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Ave Maria! This Estrella Misionera edition arrives at your doorpost with the joyful greeting of Happy Feast of our dearest Patroness, Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help and at the same time on the eve, just a month to go for the celebration of the Congregational Assembly and the Closing of the Charismatic Year. As you read the different articles contributed by our sisters in this issue, I would like to invite you to imagine, feel yourself living their experience of discovering, strengthening and sharing the charism in the various events and activities that they had within the charismatic year. Try to make them as your own and I am sure that you would also say that this congregational charismatic year is truly overwhelming. We are already approaching the end of the year that we, as a Congregation dedicate in the deepening of our charism. The days, weeks and months have run so fast and we would all say and agree: the gift that we have received, this charism which we inherited from our founders and which we continue to discover as an indescribable gift of the Holy Spirit to us as a religious family is too great to hold in our hands or even to embrace with both our arms and too deep to fathom and yet too beautiful to behold with the eyes of our heart and the vision of our soul. From our own experiences, each sister, community, region and the whole Congregation has been able to reflect and to creatively express it by being especially more dynamic in their prayer, community and apostolic life. We are able to find more meaning in what we do, say and even in our mere presence with the people, with our community and even during our time of solitude with the Lord. Celebrating this deepening of our charism, the Congregation had likewise invited everybody to creatively express their experience and more profound understanding of this gift by participating in the Logo-making and theme song composition contests. All the entries for both contests are all inspiring and are obviously created by sisters who are deeply inspired by the richness of our charism. All the persons who have helped out in choosing the winners for the contests congratulated all the participants for their beautiful work. Indeed, by just looking at the artworks and listening to the different songs that are all presented in this issue, we can truly affirm one another: “Misionera, tu eres capaz”. In English, we could literally translate it as: “Missionary, you are capable” but it is more proper to say in our case: “Missionary, surely, you can!” it is affirming one´s gift that is already discovered and could still be even more enhanced. It was quite interesting to grasp the common understanding, experience and conviction of our charism in the elements presented both in the different artworks and songs. It somehow helps us to recognize the things that most of us value and would like to emphasize in the living out of our charism. From both the songs and logos, the following elements were more highlighted:  Jesus as the Redeemer: It is encouraging and challenging to know that our eyes are fixed to no one else but

on Jesus. Fr. Agustin Nistal quoted St. Paul in the 1936 Constitutions, p.118: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…” (Gal. 2,20). We also recall the words of our Mother Foundress Ma. Teresa Rivera Caril3

lo: "The missionary should make sure that among the benefits that she can offer her neighbors, the significance of her apostolate relies on whether she is able to bring them to know, love and serve our Divine Redeemer." In the various artworks submitted for the logo making contest, the cross was the symbol used to convey this element of the charism. 

Radiating the merciful love of God: This element is mentioned in most of the songs and is being symbolized by a heart in the majority of artworks. Both founders spoke of love and radiating God´s mercy in their writings and mostly with their testimony. M. Ma. Teresa Rivera inculcated in the hearts of her daughters: "The missionary must have a very ardent love for the Blessed Sacrament... and this will feed the divine fire that they must radiate everywhere where work." A very much loved quotation from our dearest foundress is also clear in this element: “Charity is the ornament of life and the beauty of the Missionary of Perpetual Help...Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourselves (Lk. 10:25). Live united with Jesus so that you may practice charity.” (Brief Writings of M. Maria Teresa Rivera Carrillo, Faith, Love and Purity, p. 2, 8, vol. 1, box 32)

 Proclaiming the Good News to the Poor and the abandoned: This two-fold element, i.e. to proclaim and the

poor, aside from being mentioned in several of the songs were symbolized and portrayed by the hands and the silhouette or pictures of people or by the world / globe respectively. We let the words of our Father Founder echo in our hearts as he said: “Devote yourselves in giving religious instruction to the abandoned souls, in the factories, in the outskirts of the huge cities, in the prisons, hospices, towns, farms, haciendas and ranches; and especially in the most remote parts of the parish." (Introduction of the constitutions of Fr. Agustin Nistal) 

With Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help: Although this element was not specifically articulated in our Constitution #3, we are all aware and convinced that the presence of Mary, her being our Patroness and imitating how she consecrated her whole self to God help, inspire and animate all of us in living out our charism in a radical way. Both the song and the logo will not be complete without Mary, the Virgin Missionary who is our Star present in them. Fr. Agustin Nistal in his letter to M. Maria Teresa Rivera Carrillo on the 12th of August 1935 specified: “The Coat of Arms should not be other than our Lady of Perpetual Help."

There are still other elements that are found common in both the songs and in the artworks but let me conclude this with:  The Holy Spirit which as often symbolized by the dove, has inspired our Founders and therefore is continually

inspiring us in living out Constitution #3: “The sisters, faithful to the Charism inherited from our Founders, set as the supreme norm of life the following of Christ Redeemer as presented by the Gospel(cf. c. 662; PC 2 a), continuing His redeeming action and radiating the merciful love of God, to proclaim the Good News to the poor and abandoned (Lk. 4, 18)”. Again, let us not miss to discover how the Spirit is moving in our midst by taking time to read the insights and experiences of our sisters. Take a look, too, at the artistic presentation of our charism through the artworks and find out that we have great composers in our family as we see and hopefully listen to the songs that were lovingly composed by our sisters. Definitely, we would all but agreeably say to each other: “Missionary, surely, you can!”

Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores,MPS


WE FIND THE STRENGTH TO LIVE AND TRANSMIT THE MPS CHARISM IN CHRIST REDEEMER "Jesus alone must reign in your heart as absolute King without letting it love no one else but Jesus, not even to have someone as another idol at the pedestal that has been reserved for this great Lord. Jesus Christ should be the center of your heart, the sincere friend of your soul (Fr. Agustin Nistal G.; Manuscripts of the Rules of 1919). When we launched the Charismatic Year, we saw it as a path of renewal in the living out of the charism. Certainly, the Holy Spirit found in most communities the favorable atmosphere to move our hearts, enriching them with the wisdom of its presence and confirming them in the following of Jesus with the profile of MPS. The charism is recreated in the experience and contribution of each sister; this experience is deep and compelling when it relies on the vivid and constant encounter with Christ the Redeemer. I want to motivate our life and mission with this message, from the Circular Letter "Rejoice" that the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life issued on the occasion of the Year of the Consecrated Life. I consider that it is an opportune motivation for the preparation of the closing of the Charismatic Year in our Congregation since it directs us toward the centrality of Jesus in our life and mission.

Found, achieved, transformed The Pope asks that we reread our personal history and verify it in light of the loving gaze of God, because while vocation is always his initiative, it depends on us to freely opt to belong to this economy of human-divine relationship and to live the life of agape, the way of discipleship, “in the light of the Church’s pilgrimage.”(21) Life in the Spirit is not fixed to set times but is constantly open to mystery while discerning to know the Lord and perceive reality in the light of God. When calling us, God makes us enter into His rest, and calls us to rest in Him, in a continuing knowledge of His love. Within us resonates the word “You are anxious and troubled about many things” (Luke 10.41). The way we walk is a “camino” of new life, for the old creation is reborn to a new life. Whoever is in Christ is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). Pope Francis gives a name to this revival, “This path has a name and a face: the face of Jesus Christ. It is He who teaches us to be holy. The Gospel shows us the way: the way of the Beatitudes (cf. Mt 5, 1-12). This is the life of the saints, people who loved God and put no limits to His place in their life.” [22] Consecrated life is called to embody the Good News, in following Christ, dead and risen, making its own the “mode of living and acting as the Incarnate Word of Jesus to the Father and to the brethren.”(23) It takes on our Lord’s lifestyle, sharing His interior attitudes, lets itself be flooded by His Spirit, assimilates His amazing logic and his values , share in his risks and hopes, “guided by the humble and happy certainty of one who has been found, reached and transformed by the Truth that is Christ, and cannot fail


to proclaim it.” [24] Abiding in Christ allows us to welcome the presence of the Mysterious God within us and expands the heart to the measure of God’s Son. Whoever abides in love, as the branch is united to the vine (cf. Jn 15:1-8) enters familiarity with Christ and bears fruit: “Abiding in Jesus! We remain attached to Him, in Him, with Him, talking with Him.”[25]

“The sign of Christ is in our face and in our hearts… in our face to proclaim Him always, in our hearts to love… and in our arms, to do good.”[26] The consecrated life is indeed a continuous call to follow Christ and be conformed to him. “The whole life of Jesus, his way of treating the poor, his actions, his consistency, his daily and simple generosity, and finally his total dedication, is all beautiful and speaks to one’s life.” [27] The encounter with the Lord sets us in motion, drawing us out of a self-referential lifestyle. [28]. The relationship with the Lord is not static, nor private, “Whoever puts Christ at the center of his life, moves aside. The more you join with Jesus and he becomes the center of your life, the more he takes you out of yourself, decentralizes you and opens you to others.”[29] “We are not in the center, we are, so to speak, displaced, we are serving Christ and the Church” .[30] The Christian life is determined by verbs of motion, is a continuous search, even when living in the monastic and contemplative, monastic dimension. “You cannot persevere in fervent evangelization if you are not convinced, from experience, that knowing Jesus is not the same as not knowing Him; that walking with Him is not the same as walking in darkness; that hearing his Word is not the same as ignoring it; that contemplating, worshipping and resting in Him, is not the same as failing to do so. Nor is the effort at building up the world with his Gospel the same as trying to achieve it by reason only. We know that life with Him is much more fulfilled and that with Him it is easier to make sense of everything.”[31] Pope Francis urges a restless search, like that of Augustine of Hippo, a “restlessness of heart that led him to a personal encounter with Christ, leads us to understand that the God he was looking for outside of himself is the very God who is near to everybody, the God close to our heart, nearer to us than our own selves.” It is an ongoing search: “Augustine does not pause of dawdle or center on himself like one who has reached his goal, but continues on the journey. His tireless search for the truth, his seeking of God, became transformed into a desire to know Him more and more, and then a going out from himself to make God known to others. This is what I mean by the restlessness of love.” [32] Our Estrella Misionera communicates to us about the dynamism of the Spirit in our Congregation as in the experiences shared by the different communities and sisters of each Region. Gracias Hermanas por sus valiosas aportaciones que nos animan a seguir apostando la vida por Cristo y su proyecto. Thank you, Sisters for your valuable contributions that encourage us to continually give our life for Christ and His mission. Let us then continue to love our Lord Jesus with all our heart.

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS 6





Ave Maria, Sisters!

With great joy, we would like to share with you some moments during the second Regional Assembly District, which was held last December 22, 2013 in our Perpetual Help College community. We started by watching the film entitled OF GODS AND MEN which teaches us how to make a community discernment where all us are involved. On the 23rd, we had a dynamic of integration and an opening prayer which prepared us for the work in

On January 2, we started the school year 2014 in our college with great enthusiasm and hope as we welcomed the faculty and staff. The classes for the children and youth began on January 13. We welcomed them with a moment of prayer so that we may all place the lives of children and young people enrolled in our school in the hands of God- Subsequently, we conducted some dynamics of integration.


With great joy, we welcomed the two new prepostulants who arrived the postulancy community on 19 January 2014, in order to begin your formation process.

groups with the objective of evaluating the journey of our region in this year 2013. On December 24, we celebrated Christmas together by attending the Eucharist, cradling the baby Jesus, by sharing dinner together and by having our exchange gift.

They are Gloria Mercedes Alvarado, from the Las Limas Community, San Pedro SacatepĂŠquez and Zulli Anahi who is from Capital City.

The Assembly that was convened gave us much enlightenment about the journey of our Region till this moment and as to where we must continue. We asked for the gift of wisdom from the Holy Spirit so that we may bring the abundant redemption to those most in need, especially with the testimony of our consecration.

These young ladies ar-



rived in the community and were accompanied by their respective families who with great generosity had entrusted them to the Congregation so that they can reaffirm God´s call for them as missionaries.



joyfully celebrated the day of consecrated life on

February 2nd. We had the celebration of the Eucharist in the community of Mazatenango. It was presided by Monsignor Pablo Vízcaíno Prado with the participation of the different religious congregations present in the Diocese of Suchitepéquez, Retalhuleu.

We ask God and our Mother of Perpetual Help to grant them perseverance in their vocation.

Welcome to a new experience!

Right after the Eucharist, we came together for lunch wherein we shared the joy of our calling in a fraternal atmosphere and fellowship among different religious communities.





On February 15, the three communities of the Central America Region gathered together in a cottage at the Riviera Beach, Acajutla, Sonsonate, in order to celebrate the day of love. This occasion gave us the opportunity to share the gift of friendship. We ate some delicious pupusas, cooked by the Sisters of Sonsonate and we enjoyed the beautiful sunset, the marvelous creation of God. We had a touching moment

The Sisters of the postulancy community

also cele-

brated the day of consecrated life as they attended the Eucharist which was organized by the Confregua (Conference of Religious of Guatemala) and which was held at the Cathedral that was presided over by Monsignor Oscar Julio Vian. The said Eucharistic celebration was participated by numerous congregations that make up the Archdiocese of Guatemala – Guatemala. After the mass, there was sharing a snack and a time for fellowship in the premises of the former Colegio de Infantes, zone 1 of the Capital City.


of prayer and then we had fun playing and discovering our secret friend.

At this time, we were playing "I bring you a message"... by way of mail and everyone had to move from his chair.

This photo shows a Quartet ready to start the game which was to knock down a cone with a ball that had been in the center of the circle of the fathers and mothers.

This tasty fruit cocktail was part of what the parents brought to share. There was also rice in milk, watermelon, melon, cookies, cakes, ice cream, gallons of juice, softdrinks, etc. Everyone was satisfied and in order to finish all the food, we continued to play until everything was done.


On February 28 at 5 in the afternoon, the Albino Luciano Preschool friendship celebrated with the children and their parents. There were games and sharing of food. All enjoyed and participated with great enthusiasm in the different games


FATHER´S DAY (SR. MARIA ARACELY GUZMAN CASTRO) The ALBINO LUCIANI Preschool held its Fathers´ day and was attended by the parents and their children. It was a very nice celebration. The decoration for this day was also beautiful. There was a Bible reflection for the father and his child. After the sharing, they tasted some tasty tacos. The 4 and 5 year old girls prepared a dance for their fathers. Our organizer for the event was Mr. Evelio of TEPEYAC Restaurant who is a very good friend of the Missionaries of Perpetual Help El Salvador.


On June 15, Gloria Mercedes and Zully Anahí had their entrance to the postulancy in a Eucharist that was celebrated by Fr. Geronimo, C.Ss.R. The families of both sisters, some neighbors and friends came and joined us, the Sisters of the community of postulancy and yours truly. After the mass, we share a simple lunch and the Sisters of Mazatenango had arrived, too. P. Geronimo made Gloria and Zully to share a little about their vocation history while the food was being served. It was a day of many blessings.


