado, DD. In other places where the MPS are present: PostulancyBetter living, Paranaque, NovitiateBiñan, Laguna, Mission-Lipa, Batangas,
and in Davao, creative and special activities had been organized with the faithful, such as Faith-Testimony/ Sharing and OMPH Icon Procession.
As a region, all the sisters from the different communities in Manila gathered to celebrate at the Novitiate house last June 26 which started with a Eucharistic celebration, presided by Rev. Fr. Gerry Yabyabin, OSJ, new Parish Priest at the Blessed Sacrament Parish. In his homily, he expounded on the message of the theme, reminding the call and mission for each one to ‘Make Mama Mary and Jesus, our Redeemer Known. (Sr. Ma. Bárbara V. Flores) 78
On the occasion of the 150 years of “Make Her Known”, Holy Mary of Perpetual Help, the Icon of Love, the first National Encounter of Perpetual Help Archiconfraternities and Devotees was held in St. Alphonsus Pastoral Center, in the city of Barquisimeto, Lara State, Venezuela, on the 27th, 28th and 29th of May this year, with the motto “Turn your eyes of mercy toward us,”. In this encounter whose organizers were the Redemptorists Missionaries and the Missionaries of Perpetual Help , the representatives of various societies, Confraternities, Archiconfraternities and Friends of Perpetual Help, who shared the history and work of each group, as well as testimonies and experiences of devotion to our Mother. Likewise, th e delegates from the Redemptoristine communities in the country, formands, young aspirants, the Bishop of the Diocese of El Vigia, Merida State, Msgr. Juan de Dios Pena, two diocesan priests and, of course, the four Missionaries of Perpetual Help participated in the said encounter.
The objective of the meeting was precisely that the devotees and Archiconfraternities in Venezuela would come together and that provide them a space for sharing and know each other. This aim was actually achieved. The central theme was Theology and Marian Ministry that was presented by Msgr. Juan de Dios Peña, whose diocese apparently is the only one in the country that is under the patronage of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The daily prayer was done surrounding
the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, from the rosary, Lauds and contemplation before the Icon. On Saturday, there was an interesting iconographic exhibition, coordinated by Sr. Ana Cecilia Escalona, MPS, with the purpose of presenting to the participants the meaning of an icon and thus we become closer to what
the Holy Mary of Perpetual Help is offering us. On the evening of the same day, there were theatrical and musical presentations in relation to the history and devotion of our sweet Virgin Mother. Moreover, there were two events that are important for our Redemptorists brothers, namely, the celebration of the perpetual vows of Brother Ender Belandria and was on Saturday and his ordination to diaconate on the following day, Sunday, which h became the great closing of the meeting encounter. We thank the Father for the opportunity of coming together and celebrate the love for the Theotokos in the Icon of Mother of Perpetual Help and for the 150 years Anniversary of making her known.
“Holy Mother of Perpetual Help, turn your eyes of mercy toward us�. (Sr. Nohemi Justo)
The Eucharist was presided by Msgr. Angel Caraballo. It is a moment to experience with joy the feast of our Mother. It is Mary as missionary and mother of the Redeemer, who comes to the door of each home to make known the message of her Son. She is the woman of faith who lived the word of God and cooperated so that He may incarnate in order to bring the good news to all. This woman dressed with the Sun is present today in this community to accompany the people of Venezuela in their pain and sadness. She is the woman of hope, who was at the foot of the Cross to listen to the mission that her Son had entrusted to her:
“Woman, there is your son! Son, there is your mother”! As a Venezuelan, only thing I did in this mass was to consecrate my country in the hands of Mary of Perpetual Help. Definitely, it is the time to say it to our Mother, “receive us in your hands, are all yours. With the hope that comes out as you did, when you received the news from the Angel that your cousin Elizabeth needed your help. And so, now, Now, our mother Venezuela needs your help “Mother of Love, come to our Aid”.
The Homily of Bishop was directed to everyone with much humility. Despite his very first time to celebrate this great feast in Honor of our Lady of Perpetual Help, he explained to everyone the reason why one should love Mary, the Mother of God. “We should all love her, because she is the mother of Jesus, and if we say that Jesus is my friend, with much more reason that I should love His Mother Mary”. And he explained to them the symbols of the passion. All were happy and contented as they responded to each one of the questions that Monsignor addressed to them. With this great community participation and with the hope of Mary, mother of God, may her help come to us who consecrated ourselves to God.
“This is the joy which we experience daily, amid the little things of life (…) Do not deprive yourself of the day’s enjoyment” Pope Francis And so it was…we ended the day in the company of Msgr. Angel Caraballo and the parish priest José Gregorio, a youth from the brotherhood without boundaries and Sr. Martha Juanista. (Hna. Edith Dominga Martínez)
JOYS FOR THE VIRGIN OF PERPETUAL HELP CHORUS: MAY YOUR HELP AND YOUR LOVE, BE OUR BLESSING. Missionary Mother , Mother of Love, Blessed Lady, we pray to you with devotion. (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS Your eyes of mercy we seek every day, come with joy, we say O Mother, Mary! (Hail Mary and Glory) CHORUS For you, the heavenly choirs sing God's people offer hymns for you, because you are Queen and Lady of all Creation. (Hail Mary and Glory)
You are the Queen of the Mission in evangelizedevery town, being in every heart and in every home that has been missioned. (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS You are Divine Revelation manifested in your beautiful image, for being the summary of Redemption you are a Holy Throne. (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS In my apprehensions and fears, I seek your gaze with faith, and I find comfort in my soul, knowing that I can believe in you (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS Madonna of the Passion We knew at the beginning Queen and Mother , all your children with so much joy We, all your children call you . (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS Joy and hope are reflected in your icon of Love, that is why you are called Mother of the Redeemer (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS With your outstretched hand They show us the way, you're a safe haven to reach your Son. (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS For all the sick you are healing and hope, they entrust in you their longings and come to you with confidence. (Hail Mary and Glory)
CHORUS The sweetness of your gaze penetrates our souls, and you carry on your lap giving us peace and calm. (Ave María y Gloria) CHORUS
CHORUS The faithful sing Knowing that and every missionary takes pride, because your work are exalted. (Hail Mary and Glory)
Oración Final Receive, O God! Our honor and praise that we offer through the intercession of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and help us to achieve her virtues and blessing. Amen.
Sr. Lidia del Carmen Escalona Giménez, Venezuela.
On the occasion of the celebration of the 150 years of making known our Mother of Perpetual Help, we have started the tour of the Pilgrimage Icon in the communities in the Region of Central America. The first community it visited was in Sonsonate, then it went to the community of Mazatenango and would end its tour in the postulancy and novitiate community.
Each community has organized various activities to present our Mother of Perpetual Help to the recipients of our apostolates and that they may continually know her and develop more love and devotion for her. In the postulancy and novitiate community, visits to houses are being done to make known to the people about the icon and we also pray the Holy Rosary with the families. In Colegio Perpetuo Socorro, lectures were given to children and young people plus, the icon is also visiting each of their homes so they may pray as a family.
In Sonsonate, the love for our Mother of Perpetual Help is continually being promoted in each of the children. (Sr. Ma. de los Ă ngeles LĂłpez )
April 30 & May 1, 2016 San Luis Potosí, México
The National Congress of Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been an opportunity for encounter of the Alphonsian Family to deepen their knowledge on the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and be encouraged, with more elements, to respond to the mandate to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer of Pope Pius IX to "Make Her Known". San Luis Potosí was the venue for our Congress, since there is one of the largest sanctuaries dedicated for the veneration of our Lady of Perpetual Help in Mexico. The event took place on the 30th of April to 1st of May 2016, with about 550 people, coming from various places of the country. There were 33 Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help plus two laity who participated in this Congress. With the celebration of the National Congress of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help, the Redemptorists missionaries concluded their Jubilee of the 150 years of the restoration of the public worship in honor of our Mother. However, the Missionaries of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help will con-