A LIFE, A MISSION, A GENEROUS SELF-OFFERING TO GOD AND MY BRETHREN (An interview by Sr. Juana Maria Hernández Pérez with Sr. Rosa Amalia Armendariz) JM: Dear Sister, as you celebrate your 25th anniversary of Consecration to God, what would be the most significant experience that you keep in your heart and that keeps you going? RA: The significant experience in my life has been the moment when I encountered Jesus in the person of Father Samuel Anguiano Cervantes, my spiritual guide in La Piedad, Michoacán where the Lord made it clear me my option to follow Him; this gave me strength when my beloved MPS religious family called me. The decision with which I responded to His call is the force I put in every step till this very moment that I have reached these 25 years of God's faithfulness to me. The sisters have been part of this decision. The first one I knew was M. Magdalena Noguez Colin and finally one of the essential inspirations in my life has been my mother Mrs. Elena Armendariz Figueroa, who is already in the arms of Jesus and is continually strengthening my motivation in this vocation. JM: Speaking in the spiritual realm, we would like you to share with us this action of Holy Spirit what wonders He has been doing in your consecrated life and what makes you a docile person to His inspiration, cheerful and an optimistic woman to various situations as you have presented in your journey? RA: Yes, the presence of God community, in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has been a transforming power; it has shaped my human being. It is accompanying my process in the experiential knowledge of His presence in m and I feel loved and dwelt by Him. In recent years there have been moments when I have felt it so profound in me, it has allowed me see to contemplate on the book of life, "the Nature", to come into contact with the second book that His "Word"has given us in the practice of the Lectio Divina, the Holy Spirit continually moves my being and it keeps me in constant motion which helps me to remain in His presence and to follow Him more closely as I share my life with my sisters and brothers. 11

JM: We know that this time that you have journeyed as MPS has been very colorful with the various services that you've been doing in our beloved Congregation of Missionaries of our Lady. of the Perpetual Help, which experience would be more significant for you and in which apostolate as well? RA: Well, there had been many significant experiences, but let me highlight one of them, which had beautifully colored my missionary and consecrated life. It was in the parish of San Pedro Apostol, Huamelula, Oaxaca; I was a major Junior when I was sent me to share the life of faith, the way to perceive God in our life, the contact with mother earth, respect for traditions but above all, the feeling to walk with God, the Father and Mother in their lives. I could see God in the faces of my sisters and brothers, from the most innocent ones to the faces of the elderly than who in the peak of their wisdom; I felt the missionary zeal that I inherited from our founders: Mother Teresa Rivera Carrillo and P. AgustĂ­n GarcĂ­a Nistal. JM: Rosita, in this favorable time of your consecrated life, what would be the principal that you see in your consecrated life and what perspectives of human development would you like to continually reaffirm? RA: Firstly, making life meaningful by being contemplative in action, by not being superficial, willing to take risk to go beyond the real needs, as not to spend long time unlike the Levite or the priest, but to be a good Samaritan in the here and now, in the community and in the mission. Secondly, to prepare myself academically so as to give a quality service, to do constant self-study, research, read and to always update myself. Thirdly, I want to know Jesus more closely according to the Gospels. In terms of human development, I also need to continually enhance my being a human by participating in workshops that would help me to know the reactions of this stage in which I find myself, to be familiar with it, to be prepared for changes, to feel complete and happy. I see the same need to enhance my preparation through Psychology courses, accompaniment and body language. JM: It is interesting to feel that the most significant moment of your life is approaching and that God and our Mother of Perpetual Help have allowed you to experience. So, what Marian experience do you have of her as Mother of Mercy? RA: The presence of Mary has been special and important in my journey in the consecrated and missionary life. I felt her so close to me in moments of joy, trials, and challenges; she has walked beside me, she has watched me with the eyes of tender mother, a gaze of mercy; I have never felt that her help has left me, my Marian experience has marked every step that that I have taken in these 25 years of dedication to the 12

service of the Kingdom of life. Today I lift my eyes to her in thanksgiving for her loving and maternal care. Thank you, Mother for your presence in my life! JM: Finally, dear Sr. Rosita, do you want to convey some words to our sisters or to our formands? Remember that we serve to be models for the generations who are still in their formation process and a representative of Jesus, the Redeemer for those who are starting this journey in the faith. RA: Thanks to our founders: P. AGUSTIN NISTAL GARCIA and M. MARIA TERESA RIVERA CARRILLO, by having made me an heir of a missionary congregation. To my sisters of my beloved missionary Congregation of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the General Superiors and their respective council: M. AMADA TERESITA TELLEZ S, M. GEORGINA FUENTES, M. MERCEDES MARTINEZ, M. JULIETA MEJÍA U. and M. CECILIA MORALES TAPIA; to my FORMATORS: M. CRISPINA GARCÍA MIRANDA, M. ROCÍO CASTAÑEDA SALGADO and the late LILIA SUAZO AVILES (may she rest in peace), to all my superiors: Srs. BLANCA EMILIA ROMERO, VICTORIA SÁNCHEZ CORONEL, ORALIA RESENDIZ GAMBOA, AGRIPINA RUÍZ VEGA, OLIVIA RIEGO BAÉZ, CRISPINA GARCÍA, MELISSA GARZA, BRIGIDA KUAN, MARÍA GUADALUPE PÉREZ, NORMA PATRICIA PÉREZ, YOLANDA SANCHÉZ, MARÍA GUADALUPE MEJÍA, MARÍA GUA-DALUPE BLAS and finally to my present superior (you), Sr. JUANA MARÍA HERNÁNDEZ.

Thank you, my dear sisters, for leaving a piece of your person in my heart within these 25 years of religious life with the wisdom, teachings, experiences of life, testimony, prayers, support and affection that you have shared with me. I keep them all as something so sacred within me, you have become a part of what I have become now and with the grace of God who is ever faithful to me, although I have gone away from Him. Thanks to all you. I love you all! To my sisters in formation: you, who are new in our beloved congregation, new generations, with new ardor and dynamism, continue to enjoy your formation. It is possible to give one´s life as Jesus did. IF YOU CAN, I CAN, IF I CAN, YOU CAN. A big hug and my gratitude for each one of you, my sisters Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

CHRIST AND YOUR SR. ROSA AMALIA TORRES ARMENDÁRIZ LOVE YOU SO MUCH. JM: Thank you and we continue to pray for you in your Jubilee year!



Hispanic brothers and sisters, who are seemingly far from the Church or for those who seem to have not known it. The personal evangelization is a slow process, sometimes difficult because of the dominant culture and technology that usually distract us from really seeking and encountering Jesus Christ. Therefore, everything must be focused on a deep and compelling spirituality. To these challenges we know that God walks with His people and that we are sent by Him who is our strength, vigor, joy and our firm rock. We fully trust in Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help, and our Missionary Virgin. We do home visitation in the parish and we give leadership program to lay leaders in the fields of Liturgy, Bible, Sacraments, Popular Religiosity and Mission for the children. Together with the committed lay people and the parish priest, we are involved in the Pastoral Missionary Project this year wherein we reinforce all the activities with all our being as missionaries by journeying with every family and faithful disciple of Jesus in the community. We are few in this New England Region and we sometimes go to formation workshops at Boston College, where all religious who work with Hispanic Ministry in the northern region meet there and share our pastoral experiences and our charism in the Church. It is indeed a beautiful experience. We feel very one with our beloved Congregation of the Missionaries of Perpetual Help; all our local actions globally affect the whole missionary family and spiritually united we are collaborating in the redemption of man.

Receive our best wishes for your spiritual and physical well-being. On this occasion, we wish to share with you our missionary work here in the State of Massachusetts since you know that we are doing pastoral work here in the Diocese of Springfield, specifically in two parishes namely: St. Brigit in Amherst (Srs. Mercedes and Caritina) and in St. Mark (Srs. Rosa Amalia and Juana Maria). Our postulant Lucero Romero studies Social Work in the Technical Community College and at the same time receives formation with Sr. Mercedes Martinez as her mentor within the formative community of Springfield. Thanks to the kindness of God and of Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help that we are able to share the abundant redemption to the poor, without excluding anyone but by sharing to all His merciful love.

Our hugs and sincere thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Prayer gives meaning to our being missionaries. Love from all of us: Srs. Caritina, Rosa Amalia, Mercedes, Lucero and Juana Ma.

Our missionary pastoral work is to insert ourselves into the parish using the local structures that were already established and by visiting, motivating, promoting the closeness with our 14


The Redemptorist Youth Ministry of Cebu, together with the other Apostolic Units (AU) of the RYM, during the annual meeting of the different Youth Directors and Youth Coordinators of each AU held last July 2527, 2013 at St. Clement‟s Retreat House, Iloilo City, came up with a new program for the youth ministry having for its theme “PREACH THE GOSPEL EVER ANEW WITH RENEWED HOPE, RENEWED HEARTS AND RENEWED STRUCTURES FOR MISSION". Following the annual meeting, the RYM-Cebu, then conducted an election of its new set of officers who are to be the Local Coordinating Team (LCT) expected to function as one body. The 20 newly-elected officers have undergone a Youth Orientation last March 7-9, 2014 at the Holy Family Retreat House. This orientation was geared towards the improvement of the youth ministry as a whole. The officers were also divided into four committees namely: Committee on Evangelization, Committee on Human Formation, Committee on Mission, and Committee on Linkages. Various activities focusing on the youth‟s active involvement spearheaded by the LCT (Local Coordinating Team), have then emerged. The Committee on Evangelization conducted first the monthly-held Zonal Youth Mass last March 15, 2014 at the PSH area with Fr. Willy Quijano, C.Ss.R, as the celebrant. A Lenten Recollection followed last April 05, 2014 at St. Alphonsus Seminary Gym led by Sr. Maricel Gopita, MPS, with more or less 60 participants. The selected youth leaders also participated in the recently-held 29th Local World Youth Day (LWYD) at St. John XXIII Seminary last April 12-13, 2014. The LCT likewise organized the different Lenten Activities which hoped to uncover the hidden talents of the local youth. These activities included the Gloria Dance, the Dance of Fire and the “Pasyon Play” which was considered the major Lenten activity that was presented on Good Friday. All of these were recognized as a successful events. As a result, the youth were able to reap the fruits of their labor via a summer outing sponsored by the parish. The newly-elected officers have sworn to perform their duties during their induction last April 27, 2014 at 3:30 pm in a community mass presided by Fr. Leo Armada, C.Ss.R, Parish priest and Youth Director of RYM-Cebu.



The Redemptorist General Mission in Tacloban happened last March 15-30 2014. The well-organized team formulated the Theme “Re- nurturing Faith, Rekindling Hope and Re-building the People of God”. There were sub-teams assigned in the two Barangays of Tanghas and Brigida, Tolosa Leyte under St. Michael Parish in the Archdiocese of Palo. It was a very challenging and inspiring experience for us particularly the integration with people in the area. Although in the place we were assigned to, there were only two casualties, it was still sad to note that most of the houses were either destroyed or have completely vanished. The people's stories of grief brought by the tragedy form the most memorable part of this experience. It made me focus on my faith in God. It is amazing that in spite of their pains and losses, the victims never forget God. It, in fact, has brought them closer to the Lord. Most of them are grateful for having been given another chance to live and be with their loved ones despite the loss of their homes. They have learned to value one another all the more and have deepened their love and support as a family and as a community.


It was a great blessing and an opportunity to be part

of the “Pilgrimage Ground Zero Mission Team of the Redemptorist Province Cebu” to give help to the victims of the super-typhoon Yolanda which wreaked havoc in the Visayas, completely destroying residential and commercial properties, carrying with it crops and killing thousands of lives. There were 140 volunteers from different Religious Congregations and lay missionaries. Participants were sent on mission from December 15-22, 2013 after being divided into groups for Visayas namely Tacloban, Jaro, Abuyog and Ormoc the most hard-hit areas by Yolanda--the powerful tropical cyclone of the year code named Haiyan.

Having seen with my own eyes the devastation everywhere, I was able to utter: “In every destruction, there is a new beginning, a new hope and another chance to live with our Divine Creator. With the lessons that we learned from this calamity we need to become more responsible stewards of God’s creation.”

My experience with the Yolanda survivors taught me a lot about life; seeing the grief and suffering of the families who lost family members and relatives, some of whom are still missing, are truly heart-breaking. Our long hours of travel from one area to another, left me with a heavy heart, I wondered and asked God so many questions-- Why them? What have they done? How come it happened this way? Deep down inside, I was crying. I felt that even my faith in God was shaken. Asking myself why I was sent here, I fell into a deep prayer. I asked God for the gift of peace, faith and hope. I realized later that the very purpose of this mission and my mission is to give life and hope to people in the midst of very dire situation.


We gave relief goods to the most devastated areas as we rode in dump trucks and gave Psycho-Social Intervention (PSI) for the traumatized as well as stress management for the survivors and victims of this calamity. These were not easy for me, but I am truly grateful to God for allowing me to experience this. It was truly a blessing and a chance to grow in faith, and be spiritually and emotionally strengthened as a person and a religious. With this recent experience, I learned to trust God, be more open and flexible in responding to the needs of others even in the most uncomfortable situation and place--with no electricity, very limited water supply and foul-smelling air caused by rotting trash of dead animals and bodies of people still to be dug from debris. The sharing of the people’s faith and life help me to grow in faith and as a missionary. As I listened to them I realized that they were holding on to three things left to them-- their hope, faith and love of God. They said that despite their conditions they are still grateful to God. They believe that together with the help and love they give to one another, there is also God who still loves them so much.


Every mission is a gift from God; and being in a Missionary Congregation, we, missioners, go through a lot of experiences in different mission places. In spite of this fact, every mission is a unique experience especially for me who has recently experienced being in a mission for the first time. Despite the uniqueness of each mission, there are common elements in all of them, and these are the presence of God and the purpose of proclaiming the joy of the Gospel. This year, another unique and grace- filled gift of mission had been granted our Congregation by the Lord. Nine missioners were assigned to be proclaimers of God’s merciful love in northern Luzon, in the hottest region of the country -- the wide-ranging place of Eastern Peñablanca, Cagayan Valley. The first batch of missioners was composed of Sr. Michelle Gallon, Sr. Merlie Decena, Sr. Regina Erecre, Sr. Sherryl Rivera, Sr. Gay Orcullo, Sr. Merlyn Cañonio, Sr. Ma. Barbara Flores and yours truly. A send-off mass was held on March 21 and the group left the evening of March 22. (Sr. Noemi Colendres, the last missioner for the mission, arrived in Cagayan on April 6.) We were welcomed by our mission partners, the Redemptorists Lay Missionaries, led by Br. Joel, Nick and Ate May in their home base in 17