clude the Jubilee in April of the 2017, since the period 2016-2017 has been called «the Consequent Development of "Make Her Known"» and it still has a program of activities to carry out. During the Congress we had a full schedule of activities for a day and a half of work: The first day of the Congress was opened began with songs and dynamics to brighten up the atmosphere. Fr. Carlos Flores Rodriguez, C.Ss.R. facilitated this activity and was followed by the welcome messages of the Redemptorist Provincial Superior in Mexico, Fr. Adalberto Alfaro, Sr. Maria Veronica Zendejas Echeverria, MPS and the Superior of the Redemptorist Seminary Fr. José Guadalupe Nazarin, C.Ss.R. After that, we had the inaugural conference and presentation of the book entitled “Make Her known" by Fr. Francisco Colunga, C.Ss.R., who wrote it obviously as a Bible scholar. This Inaugural Conference was followed by multi-conferences, eight in total, by four Redemptorist Missionaries (Carlos Flores Rodríguez, Israel Romo Diaz, Aaron Eugenio Moreno del Villar and Jonathan Muñoz Aguas) and four Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Srs. Maria Veronica Zendejas Echeverria, Diana Cruz Torres, María Victoria Vivar Flores and Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera). 84
The multi-conferences were distributed in the following way: Multi-conferences I Aarón Eugenio Moreno del Villar, C.Ss.R. “Perpetual Help, Missionary Virgin”. María Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS. “Prayer and the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help”. Diana Cruz Torres, MPS. “Iconography of Holy Mary of Perpetual Help”. Israel Romo Diaz, C.Ss.R. “The Help of God today”. Multi-conferences II Carlos Flores Rodríguez, C.Ss.R. “The Song and the Missionary Virgin of Perpetual Help” María Veronica Zendejas Echeverría, MPS. “The Icon of Perpetual Help, an impulse to live associated to the redeeming work of Christ”. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS. “The reflection of the Gaze of God in the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help”. Jonathan Muñoz Aguas, C.Ss.R. “Brightening up the world with the Help of God”. We also had some spaces for rest and fellowship; we enjoyed variety of Mexican dishes in the Bazaar that was put up plus a sale of different religious articles, most of them are Perpetual Help articles. In the afternoon of the first day of the Congress, we had the procession with the Image of the Perpetual Help from the sanctuary, walking along the neighboring streets. Each participating delegation with a sign that identified them joyfully accompanied the Missionary Virgin. The procession culminated with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by the Superior and the Parish Priest of the Shrine of Perpetual Help, Fr. José Guadalupe Nazarin. The first day was closed with a concert of songs dedicated to the Virgin of Perpetual Help and the beautiful display of fireworks. The first event of the second day of the Congress, was the Quiz Bee about the Icon of Perpetual Help, where our sister Alejandra Flores Galvan (major junior) participated and won the second place. This filled us with joy and hope to know that we have such love for our Mother 85
of Perpetual Help. It was thereafter followed by the closing conference of by Fr. Francisco Pérez Colunga on "Lytos" (stones), where he referred to the biblical meaning of the stones that are in the Crown of the Virgin in the icon. On December 11, 2015, some boys and girls aged 7 to 11 years old from several schools of ours such as: "Colegio de Salina Cruz" , "Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez", "Colegio Alfonso de Ligorio” and "Colegio Martín de La Cruz participated in the Mother of Perpetual Help Icon drawing contest. All the three prizes announced in the Congress namely the first, second and third place went to different students from Colegio Martin de la Cruz, Xochimilco. This was truly touching moment for the MPS and we thanked all the communities who participated, as well as the parents and families of all children who participated most especially for their dedication for the success and meaning of this event. We extend our sincerest congratulations to all of them. Finally, we had the solemn closing Eucharistic Celebration of the Jubilee that was presided by Redemptorist Provincial Superior in Mexico Fr. Adalberto Alfaro and concelebrated by several Redemptorist missionaries from the different communities of the Mexican Republic. We had the special feature in this celebration, i.e., the homily was given by our sister Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS who expressed and shared from her experience, feeling and knowledge that she has on the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help before more than 500 people between religious, lay people and general public in the sanctuary who made themselves present during the National Congress as Alphonsian Family. Likewise, during the Offertory, our Major and Minor Junior Sisters along with a Redemptoristine sister and several youth presented a creative offertory dance that touched the heart of everybody who were present in the mass. We, her grateful devotees, recognize her miraculous intercession in this event and, trusting in her Help, we have placed in her hands all of our personal, community, congregational, pastoral, family and social needs…
Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS (http://www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx/es/congreso-nacionalde-nuestra-senora-del-perpetuo-socorro-0)
MY DEAREST SISTERS, AVE MARIA! I am very thankful with God and my community for allowing me to participate in “MARY OF PERPETUAL HELP NATIONAL CONGRESS " held in San Luis Potosí México on April 30 to May 1, 2016.