Brgy. Libag, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. We were given an orientation on the place, the area-assignment of each pair of missioners, the activities and the goal of this mission. After the meetings with the lay missionaries and among the missioners, we set off to our destined areas. The journey to our destination was a trek! We saw to our amazement a 6-wheel-jeepney packed with people, sacks of corn, rice, marketing goods, fishes, animals and what-have-you. It was actually loaded up to the roof or “top load”as they call it. The journey was slow but done with care. As we went on, we were gradually introduced to the beauty and the challenges of the place that awaited us for the next few weeks. The journey wasn’t smooth, though, for we passed by rocky roads, up and down hills. We couldn’t help feeling nervous. We had no idea how far we had to travel and how many rocky roads we would still encounter; but the patience, trust and kindness of all the passengers made me feel secure (A sign that this mission would be difficult and challenging but assured that we are in God's hands, there is nothing to be afraid.) At long last, we reached our area assignments: Sr. Merlie and Sr. Gay to distant Barangay Lapi and Bauan; Sr. Merlyn and Sr. Ma. Barbara to Central Minanga and Dalaya together with the Agta community in Buyag which made them climb mountains, do rock climbing and swim in crossing rivers. Sr. Regina and Sr. Sherryl were sent to a barangay where mud is dense when it rains that’s why they call the place “Buyon” (means mud). The last pair, Sr. Michelle and myself were assigned to the many households of Bgy. Nababalayan, nearest to the central Barangay. The area considered the center of all the Barangays was Brgy. Manga where Sr. Noemi was assigned. The first week of the mission was spent visiting homes and courtesy calls to the Barangay Captain. We were like hunters looking for treasure, we had to take long walks, climb up and down the hill, cross rivers, walk under the heat of the sun and sometimes be consoled by the shadow of trees as we reached out for the people in the area where we encounter the residents, listen to their experiences, stories of success and failures, joys and pains, problems and their own faith stories. Everyone welcomed us to their humble abodes with generosity and hospitality. They served coffee as sign of welcoming us, and indeed we felt their warmth. It’s been said that as missionaries, we should always take the initiative but sometimes the people are open enough that they took the initiative. They are very hard working, simple, friendly and generous people. They would give whatever they have even though it would entail sacrifice. I remember a housewife who offered us popcorn and tender coconut juice. Her place was up on a mountain but she didn't mind the effort just to give what she prepared for us. I realize that people acquire loving and kind virtues because it comes from our Father, our generous and selfgiving God. The following weeks were spent in giving catechesis and recollection with different topics for children, youth and adult. We held communion service every Sunday, Novena to OMPH on Wednesday and Stations of the Cross and song practice on Fridays. We also prayed the holy rosary using the native Itawis 18

dialect before catechesis and communion service. There were Youth Recollection and Youth day facilitated by Sr. May, a lay missionary, which was held in Central Barangay Manga represented by youth from different barangays accompanied by sisters of respective Barangays. During the Palm Sunday Fr. Reymar celebrated the anticipated mass in Buyon and Nababalayan while on Sunday morning in Mangga and Minanga. There was the "Washing of the Feet" in Minanga and Mangga. Each Barangay had their own grand Station of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross in their respective area. On the Easter Vigil, the missioners went down to center Mangga for preparation and celebration of Easter where there was baptism of children including two agtas and catechumenate. The following day, after the Eucharistic celebration, we had the encounter and last farewell to the people. On April 21st, the installation of the new Parish Priest, Fr. Joseph Hugo to their new parish the-- Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish, was held. Sr. Michelle and Sr. Merlie witnessed the occasion. God calls all of us. It depends on how we respond. The responses of the people in receiving God’s invitation differed. There were some who actively participated and there those who were passive. I believe, though, that a seed had been planted in their hearts, and in God’s perfect time, the plant will sprout. Our prayers for them will continue. One day, they will awaken and place God at the top of their priorities. Everything which God showed us and allowed us to experience in this mission has a meaning and leaves a challenge for us, missionaries... the negative and positive things, the success and failures, the encouragement and disappointments, the comforts and discomforts. What sustains us in doing mission is the knowledge that Christ is always with us. We are surrounded by His presence in the silence of the place. In the company of our fellow missioners we feel the joy, strength and oneness of purpose. We share the same joy of being with the people and of being instruments of God’s merciful love. As the song goes— “Christ be before us, Christ follow after us, Christ at our left and right, Christ all around us, Be our light, Be our light… “ The Cagayan Lenten Mission 2014 was indeed a “Christ all around us” experience. And on the 21st and 22nd (Srs. Michelle and Merlyn) of April the missioners arrived safe and sound in our community. May God continue to send more missioners in our Congregation as we also pray for all the recipients of His mission. May we remain faithful and fervent in doing our mission, the mission of God.


“Come, follow me.” --Jesus’ call to His disciples resounds to us today as He constantly invites us to journey with Him in the Missions. In this year’s Lenten mission, God took us to Peñablanca, Cagayan Valley. This one is very significant and memorable for me. Not just because it is only my second Lenten mission (the first one in Tanauan, Batangas), and that it is a 13-hour road travel, but because it brought me new and different insights, 19

learnings and experiences. Difficult and challenging?...Yes, definitely! But I am happy and grateful for every single part of it. Aside from learning the Itawis greeting, “Dios!” and words such as “Bavi” (pig); “Danum” (river or water); “Afu” (God), I had the beautiful affirmation that God’s love is truly great and immeasurable. I have seen and felt this every time we trailed across mountains and rivers, where we get a glimpse of God’s magnificent work of creation. I also realized that everyday is a call to celebrate life, and a call to mission --- the joyful proclamation of God’s love. I also learned that hard-earned success is worth `more than gold’. I have met children and parents, and listened to their stories of how they managed to get proper education even if it meant great sacrifice. I believe that this reminds us also that prayer, perseverance and trust in God can conquer all obstacles and fear. In my part, these were my weapons too during challenging and quite fearful tasks, like when we visited some of our Aeta brothers and sisters atop the mountain that involved climbing, crawling, crossing rivers, etc. Considering my personal capacity, I still could not imagine how I made it through. I can only say, “It’s all grace!” Moreover, I discovered that there is incomparable beauty in simplicity, as there is priceless wealth in being poor. In our encounter with the people, I was deeply inspired by their meekness of heart and simple way of life. Their sharing of faith and life experiences has reminded me of the Beatitudes of Jesus. They may not have much material wealth, but I believe they are more fortunate than others, because they are happy and content with what they have, and they are grateful for it. I figured that the less we have, the more

we move closer and cling tighter to Jesus. Thus, we are made rich. Now, the missionary journey in Cagayan Valley has ended. But the experiences and lessons will continue to be cherished and pondered in our hearts. Everyday is an invitation to follow Jesus. May our good Lord, grant us the grace to be always ready and open to respond to His call and go wherever He may take us. The Mission goes on…



According to our Constitutions: “The Canonical Visit is a time of grace and mutual interchange that contributes to the renewal and invigoration of the spiritual fervor and apostolic zeal of the communities…” Truly, the recent visit of our Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS and her counselor companion Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS in the different communities in the Philippines last January to March 2014, was a grace-filled and meaningful experience for the Region. The sisters joyfully welcomed our visitators through a Eucharistic Celebration, presided by Rev. Fr. Ariel Lubi, C.Ss.R at the Lipa Mission House on January 24, 2014. This was followed by a simple program, wherein each community presented a number. The Visitators later joined in the dancing and gave inspiring messages. All these helped in igniting the fire and disposing each one for the community visits. The schedule of the visits were as follows: Lipa Mission Community,Jan26-29; Juniorate Community,Jan30-Feb3; Cebu Mission Community,Feb4-8; Davao Mission Community,Feb9-12; Aspirancy/ Postulancy,Feb13-19; Novitiate Community,Feb18-21; Mission/ Dormitory,Feb22-26; Regional House,Feb27-March2. During the visits, using the prospective method, the sisters were asked to reflect on her personal journey concerning the different dimensions/secretariats of Religious Life, Missionary Action, Vocation & Formation, Communication & Diffusion, and Economy & Administration. Sharing and discussion of personal insights, struggles, hopes and suggestions were done in several sessions. Each sister also had the chance to share with Mo. Cecilia during the individual interviews. As our daily prayer, Lection Divina was used as facilitated by the Visitators. The tools, process and every experience helped in achieving the goals of the Canonical Visit and led us to a deeper understanding and appreciation of our faith and life as MPS. We thank God for this experience of His presence and accompaniment through the canonical visit. Let us continue our journey in the spirit of the faith in the Lord and zeal in our missionary vocation.



Burial Mass: April 23. 2013, Our Lady of Fatima Parish Las Piñas City “This is the will of the Father, that anyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.” (Jn 6, 40). An MPS sister will always be obedient to the will of the Father in following Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Last Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 12:35 p.m., our beloved sister, Sr. Susan A. Cobacha was called by the Good Shepherd; she heard His call and responded with love and in peace. All of us who were around her on this gracious moment were privileged to learn from her how to say “yes” when the call of death arrives. We learned well because she was a good teacher, a good catechist, a good missionary…and her favorite method was witnessing. Twenty-four years of her professed life as a missionary of Our Lady of perpetual help were spent “doing good” in four countries, Mexico, United States, India and the Philippines. She was indeed a woman on fire for the mission. I can say together with those who knew her well because we really felt her burning passion to accomplish the task of proclaiming the will of the Father-“That anyone who believes in Him and in the One He sent will have eternal life.” She was very effective because she believed in what she was saying and lived what

she said. She is remembered by some people in India as a lively and joyful person, and this she lived even in her near-death moment. One time when a sister misplaced the oxygen mask, she commented “ayusin mo maipit ang ilong kong maganda” (place it well because my beautiful nose will be pressed hard). Some people in Quiechapa, Oaxaca, Mexico fondly and tenderly remembered her passion for mission. According to them, she was always in a hurry to fulfill the activities in the mission and really tried her very best to proclaim the Good News. They said that even thought her Spanish is not perfect, they understood her for she had spoken in the language of love. When she could still stand up and move though with difficulty and even with chronic cough due to cancer in the lungs, she still tied her best to teach the sister the action song “Love is something that you give it away…” This is her favorite action song which she lived until the last breath of her life. Like her spiritual mother, our Mother of Perpetual Help, she lifted up the spirit of others with her consoling words of wisdom. One friend of hers wrote in Facebook that one time Sr. Susan gave this piece of advice to her: “Maikli man ang panahong naibigay mo sa paglilingkod, masaya na ang Diyos doon. Kulang man ang naibigay mo sa paglilingkod, pupunuan Niya iyon.” (No matter how short was the time you have given in serving, God is already happy with it. even if you think it is not enough, He will be the one to fill that up.) These words made a difference in the life of that person. 24 years of religious life may be short of one year to celebrate her jubilee, but God is already happy with those 24 years that He called her to His eternal banquet to celebrate her fidelity. Sr. Susan was the Directress 22

of Vocation Promotion before she was called to a special mission of prayer and endurance in her passion on the cross of her sickbed. Time is not enough if I will continue to share about Sr. Susan and how she went about doing good just like her Redeemer, but let me just share with you her seven striking words before her time to go to the Father: 1. “Kung okey ka, okey lang ako.”(If you are ok, then I am ok) She addressed this to me when it was my turn to watch and care for her. I believe this is not only for me, this is for all of us her sisters in the congregation, her family, her friends and all her loved ones. 2. “Opo.”(Yes, in a respectful way) She said this when on her sickbed I asked for her prayers saying that it is her new mission-to pray and offer all her sacrifices and pains for the Congregation, for the Church and for the world. 3. “Hay Lord!”(Oh, Lord!) She said this with tenderness and love although she was suffering and in pain. When I asked her, “May masakit ba sa iyo?”(Do you have some pain?), she answered, “Wala man.”(Nothing) 4. “Thank you!” she would always say thank you even with difficulty in breathing. She was a woman filled with gratitude even with the simple gesture of kindness and I believed her life was also consumed with this gratitude for the love of the Lord manifested in many ways. 5. “Anong oras na?”(What time is it?) She uttered this question a few hours before her death. She was waiting for the fullness of time for death to give birth to a new life in her. 6. “Bless me.” With intense pain in her deathbed, after we sang 2 songs for her, she said “bless me”, so in the name of all the sisters in the Congregation, I blessed her. I believe this is her way of saying goodbye. 7. “Amen.” She said amen when she received the last communion, when the priest anointed her and had said the prayer for the dying person. I believe that her new life will be a life of “Eternal Amen” to the Lord. Susan, we thank the Lord for giving us the precious opportunity to walk with you in your journey; for the privilege of witnessing how God went about doing good through your person and your work. Thank you for your fidelity and for your love to our Mother of Perpetual Help and to Jesus our Redeemer. Thank you for your “Amen” to God and to His will. Pray for us that we too may pass this world for the next life, doing good in fidelity to our just and merciful God. 23



blessed afternoon to all of us

here present to bid farewell to the mortal presence of Sr. Josephine Estrella Flores and to give thanks to the Lord for the gift of her person to the family, to the Congregation, to the Church and to all who were given the opportunity to walk with her in the pilgrimage of life and mission. She was baptized with the name Josephine Estrella Flores and I believe she lived the meaning of her name. Her namesake, St. Joseph, the Father of Jesus was a good provider, and she was also a good provider for the Congregation, for her family and to her beloved poor. Her more than 25 years of life in the Congregation were spent in creative service for the poor, for her co-sisters and for those who hunger not only for physical but for spiritual food as well. We remember Jesus saying to His disciples when he pitied the multitude of people listening to Him: “You give them something to eat.” And this, as follower of Christ, Josephine did. Last night, many testified that she had the talent for feeding people and not only of the food that nourishes the body but the food that nourishes the soul.

Once she dared to confront the policemen who were demolishing the houses of the poor; another time, she together with some sisters changed their habit for civilian clothes to help save flood victims and move them to a safer place; she took to the streets to manifest her will against corruption and injustices, she creatively found work and give spiritual formation to some out of school youth and would always think of finding ways to help people in

She touched the lives of many people, young and old, rich and poor, priests, religious; lay, friends and even “enemies” by her passion for truth and justice. She was a defender of human rights specially the rights of the poor.


need to find resources for their living. Indeed, Jo lived the spirit of our founders. Mother Teresa Rivera, our foundress, when she was still alive exhorted her sisters saying: “You missionaries should be defenders of

truth and justice. Charity is the beauty of your soul.” The charity of Jo for the poor is beyond measure. She really followed the way of life of the foundress and she even died in the manner the foundress died. Jo died with a broken femur…our foundress also died with a broken

femur. Coincidence? Only God knows and Sister Jo. What we MPS know is that she would die for the poor. Our Founder a Redemptorist Priest, Father Agustin Nistal was zealous for the mission even in the last moments of his life, he was still thinking of the mission. All the life of Sr. Jo was spent like a burning candle for the mission. Fr. Agustin Nistal Garcia died of cancer, Sr. Jo died also of cancer with a broken femur. Another coincidence? Only God knows and Sr. Jo. What we MPS know is that she loved the mission. Sr. Jo together with Sr. Marites Gaufo once participated in a retreat. In her journal, she wrote: My visualization of death three years from now. That was in 2011…she died in February 26, 2014, 3 years after her visualization of death was written in that journal. Another coincidence? Only God knows and Sr. Jo know. In her visualization she wrote: People will see me die in peace. She really died in peace, we and her family can attest to that. She wrote many other things in that journal which she believed would happen and what people will say of her after her death. I will not anymore list here one by one, but I want to say “AMEN JO” You are right, you lived everything you wrote in that journal: You would die a happy and committed religious, a faithful and trusting friend, a loving and close sister to your family, an effective missionary, a faithful MPS; A lover of the poor. Thank you Jo for being such a wonderful and faithful MPS. You left your sisters in the Congregation an indelible legacy-that is your love for the Congregation and for the poor. That is your crown of flowers, the meaning of your surname “Flores”. Your middle name “Estrella” means star. You are for us a star shining to give us light pointing us to the Redeemer who loves the poor. In baptism, you were called by God JOSEPHINE ESTRELLA FLORES. ..and you lived that name to your last breath. THANK YOU JO!!!



Around 11 o’clock in the morning of March 21, 2014, we all gathered together in a mass in celebration of the First Death Anniversary of Sr. Susan and as well as a thanksgiving for the success of the mission in Cagayan. The presiding priest was Fr. August Pulido. In his homily Fr. August said: “…All of us are pilgrims and we will all meet our Creator sooner or later. It is sad that Sr. Susan had gone ahead and left us. We may be feeling lonely because we won't see her anymore; but there is also a reason to rejoice knowing that she died a faithful servant of the Lord. She had been faithful to the vocation God has given her. We don’t know where exactly Sr. Susan is right now, but one thing is sure-- she has a place reserved for those who have been faithful. The best thing we can do... The best thing we can do is to continue praying for her soul and ask for her intercession for the needs of the Congregation. As Jesus said in the scripture "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains a grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (John 12:24). For there is heaven that awaits us…” In this celebration, we also thank God for the success of our Sisters in their mission in Cagayan Valley. They arrived early in the morning of this day. Though tired from a long-distance travel, they manifested the joy and love of our Risen Christ which they had experienced in the mission with the indigenous Itawis people in Cagayan. They shared the joy of being integrated in a culture of these native people and the joy of experiencing God’s presence in their midst.

We enjoyed the company of each other in a simple way from the celebration of the Eucharist to our fellowship dinner. Indeed, we had shared with one another the love and joy of the Resurrection of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ who conquered death for our salvation and for the whole world.