As I was at the point of buying my bus ticket, the Colegio Juan Ramon Jimenez Community invited me to go with them, to whom I was so thankful because it made my travel easier at the same time I had the opportunity of talk and enjoy with sisters of different communities during the five hours travel experiences, picture-taking, lunch, etc. The Colegio Vasco de Quiroga community in San Luis Potosi received and accommodated us, approximately to 25 sisters, in a friendly and welcoming way during those days. All the activities that were carried out during those days had increased my spiritual identity and experience as MPS. For almost 50 years ago, I lived as a postulant in this place which brought back beautiful memories. The Congress began on the 30th of April, Saturday at ten in the morning in the Redemptorist sanctuary and seminary in this city, to which we arrived at eight in the morning, with much eagerness to participate. The opening to the Congress was very emotional with the Blessed Sacrament being exposed, that was then brought to a Chapel wherein we may go to visit the Lord anytime we’d wish. The welcome and the festive atmosphere continued to be manifested itself the whole time since as I met and related each day with different people from several states of the Mexican Republic. As I collaborated a bit in the organization of the liturgy, I had more opportunity to enjoy relating with the participants during those beautiful days. All that I experienced in this Congress was of great spiritual wealth for me 87
but the most relevant and meaningful I consider were: my participation in the two solemn Eucharistic celebrations; since the conferences were presented simultaneously, it was not possible for me to take part in the exhibitions of sisters María Veronica Zendejas and Diana Cruz, that to according to other people were also very interesting. All the conferences were well prepared, well-founded and worthy of note. In particular, I am invited to continually go deeper in the wealth of the Icon so that I may be able to live as what has been said: "taking the example of Mary". Likewise, there was the presentation of the book "Make Her Known", the symbolism of the icon and biblical foundations by Fr. Francisco Perez Colunga, C.Ss.R. I want to highlight the closing Eucharistic celebration in which our sister María Victoria Flores (Filipina) participated with a beautiful and emotional reflection, (homily), biblically and theologically based and at the same time very challenging as she mentioned the life of Mary, that it personally invited me to commit myself in applying in each of the circumstances of my life what Mary had told to the servants at the wedding at Cana: "Do whatever He tells you". In addition, our junior sisters along with several people presented the gifts in the Offertory in a very original and meaningful way for everyone especially for us as MPS. The offertory in the middle of the sea came in with a boat wherein the icon and other offerings are carried by some youth and a Redemptoristine nun while two sisters were dancing in front of the offertory procession. The song was in Filipino entitled “Stella Maris”.
I will continually integrate in my life and share with those around me all of these signs, experiences and reflections of this very rich spirituality and theology of the Icon in our Congregation and Church.
Many thanks and may we have encounters like this in the future so we may continually strengthen the gifts the Lord has given us. CONGRATULATIONS, SISTERS! Your Sister in Jesus and Mary of Perpetual Help,
Sr. Margarita Jaime Rubí, MPS
Good afternoon, my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Before anything else, let us honor our Mother of Perpetual Help with a warm round of applause. I am sure that she is very happy to see all of us here, her children gather around the word and table of her Son Jesus Christ. If you have visited the website of this event, at the end, we can read: UNA MADRE NO PUEDE ESTAR FELIZ SI NO ESTAN TODOS SUS HIJOS EN LA MESA (A MOTHER CAN NEVER BE HAPPY IF NOT ALL HER CHILDREN ARE AROUND THE TABLE). Now let us clap for all of us her children for being able to come and celebrate this wonderful event dedicated to her. Our presence here therefore is our way of saying to her, “I am here because I am your child”. With this conviction, it personally gives me the courage and confidence to share with you because we are indeed one family here, real brothers and sisters in Mary, our Mother and in Jesus, our Brother, our Lord, Redeemer and our Perpetual Help. Since this is truly a very special day for our Mother of Perpetual Help, we have taken our today’s readings from the Mass of the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, June 27. And aren’t we actually celebrating her feast, the 150th Jubilee Anniversary of Making Her Known to the Whole World through the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help? April 26, 2016 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the restoration of the public devotion of the original icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in St. Alphonsus Church in Rome. The Redemptorists, whose General House was located at St. Alphonsus Church, were given the Icon by Pope Pius IX and were told to, “Make Her Known Throughout The World”… just as how we have named this event: “Make Her Known.”
But how can we truly make her known? Rather, effectively make her known? One must have a deep knowledge of the person whom he /she would want to present to others. In the Icon, we see Mary telling us: “Do whatever He tells you” as she told to the servants at the Wedding at Cana while Jesus tells us: “There is your Mother” as we have listened in the Gospel today. The young woman who was to bear a Son and named Him Emmanuel in the book of Isaiah is no other than Mary, the same woman who had remained at the upper room with the apostles of Jesus and up to the end of 89
her life on earth, and who is with us at this very moment. During these two-day Congress, we have heard much of our Mother of Perpetual Help, perhaps new things and others are affirmation of what we have already known and experienced in our journey. But most probably, after this event, we will continue with our journey differently, with much consciousness of having Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help beside us and with a much firm desire and decision to make her known. Jesus told her, “Woman, there is your son, your daughter”. Out of His great love for us, He accepted to suffer and die on the Cross for us, He gave His life and still before dying, He gave us His own Mother, He could not give someone less. He knew her, He experienced the love and fidelity of Mary as a Mother, someone who offered her whole life for Her Son, who helped Him to give His best in life, who journeyed with Him all the way, who showed Him that real happiness and that the only food which can satisfy Him is to do the will of the Father. He knew that Mary bore and faced with much faith all the hardships in order to help Jesus recognize more fully and fulfill the mission God has given Him, because Mary believed that such was the best for Her Son. Her experience of God’s mercy in her life made her totally convinced that the Father will do the best for Her Son. She kept and treasured everything in her heart and had always believed and loved. A Mother of true faith and genuine love is the kind of Mother Jesus wants for us. He told His beloved disciple and as we look at Jesus in this icon, He tells to each one of us: “Here is your Mother”.
Indeed, she is our Mother of Perpetual Help, the Mother of Emmanuel, someone who will never leave her son/daughter alone. Let us then allow her to accompany us in our journey, to help us to give the best of ourselves to God in the vocation and mission He chooses for each of us. Let us always remember that we have a Mother who desires nothing but God’s will may be done in our lives because there is nothing more beautiful than that. Let us, like John, take her into our home, into our heart, into our whole life… With this, we can understand even better why Mary, our Mother CANNOT BE HAPPY IF ALL HER CHILDREN WOULD NOT BE PRESENT AROUND THE TABLE, if we are not around the table of Her Son’s Word and Sacrifice. Here, we can realize that Mary eternally loves Jesus and His wish is her desire as well. He wants Jesus to be happy. Her happiness is Jesus’ 90
happiness. And Jesus’ happiness is that we may all find our life in Him, doing God’s will and building the Father’s Kingdom on earth. When everything seems well and peaceful as we may find ourselves now, secured and comfortable together as a family with our Mother, we can somehow be tempted to say like the apostle Peter at the Transfiguration and tell to the fathers, “it is good that we are here. If we wish, we will make tents…” anyway, we have a big place here. Here, we are safe, we can just continue to talk and share about our Mother of Perpetual Help, and we can continue to celebrate her Jubilee. But we know that such is not our reality, we will soon come to the end of this activity and go back to our normal activities and face once again the daily challenges and demands of life, which sometimes do cause us fears, insecurity, distress… Let us then, always remember that Mary is always with us, that she is our Mother of Perpetual Help, who reminds us to do whatever Jesus, the Emmanuel, the Perpetual Help tells us. We hope that as each one goes and leaves this place after this event, we will all continually but with much enthusiasm and lively testimony make her known. Allow me to end this sharing with the words of a song which we will listen to during the offertory in a different language (my own language). This song is entitled Stella Maris o Estrella del Mar. With these words, let us rest assure our dearest Mother that like her, our happiness is to be fully one with Her Son, our Perpetual Help. STELLA MARIS:
If in this journey of ours We are beset by fear, May we see you O anointed morning star.
Be the light of our path, Mother. Towards heaven, our goal May we finally reach The most desired kingdom (CHORUS)
Neither waves of worries will affect us because you are there. Neither storms of afflictions Nor the darkness of the night. CHORUS: Mary, in anyone's heart You are the star of Heaven. Your brightness will never fade. Mother dear, Mother adored.
(Sr. María Victoria V. Flores, MPS) 91
O Mother of Perpetual Help, in whose arms your baby Jesus seems to seek your safe refuge;... and that that same God made His Son yours, to be His tender mother who holds Him tightly against her chest and His hands with your right hand, thus sustaining us in difficulties, don't permit, O Lady, that something bad happens to us; you know that you are our powerful mediator and defender. Most especially, my mother, grant us the grace that we ask you. Amen.
Ave María, Sisters!