“…unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit…” (Jn. 12:24) 26


“They will know that you are my disciples if you love one another “ (Jn. 13:35) A day‟s programme was organized by the Redemptorists in celebrating their VocationYear. They took charge of the preparation for the programme along with some MPS sisters. The celebration was held at Mt. St. Alphonsus Theologate House on the 11th of January 2014.The inaugural ceremony began with the Holy Eucharist presided by Rev. Fr. Provincial Arulanandam C.Ss.R. with Fr. Cruz Sanjivi, Fr. Edward, Fr. Siluvai Muthu, Fr. Eric Rodrigues, Fr. Charles Vijay, and Fr. James as concelebrants. After the mass, ice-breaker games were conducted to give the participants a chance to get to know one another. The participants were divided into 5 groups of sisters, priests and brothers. After the games, Fr. Ivel Mendanha gave a talk on the Call of God to Each Individual. It was a sharing of his experiences of God‟s love. The talk was clear and straight to the point. Sr. Myrna and three other priests shared their vocation stories. This, indeed, was an inspiration to the young ones (the candidates, novice, juniors and the brothers). A fellowship meal followed after the sharing. The rest of the afternoon was spent in fruitful reflection. Later, a quiz was conducted by the brothers. The questions were from the constitution of the Redemptorist and MPS. The questions were equally taken from both constitutions. Coincidentally, General Consultor Fr. Juventius Andrade was in Bangalore. He dropped by to wish all the very best. The group members were also given time to share their experiences and reflections.


Our sisters felt that it was a wonderful opportunity to deepen their knowledge about the spirituality of our “grandfather� as they learned from what our founders had handed down to us. Towards the end of the celebration was a cultural programme wherein each group presented a creative number on the given theme. The program ended around 7.30 pm and with this, everyone bid one another goodbye.


I believe that every canonical visit of the Mother General to the community is like the Passover

and at the same time, moment of grace. Such was the canonical visit made last 4th of March till 3rd of April 2014. We eagerly awaited the arrival of our Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia with general council member Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores. Their stay with us brought new life to our community. Often, we feel so far away from the General House, because in truth, Mexico is really so distant from here. This time, we felt close to the General House with the presence of our valued guests. As our community is composed of sisters in different stages and with different activities (Some are students while others are working for the extension of the community), it was difficult for us to come together during the visit. In spite of this, our Mother General and her councilor were flexible enough to accommodate the activities at times convenient for us. Every session in the meeting was focused towards the progress of our community in India. We were happy to express opinions and views about our community in connection with the whole Congregation. Although India community is such a small community within our Congregation, we had the honor and opportunity of celebrating the birthday of M. Cecilia. We did our best to make the celebration very memorable. The whole 28

community was involved in making the day wonderful. I think it was, for she looked happy. Over all, it was a moment of sharing, caring and loving in true sisterhood. We, as a community, felt the concern of our Congregation for us. Through their examples-- both in prayers and community life, we are led to deepen our concern for our Congregation. There were times when we felt like we did not know how to pray. They taught us to pray with patience and love. We thank God for this

wonderful experience. It was indeed a moment of grace and of growth in personal as well as in community life. This visit strengthened our community spirit, bringing us in unity with our Congregation.

We thank God for this beautiful visit. We are also thankful to you dear Mother Cecilia and Sr. Marivic for being with us even for just a month. We continue to pray for your well- being and for your mission. May God bless you always.


At about 12:00 noon of October 10, 2013, Fr. Domingo Yun, our parish priest, presided over the thanksgiving Mass in celebration of the 30th year anniversary of the foundation of Creche Papa Joao XXIII. The celebration was held at the pastoral center located in front of our Creche. We were graced with the presence of the Regional Superior of the India-Macau Region, M. Ana Cecilia Escalona Gimenez with the members of the Regional Council, Sisters Vandana, Brigida Kuan and Myrna Salas. We were also in 2nd part of the 1st India-Macau Regional Assembly that time.



M. Brigida and Sr. Jenie went to Hong Kong airport to fetch our General Superior, Mo. Cecilia Morales Tapia and General Councilor Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, for the scheduled canonical visit to our community. They arrived in Macau at 5:30 in the afternoon. The community was gathered on the 6th of April to schedule meetings and activities. We were lucky to have them in some important events of the community like Easter Sunday, diocesan celebration of the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, and most importantly, for the community's thanksgiving celebration for the sainthood of Pope John XXIII as he is the patron of our Creche Papa Joao XXIII. During the visit, we experienced and felt the hands of God touching each and everyone's heart. Although there were some who expressed sentiments of not being appreciated and not being animated by the visitators, we remind each other that our response to God's call is more important, because neither the community nor the visitators are perfect. The best thing we will always remember of the visit is that although we were rushing from our works, we never failed to start our sessions with the “Lectio Divina” way of prayer. Now we continue praying in this way because we believe that the betterment of the community can only be achieved when we encounter God in prayer, not only in the chapel, but wherever we are. In that way, we become real witnesses of God's love.

Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to Mo. Cecilia and Sr. Marivic for their generosity in responding to God's call for this mission of touching our hearts for our growth for the betterment of our community here in Macau. May we always be united in our journey as we are “moved by the Spirit, to be more human in Christ Redeemer in the distinctive manner of Mary”.



The community of Macau joins the diocese in the Eucharistic Celebration for the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II in the cathedral last April 27 at 3:00 in the afternoon. The following day, 28th of April, the community celebrated a thanksgiving Mass in honor of the new saint, Pope John XXIII who is the patron of our Crèche and the one after whom the Crèche is named. Bishop Jose Lai, the bishop of Macau, was the main celebrant, with Fr. Mario, a Salesi-

an priest, concelebrating. The occasion was also graced with the presence of all the present and former staff of “Creche Papa Joao XXIII”. We are very thankful for our parish’s choir who filled the air with joyful celebration. We thank the Lord even more for the presence of our General Superior, Mother Cecilia Morales Tapia and General Councilor, Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores. After the Mass, we proceeded to Ritz Restaurant for a hearty dinner. Everybody went home happy thankful to God for all the blessings He has continuously bestowed upon us.



Last December 7, Saturday the Advent Spiritual Recollection for the staff of the Alphonsus de Liguori School was facilitated by Fr. Leobardo and the Missionary Sisters of Perpetual Help. It was held in the facilities of the said institution. There were more than 50 participants who enthusiastically joined this encounter with the aim of making a pause in their lives and change their ideologies regarding the holiday season that, for many, can be a time of strong emotions and have adopted more to a role of marketing that companies do in order to have higher profits which commonly occur throughout the year, abusing the people´s ignorance of the true meaning of such a beautiful era. The retreat was an ideal space to deepen the spirit of prayer in improving the response to the personal call that God has for us and so as to concretize the purposes of our Christian life. Its content was based on meditations and talks that were focused on the eternal truths and among others, in consideration of the Christian life in the everyday circumstances of life. The dynamics of integration and some activities were offered in this retreat. They were useful to promote coexistence between the three sections that made up this institution. Solitude and peace were freely sought, the meditation about a figure, words of Jesus and His Eucharistic presence in the chapel made the dialogue and personal encounter with the God who loves us so much possible for each and every one. Knowing and loving Jesus and getting to know each other made us capable of loving the others truly; persuading the hearts and promoting a life that is full of values were some of the fundamental things which are worth investing a small part of the time in our lives with the dream of improving as the Christians of the first centuries did in the world in which we live.

And so that was how satisfying the experience culminated around 2:00 pm, with positive expressions regarding the learning that they acquired in the said event. And for this reason this recollection is called a magical and sensational experience. 32


AN advent wreath on the floor of the hall was the initial framework to introduce the topic about the current

reality prevailing in Mexican homes as they wait for the Savior in this time of advent. The silence of the missionaries undergoing training confirmed their need for spiritual awareness of the true meaning of our WAITING: the lights at the hall were put off and an atmosphere of uncertainty in children was created to introduce that the four candles in our Christian life must relit the flame of the love of Jesus. Soon behind the shadow faith, peace, love and hope were starting to appear. One by one as we count the living reality within Mexican families, we make the children aware of the importance of recovering in Christ these theological virtues within a framework of peace and harmony. Personal commitments were collected to improve our world today and the much needed one is Love! At the end, the young missionaries decided to follow Joseph and Mary in their difficult journey to Bethlehem in order to be rewarded with the birth of the Savior in our hearts. And between songs and dynamics, the worship of the baby Jesus in the Gateway of Bethlehem proceeded as each child brings home his/her individual commitment which he/she meditated tobe practiced during the rest of the Advent Season. The activity was ended with the distribution of sweets and sharing such sweets which are typical of this time among all children and youth who have always been FRIENDS!


With great disposition the students of the Alphonsus

of Liguori High School met with the students 17 High Schools

that make up the school zone "8" of Tampico, Tamaulipas during this season of the school year 2013-2014. Obtaining first place in NATIONAL SYMBOLS, the student Leslie Andrea Medina RodrĂ­guez of the first year, section A, as well as the second year student from section A, Alba Miriam Borjas PiĂąeiro whose works were entitled: "Panchito and the Mexican flag" and "The Golden Shield" respectively, were sent to the State capital to be analyzed by the jury for the State stage. Likewise, it was an honor to win the first place in the contest of the MEXICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM, which was hardfought, but even though there were with teachers of renowned prestige in other schools, the jury gave the final judgment for our beloved high school. 33

We are now preparing for the final phase of our cycle with the respective projects and final examination of knowledge. Greetings from our beloved city and port of Tampico.



My experience started when we arrived in the city of Toluca. The time came when we reached the Casa Hogar where we would stay. We had breakfast and then we were given the time to change since the Congress would start at 1:00 p.m. We all got on the bus that would take us to the venue of the Congress. We arrived at an open air ground which was very large and where there were many children with whom we introduce ourselves. There was an animation and other activities. The day was culminated with the celebration of the Eucharist. On the second day, we had a welcome feast from the MPS community. On the third day of the Congress, we had the Holy Hour, animation and other activities which we really enjoyed. On the fourth day, which was the last day, we had a rally where we all clapped, shouted, sang, danced and cheered as we gave praise to the Lord. We started from the center up ot the Alameda park where we all enjoyed. It was really a wonderful experience for me. By the way, the theme of the Congress was: “Missionaries with St. Joseph, transmit your faith to us.”



My experience in this recollection for parents was very pleasant. Despite the fact that I have already the fortune

of attending to many recollections, I realize that I always learn something new, it made me to renew once again my commitment of educating in the faith the children entrusted to us by God in all His goodness. As Fr. Leo had told us that if God gave them to us, it is because He trusts us. If Moses was stammering, if Peter denied Christ, if His Apostles left Him, if Martha was very anxious (and many more examples), we, in our own limitations, we are capable of living the fullness of life by being happy, making the children happy and by continually walking along the road that leads to Him. Firstly, it is important to work on our own person, to see, forgive, accept ourselves and be comforted by the love of God so as to carry out the Mission of educators and guides for our children so that they can feel the joy in living, to be a family that is united and strong in the faith. Yes, it may be difficult as it is in everything that is worthwhile in life. Fr. Leo had shared with us his experience in his parish with parents of adolescents who ask for his help. They complained a little how the family situations change depending on the way on how the children have grown up. He answered them very sincerely: “well, let me tell you this, this is only the beginning, and quite rightly, all the teenage children that we have, we actually understand them perfectly”. Everything very well, the reflections, dynamics and at the end, we did an analysis by teams of what everyone has learned from the recollection? Also, we asked them as to how to educate their children in the faith? All the comments were very positive and favorable. We are taking both the theory and task of putting it to practice. I was taken aback by a young mother who with all sincerity but above all humility, as she answered the second question: “well, in truth, there was nothing that I am to educate my child in the faith; before we used to go to mass but not anymore and indeed I acknowledge that I failed in many respects. The psychologists say that there can be no growth at all unless we do not become aware of where we are; sometimes it is our vanity that we are fulfilling. We know the theory and we believe that it would be enough with that but we don't put it into practice and we were inconsistent with our children, we are to be example of life for them. Actually, I would have liked to talk more with her but we had no time. We proceeded to the next part but I think that God will surely act especially now that she has already taken the first step and her love for her child, her concerns and above all the application of what has been learned will bear fruit. God wants us to be happy, for that we were created. It is only us who make our lives complicated; we only have to strive to live as Jesus taught us and gave us the example so we may be happy. For this, we may be prepared with joy for His coming, and may the baby Jesus be born in each of our hearts.




persons are a sign and a gift from God, they are yeast for the growth of a more just and fraternal society.” Pope Francis

AVE MARIA! I gladly greet you once again and hope to share about how we celebrated the day for consecrated life and vocation week. On February 3, 2014 in the community of Tlalpizahuac, we had the joy of celebrating Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Nezahualcoyotl, along with Bishop Héctor Luis, Fr. Rafael, (Vicar of Consecrated Life), Franciscan friars, Sisters from different congregations including our very own sisters from the novitiate and juniorate communities; and some lay people.

“Consecrated life is the dedication or the total self-giving of the person to God. It is a total offering desired by God who invites the person to follow Him more closely, and that is accepted by her, freely and for love, to be totally and exclusively for God and for his Kingdom. It is a call for the perfect imitation of Christ by reaching full communion with God and the perfection of love. Consecrated life is the initiative of God; Jesus reveals to the consecrated person the love of the Father, Creator and Giver of all good, which attracts as well (Jn 6.44) a creature of His own with a love for a special mission. "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him". (Mt. 17,5) is what Father tells to the soul of the person invited by an inner attraction to trust in the love of Jesus, with whom He wants to have an intimate relationship and to be totally consecrated to Him and to His plan of salvation." The Sisters arrived at 8:00 am and were welcomed by Sr. Guadalupe Mejía and the Guadalupana sisters. When the Bishop arrived, he personally greeted and congratulated everybody on our feast as religious. After the welcome, we moved to the Multipurpose room of the School for us all to celebrate the Eucharist, to share the Word of God and above all the Body and Blood of Christ. We all became partakers of this commemorative time knowing that we are called by Him who loves us and because He loves us, He calls us.


The bishop spoke to us about how important it is to be dedicated to God, the consequences and risks that this implies, but above all that it is worthwhile to follow Jesus, model and example of life. He mentioned the message of Pope Francis that we are a sign and a gift from God; and for this he gave us two books as a gift: one of them is the : "Evangelii Gaudium" by the Holy Father Pope Francis and the other one is "Gospels of the Bible" from the Church in America. He also gave each a big brochure on the salvation history, entitled: "Jesus of the


Before the mass ended, we offered a special prayer using small candles lit from the Paschal Candle that reminded us of our commitment as consecrated to God who receiving His blessing in the person of the Bishop. At the end of the Eucharist, we took a group photo. Right after the mass, we went to the dining room of the school and happily shared a rich and delicious tamales Jalisco style prepared by the Community Superior Sr. Lupita and an exquisite chocolate porridge made by Sr. Crispina. Consequently after breakfast, we were invited to participate in the dynamics that the sisters prepared. There were prizes for all the games that the school physical education teacher prepared. There was competition for running, singing, dancing, jumping and shouting. We had our a well-deserved break as we all waited for Fr. Rafael with the “carnitas� which he brought from Chalco. We all enjoyed it and finally, there was the cutting of the cake by the most senior sisters in religious life. To conclude this day of celebration and joy, we had the pleasure of moving our body with a good dance. On the following days, we had sharing during the vocation week in the community and the school as we quote on phrases from our founders about vocation so as to help everybody to meditate on her calling or vocation.

In the community, each one participated in the morning prayer in the chapel by taking up the chanting, meditations, phrases, and a holy hour. In the school, Sr. Crispina during her education in the faith classes talked about with the children the vocation of our founders and on Friday, Sr. Lourdes prepared some 5 grader students for the representation of the fusion of the Congregation, and the life of our founders with the title: "Two roads, one ideal, the Redemption". So as we experience the consecrated life and vocation week in our Community of Netzahualcoyotl School, we invite you that we all continue in the same boat where Jesus has called us to keep on rowing more deeply. 37


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you [b]always, even to the end of the age.” (Mateo 28,20) AVE MARIA, SISTERS!