Fondest greetings of peace, love and mercy of God to each one of you. It is a pleasure to celebrate a Jubilee of the Mother of God, in her title of Mother of Perpetual Help, and as our Patroness; it is a privilege to celebrate our feast in a grand, in the 150th anniversary to “Make her
known”, the Icon of love and communion. The community of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca was delighted to receive and welcome the Mother of the Redeemer in the school's facilities with the four departments participating in the Forum of the Institute Maria Teresa Rivera. The Icon arrived from Colegio Morelos of the community of Ixtepec. Sisters Maria de los Angeles Vasquez (superior of the community) and Norma Salazar (Directress of the school), brought “her” in the company of some students. The students of the Colegio Salina Cruz received the Virgin with cheering, songs, applause, balloons, prayer, contemplation and blessing. The Sisters of the Ixtepec community, shared with us how they dynamically made the Icon (our Mother of Perpetual Help) known by visiting the families and praying the Rosary with them. Sister Alicia Ortiz (superior of the community) thanked the sisters and the students for bringing our Mother of Perpetual Help in pilgrimage. During her stay from May 13th to June 9th, the Pilgrim Virgin visited all the classrooms, offices and warehouses; she also visited the María Teresa Rivera Pre-university School. For this, the Sisters of the community accompanied by the teachers and students walked with Mary of Perpetuo Help in whole school, bringing God's blessings to all. 92
The interest of the teachers and students was obvious as they prepared in each classroom a special altar for the Heavenly Mother. They contemplated on, prayed, thanked and made requests to the Mother of the Perpetual Help. At the end of the visit, an image was given in raffle to a student who could take ‘Her’ home and pray the Rosary with his/her family pray. On the last day of the visit, the students bid goodbye to the Pilgrim Mother of the Perpetual Help with chants, applause and prayers as they thanked her for her stayed with the Salina Cruz educational community. From there, Sr. Rocio Calderon of Salina Cruz community, on behalf the sisters, took the Pilgrim Icon to the community of Morelia.
And so, we celebrate the Jubilee of 150 years of Make Her Known, as well as the beauty and tenderness of God and Mary in our School. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec thanked our Mother of Perpetual Help for having visited this land and for blessing it. “Thank you, Mother of mine, for opening your heart, because you have gathered us and you have given us your love”.
May Mary of Perpetual Help bless you wherever you are and at every moment in your mission. (Sr. María de Lourdes Villalobos García. M.P.S.)
Parish of Our Lady of Juquila Puerto, Veracruz
s fruit of the Congress of our Mother of the Perpetual Help in San
Luis Potosi last April 30 and Mayo 1 of the 2016, the invitation from the Archconfraternity of Perpetual Help from the Parish of our Lady of Juquila, a Redemptorist parish emerged, to go to the Puerto, Veracruz to preach a novena of our Mother of Perpetual Help. However, we didn't have phone numbers to contact the parish priest. One day, we received 93
a call from a seminarian Redemptorist who was having his pastoral experience in that place and asked us if we could give some vocation guidance to two girls who wanted to know about the missionary life in our Congregation. In this occasion, we raised the request of the Archconfraternity of Perpetual Help belonging to that parish and afterwards, the pastor, Fr. Alejandro Arciniega, C.Ss.R. contacted Sisters María Victoria Vivar Flores and Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, and programmed the novena and asked us to vocationally orient the two girls from his parish who are interested in knowing the MPS charism and spirituality. Four sisters participated in the novena: Srs. Anavela Barrientos Caseros, María Victoria Vivar Flores, Elia Vasquez Ibáñez and Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera. They attended the parish and six chapels belonging to the same. The missionaries had the opportunity to live with the families who accommodated them in their homes during the mission. The novena was programmed from June 16 to June 24 and the celebration of the Eucharist for the Feast of Perpetual Help was scheduled on the 25th of June 2016.
In addition to the preaching of the novena in the parish and in the chapels, we also conducted some other different activities such as: visitation of families and the sick, and on June 19 th, together with the Redemptorist missionaries, we conducted vocation seminar with the young people from the different
chapels, attended by twenty-two youth. Our participation in the novena was quite satisfactory in different areas, we pray the Perpetual Help Rosary and shared reflections about our Icon of Love and Communion. On June 25th, we had the procession from all the chapels visited and joined with the group from center of the parish and then we celebrated together the Feast of our Mother of Perpetual Help, the Missionary Virgin. Fr. Alejandro Arciniega asked the missionaries to do preaching of the Eucharist in the parish on June 24 and 25, which also allowed us to share our charism and spirituality as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 94
We are quite amazed that this Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is well known and much loved because of the propagation that the Redemptorist missionaries have done. In addition, Archconfraternity of perpetual help group members are many and in some colonies the Virgin go on
pilgrimage from house to house, which made us really feel happy and had motivates us to continually "Make her known" in our mission and apostolic works. We cannot complete this short article without thanking the welcome and farewell activity we received the mission from the part of the Redemptorists, the Archconfraternity of Perpetual Help and the people from the colonies that we visited, where surely, the work of God in Christ. To know what each one asked during this Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help, is not possible, but we are certain that she heard so many prayers as we did and will receive many blessings from her Son, the Redeemer, there would be many blessings for these people and for all the places where the needs are pressing and as at the wedding of Cana, we are just reminded to "do whatever
He tells you�. We also thank our Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, for the opportunity that she gave us to experience this Novena in Puerto, Veracruz, where we felt so identified with our charism and spirituality. The reality of the place and the experience, invite us to renew each day our option as MPS and to strengthen our commitment to bring "Abundant redemption" to any mission that we undertake and in particular to the most abandoned and to those most in need of God's mercy.
Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera Secretariat of Religious Life
Ave Maria, Sisters! Let me share with you the great joy of celebrating the Solemnity of our Mother of Perpetual Help, which was held at the Central House, where the Sisters of the MPS Northern and Southern Regions go together to commemorate the maternal protection of our Mother Mary. At 10 in the morning, we started the pilgrimage from Rio Consulado to the Basilica of Guadalupe, during which, we prayed the Rosary, asking her intercession for each of our communities, and in thanksgiving for the presence of our Congregation in every country where we are. It was nice to have the presence of the Perpetual Help Lay Missionaries, the girls from the Casa Hogar and the sisters from the different communities.
At 11:00 a.m. we arrived at the Basilica of Guadalupe, and started with the celebration of the Eucharist which was presided by Fr. Adalberto Alfaro, Redemptorist Provincial Superior, who with much affection received the banner, blessed all the participants in the pilgrimage. We met at the Basilica, the elderly sisters and the choir, sisters from the Juniorate community who had come earlier to be ready for the mass. It was a very solemn Eucharist in which we, the sisters who were present renewed our vows at the feet of Mary, and offered as well the consecration to our Lady of Perpetual Help. After celebrating the main banquet with the Lord, the sisters and guests: among them were Fr. Adalberto, Fr. Desire Afana, some Redemptorist seminarians, Our Lady of Guadalupe Missionary Sisters and the others proceeded to
the Central House for a fellowship and agape in a friendly atmosphere. During the meal, the mariachi came to sing in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help. Sr. Alejandra Flores Galvan (Junior) shared a video which she made to present a narrative of the occasion of the 150th anniversary of making our Mother of Perpetual Help known. Some parts in the video were taken during the National Congress that was held last April 30 and May 1 in San Luis PotosĂ in the Redemptorist Sanctuary of Perpetual Help. There was a very special moment of faith and devotion to our Patroness when the Sisters of the General Council motivated us with joy and gladness to have a moment of contemplation before the icon, to highlight the great importance of our Mother of Perpetual Help in our lives and the main objective for celebrating her. After this significant moment of deep personal experience, our Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia facilitated for all those who are present a raffle of the Pilgrim Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help, the Icon that visited all the communities in Mexico and which had just come back from Morelia to the Central House the previous day. The fortunate sister was for Sr. MarĂa de los Angeles Alonzo, who mentioned that she would bring the Icon to
their town chapel which happens to bear the name of Mother of Perpetual Help. We ended our day with songs, cheering, hugs and all our affection and desires of the heart for our Mother.