”The joy in evangelizing is in making our neighbor happy.” (Pope Francis)

I want to share the great happiness and joy of the mission to which we were sent. Sr. Guadalupe Mejía and I were invited by Fr. José Gerardo Lopez Flores, a Diocesan priest, to work during Holy week at the State of Puebla, in the community of the Cumbre, Zacatlan. We left at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 12th, excited and willing to work with people who were already waiting for us. We arrived at the parish of our Lady of Guadalupe, Cumbre at noon. There, the priest welcomed us and invited us to have lunch. He told us to feel at home. He had to leave to fulfill some duties. As soon as we were accommodated in his house, we participated in the Eucharist. The time to eat came when we were able to gather with the missionaries coming from León Guanajuato and Guadalajara Jalisco. They worked in different communities. After food and fellowship, Fr. Gerardo convoked a small meeting to orient us about the communities where we would be working. After the meeting, we found the leaders of the communities were assigned to, waiting to take us to our area. Sr. Guadalupe worked in the community of San Cristobal, with the indigenous people who speak the Nahuatl. This place is three hours from the parish. I went to the community of San Lorenzo which was two hours from the parish of La Cumbre. The priest told us that we would see him on Holy Wednesday for the celebration of the Eucharist and the Confession; since he had to make visits to the 19 communities belonging to his parish. It was around 5:00 pm when Sr. Guadalupe and I parted ways. We were going to see each other again on Easter Sunday. We worked in our respective areas starting Palm Sunday. The people participated with eagerness despite the unpredictable weather. Sunny days and rainy days were all work-days for us for we are "missionaries, untiring in service and joyful in the mission". During the days of the week, we prayed the Dawn Rosary at 6:00 am. We made visitations from 9:00 in the morning, inviting the families to participate in scheduled activities. We encouraged them in their daily


tasks and listened as they shared their needs. In so doing, we give meaning to Pope Francis´ words in his Encyclical "The joy of the Gospel": "To evangelize is to make others happy”. The sessions for the children, young people and adults started at 4:00 in the afternoon of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We emphasized the themes of the Paschal Triduum, engaging them in their being Christians. On Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, we performed the activities proper with the participation of the members of families. In the community where I was, we had the opportunity to have a priest for the Saturday mass because a family was able to contact Fr. Joseph, a religious of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ and a native of Ireland. The people were happy to have a celebration of the Eucharist for Easter Vigil. After the celebration, we shared together both the fellowship meal and the joy of experiencing and celebrating the Risen Jesus. On Easter Sunday, very early in the morning, we started off for the parish of our Lady of Guadalupe. It was a surprise that Sr. Guadalupe and I met at the bus heading for Cumbre. We thanked the people for their generosity, hospitality, service, humility and simplicity of heart. All these motivated us to continually give a missionary response as we attend to the most needy and those farthest from the parishes. I was reminded of what M. Ma. Teresa Rivera said: "Go to the places where the priest cannot go". That is why it will is good for all of us, missionaries, to participate working for the needy. The invitation of Fr. José Gerardo is already on the way where he hoped for not just two but six missionaries.




“You have to be like a child so that you may enter heaven” The Nezahualcoyotl School, the Tlalpizahuac community and the children of this place enjoyed the big day, a day truly made special for them. On April 30, 2014 our “terrible” but cute children, had a wonderful time enjoying games, food and fun, and even the time of prayer. The fellowship began with a prayer as we asked Child Jesus for joy and blessings. The children asked Jesus to take their petitions and intentions to Heaven. We sang Mañanitas for the children, followed by more cheering and applause. After the prayer, the teachers led us into a lively dance called "The Bull", where each class clapped and cheered for their respective teacher so she may be encouraged to dance more gracefully and with more enthusiasm. This dance was followed by another one called ”The Little Boat.” And what was the surprise? One which all the children enjoyed: The clowns with their "few mornings and smiles" was participated in by Sr. Miriam and her sister Nancy. They began the show by telling a story which the kids and the parents liked so much they kept laughing. The program went on with songs, games and contests. The children were very excited that they did not notice the time. They were all eager to participate in all the recreational activities that their physical education teacher had prepared. Children had fun with the games of marbles, maze, rubbing, Tyrolean, the passage of the monkey, portrait-making (they performed their own portrait and placed their photo), “rayuela” and swallowing balls. These games were held at the main ground of the school and in the basketball court. As the games were going on, the children also enjoyed the rich Mexican appetizers prepared by their parents and teachers. Such dishes were in the dining room of the school. They loved the delicious tacos de “suadero”, the sausage and “campechanito”, hot dogs, hamburgers, crunchy tacos, ice cream and delicious juice and drinks. The fun did not stop each one from trying out every game. Even pre-schoolers had the chance to get into the big balloon and did not want to get off. These cute, little ones, after the clowns' show still participated in the "The Hill of the Fox' where they admired and were amazed by the story of the very entertaining performer. With all the games, songs, food, and numerous recreational activities, the day was made truly unforgettable for the children. They almost did not want the day to end and wanted more fun. Well, dear children, we wish that you always live happily and stay cheerful in all your activities.




“We should bear in mind that to be able to do our mission, we must live the interior life, charity, and obedience so necessary for all apostolate" (M. Ma. Teresa Rivera)

¡AVE MARÍA! May the peace and the love of God remain in your heart. Allow me to share with you the second workshop that we, the major and minor professed sisters received on the 3rd and 4th of May 2014 at the Central House which was facilitated by our very own Srs. Concepcion Toral and Diana Cruz Torres as a continuation of the theme: "Charism and Spirituality". The topic they gave was actually chosen by us: "Community life, consequence of the interior life". I must say that we chose it because we considered the needs of each one and most of all, we wanted to see how we are living our interior life, as reflected on the outside since "our exterior is a reflection of what is within us". Based on the topic, we began with a question that left us really thinking: "How is my interior life?" This question was the key to meditate during the workshop. I asked myself: what is the interiority? I came to this conclusion: "It is the fruit of a process being worked out by a person within herself. It is the fruit of self-control that has led the person to live a healthy and spiritual life." There is no security without interiority. We analyzed how we live our interior life being women; being MPS; one in communion with God; one living in union with Jesus, the Redeemer; in a constant prayer where I feel dwelt in and loved by God. This is where my exterior life in community life and fruitful life would be reflected upon. In all these, we appreciated some points that helped us in our reflection. Example: What strengths do I have to be able to live out what our founders thought in our constitutions? • Prayer and contemplation • Knowledge that God dwells in me • Spiritual exercise in the presence of God • Experience of following Jesus, a filial love • Response of faith, hope and charity • Being daughters of God • Penetrated by the grace of God • A life of asceticism • Meditations of the word of God 41

• Reaching the beauty in Holiness After the discussion, we saw a film entitled: "The origin of the guardians" where it was mentioned each guardian had the mission to search his own identity and originality. For this, we meditate on our origin, mission, formative experience before and after entering the Congregation, and how it is reflected in our communities. After going through the topic, we ended with some aspects that made us collaborate with the construction of fraternal life in our communities as expressed in our attitudes. We closed the workshop with some questions that invited us to analyze our journey as MPS: Are we grateful to our community? Do we wish the good for each sister and are we happy for her? Do we share and communicate good news? Do we encourage the sisters? Do we confront the sisters? Do we weave relationships? Do we serve the community? Do we stay in the community? Therefore, "the spirit needs to have a center and the body itself needs harmony of all the senses and members so that there may be unity.�


Ave Maria! We, Srs. Anilu Morales Brook and Ma. Hilda Flores Colunga, who were accompanied by two laypeople Jimena Cuello (alumnus of the CVQ) and Josefina Calvillo originally from Aguas Calientes wish to share our experience of Holy Week. We participate in the parish of St. Nicolas Tolentino of the Tierra Nueva, San Luis Potosi, which is an hour from the center. After the Palm Sunday mass, we were sent to rural communities: the Piquin and Cerrito de Varas Blancas which are small communities of between forty and forty-five families respectively and are accompanied by missionaries every year since because the pastor always see to it that they would be always accompanied by missionaries. People were hungry and were open to receive the word of God. They came and took part in the different celebrations. Again, let me return to the experience of the great love God has been allowing me to share my life of faith with the simple people, whose heart have received and accepted those God has sent, people who considered us a great blessing as they opened their doors for us. 42


we blessed the bread with holy water. All the pupils, teachers and parents who attended received it with great respect and veneration. Some did not want to eat the bread because they said that it was blessed. It was truly a wonderful experience.

Sisters, the Permanent Mission in our schools provides us the great opportunity to evangelize and bring abundant redemption to our students and their parents. It is a great challenge to share the faith with the kids, because it requires us to be consistent with what we live and what we preach them. It's to firstly experience God in my person for me to be able to share Him with them.

On Friday, there was the representation of the Stations of the Cross. The first-graders acted in it. This pious practice is represented in its entirety. All the audience paid attention in total silence. Thanks to the parents who supported with the costumes for their children who arrived dressed in costumes according to the occasion. The little ones who acted as soldiers came in suit of Roman soldiers, the high priests were elegant, the women and the townspeople with their typical costumes and even Pontius Pilate with his Crown of laurels, in short, all were in Regal costumes.

Holding Lenten Recollections with them was indeed a wonderful experience for me most especially that it was my first time to give recollection to them. One is filled with joy to see how the children receive God's message with openness, hope and faith. I was not able to notice that it was not only the children who received the recollection but also the mothers who acted as godmothers and who also actively participated by sharing their reflections.

To think that they were just six or seven years old, they actually performed like professionals. It should be mentioned that the setting was simple and yet sober. It ended with the Resurrection. The representation of the Paschal Triduum was successfully done in our school. And I believe that the Gospel message was also transmitted.

At the end of the recollections which almost coincided with Easter, we had scheduled with the students the representation of the Last Supper of Jesus, the Way of the Cross and the Resurrection. So we all got to work to prepare everything. First, we chose the format or script, the students who would participate, the scenery and, above all, that time that we would need for it. What an experience!

What I learned from this experience is the importance of returning to the pastoral strategy that the first evangelists who came to America did, i.e. to evangelize with representations wherein both the persons (the children in our case) and those who watch them learn and never forget the experience. And for those who also watched, they are left with that longing to act in the presentation the next time. .

The response of the children was formidable that even the girls wanted to participate, particularly in the last supper but since, by tradition, it only involved men, the girls questioned: "why can we not participate?" Since it was the biblical representation and not the theological interpretations where the washing of the feet was made to various marginalized sectors of our society, we gave in to the argument. The girls were happy to be involved as women followers of Jesus, who also participated in the Passover meal. With great solemnity, the children, including those from pre-school acted so well even they were not able to practice. It was presented as according to the biblical account, the girls prepared the table, they brought food, they served wine (grape juice), and there were crockery, glasses, everything according to the script. The washing of feet was also held with seriousness, both by the one who washed the feet and by those whose feet were being washed. We conclude the representation with the most important sign of this day, which is the bread. It was a surprise for all, since neither the actors nor the educational community knew it. We distributed small bread to each attendee. As we did not have a priest, as 43


VISIT OF BISHOP FLORENCIO ANTONIO COLIN CRUZ On June 5, 2014, Thursday, at about one in the afternoon, an auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico came to visit the "Perpetual Help Escuela-Hogar" and "Juan Ramón Jiménez School ". Sr. Cecilia Reyes received him with joy and after having showed him around, both the Casa Hogar and the School, he came to say hello to the School Community. All the groups from kinder I till Grade 6 came out with expectation, since they were informed that we had a very distinguished guest. Similarly, all the teachers, maintenance and administrative staff came out to see who the guest might be. Bishop Florencio Armando Colin Cruz accompanied by the parish priest of St. Peter, Fr. Fernando came out to make his appearance. He spoke to the students and taught them a song. The Bishop was very excited since he did not imagine meeting many children in our school. He wanted to ask someone to distribute a candy to each child, but realizing that the sweets would not be enough, he just gave each of them a “stampita” with the "PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY" which he himself had written. He invited all to recite the prayer together. The kids were excited to see a bishop in person. To respond to the act of generosity that the Bishop manifested, had, Sr. Cecilia invited children to sing the song “Walking hand in hand with Jesus". Before leaving, since the parishioners of the St. Peter Parish were waiting for him to bless a hall, he requested that he takes a picture with each group of the School and so obviously the children were all fascinated with the idea. He requested a copy of the photos since he considered the experience as very important, that is, to approach and be with the faithful, remembering what Pope Francis had told them in a meeting of Bishops with his Holiness. An interesting detail that on the same day a workshop for primary school level area was being conducted and the supervisor also complained to Sr. Cecilia why they were not presented to the Bishop since such opportunity of meeting a Bishop happens very rarely. All of us had been very excited about the visit of the Bishop, which had already been announced, but which we did not expect that we would go to the School. It was only the Parish Priest who had happened to pass by to see about the cleaning of the street, up the hill, behind our house and we did not expect that the Bishop was also coming over and even visit our School. 44


PARTICIPATION IN THE XVI CONIAM HELD IN TOLUCA FROM JAN. 30 TO FEB. 2, 2014 Girls from the Casa Hogar Zacatenco Mexico D. F.

With a week of preparation, there were six girls of Casa Hogar Zacatenco were motivated to participate a prayer congress. They were: Salomé, Magali, Guadalupe, Danna, Mirian and Jasmin. To perform the evaluation of the experience, they commented the following:  

  

We learned new things, met and live together with many other girls and children of our age and we made friends with some. We learned more about the life of Jesus through talks, performances, songs, cheering and especially in the participation in the Eucharist. We saw some bishops, many priests, religious and met the representative of the Pope in our country. We liked very much go to another house where there are girls like us, to share more with our peers, to listen to different opinions and we also enjoyed walking while singing and cheering for Jesus. We also liked the lunch that was prepared for us in the house where we stayed and the party that we made in the other house of the Sisters in San Antonio Buenavista. We didn't like that there was lots of dust in Alameda 2000, where was the Congress was held. We took a bath with cold water and saw that some children were lacking in discipline with regards to come on time for the talks and the mass.

We wish to thank all the sisters who did us the favor of preparing us and accompanying us to the Congress and let us tell you that we are willing to continue to be missionaries.

CENTRAL HOUSE CELEBRATING MOTHERS´DAY AT THE CENTRAL HOUSE (M. ROCIO CASTAÑEDA SALGADO) As beloved daughters of Mother of Perpetual Help, we started the month of May with prayers, songs and reflections to bring to our minds and hearts her presence among us, she, whom we imitate, the great missionary and mother of the people with maternal and merciful countenance, who helps the homeless with her unconditional dedication and her virtues such as: charity, compassion, tenderness, joy, simplicity and all these in the end as the mother who stays beside her children.


With this example of a mother, all of us, sisters aim to transmit her example and presence in our midst. So we celebrated Mother´s Day in the Central House community which is composed of the sisters of the General Government, the sick and elderly and some young sisters. All in all, we discover among us the concern of “mothers” through our mutual closeness and love. We received these same manifestations and maternal care from communities in Macao, China, from the Casa Hogar Zacatenco and Tampico community who shared with us lovely manifestations of their concern both material and spiritual. We appreciate their physical presence as they sincerely and sweetly share with us the fruit of their work. The young sisters, who accompany us in the community, also adorned the dining room with greetings for all mothers. With them, we can experience more the fraternal community awareness every day. In relation to the community, we try to experience “motherhood” especially from the Sisters of the General Government as they express their concern to the state of health of each sister; through the closeness and concern for those who have lost a loved one, through the fellowship when someone celebrates her birthday, etc. Regarding the relationship between elderly and sick sisters, the concern and attention is given to every member of the community; all are mutually attentive to the difficulties, insecurities and family sorrows. Faced with this reality, we all feel protected by maternal care. This is how we affirm that there have been efforts to exercise what was asked of us in the living of the charism as we emphasize more the "fraternal community", but also in affectionate coexistence and the courtesy for persons who solicit the religious services of the community. We hope that this Charismatic Year will help us to appreciate and value the desire of our founder who addressed us as " Madres del Perpetuo Socorro ", so that we exercise this “motherhood” in the reality where each one is personal situated as we search everywhere the Redemption that the evangelical work of the Congregation expects from all.

Happy Mother´s Day!


The Holy Spirit prays in us. We need a great interior silence and a deep spiritual poverty to ask the Holy Spirit to pray in us. Let God pray in us by being docile to the Spirit. God intervenes for the good of those who love Him.


AVE MARIA: With much joy, the receiving of the Holy Spirit was experienced in the central house through a small vigil of the Pentecost. There was the praying of Vespers on the Sunday of Pentecost where even the elderly mothers participated. After the Vespers, a simple vigil was started with a song alluding to the moment. Each of the sisters was given a bookmark with a name of a gift of the Holy Spirit which she would especially ask from God. There was some reading of some phrases about the gifts of the Spirit, there was also the reading of the Gospel after which a moment of silence was given for meditation. Each one was also given a lit candle as a symbol that we are also to be light for others. The candles were late placed on the altar while a song for peace in the world was being sung. It was a very special moment in where each one was enjoying and expressing her gratitude to God. The short vigil ended with the gesture of giving each other a hug as sisters, being all daughters of God. Immediately after the beautiful prayer, all proceeded to the refectory room where we continued to share the love and the greatness of God as we enjoyed some tasty food and a cheerful music. I say goodbye for now as I pray that the Holy Spirit may lead us to the full truth, strengthen us in becoming witnesses of Christ, show us the marvelous richness of the Christian message and fill us with love, peace, joy, faith and a growing hope.


AVE MARIA, SISTERS! It is a pleasure for me to be able to share with you the joy and happiness of celebrating in the novena in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help and I am even happier because we are celebrating our Charismatic Year, a year of grace and blessings for us, sisters and for our apostolate, a year in which we want to make present in the midst of men and women the love with which God has looked upon us during these years of journeying in His presence. Motivated by this love that I feel from God towards my person, and with the support of each and every one of the Sisters of the Community of Central House and General Government, we spent and enjoyed this 47

day of the novena which I particularly facilitated: The intentions were as follows: 1st mystery: "THE INCARNATION OF THE SON OF GOD" We ask for peace in our world in a special way in each of the countries where we are present so that Jesus, the Redeemer may become present in the life of all our political and religious leaders and that in the midst of all, we may be able to incarnate the Gospel. 2nd mystery: "THE VISITATION OF MARY TO HER COUSIN ST. ELIZABETH" So that like Mary, each of our sisters of the General Government and the Regional Council may be guided by the action of the Holy Spirit and the example of our Mother of Perpetual Help so as to be ready to attend to each of the sisters in their respective needs. 3rd mystery: "THE BIRTH OF THE CHILD JESUS" For our sisters who are in charge of the communities so that they may allow Jesus our Redeemer to be born in their hearts each day and they may be docile to the love as they listen to God who loves them and accompanies them. And for sisters that make up the communities so that like our elder brother Jesus Christ, we may seek the will of God in all despite the adversities. 4th mystery "THE PURIFICATION OF OUR LADY" For each of our families, for their most urgent needs, that they may find the strength of God in their problems and may feel the Perpetual Help of Mary at all times. For our sick family members that God may give them meekness to accept the will of God and the might to live with dignity. We also pray for our deceased family members so that they may enjoy the life of God. 5th mystery: "THE LOSS AND FINDING OF THE CHILD JESUS IN THE TEMPLE� In thanksgiving for all the good things we received during our lifetime, for calling us to this Congregation, for having looked upon us, for believing in us despite our weaknesses in the building the Kingdom of God; for our friends who have accompanied us in our Congregational and personal journey, for all dioceses and parishes where we are inserted and have opened the doors for us in making known Jesus,


the Redeemer and Mary of Perpetual Help. It is very gratifying to confirm once more that our charism and spirituality are very broad and include all dimensions of the human being, and that wherever we are, and whatever apostolate we render, we serve the Redeemer of the world. Congratulations, sisters! May this feast of our Patroness fill us with lots of love for our vocation, because if I love myself for what I am, then I also love my family that had seen me born. God bless you with love and gratitude. (PFMM)


SATURDAY, 25TH OF MAY, JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ COMMUNITY With great enthusiasm, we, the superiors and the council of Northern Mexico Region gathered in order to give closure to the series of meetings that we for the past period. On this occasion, we have the presence of almost all the superiors of the region for a workshop that was facilitated by Mr. César Lozano Vazquez. The workshop was called "Life project", with an emphasis on seven dimensions to be taken into account for the elaboration of the same as follows: Physical – Biological Dimension Social Dimension Ethics- Moral Dimension Historical – Transcendental Dimension

Physical-Emotional Dimension Intelligence-Will Dimension Religious Dimension

He also went back to the main theme, using the topic of masks and shadow wherein he emphasized the attitudes that sometimes we have in our daily life of putting on masks so as to justify our actions. We thank all the sisters superiors of the region for their participation, openness and willingness in this series of workshops, which have been source of personal, community and Congregational growth. We encourage them to continue working for the good of our Region and the extension of the Kingdom of God.



I want to share with you the experience that we, the Sisters of the Region Mother of the Redeemer had from the 22nd to 24th of December,2013 on Emotional and Assertive Communication with Cesar Lozano Vazquez, master in human development as lecturer. First of all, we, sisters from the different communities that make up the Northern Mexico Region, were all happy to come together after not having seen each other for several months or years. This occasion gave us an opportunity to strengthen our bonds as we listened to personal experiences that enriched each other‟s‟ lives. The purpose of the workshop, as we were told, was to raise awareness on the importance of recognizing the processes of communicating our feelings thoughts and affections, as well as learning some techniques to integrate ourselves even from anger, and thereby encouraging our personal, community and Apostolic and Congregational growth. The phrase "to express is to live" through which the workshop began, which also meant that to reach love, one should be free to express. No doubt, this theme was chosen to promote human growth, since I consider that expressing with assertiveness is a current issue that involves our relationships with everyone. We started by being aware of basic emotions: Miedo – Fear; Alegría – Happiness; Tristeza – Sadness; Enojo – Anger; Afecto – Hurt In the course of the workshop, activities of integration were conducted which allowed the participants to express with spontaneity, creativity and closeness with the sisters, especially with the senior ones who in one way or another we owe our respect and admiration for having trodden a path of surrender to the Lord. Their examples and teachings encouraged us to discover the way through which we now walk in our religious life-- first as women (human as we are) in our return to ways of life that will help us go on a pilgrimage to fullness. In the work as teams, everyone was included as both the senior and young sisters were integrated in every group.


Among the activities we had, was the “story of my affection”, symbolized in the game of snakes and ladders. Here, we were led to remember the events from our past and even at present through which we could ascend either via ladders or snakes. This exercise helped me to be more aware of the facts that have helped me obtain the achievements in my life, as well as little enriching occasions that somehow reflected their origins in past experiences. The activity was done in the teams, through trust and mutual respect to listen and be listened to through our “snakes and ladders”. Another aspect of great importance after identifying the important facts of life was how to communicate emotionally when one is angry. There were 5 key questions: 1. With whom I am angry? What other emotions do I live with my anger? In what areas of my body are my anger and other emotions recorded? (There could be more). 2. Why am I so angry? Express the fact 3. What needs are not covered? 4. Which are my temporary creative adjustments? 5. What do I realize? To what am I invited? After sharing our facts of life, we have a great commitment; i.e. to continually work on our human integration. Thanks to the sisters who organized this workshop. Look deeply into my eyes and discover the secret within you...! It is what I did and I have tried to constantly discover throughout my life: the Lord has shown me His mercy since before birth, because my vocation did not begin the day when I was conceived but according to God's plans, at least, it is what I believe, because His ways are not my ways... because despite having been on the verge of dying on the day of my birth, He knew because it did not occur and as the days passed, I was experiencing the joy of having a beautiful family who loves me and that's where I started to discover the marvels that exist... since a series of experiences had somehow distracted me that made me miss to understand many things that time and which I can now read the events in my life. I was born in Orizaba, Veracruz; on September 14, 1986; my parents are exemplary: José Mauricio Morales Garcia and Silvina Arroyo Cabal. They learned to be parents with me since I am their firstborn. My sister Ruby and my brother Jose Eduardo came after me. I cannot really talk about my vocation process if they are not on the main page, because they are those who have encouraged me and supported in every way. I come from the province, a community called Ejido Benito Juarez which is under the municipality of Paso del Macho, Vera Cruz. It is relatively a small community with more or less 180 families at the present and it was here the adventure began. As a child, my parents educated us in the faith and that spark grew while I also experience living in a community. I had unforgettable experiences of seeing the great faith of the people. It was clear that we depended totally on God's grace. We went on pilgrimage towards the field to ask the Lord for the blessing of the rain; our chapel was just made of 2 sheets of iron roofs with a few logs as base that protected from water and sun an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Later, little by little, with the cooperation and help among the families, a better chapel was built under the patronage of St. Ignatius of Loyola. I was encouraged to be active by participating in the choir and other services. I also remembered that my mother had an image of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and she used to tell me her life story to which I listened with much interest that I made me wish to be like her. Whenever my parents would go somewhere and I would somehow be left alone, I used to play and act like a nun; I would put a piece of cloth on my head but as soon as I would hear that they are back, I would hide and try to play other things so that they would not discover and indeed they never knew about it. I did not like much the school but my mom had pushed me to finish high school and bachelor studies, something that I really thanked her for having patiently encouraged me to do so. 51

When I was 13 years old, I joined a youth group and continued to serve in the celebration of the Word, in the choir and in the liturgy. During difficult situations, I tried to contemplate on the Eucharistic Jesus most especially on Thursdays when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the chapel. I used to stay there and enjoyed those moments of peace and quiet. And when I grew a bit older, I wanted to be a religious without understanding it fully. I must confess that I had various suitors, however because of that desire within that moved me. The first religious MPS I met was Sr. Isabel Aguilar in a vocation camp in the city of Cordoba. I was 16 years old and I was a little confused to see so many sisters from different congregations since it was actually my first time to meet the religious sisters in person. I participated in the process of three vocation search-ins as the diocese had required and at the same time, I begun to take vocational accompaniment with M. Isabel. One thing that caught my attention about the congregation was that characteristic so common to all MPS, i.e. the joy. And still more, when Sr. Isabel presented the charism and spirituality of the Congregation, I felt it recorded in my heart: "proclaim the good news to the poor and abandoned without excluding anybody..." just like the apostolate in the Casa Hogar. Later, a new group of youth was formed in the community, since it had been disintegrated. Being the coordinator, I liked very much to share this experience with the young people. I participated in Holy week mission and after that I decided to enter the congregation after my high school studies. My parents knew that I was undergoing accompaniment process but about the news that I would enter the Congregation, I just told them two weeks before the sisters came to our place because it was painful for me to leave them whom I love so much. That was how I entered the Congregation to the postulancy stage on August 14, 2004 and I have lived my formative stages with different experiences that have helped me to grow in different areas. I would like to thank the sisters with whom I was able to share in the various communities of formation because I learned a lot of them, particularly to my formators. I presently belong to the community of San Luis PotosĂ­, where I have learned to like so much the apostolate which is in the line of education, especially the education in the faith where I am able to share with the children, parents, teachers and my sisters... * My prayer each day to God is: Because I have understood that He called me to be with Him and that He would take care of the rest, I am aware that: "His grace is sufficient for me because His strength is manifested in my weakness".




On 17th February this year, Martin de la Cruz School held a Speech and Poetry competition participated by different schools which aimed to train the children in their way of speaking, and to form future speakers and poets among the students. The school believes that promoting poetry and oratory from childhood awakes the child‟s sensitivity to his own feelings to be flourished not just by words but also by visual perception which will be his means of self-expression. It‟s a kind of education that incorporates more art and creativity resulting to the child‟s openness towards his family and also towards his school. Thus, enhancing the child‟s sensitivity through poetry is giving him a new world. It is a gift through which words become magic as in a poem, rhyme or short story of laughter, sadness or love. In this event, Martin De La Cruz School‟s representatives Fernanda Becerril Trejo and Edgar Martínez Estrada exceeded the expectations raised in the art of speech with their eloquence and movements. The spectators were captivated by the words emphasized with their gestures highlighting the feelings and emotions contained in the oratory and poetry. With this, they got the first place for Martin De La Cruz School. The directors of other schools congratulated our school for its commitment and dedication in the art of expression.


The Mexican national anthem is one of our national symbols, which, like the flag and the Mexican coat of arms, is a fundamental part of the patriotic and civic education of our youth. It is embodied in our minds since childhood by our parents and teachers that we sing every week our glorious anthem in the school.


With the purpose of recovering the trustworthiness and authenticity of our national anthem; and also to accomplish the task that we have entrusted to our students at the primary level, we have organized the National Mexican Hymn Interpretation contest in the school zone 534 elementary department. The contest had a favourable outcome to Martin de la Cruz School with the valuable work of our Music teacher as we bagged the first place which had made us feel so fulfilled in our commitment and motivated us more in improving our upcoming activities.


We celebrated one of the most important days of the year in Martin de la Cruz School, i.e. , Mother‟s Day. We paid tribute to all the mothers of all our pupils. In several places, it is celebrated through ceremonies or with a moment of dedication to remember all the mothers in the world. The reading of a speech during this day has become a tradition and so during a program, in order to express the love we have for our mothers, these beautiful words were addressed to all the mothers: “Today is a day worthy of celebration as we honour an amazing human being, a person who is able to give up her own life so as not to see her child suffer. That person is the one whom we call, „Mother‟…” With that said, there is no other person in the world who can give us that pure and sincere love like our mother does for us. Nobody else would be able to forgive our mistakes and love us the same way. Nobody would teach us how to live a good life with patience, to take care of 54

us and stay up late at night when we are sick, to cheer us up at all cost, to ensure that we do not miss a meal. And if necessary, she would forget herself just to be able to feed us. All this comes from just one person and that is our mother.”

FIRST COMMUNION On May 24, 2014, a group of children received their First Holy Communion. Well, we know that it is not only a special moment of grace for the children, but also for their families and for the whole school community. They open their heart to Jesus who visits them as a friend in order to stay within them so as to teach them to be happy, generous and to make them always want to do what is good. Recalling these words to the children was very motivating: “Because Jesus loved us, He gave us His life. Before dying on the cross and even after His resurrection, He said to His friends:

TAKE AND EAT THIS: THIS IS MY BODY, TAKE AND DRINK THIS: THIS IS MY BLOOD. The priest told them to always remember these words and to be attentive in this time of their first communion. He reminded them that as he pronounces the name of Jesus, it is then the moment that the same Lord that comes to visit us and stay with us forever. The children were further addressed: “Dear children: on this day of your First Communion, most probably, you feel the beating of your heart. Jesus is calling you and illuminating you with His grace on this beautiful day. He will show you the way with His light. Always follow Him and you will never be alone. 55


The spiritual exercises for the elderly sisters of MPS Southern Mexico

Region were held in the community of Xochimilco from 14th to 19 April 2014. The following sisters took part in the said retreat: Fidelia Rodriguez, Margarita Sánchez, Josefina González, Magdalena Lopez, Cleotilde Vilchis, Angelica, Gonzales, Alfonsina Martinez, Victoria Sánchez Coronel and M. Teresita Tellez Santana. We were so fortunate to be given the space with the facilities that we have in Xochimilco plus the good will of those who directed us namely the Regional Superior Sr. Hiliana and Fr. Max Verduzco, S.J. They guided us through all the days of the retreat with the following topics: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Spiritual exercises Changes in life Prayer The world is created (meditation) The past exists in me The prodigal son Sin exists in the world Jesus calls collaborators The gift from following Jesus Suffering Pardon, covenant and mercy Adopting God as Father The Kingdom - Beatitudes The Kingdom: Father - Jesus The Holy Spirit The changes of the life and the friendship in life Abandonment in God, leaving the place and interior acceptance

COMMUNAL MYSTIC: - Testimony in the community - Continue to be sisters - The missionary projection in prayer and in sickness - Gratitude for life and the mission received - the happiness of being a missionary - Distinction between senior sisters and sick elderly sisters At the end, we made a life project because having one is essential. Otherwise, one would live without direction, just drifting and without sense. This is the drama today that is lived by many people. Many people exist without knowing the purpose of their life. Therefore, it is very important to have our project of life. Obviously, it takes dedication to do it. Thanks to God for these moments of personal encounter with Him.



To all my Sisters and Readers of Estrella Misionera: Ave Maria!!! When I was asked to write an article for the Estrella Misionera, I said "I don't have time!” Upon reflection, I realized I can share and send some notes and thoughts that I have done in the preparation of the CAM4 Comla9 because perhaps it would help us to internalize our walking missionary journey. And so, with love and commitment, let me now share with you the following: All vocations of service receive three fundamental elements for the full development of their missionary work namely: the call, the response and the mission. CALL: Inspiration, with which God predestines someone for a particular action... It is the inclination to the religious life, to a profession, to a State of life, to a profession... Mt 9,9: “As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man called Matthew, sitting in the tax collector’s booth; and He *said to him, “Follow Me!” And he got up and followed Him” The intervention of God is a permanent act of love, respect and humility. God who loves us and who seeks to save us while respecting our freedom; and we, who within our limits, try to understand God, respond to His invitations as we overcome the obstacles that complicate our way towards Him. We opt for His plan of life and love by obeying His commandments. MISSION: It is “an entrusted task, a work, a privilege". By baptism, there is a vocation to holiness and to a common mission for all members of the people of God. We are all called to the mission. We all have a role to play which is to build up the Church; to carry out the mission that Jesus has entrusted to us. If God calls, it is so He may send. . MISSION: It is “an entrusted task, a work, a privilege". By baptism, there is a vocation to holiness


and to a common mission for all members of the people of God. We are all called to the mission. We all have a role to play which is to build up the Church; to carry out the mission that Jesus has entrusted to us. If God calls, it is so He may send. God called the chosen destined to a particular of work in His plan of salvation and the destiny of His people (Cfr. Gén. 12, 1; Ex. 3, 10, 16; Am. 7, 15; Is. 6, 9; Jer. 1, 7; Ez. 3, 1, 4) All repeats the same order: “Go!” However, the vocation adds something to the choice and the mission: a personal call to deeper awareness of the individual that radically modifies her interior existence as well as her exterior appearance. This missionary's inner existence makes her discover and live God's initiative and sees the priority in the gift of the mission. With the missionary lifestyle, the spirituality helps to deepen the interior life and it is the best guarantee to succeed in the pastoral mission. The term "spirituality" speaks of the "spirit" or lifestyle. One would want to "live" and do the things as she is. It is, therefore, a life that wants to live in all their human reality, with authenticity and depth. The spiritual life is not an intimate, subjective or alienating attitude but a path or process of holiness and goodness which are translated into attitudes of loyalty, generosity and vital commitment for the person, community and the Church. Let me invite you to reflect on the following questions: What are we? How do we live? What mission do we have to accomplish? Which roads, means and scenarios could we take for personal and community growth according to the will of God as a missionary? The missionary spirituality is to focus and guide the life to the Mission in full docility to the Holy Spirit; to live in the "missionary" style of Christ, the Redeemer. C•3 We are to assume the mission as the source, path and means for community and personal sanctification. We are sanctified in the mission and through the mission we are able to get the three elements that characterize Holiness (cf. L.G. 40): we are more united to God. We perfect our charity and live a “more authentic" consecrated life. The missionary spirituality helps us to go to the Father, through Christ, in the Spirit. Configuring the life of the Christian and of the community to the image of Life, Truth, and Love. Life that is lived the Trinitarian communion, leads us to live in an intimate communion of life and service with Him, and according to His style. The life we live and our mission will serve as our means to announce the universal salvation in Jesus Christ. It takes life lived in full docility and collaboration to the spirit (RM 88) that works in us and through us. We are instruments at the service of the Spirit. . Therefore, the Foundation of our life, our growth and our mission is "living with Him", “living as He lived" and “Going with Him". It is the fulfillment of the mandate and the mission: Go and evangelize to all Nations (Mt. 28, 19-20). "Go with Him" to "give life", moved by the pastoral charity of Jesus Christ, in accordance with our own mission. It is important to have a spirituality or mysticism to work in the style of Jesus and in ecclesial communion: A spirituality of contemplation for the mission; A spirituality of being sent. A spirituality of salt, leaven and light. A spirituality of the Listening A Paschal and itinerant spirituality. A Marian, prophetic and testimonial spirituality. A spirituality of service and commitment. A spirituality that conjugate the verbs: approaching, finding, identifying, organizing and joining A missionary is one who is sent. God sent His Son. Today, God is sending us. We are sent to be His witnesses among men and women, to bring His love and understanding to the poorest. We must not be afraid to listen, to contemplate and to announce. 58

The Missionary of Perpetual Help should be a missionary of deep spirituality. Let me end up with these notes: I trust in your total openness as you take time to answer to these questions: 1. What does being a Missionary mean in the world today? 2. How can we live our Missionary Spirituality? 3. How must we assume our Mission?


The Fourth American Missionary Congress and the Comla9 have invited us to plunge into the reality and not to look at it from a distance since we are accustomed to judging the reality from our desktops and from the pulpits. As missionaries, we are not able to plunge into the reality of the poor and it is from there that one will see the Kingdom of God. The Church today is paving the way for new proposal of life and it does not only propose but is giving example of how to live it. The Pope is a man of God who is giving testimony of God's presence among the poor. That is why he invites Christians to be true disciples of Jesus Christ every day and to know how to discover God in the reality in which we live so we may commit ourselves int he proclamation of the Kingdom, with joy and not with the funeral face. We must be able to find God today in our reality. For this, we need to know how to look at the reality, but what are we going to see in the reality? How do we look at this reality? From where? What must we see? Why do we have to see it? It is to have a gaze of mercy; Jesus looked at the reality and from that gaze, He began to make known the message of the Kingdom. He has looked with love on all those who were judged and condemned, those who were considered sinful and unclean by many. He looked at them with tenderness and mercy. This is the experience of the rich young man, (Mk. 10.21) Jesus looked at him with love." Even though this young man refused His proposal, He did not reject Him but still look at him with love. Also, He looked all those who were around Him and confidently gives a message of the Father's love to their children and expressed that if for men, it is impossible, everything is possible for God. We, missionaries are called to see the reality that today we are surrounded with eyes of mercy and so even if sometimes panic by want to hit us, we must not fear because everything will be possible if we trust in God. He is going to live and be with those who are announcing the Kingdom of love, not the Kingdom of fear or condemnation, but the Kingdom of love of Merciful God the Father. This is what the Congress wanted that each exponent must transmit. A Consolata missionary, Fr. Timothy Lehane, Secretary of the Defense of the Faith was the facilitator of forum number three wherein I am a 59

member. The theme was: " MISSIONARY SHEPHERDS FOR THE CHURCH IN PERMANENT STATE OF MISSION.” He started with an invitation to all present, to "Be missionaries of Truth not of the habits nor of the Congress". The Church needs authentic missionaries who are able to reach out to the young and be good news for them, because the young people are the future of the Church. No missionary or consecrated person can be obstacles in the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The fullness of the Kingdom of God is not for the parishes, priests or religious; it is universal. And since it is universal, we are all invited to live and announce the Kingdom and remain constantly in prayer and permanent mission. His Holiness invited us that no one must be with his/her arms crossed because mission is the duty of every Christian and nobody should take hold of the keys. The example Fr. Timothy gave was that the priests and religious are most of the time, obstacles in the proclamation of the Kingdom and we hold the keys as we stayed at the door without letting anybody in and much less let out. The only reason is we consider ourselves judges and decide who must or must not enter; we neither allow others to enter or leave and that it is up for us to announce the Kingdom. Pope Francis, on May 8, 2013, in Santa Marta, invited us to "Follow the attitude of Jesus". Every Christian who wants to bring the Gospel "must go and listen to all! He said it very convinced and as a missionary I am confronted by his words and that lead me to commit myself with my congregation and the Church and that is why, I pray every day for the grace to listen and know how to announce the message of redemption which, as MPS, I am called to do so. It is a great blessing to have received the missionary charism as our Constitutions say: ”The sisters, faithful to the Charism inherited from our Founders, set as the supreme norm of life the following of Christ Redeemer as presented by the Gospel (cf. c. 662; PC 2 a), continuing His redeeming action and radiating the merciful love of God, to proclaim the Good News to the poor and abandoned” having the Gospel, we must proclaim the good news of salvation wherever we may go. After this beautiful Congress, it is now time for us to go on a mission on the 14th to 22nd of December 2013 in Valera – Trujillo so as to put in to life whatever I received in this Congress. In every moment that I will go for home visitation, I just say to God within myself: "Lord, whoever can be witness of life may know how to listen to what he really needs". To listen, walk and accompany is a challenge that all missionary must put into practice. We must always go nourished with love and mercy and with a dose of faith, hope and patience because we would them along the way. The mission also involves a heart willing to continue the redemptive action of Christ in today's world that clamor for justice and peace. Let us continue to radiate the love and mercy so as to proclaim the good news of salvation to the poor and abandoned. 60

NATIONAL VOCATION MINISTRY JOURNEY (SRS. ELIA VÁZQUEZ MPS & MA. ISABEL AGUILAR) AVE MARIA, SISTERS! The week covering 25th to 29th of November was an opportunity for us to represent our Congregation in the NATIONAL VOCATION MINISTRY JOURNEY which was held at the DIOCESAN SEMINARY of CULIACAN SINALOA and was participated by three hundred vocation promoters from all over the country, from various male and female religious congregations, diocesan priests and laypeople. We have a beautiful theme to be reflected during this week, i.e.: VOCATION AWARENESS IN THE FAMILY The resource person, Monsignor Daniel Alberto Medina Pech, Adviser of the National Family Ministry began with a question: how do we make the families aware of vocation? He gave us three very important points on vocation ministry: *Cultural vocation

*Quality leap *Go into the deep

He stressed an important point of the National Plan to renew the Pastoral Care for Vocations: the vocation ministry is the backbone of all ministries. We must start from our common root as persons with vocation, which is the family from Christ who is at the center. The word “Family”, comes from “famulus” which means servant – Jesus, in the Gospel taught us to turn love into service. (Jn. 13). Some points of contact between the Vocation Ministry and Family Ministry are: the vocation as a project of God and seeing the story as theological place where God passes by; the logos (the Word) which is the reason for all call or vocation. Jesus Christ accommodated the vocation in the sense of family and accommodated family in the realm of vocation. The family from its very essence is already a vocation because vocation is a matter of love. The family is the experience and the school of love, it is a concert and a symphony of vocations. Family Ministry provides pastoral work for vocations a privileged time and space to to make the person and the domestic church aware of its vocation. 61

When God created us, He created us with a patent as His own image. And He gave us an anthropological franchise that His creation may continue to be faithful to His Creator. But the human being as he/she makes use of the received privilege, does not respect the patent that was offered, and instead of create the image of God follows the convenience of his/her own interests, inducing man to ontological culture equal to denial of being, which makes him/her weak in understanding, with weak relationships, fractured in his/her ability to love, think, believe, relationship and self-giving because of letting himself/herself to be guided by pleasure which causes loss of meaning in life that may bring one to end one´s life. Therefore, weak and unhealthy vocations emerge from the sick and weak families. We are in the time of revolutions, the young man has revolutionary vocation, he has vast potential to transform society but he must keep in mind that the vocation is a revolution of love; it is a road of excellences (Rom. 4, 7). Which way are we going to follow? We ask God to send us vocations; it is time to know how to cultivate them. What steps are we going to take? Walking in hope, Christ is always new. Work with competence, i.e. together, a pastoral team, where Christ is at the center of being, knowing and serving. Choose what God is giving me in order to give life, one´s own life. Return to rebuild the human being: to listen to the Spirit that attracts ties of affection. Exodus Missionary Action: the Church on her way toward existential peripheries, to people rather than to places. Be facilitators of grace so as to heal the wounded human nature. Exercises of discernment in considering that even in the midst of evil, there may be a truth that can be addressed. Accompany with mercy and patience, teach critical thinking. Start offering a path. As MPS, we are invited to continually sow and cultivate vocations to all and to all persons, without forgetting that we need a permanent formation to be real instruments for others to realize their vocation through our testimony and with the preaching of the Word.


Ave Maria to all my MPS Sisters! It is a pleasure to share this with you! May Jesus, our redeemer remain as our Lord and strength as we continue to build a better world! In the past few days, Sr. Piedad Elia Vazquez, coordinator of the Vocation Ministry of Mexico South Region, and yours truly, received the grace to take part in the National Vocation Ministry Assembly held in the beautiful city of Puebla, in the Palafoxiano Seminary, which was a place worthy for the formation of future priests, theologians and saints.


There were around 180 participants in the event composed of priests, religious and laity in which women was the majority! The assembly had a deliberative and elective character composed of the general, diocesan, provincial and regional coordinators. It was convoked and presided by the present bishop of Campeche and bishop president of the Episcopal Commission for Vocations and Ministries (CEVyM), Bishop Francisco Gonzรกlez. With him were Rev. Fr. Cristian Francisco Uicab Tzab (Diocese of Yucatรกn), executive secretary of the CEVyM, and Rev. Fr. Carlos Lomeli Franco (Diocese of Tabasco), secretary of the Mexican Organization of Agents of Vocation Ministry (OMAPAV). A group of promoters- coordinators: 3 diocesan priests, 6 religious (3 men and 3 women) and 4 lay people also assisted with organizing the said assembly. It is worth noting that this team has made possible the smooth flow of meetings of deliberation, election and formation of the vocation promoters at the national level. They have also been responsible for the presentations and the different dynamics in the events. This team was called the National Council for Pastoral Care of Vocations. On this occasion, as we reviewed and updated the Statutes of the OMAPAV and the conducting of the election of the new National Council, we realized that some coordinators of the directive team have received the basic course of Vocation Ministry such as the Accompaniment and Discernment, and have participated in national meetings. I am humbled by the confidence of the assembly of the religious present to have seen me fit to be elected as one of the three religious sisters to be part of the National Council. I would be journeying in this continuous formation aware that I am not the first sister who has lent this ecclesial service for the good of vocations. Just recently, our sister PATRICIA F. MORALES became a member of this National Council and has elevated the MPS flag so high, with her commitment, tenacity, dynamism and intelligence. Thank you Sr. Paty for your living testimony of being a devoted sister; for working ardently with priests and all religious and enriching our formation, starting from animating our own vocation up to the reviewing with patience, wisdom and perseverance, to journey to the Vocation Ministry in Mexico and Central America, to learning from the best resource persons: Emilio Labaniegos, Amadeo Cencini and Carlos Martos, until we submit to the Diocesan centers and religious congregations the national plan for the renewal of the vocation ministry that would be based from and operated according to the criteria of quality. Many thanks for the dedication and the commitment reflected in all these fruits for the good of the Church and the vocations! To be part of the National Council myself is a big challenge; I will not be able to do by myself. I commend myself to your prayers, so that I may know how to respond to this mission. Together with the other new members of the National Council, we entrust our task to the Lord of the Harvest so that working in communion with the Church, we may continue to serve with generosity, dedication and dynamism. I am grateful to my Regional Superior Ma. Veronica Zendejas as well as to the Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia for their confidence and ecclesial support for having allowed me to collaborate in this service of communion.



From May 2-4, the XLIX National Assembly for Religious Major Superiors in Mexico was held in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The theme of the assembly was "The Care for Creation, House of Encounter, Heart of Humanity".

The presentations showed the beauty of our planet, its deterioration and the importance of our commitment to the care of this world which was created by God and entrusted into our hands to shepherd and bring it to its fullness. Since it also depends on the welfare of mankind, the complete presentations may be found in the page Web of the CIRM: www.cirm.org.mx. Another objective of the Assembly was to elect the Board of Directors for the next three years. Our superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, was elected as member of the Board and also as representative of Mexico to the UISG (International Union of General Superiors). We are sure that this service that she lends would enrich even more the religious life of Mexico and our Congregation. Congratulations M. Cecilia! May the Holy Spirit continue to illumine your life and generous service to the Church!



After my election as Vice-Provincial of Manila in 2008, I had the chance to go back to Rome for the regular orientation for all the newly elected vice-provincials which was organized by the General Government. Part of the meeting was a pilgrimage to the different sites where our founder Alphonsus lived and spent his life.

On our way to the pilgrimage, one of our confreres who served as our guide shared the difference between a tourist and a pilgrim. He said both tourists and pilgrims embarked on different places , one of which are different important places like shrines, places of saints, places of apparitions and some other places that have significance in the life, faith and history of the people. Both tourist and pilgrim take pictures of these different places. The difference was, when a tourist went back home, he only has the pictures with himself and then may plan again for the next trip. When a pilgrim goes back home, he has with him a very deep religious experience. That spirit strengthens his faith, his life and his spirituality. The experience lasts forever. Even if he plans for a next pilgrimage, the purpose is to renew one´s life and to deepen his spirituality. I can affirm this experience of renewal of life and deepening of spirituality in my recent visit to our Lady of Guadalupe. It is indeed an answered prayer that someday I will be able to have a pilgrimage to Mexico. I am going back home bringing with me a deep religious experience. I am going back home renewed heart and mind as I continue my ministry and mission. God is good and I thank Him for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Lastly, this pilgrimage would not be more 65

fruitful without the hospitality of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help here in Mexico. I thank Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia and the members of the General Government. Thanks to Sr. Marivic who guided Fr. Victorino Cueto and myself during our stay here. My sincere and special thanks, as well to Sr. Patricia who patiently accompanied us as we went to see some of the beautiful places in the city and in the state of Queretaro. I thank the superior of central house, M. Guadalupe Perez and the whole community for their warm welcome and hospitality despite our limitations in Spanish language. To stay in a religious missionary community is also a pilgrimage. I will also bring back home the deep religious experience I got from the MPS community here in Mexico. This month is also my Silver Jubilee of Religious Profession. I thank our Loving God, our Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ for having journeyed with me in the past 25 years. I ask them once again to guide me and to help me to be faithful in my chosen vocation. Thank you so much and may the Lord always bless you in your mission and send you more vocations.


On May 25, 2014, Sunday, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help had the honor to receive our Redemptorist brother priests at the Central House in Azabache No. 38, Colonia Estrella, Delegation Gustavo A. Madero, México, D.F. It happened that a group of young or newly ordained Redemptorists who are coming from different countries in America such as México, Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican Republic, etc. had come for a month course. They were welcomed by our sisters of the General Government, by the superiors of Southern Mexico Region who happened to have their meeting at the central house that day and by all the Sisters of the central house com-

munity. There were 13 priests and for them to be able to mingle well with the sisters, they made sure that two or three of them occupy a place in each table so that they would be able to speak and mingle well with all the sisters. It was a wonderful experience to see and have among us 13 Ministers of the Lord on one lovely Sunday. Without much effort, we did all feel that we belong to the same family. A very tasty although simple lunch was served that day to be shared and enjoyed by all that day. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, one of the priests celebrated mass in the chapel especially for the elderly sisters who were unable to go out and attend the mass in the Basilica. Finally, all bade goodbye and wished each other the best in our missionary journey.


Easter 2014


Lord has given us the opportunity to gather

once again as a religious family around His presence for Congregational Spiritual Exercises in Easter 2014. For this time, we had the honor of having as our Retreat Director Fr. Desire Afana, CICM (Congregation the Immaculate Heart of Mary) and of Cameroonian nationality. More than one decade ago, he was sent by his Congregation in their Mission in Mexico, and he currently works in the Divine Providence Parish here in Mexico City. He is also the chaplain of La Salle University and he is finishing his masters in Pastoral Ministry at the Universidad Lumen Gentium of Tlalpan. He is a polyglot and a writer. The venue for this Easter Spiritual Exercises was in the Perpetual Socorro Casa Hogar in Toluca. We had the support of the community of the said Casa Hogar as well as that of our Casa Hogar Zacatenco. There was the participation of 54 sisters from the various MPS communities of the two Regions in Mexico. This year´s annual retreat focused on the following biblical texts: Lk 4, 18-19, Phil 2, 511 and Phil 1, 18-21. These are to explain and expound on our desire to renew our religious life and go deeper into the Redemptive Charism that gives us our Congregational identity. Fr. Desire especially emphasized the need to find a human Jesus, who seeks silence in order to discover the redemptive action of God the Father that manifests Himself through the Holy Spirit in each person and in many circumstances of everyday life. Similarly, we were invited to continually discover 67

and enhance the joy which comes by serving God in our brothers and sisters within and outside the community. Father Desire accompanied us in understanding more deeply the theme during exercises with simplicity and depth. He asked that each sister takes her personal reflection on very concrete and useful aspects for her Consecrated and missionary life, so she may recognize, above all, the value of spiritual discernment as a method of personal, community and Congregational growth. He said that he would not only lead the retreat by taking into account his own human, Christian, religious missionary and intellectual knowledge, but also the experiences of the participants as a source of enrichment for each day´s exercise. There was something different that was experienced during this week of reflection, and it was the Theological Foundation of the iconographic expression of each text that was considered and meditated. Taking into account this wealth and the message of redemption which is encountered in the icon of our Mother and Patroness, the Virgin of Perpetual Help, there was no time wasted to understand more our Congregational charism as we continue instilling in the apostolic work, what identifies us as MPS, but in particular, as we make Christ the Redeemer and His teaching present in all the human, religious and missionary dimensions of our life.

Secretariat of Religious Life


The best of all that He has done is a man and a woman. Man and woman, the stewards of all His Creations.


Man and woman encountering peace, joy and justice In all the created things given by God they were contented. Sinfulness came because of man's disobedience to God. Greed, power and money wrapped their heart.

Hermanas fieles al carisma heredado De nuestros fundadores, Teresa y Agustín. Congregación misionera, llamada junto a la iglesia A llevar el mensaje (a llevar el mensaje) de salvación. (Coro)

Refrain: Suffering of the poor and abandoned is rampant. Who can help them with their needs and their wants? Are you willing to serve them? A plea for love and a helping hand is in the air. Now is the time to answer the cries of abandoned ones. With injustice, lies and false gods they are overwhelmed. Would you also want to leave them? Where is your heart now?

Te seguimos, Cristo Redentor. Te seguimos irradiando amor. Te seguimos, Cristo Redentor, Proclamando el evangelio a los pobres Y al que no cree en tu amor. Amamos al hermano como Dios nos ha enseñado, hemos experimentado en nuestras vidas su amor Con la ayuda de María, Virgen Perpetuo Socorro, Seguiremos el camino (seguiremos el camino) de su Hijo Redentor. En Venezuela, India, Guatemala, China y México, Donde quieras mi casa encontrarás. El Salvador y Filipinas, Estados Unidos; Pues no importa el color, ni la ciudad. Te seguimos, Cristo Redentor. Te seguimos irradiando amor. Te seguimos, Cristo Redentor, Proclamando el evangelio a los pobres, A quien esta abandonado entre la gente, Porque somos Misioneras de la Virgen, La Madre del Redentor.

Chorus: Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Perpetual Help We're awakened in Spirit, inspired by the founders Father Agustin Nistal and Mother Teresa Rivera. Prayer, Courage and love for the mission of Christ. MPS, we are fondly called are ready to offer Evangelization of the poor by proclaiming the Good News: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life And shielded by Spirit of Charity and interior life.

LOVE FOR THE POOR AND THE ABANDONED (Sr. Celsa Antonia Villaflor Labarrete, Postulancy Community, Philippines)

We pray, Mary, our patroness be in our midst in our difficulties In crying for justice, peace and love for the poor. Fill our nothingness with your loving guidance and Protection as we strive to be faithful with purity and hope.

God created the world out of His goodness and love. He has continuously done so As He recreates with great love. 69


(Repeat refrain and chorus) Bridge:


In all circumstances of life, journey with us Lead us always to Jesus so that as MPS, Molded and formed in His own Image and Likeness. We may become a channel of God’s Redeeming Love. (Repeat chorus)


MISIONERA TU ERES CAPAZ (Juniorate Community, Mexico)

DOS CAMINOS, UN IDEAL (Novitiate Community, Mexico)

Cuando miras con los ojos del alma y el corazón, Te das cuenta que la vida necesita a Dios, Y si sientes esas ganas de amar sin condición, ven hermana te invitamos a actuar.

En México inicia una obra redentora contra el abandono espiritual dos almas que se unieron en la revolución para el rostro de Cristo renovar

Que Jesús Redentor sea la llama que encienda tu vida y tu corazón, Con María del Perpetuo Socorro la estrella que guía esta gran misión.

El Espíritu Santo en Agustín Nistal revela la gracia para amar y nos enseña día a día que en ti, por ti, contigo lo hará


Teresa Rivera descubre en su interior la fuerza de entregarse a los demás y deseaba que sus hijas lo hicieran con amor y caridad.

Si en fidelidad creativa luchas por la dignidad de los pobres y excluidos de la sociedad, Eres signo de esperanza proclamando libertad, Fe, misericordia y caridad.


Ora, confía, espera, observa constante la vida interior Recuerda que ser misionera nos lleva a ponernos siempre en acción.

Nos abrimos a la obra del espíritu creador en la catequesis y educación, pastoral penitenciara, casa hogar y de misión, estudiante y parroquias, todo por amor


En América y Asia fortaleciéndose esta la esperanza salvadora que pronto se extenderá llamadas al servicio y a la comunidad en regiones lograremos ser testigas de verdad


Somos MPS escuchando la realidad profetas del evangelio que buscan libertad sensibles cada día a la necesidad perseverando en alegría y humildad

AQUÍ ESTOY (USA Region) La misión es grande Hay gran necesidad, Tu me has consagrado Para sembrar. Hermanos míos se pierden, Viven sin dirección, Vagan como ovejas sin pastor. Quiero ser eco, Perpetuo de tu amor Proclamando el año del Señor. Estoy dispuesta, Para socorrer Dando mi vida por la Redención.

DOS CAMINOS, UN IDEAL EN CRISTO REDENTOR LA BUENA NUEVA ANUNCIAR Y CON MARÍA PERPETUO SOCORRO TU MISERICORDIA IRRADIAR (2) Missionaries of Love (Juniorate Community, Philippines) Missionaries of Love In our humble beginning, Founded in the love for God We respond to the call of mission Proclaiming the redemptive love of God


It takes just a little spark of love To set ablaze the fire of mission To love the poor and abandoned One in the mission of the Church

Confiando en tu gracia, Llevarte al corazón De mis hermanos sin distinción. Tengamos presente que para nuestra misión Debemos vivir la vida interior. La obediencia y la caridad, La alegría y la humildad.

Misioneras del Perpetuo Socorro, we are missionaries of love With one dream and vision, spreading the Good News of the Lord Misioneras del Perpetuo Socorro, we are missionaries of love With Mary as our model, together we’ll radiate the love of God


The world amidst her abundance Thirst for the love we can share Breaking barrier of indifference We accept this challenge of time

MUJER QUE QUIER VIVIR (Central America Region)

We are bound to love one another To care for everyone with compassion With one heart, we raise our voices To God our everlasting love (Repeat chorus) Misioneras del Perpetuo Socorro, We are missionaries of love

Jesucristo Redentor, Maestro, Misionero, A Él es a quien yo sigo y tras de sus huellas voy. Irradiando en Alegría su amor misericordioso A pobres y abandonados la Buena Nueva daré. MUJER QUE QUIERE VIVR SU VIDAD COMO JESÚS, AL SERVICIO DE SU PUEBLO QUE AYUDE A LLEVAR LA CRUZ. 71


“EL CARISMA” ¿Qué es el Carisma? Gracia de Dios y muy especiales Que las Misioneras Socorristas siempre llevamos Y que con amor serán siempre muy misionales La que con trabajo misionero llevaremos a nuestros hermanos.

Misionera de quien dio todo su ser en la cruz Deseosa de poseer la dicha de amar como Él. Devolviéndole la vida a su pueblo oprimido Que doliente me reclama: ¿Dónde esta el Jesús que me ama?

Misioneras Socorristas, acompañadas y en primera Cuántas gracias recibidas para hacer la salida y llegada Aprovechándolas en esta y muy importante carrera Y así llegar llenas de alegría al final de esta jornada.

Que la justicia me sea la causa de la vida, Su ley en mi corazón misericordia será. Socorra al que esta en pena, siendo fuente de esperanza Solo favor de los suyos, su testigo fiel seré. Dichosa me llamaran al vivir su Palabra, Su amor me permitirá anunciar la libertad. Con un amor perfecto, intimo y delicado, Extenderé yo su reino, redimiendo a este mundo. Con María en la misión, rostro maternal de Dios, Fuertes y comprometidas con la obra de Redención. Camino en fidelidad, una vocación de amor. Fruto que dará a la luz una nueva humanidad.

El Carisma recibido de nuestro Padre Fundador Es una ley a cumplir todas y cada una de nosotras Imitando siempre a Jesús, Nuestro Maestro y Redentor Y así seguir con entrega, amor, Sacrificio y en obras. Nuestra Fundadora María Teresa Rivera Con sus altos anhelos misionero y amor Nos dejó un hermoso y gran legado de carrera El Carisma de llevar a los más abandonados, la palabra de salvación.


Qué hermoso y extraordinario Carisma nos han dejado Que nos señalará siempre el camino Para llegar a nuestros hermanos más abandonados Y llevarlos al encuentro de Cristo Salvador y Rey Divino.

The vision of our founders is to continue The mission of our Redeemer. Radiating the merciful To proclaim the Good News to all And the abandoned.

El Carisma siempre será bien conocido y llevado Por la Misionera al encuentro del Dios olvidado Llevándolo a todos los catequizados el encargo ordenado Para encontrar a Jesús encerradito en el Sagrario.

The MPS identity is revealed Manifested through creative fidelity They continue to cooperate With the grace of God, For the conversion To be human in the style of Mary.

(An Excerpt from the Poem by M. Rafaela Hernández Tovar)












JUNE 2014

Moved by the Spirit, to be more human In Christ Redeemer, in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress SR. MA. BARBARA V. FLORES

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS


Editor-in-chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion

Sr. Maria Victoria Flores Vivar, MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life

Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Formation NOVICE ALMA YADIRA MEJIA

Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action


Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sanchez, MPS Secretary General

General Econome

Sr. Norma Patricia Pテゥrez Esparza

Sr. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado

Mailing Address

MISIONERAS DE NUESTRA SEテ前RA DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegaciテウn Gustavo A. Madero ,07810 Mテゥxico D.F.

Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 perpetuo@prodigy.net.mx www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx SR. HILDA FLORES MEXICO NORTE


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