Thank you, Mother Mary for constantly blessing our lives, our vocation, our families and our peoples. Intercede for our religious family, your beloved Congregation that bears your name. (Sr. Anilu Morales Arroyo) 97
USA REGION Our Mother of Perpetual Help organized a big feast for us in her honor. From the different parts of the North USA, we arrived at the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Retreat House in San Antonio Texas. In a warm and fraternal atmosphere we received our honorable guests: our Superior Genera, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia MPS and Redemptorist - Mexico Provincial Superior Fr. Adalberto Alfaro who facilitated the reflection and deepening of our knowledge of the Icon of the Mother of the Perpetual Help for us. On Friday, 1st of July the Regional Superior M. Melissa Garza-Escobedo welcomed each of the participants and the guests, as she thanked Jesus, the Redeemer and our Mother of Perpetual Help, for the abundance of blessings that we received during the Jubilee year and especially during the celebration of novena, which we celebrate in the different parishes. We had a procession which enabled us to deepen our being missionaries, always on the road, making “her” known to everyone who needs her. We enthroned her beautiful image as we sang hymns for her. We celebrated the Eucharist, in which we listened to the Word of God and joyfully offered songs. Sr. Mercedes Martinez and the novice Lucero Romero excellently organized the liturgy for which they deserved our appreciation. M. Cecilia Morales Tapia shared with us a Conference on the missionary vocation reflected in the Icon of Perpetual Help. From her own experience of contemplation in the vocational path, she motivated us to recognize in our own experience that personal and intimate encounter with our Mother of Perpetual Help. In the afternoon, each sister showed the path of their own vocation on a plastic sign and shared it with the other sisters. It was a time of special grace to listen to each other and recognize the spiritual depth that each one of us has: well, have been called by Jesus, the Redeemer, who has loved so much. All that we had experienced on that the fraternal gathering. As we are a small group of missionaries in this land of mission, therefore, it is necessary to remain united, supporting one another, praying for each other and responding generously to our missionary vocation. We concluded the day with a thanksgiving prayer for all the blessings we received. On Saturday, July 2nd, we began the fraternal and celebrative encounter by enjoying a rich breakfast, then with the prayer before the Icon of Love and Communion, led by Sr. Mercedes Martinez and our novice Lucero Romero. Those were moments of peace, gratitude and of completely feeling the experience of being loved, helped and embraced by God’s tenderness and love.
Fr. Provincial Adalberto Alfaro presented two conferences this day: the first topic was: Theological Reflection of the Icon of Perpetual Help considering as well his own experience of faith and love. Throughout his life as a missionary, he said that she is always there... he felt this deep experience of knowing that he is guided, assisted, chosen, loved and sent. She is everything, she brought us the Redeemer. Fr. Adalberto presented his lecture from a biblical quest where images are based, he shared us from his own experience of personal encounter with Jesus, the Redeemer. He showed the biblical route up to the public veneration and the mission entrusted by Pope Pius IX of entrusting it the Redemptorists with the mandate "Make Her Known”. Fr. Adalberto gave us a book written by Fr. Francisco Pérez C.Ss.R. on the Icon of Perpetual Help and his Biblical message, edited on the occasion of the celebrations of the year jubilee. During the celebration of the Eucharist, there was the appointment of the superiors of the different communities: Sr. Mercedes Martinez- Eagle Pass, Sr. Rosa Amalia Torres A. – St. John Neumann, Springfield MA, and Sr. Evelia Farfan- San Antonio, TX. He also prayed over and blessed Sr. Juana María Hernández who was to start her XXVth Jubilee year. We thanked the Creator for the marvelous things He has done and our Mother of love for her presence in our lives. The results of the drawing contest were also announced: 3rd place - Pedro Alfonso Martinez, Monterrey NL, 2nd place – a youth named Christy Garibay from Eagle Pass, and the first place –Mr. Robin González from Greenfield, MA. They were very beautiful moments wherein we imagined the different forms, expressions and feelings the contestants had in expressing their love and devotion to our Lady of Perpetual Help Thanks to everyone who participated.
The third day was for fraternal fellowship which we started with a prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, in which we expressed our gratitude for these 150 years of “making her known to all the world”. Fr. Adalberto continued by presenting the meaning and colors of the Icon of the Perpetual Help. On this day, M. Lolita Pineda to join us: she gave us a lovely message. The regional superior M. Melissa Garza thanked the presence, active participation of each sister, the support of the M. General Cecilia Morales and the presence of Fr. Provincial Adalberto Alfaro. We concluded this beautiful experience of fellowship, study and reflection in lieu of the Jubilee. Our Mother General addressed us a few words of exhortation and congratulations for this celebration. We also thanked the presence of Sr. Malena Burgos, who accompanied us on behalf of the Tampico community. We are happy that she came to share these significant moments in the life of our Region.
At one o’clock, we gathered for the solemn celebration of the Eucharist in Perpetual Help Church and we proceeded thereafter at the parish hall for the fellowship. In this way, we culminated the Jubilee Year in honor of Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help. (Sr. Juana María Hernández ) 99
Moved by the Spirit, to be more human in Christ Redeemer, in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Editor-in-Chief
Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion
Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life
Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Formation
Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action
Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS General Secretary
Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS General Econome
Sr. Ma. de los Ángeles Alonzo Aragón, MPS Mailing Address
MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero ,07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 perpetuo@prodigy.net.mx www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx