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80 YEARS OF RADIATING GOD´S MERCIFUL LOVE TO THE POOR AND THE ABANDONED ¡Ave Maria! As you open, browse on and read this issue of Estrella Misionera for the third quarter of year 2014, let me invite you to be in the same spirit as the disciples on the Road to Emmaus asking Jesus to stay with them for a little more time because they felt their hearts burning within them (Luke 24:29ff), and for us to continually ponder and treasure these things in our heart, just like Mary in the Gospel (Lk. 2:19)-- all the wealth and richness that we, as individuals, communities, regions and as a Congregation have encountered and experienced these past three months. In the last week of July, we, as one happy family called and chosen by the Lord and gifted by the Holy Spirit, gathered for the Charismatic Congregational Assembly. It culminated with the closing of the Charismatic Year on the Feast of St. Alphonsus Mary of Liguori. During that week, we shared grace-filled moments of discovery, study, reflection, prayer, discernment and fellowship. However, even long before and even after that, if we only give ourselves time to look at our journey, we will really see the beauty, significance and wealth of our charism which the Church has officially recognized 80 years ago in September 17 in the founding of our Congregation. Yes, 80 years of radiating God´s merciful love to the poor and the abandoned. Every time we realize the number of years that have gone by, we imagine a woman looking at a mirror and discovering wrinkles or scars on her face, white hair on her head, etc. This makes her humbly admit that years have indeed passed and that she is no longer young. Nevertheless, this awareness still leads to asking how she stands at the moment; how far she has gone in her journey; how she made use of her time, youth, talents, and all the gifts that she has received? As a Congregation, we are also invited to do a similar soul-searching and self-evaluation. This gift of charism of ours however, never grows old even if our body does. It becomes even stronger, more radiant and fresh as it is being joyfully lived and shared to others especially to the poor and the abandoned. This theme that we have chosen to sum up the contents of this issue summons us to look at the two very important nouns before and after the verb 'radiated': God´s merciful love radiated to the poor and the abandoned. We all know that to radiate means to emit, to give off, to glow with, to emanate, to brim with, to overflow with or to spread. What is there to emit, to give off, to glow with, to emanate, to brim with, to overflow with or to spread if we are not very clear in understanding or if we do not allow ourselves to fully experience God´s merciful love? We understand that this is not just a one-time discovery and conclusion for one to be forever convinced. God´s merciful love is immeasurably abundant and the measure that our heart can contain is limited human as we are-prone to forget, to err, to be attracted to other beautiful things in life and to be discouraged by difficulties and pains in life. Therefore, as an obviously great part of the heritage left behind and emphasized by our founders is the interior life. We recall the words of our foundress M. Ma. Teresa Rivera Carrillo: “The life of the Missionaries should be a continuous recollection; to achieve this, they should, first of all, have great value in the exercise of God's presence" and our founder Fr. Agustin Nistal Garcia: "...The Sisters of Perpetual Help should love, as the apple of their eyes, the interior life, so that, being souls of a great, constant and extraordinary prayer, they may achieve a very difficult aim." 4
And therefore, we recognize that our prayer is dynamic when our knowledge of God and His love is even more deepened. This only becomes possible by allowing the Lord to reveal Himself more to us through His Word in the Scriptures and in our life experiences as we meet Him and feel His presence among the brothers and sisters we encounter each day. Isn´t it true that indeed His Word is alive because we did not just read or proclaim it but also because we experience it in our life? Having a strong and constant experience of God´s merciful love, helps us become more aware that this love is so great for our human heart to behold. It passionately moves us that we feel restless until we share it, give it away or radiate it to others especially the poor and the abandoned. Our founders and all the saints like St. Alphonsus had passed through the same dynamics. They felt and experienced God´s immense love that made them leave behind other things that they once took pleasure in their life just to be with Jesus whom they have found among the poor and the abandoned. Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter addressed to the Redemptorists for the Bicentenary of the Death of St. Alphonsus described Alphonsus as "a close friend of the people ... a missionary who went in search of the most abandoned souls. A former Scripture Professor of ours who is now the Auxiliary Bishop of Manila since the year 2006, Bishop Broderick Pabillo, said that when he was sent to take further studies in Scriptures, it was this knowledge that brought about love, and love pushed him deeper into study. Love and knowledge gradually affected his spirituality and this spirituality began to affect his decisions in life. It would always be the same dynamics for anyone of us. Each day, the Lord in the Eucharist, in our Meditation of His Word and in our day to day journey, reveals Himself as the God who is Love. If we are convinced that God is Love, that God is Charity, then, that brings us to understand better what M. Ma. Teresa Rivera told us: “Charity is the ornament of the life and soul of the Missionaries...”God is to be the center of our life and soul. It is the God dwelling in us, who moves us to go and be among the poor. Bishop Pabillo, a saint of the contemporary times, added that his love for the poor has been strengthened and given direction by the Scriptures and is an expression of his commitment to Jesus. When a person experiences this in a strong way, he/she is able to let go of her/his own needs or becomes aware that there are those who suffer more and are in much need. Pope Francis in his homily on September 30 said: “Avoid the melodrama and self-pity over minor problems in life… Instead, use life's inevitable difficulties to pray for strength and pray for those who are suffering real tragedy. "Our life is too easy, our complaints are melodramatic complaints compared to the many people suffering from debilitating disease, hunger and persecution.” Those are the poor and the abandoned. Everything that we have studied, reflected and shared about during the Congregational Assembly must have left a clear conclusion in each one of us. We are far more blessed than many, many people in terms of having our basic needs, of having one another, and most especially having our charism, and the constant awareness of the presence among us of our Blessed Mother, the Virgin of Perpetual Help and Jesus, the Redeemer Himself. We have journeyed for 80 years and spread His love but we continually discover that we receive much more. And so, let us continually walk together and joyfully radiate His merciful love to the poor and the abandoned through fidelity in our life of prayer, dynamism and zeal in the mission and good testimony in our daily life.
(Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores MPS)
“Jesus Redeemer, anointed by the Spirit, sent by the Father to proclaim the Good News to the poor (Lk 4,18), and who entrusted to His Church the announcement of the merciful love of God, is the origin and foundation of our apostolate (AA 4, 1; DA 32)” (C 75). Mercy is not just another virtue for Jesus, but it is the only way of being God, the only manner to look at the world as God looks at it, the only way to feel the people as God feels them and the only way to respond to human beings as God does. As we go deeper in our charism as MPS, we are assuming specific attitudes that we commit to manifest to the world as the Lord Jesus suggests. The theme of the last Congregational Assembly led us to the reflection and meditation of the MPS charism as a projection of the merciful love of God to the poor and the abandoned. Many current scenarios call us to commit ourselves into sharing with them this wealth we received with the attitudes of mercy and compassion with which Jesus lived during His time. The lives and response to God's plan of Fr. Agustín Nistal and M. Ma. Teresa Rivera serves as examples and encouragement for us to know how to embrace with merciful love the will of God that is often manifested in adverse situations. Our Congregation was born in the midst of persecution. It was necessary to be strong in the love of God and our brothers and sisters to take the risks they themselves took as they abandoned their life in the hands of God. “An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. It is familiar with patient expectation and apostolic endurance. Evangelization consists mostly of patience and disregard for constraints of time. Faithful to the Lord’s gift, it also bears fruit. An evangelizing community is always concerned with fruit, because the Lord wants her to be fruitful.” (EG 24). Dear Sisters, I thank everyone who, with her charismatic identity, manifested in her life and apostolate the merciful love of God, proclaiming the good news to the poor and the abandoned with specific actions. Thank you for sharing your experiences and for allowing us to enjoy your participation in the movement of the Spirit in each Region. "The sisters shall maintain alive the interest for the problems and activities of the Congregation. The General Superior and her Council will communicate to the Provinces the opportune information which is of common interest and contribute to stir and inspire the family spirit in all of us. The provincial superiors will do what is proper in their corresponding communities.” (D 48.1).
I encourage you as you continue to promote this sense of belonging by sending your contributions to the Secretariat of Communication with fidelity and punctuality. ““LET US BE MERCIFUL AS OUR FATHER IS MERCIFUL. ”
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS
(Given by Fr. Desiré Afana, CICM, on the 28th of July 2014 during the Charismatic Assembly) Dear Sisters, I really feel it as an honor, the fact that you invited me to be part of your august assembly, and for giving me this hour in your time table. You asked me to talk about charisma and the Church. I don’t think I am the right person to talk about so great maters like the Church and the charisma. But as we are already here, let’s try. We are in front of an affirmation: “The charisms enrich the Church”. Our task therefore, methodologically speaking, is just to explain how and why that statement is true. Of course, we can also prove that the contrary is possible. We have the choice between two methods: the quantitative method and the qualitative one. I will not use any of them. I go for a mixed method that means I will combine a theological reflection with an interpretation of concrete data. 1. What do we understand by charism? It is a gift of God to his Church. And from when can we say that a gift of God is considered like a patrimony by his people? There are many examples in the Bible that can illustrate this affirmation. a) God promised the Land to his people trough Abraham (Gen 12, 1). From that day on, the expected Land became not only a dream, an objective, an obsession, but the unique and true patrimony of Israel that was passed, by God’s instructions, from one generation to another: “I will give you the land that I promised Abraham and Isaac, and it will belong to your family forever” (Gen 35, 12). b) The Well of Jacob. He bought a plot in Shechem, cultivated the land for a while and after some times, his son José is buried there (Jos 24, 32). The particularity of that site is that Jacob dug a well in the middle of the plot and used the water to feed his family and his herds. From that day, all the Jews considered that well as their property. A proof of that is the famous dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman (Jn 4, 11-12) c) The temple in Jerusalem. King David was the one who got the vision, the idea of building a house for the Lord. But God warned him through prophet Nathan, that he will never have that honor to see the temple standing; that gift was prepared for his descendants (2Sam 7,12-13). Salomon has been the chosen one that built a house to the Lord (1K 6) and when the work was finished, he organized its consecration and God decided to stay in the midst of his people. The temple of Jerusalem, because of the Ark of the Covenant that was located inside, was therefore considered House of the Lord and in this sense, property of Israel. d) The Book or if you don’t mind, the tablets of the Law can equally be considered as a gift of God to his people and a great patrimony of Israel. That is why they kept them inside the temple, in a hiding place. e) The prophets are also part of the Israel patrimony. Their charism is from a divine origin and every Israelite believed that the prophets of his land were the best in the entire region. That is why they proudly spoke about them in front of other tribes. The typical example is the slave of general Naamán who commented to his boss, the power of the Israelite prophets (2K 5). f) God himself is considered a private and exclusive property of Israel; a gift handed by himself to the patriarchs. That explains the fact that he accepts to be called: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob… For Israel, God himself is their major strengt h and their best possession. The tribe of Levy did not receive any part of the Land but the name of the Lord as heritage (Jos 13, 34) when Eleazar the priest distributed the Land of Canaan. While others were receiving plots or goods as a reward for their fidelity to God, Aaron and his descendants only receive God himself as heritage: “You will not receive any land in Israel as your own. I am the Lord, and I will give you whatever you need” (Num. 18, 20). g) Jesus. He was announced and introduced as the fulfillment of God’s promise to David… God’s gift to his suffering people. The canticle known as Zachariah’s canticle expresses it in a better way that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise that God made to Abraham (Lc 1, 67-79). The old man Simeon who received Jesus when his parents took him for the first time in the temple In Jerusalem, called him “glory of Israel” (Lc 2, 32) what presents means the exclusive property of Israel. h) The Holy Spirit received the day of Pentecost can also be considered as a gift made by Jesus to his apostles. In fact it is a promise that he made one day to them: “Then I will ask the father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you” (Jn 14, 16). Only the apostles received it and in a second moment, the people judged prepared and worthy to receive it. Up to this point, the gifts of God are common, that means for the entire people. Even when it comes through a single person, the perspective is always a communitarian benefit. But we can also find in the Bible, gifts granted to individuals. Our aim is not to list them all. We just give some examples. -Peter receives from Jesus the gift of leading his Church (Mt 16, 18). He made him rock to resist all the temptations. We are therefore authorized to think that Peter received a charisma of endurance, strength, patience and leadership. -John received the gift of taking care of Mary, his mother (Jn 18, 26-27). With these two examples, we see that what at the beginning
is presented like a gift, turns quickly into, a task, an assignment, a mission, a personal service to Jesus. And this is the moment when we understand better what our charisma are: a personal service to Jesus. It sounds like Jesus has said to Peter: “I entrust you my Church”; to John: “I entrust you my mother”. And these two disciples only did that their entire life. Today, Jesus says the same to us: “take care of my sick persons”, “take care of my orphans”, “I entrust you the youth”, “I put this school in your hands”, “I entrust you the daily rosary, my passion, my mission….” And so came out our congregations with their respective charisma. God is always looking for somebody to help him realize his plans. It has been the case in the Old Covenant with Noah to whom God entrusted the regeneration of the earth after the flood (Gen 9,1); the same thing happened with the two angels he sent to burn Sodom (Gen. 19,1); and with Abraham to whom he asked to be the founder of his beloved people (Gen. 12,1-2). Moses also made the experience of the call of God when he asked him to lead his people out of Egypt where they were treated as slaves (Ex 3,7-10); and by the end, when God decided to redeem us, he sent his own Son to do that. Under the above tested dynamic , God entrusted to Mother Maria Teresa Rivera, the orphans, the poor women, the penitent souls, the children without education….what is nowadays your MPH charism. What we have just said above is a clear proof that a charism is something important because it comes from God and it is a legacy of the founders. 3. A charism is only given for the personalized service to Jesus through his friends, the poor. In that sense, each act of Jesus is source of charism. -During the way of the cross, he left the image of his face on a scarf that was carried by Veronica. From that day, Veronica received the commitment to keep and venerate the face of our Lord (See the seventh station of the Way of the Cross). -Joseph of Arimathea went to the authorities and asked the dead body of Jesus in order to bury him (Lc 23, 50-56). From that time, the charism of burying religiously our dead was born. In fact, in the history of our Church, it is known that a congregation founded by Godefroy de Bouillon and called Congregation of the holy Sepulcher existed from 1099 to 1489. -The apostles received the commitment of keeping the memory of Jesus during the Last Supper. “Do this in memory of me” (Lc 21, 17-19). The charism of the Eucharist is nowadays followed by many congregations. -Mary, Jesus’s mother also inspired charisma. One day, in a wedding ceremony in Cana, she said to the servants: “do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2, 5). She entrusted them the Word of his son. Nowadays, there are so many congregations dedicated to the Word of Christ. They are usually called Servants of the Word. In Mexico indeed, there is a congregation called Missionaries Servants of the Word, founded in 1984 by father Luis Butera Vullo. -God himself entrust the little child to the shepherds through the angels. The objective was to give a company to his Son (Lc 2, 818). In fact the early first congregation founded in Latin America is precisely the Congregation of our Lady of Bethlehem Brothers, in Guatemala by Pedro de San Jose Betancour in 1656. -God, one more time, entrusted the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elisabeth (Lc 1,39-40; 1,56) during three months. Although we cannot establish a direct link with the aunt of Jesus, there is a congregation called Sisters of Saint Elisabeth founded in 1842. -Some times after, the same God entrusted his Son to Joseph (Mt 2, 13-14): “take the child and his mother and go to Egypt”. Given like this the origin of the Josephite Fathers founded in United States of America in 1871. Vita Consecrata summarizes it as it talks about the Christological and Trinitarian sources of the Religious Life. And it is t rue that each person of the Holy Trinity inspires charism. 4. The Charisms are therefore what really make the Church be present in all the areas and marginalized zones. With the charism, the Church reflects each aspects of Jesus’s life: “Within this harmonious constellation of gifts, each of t he fundamental states of life is entrusted with the task of expressing, in its own way, one or other aspect of the one mystery of Christ”. (Vita Consecrata N° 32). 5. Is there a risk of collusion between the charism? Yes of course; there is a possibility of collusion between two charisms in the sense that they can be quite equal or one is t otally opposed to another. If this happens, the charism that we worship now as strength may turn into a disaster. Thanks God that nobody, none of us is really capable to do the work alone. There will always be a place in the vineyard of the Lord for each charism. Vita Consecrata says it in this manner: “They also show how the gifts of the Holy Spirit complement one another. In this newness, however, the Spirit does not contradict himself. The proof of this is the fact that the new forms of Consecrated Life have not supplanted the earlier ones. Amid such wide variety the underlying unity has been successfully preserved, thanks to the call to follow Jesus — chaste, poor and obedient” (Vita Consecrata N° 12). Otherwise, as the Religious Life is deeply insert into the Church, it is automatically participating to the mystery of communion. The members of the congregation are linked between themselves but at the same time, the churches where the congregation is present are also in communion thanks to the sisters. If we had so much money, it may be excellent to organize a meeting between the bishops of the dioceses where the congregation is present… Our purpose as missionaries, when we enter in a diocese, is not to fight the bishops. To the contrary, we feel with them: “Sentire cum ecclesia” (cf. Vita Consecrata no. 46). 8
6. What about the death of a Charism? When the principal goal of the Congregation does not exist anymore, there is a large possibility of death. A Charism also dies when the number of its members decreases. In one word, the lack of followers, the lack of vocations can sentence to death many charismas. Actually, many European congregations who did not open their doors to other cultures are facing that issue. 7. A charism must adapt itself to survive In this section, I just make mine, the idea of Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium. He indeed invites all the disciples to cross the line, to come out. As a religious, I understand it like an invitation to go further than what our charism is asking from us. Before Pope Francis, Vita Consecrata (n°36-37) has already invited us to make two operations: fidelity to our charism but creative fidelity. Furthermore, before ending the exhortation, (n° 96-103), Saint John Paul II invites us to consider new fields of mission like education (and in this case Mother Teresa Rivera was a visionary), culture, mass media, interreligious dialogue, new Spiritualities… To this list,
and I am sure you will agree with me, we can add the migrants, the afrodescendants, the Street children, ecology…In short, a charism, if it wants that it will continually live, and attract younger generations, it must reinvent itself and “ cross to the other side” according to this time. Otherwise, it becomes like something just good for the museum. 8. The religious are an Asset for the Church If we consider what they have given to the Church, if we take into consideration their diversity, the consecrated are a great richness for our Church. When a local church received religious missionaries, it grows, the same when it “produce” missionaries sending them abroad. Vita Consecrata makes a list of nine forms of consecrated life: Monastic life in the East and the West, the Order of Virgins, the Order of hermits and widows, the Institutes completely devoted to contemplation, the Apostolic Religious Life, the Secular Institutes, the Societies of Apostolic Life and finally, the new expressions of consecrated life. The religious are a patrimony for the church due to the testimony that our elders gave accepting death, when it was required to them (Vita Consecrata, 86). The charisms are riches for the Church in the sense that they realize they make present all the aspects of Christ-redeemer. It means that each charism reproduces a specific aspect of Jesus’s heart. The consecrated life, when they join at the local or universal level with all the charisms approved by the Holy See complete the Body of Christ. The charisms are also richness for the church because of what single religious invented and left into the Church. Saint Thomas Aquinas for instance, in term of theology left an unequaled contribution. And this has always been the situation when we look at the history of our Church: Religious men and women have given to the church, well-prepared missionaries and pastoral agents. Many members of our congregations have been called and appointed to places with huge responsibilities. By the way, the current Pope is a religious (Society of Jesus), the former secretary of the Vatican state Tarciso Bertone is a religious (Salesians of Don Bosco). In Mexico, the National Bishops Conference is integrated by 165 bishops. Among them, we find 17 religious. In the archdiocese of Puebla, there are around 600 priests; 200 of them belong to a congregation. Little before the death of Pope John Paul II, our Church had 200 cardinals, 35 of them where religious as we can see in the table below: If we come to the saints that are venerated all over the world, the majority of them are religious. More precisely, the MPH work in seven different countries. Not all these seven countries have declared saints. In Venezuela for instance, one sister who founded a congregation, has been beatified. In Guatemala, there is also one sister beatified. She also founded a congregation. Mexico is the country with more saints: 32 in total. Among these 32, 13 are religious. The archdiocese of 9
Mexico City itself is under the protection of a religious saint: Agustin Pro who was a Jesuit. United States of America also have two saints and the only woman is a religious and founder of a congregation. The Philippines are the second powerful country in terms of saints among the countries where your congregation is present. They have 16 saints. 14 of them are religious. 9. The charism recognized by the Church hierarchy The Latin America bishops Assembly always praise the congregations for the good job they are doing. That means the Latin Americans bishops are conscious of the richness brought by the consecrated women and men in their local churches. Here by, because of the time that is running, we just give some fragments: PUEBLA (1979) The Bishops gathered in Puebla, considered the Consecrated Life as “a structure of evangelization” when, in the first part of chapter three, they were talking about the church reality in Latin America at that time. (See no. 120-124). They recognize that the congregations are a great bulwark for the dioceses but they don’t go further than that statement. We find that reflection a beet poor when the reality is that religious are the one who really work among the poor, the natives. In the chapter we are commenting, the word charism is mentioned only once. The explanation is that for the bishops who participated in that assembly, the charism is not an exclusivity of the Consecrated Life. It is a product of the Holy Spirit’s action. Therefore, the charism has never been absent from the Church due to the fact that since the beginning, the Holy Spirit has been present and active. It is clear that for the Latin American bishops, the charism is not a matter of the Consecrated Life only, even the lay people can talk about it as an effect of the Holy Spirit they received when they were baptized and confirmed. It is just a matter of putting some basic rules to avoid troubles and disciple the different charism (see no. 207 of chapter I, second part). The same logic follows in the second chapter of the document when the bishops declare that the consecrated people are part of the pastoral agent and under that identity, they need more formation and better training. The bishops’ position gets a bit lighter in the third part of the document. They recognize in chapter 2 nº 721-776, debating around the evangelization strategy, that Consecrated Life is a wonderful tool that will ever be left aside in the evangelization process of Latin America: “it is a source of pride for us, bishops, when we see the presence and dynamism of so many consecrated women and men in Latin America, dedicating their entire life to the evangelizing mission as they did in the past. We can say with Paul IV: “we often meet them in the forefront of the mission, facing many difficulties and risks for their holiness and their own lives. Yes, the Church owes them a lot” (nº722). By the way, the bishops invite the Consecrated to strengthen “the fidelity the original charism and to its renewal and adaptation according to the needs of the people, in order to achieve better the evangelization goals”. Vita Consecrata (John Paul II, 1996) “We are all aware of the treasure which the gift of the Consecrated Life in the variety of its charism and institutions represents for the ecclesial community” (nº 2 & 2). “How can we not recall with gratitude to the Spirit the many different forms of consecrated life which he has raised up throughout history and which still exists in the Church today? They can be compared to a plant with many branches which sinks its roots into the Gospel and brings forth abundant fruit in every season of the Church's life. What an extraordinary richness!” (Nº 5 & 1). According to Vita Consecrata, the second Vatican council has been so important for the consecrated life that, “in the light of that teaching it has been recognized that the profession of the evangelical counsels indisputably belongs to the life and holiness of the Church. This means that the consecrated life, present in the Church from the beginning, can never fail to be one of her essential and characteristic elements, for it expresses her very nature”. (Nº 29 & 1). CONCLUSION The charisms are very important for the Church. They are a treasure, the nut that crystallizes the prestige of our Church. I want to end up inviting each of you to be conscious of the fact that you are riches for the Church, you are the salt that gives a special taste to Christ’s mission. You have so much to be proud of… your call and consecration, and for this, play your role for the edification of the Kingdom of God. 10
(Given by Fr. Desiré Afana, CICM, on the 29th of July 2014 during the Charismatic Assembly)
Dear sisters, this intervention resemble an exhortation that you consider your charism as a patrimony that God entrusted you with love. Let me start by reminding you that we said that a charism is a gift of God that He grants to His people; and further on, we added by saying that a charism is a gift of God granted to His Church. We illustrated our arguments with some examples: the holy land, the Jacob’s well, the Book of the Covenant and the name of God itself. These gifts were so important for the people that they always considered them as true heritages; that means possessions of the Chosen People. In the New Testament, the idea of gift of God is mostly a service, a help that Jesus asks from His apostles. Even when He would give them a privilege, that privilege is very soon converted into a commitment. Each one of the apostles was conscious of the fact that they were owners of something divine. For them, the Word of God, the faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit was treasure that they had to zealously keep and transmit with fidelity. This is the way Peter directed the words to the lame man at the beautiful gate and must be understood: “I don’t have any silver or gold. But I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, get up and start walking” (Acts 3, 6). Jesus was therefore their possession and the principal theme of their teaching. John, while writing his first Letter, said quite the same: “We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so that you may share in this life with us” (1 John 1, 3). Saint Paul, in his opinion, was convinced that even the priesthood was a heritage that needed to be protected and dignified by the person who receives it: “Use the gift you were given when the prophets spoke and the group of church leaders blessed you by placing their hands on you” (1Tim 4,14). However, Paul explains that if somebody receives a special gift from the Lord, the gift is not for him alone. To the contrary, he must use it for the sake of the entire community: “Think of us as servants of Christ who have been given the work of explaining God’s mysterious ways” (1 Cor 4, 1). This understanding enables us to declare that a patrimony is a property that legitimately belongs to somebody or to a group of individuals. And when we use the word legitimately, it is to say that the group itself is legally constituted and recognized. This also supposes that the goods that we are talking about have been honestly achieved. Any heritage should be recognized and protected by the law. A stolen heritage can’t be considered as a wealth or treasure because it lacks legitimacy. Types of patrimonies Let us distinguish two types of patrimonies: a personal patrimony that is the sum of the properties of an individual. The owner can dispose of his treasure as he wants while he is still alive or, leave it to someone else through a legal document. Even when there is any written donation proof, in some countries, the family of the one leaving, mainly the children, may keep his properties. On the other hand, we have the shared patrimony like a nation, a congregation, a charism obviously. It belongs to all. The charism, for instance, is not a property of somebody in particular, but belongs to all the members of the Congregation. Talking specifically about the MPH sisters, María Teresa Rivera received the “Documents” from Soledad Santa 11
Cruz. These documents held in their pages the charism of the Congregation as designed by Fr. Agustin Nistal. That is why they have an incalculable value. The fact that Maria Teresa received the documents legitimized her as the new head of the project. Sources of the Charism A charism can have many sources. We have already sufficiently talked about the divine origin of a charism. We just want to underline that a charism can be found in the Constitutions, in the Congregation’s Erection Decree, in the writings of the founders, in their biographies, in the symbols of the Congregation, as in the same seal and shield of the Congregation. From now on, this document that you are working on will be considered as a source of charism. The icon of the Virgin of the Perpetual Help is obviously a powerful source of charism for your Congregation. Charismatic Places A part from the written documents, there are what we call “charismatic places”. These are places of missions where the founders have been working; their missionary itinerary, I mean. The schools or charitable deeds held in the past by the Congregation, the MPS convents, the Central House of Azabache (Mexico) and all the buildings from where the leadership is exercised, should reflect the charism in order to give the example to the rest of the Congregation. That is why, this assembly is really a good shot because you decided to organize it in this significant place: the Central House where the general government’s offices are at the same time located. The formation communities are in fact charismatic places. The postulants and the novices, although they have not yet professed their solemn vows, are already living and sharing the charism of the Congregation. Because, as someone said, “if you want to learn how to swim, do it by staying in the swimming pool”. The tombs of the founders, in case that they exist, are also charismatic sites. If the mortal remains or even have been cremated, the churches wherein they reposed are also charismatic places for you. If you had enough money, it would be good for each MPH to visit the tomb of Fr. Agustin Nistal in Spain. This trip can be organized just little before the perpetual vows of the sisters, with the purpose of empowering the charism in them. Remembering the experience of Mary, Jesus’s mother, who was keeping everything in her heart, we can say that the real place where the charism is located is neither a book, nor a geographic site, but the heart of the MPS sister. Charismatic Moments In fact every day, each moment in the life of an MPS sister should be a charismatic moment; because the MPS are totally dedicated to the mission entrusted to the Congregation by the Church. However, let us list here some key moments or occasions that can express the charism in a wide and open way. The feasts and the important dates of the Congregation must be celebrated all over the world as charismatic moments. The profession of the vows (temporal or perpetual) must be taken seriously because they give you the opportunity to celebrate the MPS identity and to rejoice because young sisters are joining the Congregation. The meetings you organize at the community, regional or congregational level are also chances to feed the charism a little more. The jubilees or anniversaries of your schools and charitable deeds are also charismatic moments that should not be neglected. Death can also be a charismatic moment. When a sister dies, despite the sorrow you feel, you should praise the Lord for her life and testimony and pray that God may give her the reward she worked for. As we are mentioning this, let’s also say, once for all, that even when a sister leaves the Congregation, we must see it as a charismatic moment. Because when somebody decides to leave a group, that group should question itself. To conclude this long list of possible charismatic moments, we mention the meals and relaxation moments in your communities. Sometimes, we get to know somebody better until we share a meal or a joke with him. 12
Who is the charism custodian? If we all agree that the charism is a shared property, the next question is the following: who is in charge of safeguarding the charism? Who is responsible of the charism? In fact all of you are responsible of your charism. Each one of you is invited to protect and promote it. But this task is mostly for the superiors: the general superior and the regional superiors. Remember that a charism is a gift of God to His people. That means the bishops, united to the Pope as responsible of the faith and the Good News that is preached, are also guardians of the charism. Not many years ago, Pope Benedict XVI assigned a cardinal to reform the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ that was going through a strong crisis. Conclusion As a conclusion, let us say that a charism is a patrimony that belongs to all of you, to each of you. That means you have the duty to study, protect and promote your charism. The General Government, may be, is the first responsible, but each of you is also called to visit, at least one charismatic place in your life. That is why a museum, a kind of “window� where elements of the cultures of the places where you work can be seen, is so important because it shows the diversity of the cultures in the countries where the MPS are present. To the elders, they are to be asked to write their memories so that in the coming years, the younger generations can find their testimony and nourish their religious life from there. The fact of writing their missionary history is to keep the memory of the Congregation alive. The local and regional superiors should help them in this task, giving them the necessary resources they might need. Another thing that you can do is to invite the elders to visit the formation houses in order to share their missionary experience with the youth. If there are obstacles for writing, a CD or a video can be edited. The 01st-02nd of November can also be considered as a charismatic moment by the fact that we pray for our departed fellows. The MPS sisters who have died are now your patrimony in heaven. Sisters, your charism is a real treasure, be aware of that.
Thank you.
ACTIVITIES DURING THE ANNIVERSARY OF COLEGIO PERPETUO SOCORRO, MAZATENANGO, GUATEMALA In preparation for the celebration of the 61th Anniversary of Colegio Perpetuo Socorro "COPERSO", the following activities were conducted: 18 of June: Coronation of Little Miss and Miss Sports, Miss Youth and Miss Coperso 19 of June: Torch bearing in Antigua, Guatemala with the participation of children, young people, teachers and parents 20 of June: School Fair 23 of June: Parade of floats, with the participation of all school and college levels 24 of June: Celebration of Teacher´s day by the students. 25 of June: The Teacher's Day celebration. 27 of June: Celebration of the Eucharist in honor of our Patroness, the Virgin of Perpetual Help. There was also the procession along the streets of Mazatenango. Upon entering the school, some creative numbers were presented. In the afternoon, we shared a beautiful moment of prayer with the Lay Missionaries of the Perpetual Help, followed by some dynamics and a delicious snack. On June 28, we had our fellowship recreational outing of the Region, an activity that was carried out at Xetulul amusement park.
ACTIVITIES IN THE COMMUNITY OF SONSONATE, EL SALVADOR The 25th of June, it was held the procession of children in early childhood "Albino Luciani", prior to the celebration of the Eucharist in the miraculous medal shrine, presided over by Fr. Ricardo Cuestas. The children accompanied by parents, teachers, and the sisters, walked in procession through the streets of the Villa Lillian Colony, dressed as little angels. Sister Maria Aracely Guzman Castro animated the procession with her guitar as she led them the singing and cheering. What a beautiful feast in honor to our Mother of Perpetual Help! ! Bless us, Oh tender and loving mother!
FEAST OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP On June 27, three communities of the Region of Central America gathered together in Colegio Perpetuo Socorro. At 5:00 in the morning, we had the joyful "Ma単anitas" and fireworks. At 8:00 a.m. the Eucharist at the Cathedral is celebrated with Fr. Ricardo Cuestas, parish priest of our Lady of the Angels, Sonsonate, El Salvador as presider. Then we had the procession, accompanied by the children dressed as angels and the College band while we prayed to the Virgin. As soon as we arrived the College compound, various artistic numbers were presented in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help. There was also the awarding ceremony of the floats and winners of the drawing and painting contests of the Virgin of Perpetual Help at different educational levels. Thereafter, we shared a delicious lunch at Casa Antigua which were attended by the sisters of Congregation, teachers, Perpetual Help Lay Missionaries, friends and people who have supported us in celebration of our anniversary. What a joy to see the whole educational community and the MPS sisters united in celebrating this great event of our College and Congregation!
BIOGRAPHY OF SISTER ENGRACIA AZUCENA DIAZ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This quotation was one of the favorites of Sr. Susi (as we fondly called this person we are about to lovingly recall). Sister Azucena was born on May 8, 1976, in Democracia, Escuintla. Her mother's name is Berta Diaz (still living). Her sisters are Cristina, Elsa and Enma Diaz. She had her elementary education in the Democracia, Escuintla and continued in the Institute of the Sisters of Maria Auxiliadora in Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. She joined the Congregation in 1997 and had her postulancy in Mazatenango. On December 8, 1997, she entered the novitiate and professed her first vows on the 8th of December 1999 in the Capital City. She had her Juniorate formation in the house located in Colonia Valle Dorado, San Cristobal City. She did not complete the first two years of the Juniorate because she was sent to the community of Mission in New York, although for some reasons, she was not able to go. She did not get her visa. As a result, Sr. Azucena was made to join the foundation in Amarateca City, Honduras, where she remained for some months. Subsequently, she returned in order to complete her studies at the Colegio Perpetuo Socorro and become a Primary Education teacher. Sr. Suzi spent six years in the community of Sonsonate, where she shared with children, young people and adults both in the Albino Luciani Preschool and in Our Lady of the Angels Parish. She made her perpetual profession on December 15, 2007, in Our Lady of the Angels Parish along with Sister Maria Aracely Guzman Castro. She was became part of the Colegio Perpetuo Socorro community; and in 2011, she started to serve as the coordinator of the Kindergarten and as teacher of Values Education in the different levels. She passed away last July 4, 2014 due to a car accident. She will always be remembered for her joy, dedication, dynamism and her special love for young people to whom she always gave time listening, sharing and giving advice. She often said that she was willing to obey the will of God and to give her services wherever she would be sent, and where she would be needed most. God seemed to have been taken by her sweet disposition so as to be fully united with Him. Thanks, Susi, for the years of self-giving to God and your brothers and sisters. We know that you are now enjoying the presence of the Lord!
FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION IN COLEGIO PERPETUO SOCORRO “Our Congregation has for its apostolic end, "the proclamation of the Gospel, human promotion through missions and catechesis, and the dedication to works of educational character in favour of children and youth ”. (C. 6)
Ave Maria, Sisters! Receive a warm greeting and may the Lord pour abundant blessings on all your missionary endeavours. As part of the activities planned within the PastoralEducational Ministry of the school, the children and adolescents were provided catechesis in preparation for their first communion and confirmation. On August 15, 15 children made their first communion, who with great joy and fervor waited for that moment of receiving the Eucharistic Jesus for the first time. The Eucharist was celebrated at 8:00 am at the Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew and was presided by father Angel Ojuel. What a joy was it to see the educational community gathered, celebrating an important event in the life of children and young people. On August 16, 21 young people received the Sacrament of Confirmation, who like the children had been receiving their preparation for this sacrament in the months of January to August. The Eucharist was presided by Bishop Pablo Vizcaino Prado with Frs. Ángel Ojuel, David Elías and Miguel Ángel Sánchez as concelebrants. Monsignor Pablo Vizcaíno invited the young people to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in their everyday life so as to be authentic followers of Christ and for them to live their faith with maturity. May God continue to strengthen the faith of our children and youth so that living their Christian life, they may bear witness to the love of Jesus.
There were more than four years and seven months that I have been sharing my experience in communities novitiate and juniorate in Mexico and I thank God the Father-Mother for all the graces and blessings that I received and lived with each of the sisters, especially with the elderly sisters in the different communities who have transmitted to me a great witnessing in their service and love for their vocation as I saw their commitment and dedication. I am grateful to the General Council for giving me the opportunity to strengthen my choice of life during these years of formation as well as to my formators who are committed, friendly and with home I felt at home as they accompanied me (M. Isabel M. Conchita and M. テ]geles); I thank their being so approachable and human in the development of my human and spiritual growth. I am very grateful for all the experiences during Holy week in Amatlan Veracruz, the mission communities organized by the Redemptorists fathers in Palmarito, Puebla, and the sectors and communities we accompanied in the parish San Francisco (La Villada Neza). Madres Victoria. Magdalena and Alfonsina, let me thank you for giving me your appreciation and for listening to me whenever I needed it. With your advices, you have guided me to always rely on the Providence of God that will never forsake us. What else can I say, there were so many adventures I had that I am now realizing, which lived with each of the sisters and these have been a great blessing to my life. I would like to write in detail to each one but I believe that it might write a book if I to do so, however I keep everything in the depths of my heart as I continue to journey in this life. And now that I am part of Mazatenango Community here in Guatemala as I share with students in kindergarten, the youth and young ladies in college, I realize the opportunity to enrich myself every day with them, listening to them and sharing my experiences, becoming aware that God is the primary source of all projects, who quenches my thirst and pushes me to give my best. When I was informed about my departure to Guatemala had allowed me to be there when Sr. Susy passed away. I am not opposed to this appeal, I accept with great joy to know that I would start a new experience and with sadness at the same time to know that I had to say goodbye to Juniorate community and to my
sisters with whom I have shared my life during that time. There had been wonderful experiences that left a mark on me as an MPS junior; there are challenges that invite me to discover that God is in the middle of everything and who always guides me towards Himself. And to renew my commitment to live in poverty, chastity and obedience, I ask the Holy Spirit to give me the grace of perseverance and love for the apostolate in education in our school so I may learn to put into practice all the knowledge I acquired in the Congregation and from the Inter-religious Courses. Thanks for your greetings and blessings on the day of my birthday. I commend myself to your prayers and know that I do the same for all of you and may the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help be with you all... I send my big hug in Jesus and Mary. Thank you Lord for the gifts we have received from your infinite goodness in our beloved MPS Congregation.
PERSONALITY WORKSHOP On August 23 the community of Mazatenango had a Workshop on Personality, with Licentiate in Psychology, Ma-
rio Francisco PĂŠrez Grotewold. He taught us the several tools of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming method, with which we can improve our personality.
He emphasized the different parts of the brain that influence our human behavior and the importance of the change in attitude, to be positive, enterprising and successful people who build more humane communities.
He stressed the importance of the seven steps to achieve a power personality: Visual perception: using the imagination to visualize ourselves as we'd like to be or achieve. Sensory perception: being sensitive to what happens around us. Auditory perception: using the auditory part of our being. Power stance: integration of all our senses, to achieve a cell rene-
wal of our brain. Use clean and proper attire according to each occasion. Increase the degree of sympathy.
Lic. Mario ended up his intervention by conducting the assessment, showing the aspects the use and suggestions for upcoming workshops. We shared a delicious lunch where we continued exchanging our experiences from the workshop and there was a nice fellowship among the sisters of the three communities of the Region. As a continuation of this workshop about personality, Sr. Maria Aracely Guzmán invited us on the following day, Sunday 24th that each one expresses how she felt and how the workshop of the previous day had helped us. At the end, she gave us the information from the Congregational Assembly and shared about their experience of the same. To culminate the fellowship, he spoke about some important aspects to consider in the formation of young ladies who are interested in being part of the family of Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
FORMATION WORKSHOP: CONFRESUR With great joy, let us share with you that a formation mee-
ting was held on the 31st of August, Sunday in the community of Colegio Perpetuo Socorro, attended by the religious of the whole Diocese of Suchitepéquez, Mazatenango, who are members of CONFRESUR (Conference of Religious in the South). The Committee of Confregua invited Jesús Balmaseda, a Marist brother and Fr. Ángel García Zamorano, a Missionary of the Sacred Heart as resource persons for the said workshop,
Hno. Jesús Balmaceda
Brother Jesus informed us about some activities that had been carried out at the level of Confregua and encouraged us that Confresur will send its annual plan, with a purpose of imparting another workshop. He also made us aware us of the importance of participating in the Annual Assembly of Confregua, which would take place on the last Sunday of January. Fr. García Zamorano gave the theme of the Mission in Evangelii Gaudium, emphasizing on the Religious Life wherein he highlighted some keys in carrying out the mission in a renewed way. We closed the workshop with the celebration of the Eucharist, lunch and a moment of fellowship. These moments were very enriching as there was a nice sharing with the sisters of different charisms in the Diocese, where we will be encouraging each other that we continue to build the Kingdom of God every day
Padre Jesús García Zamorano
From 26th to 28th of September, we had the Vocational Tri-
duum with the students of the Colegio Perpetuo Socorro. We talked about vocation as a calling and gift of God to which all are invited to respond to as individuals and as Christians. The first day of the Triduum was a talk about the vocation to life and the Christian vocation wherein we stressed to them the importance of valuing life and how to live it with freedom and meaning.
On the second day, we had the privilege to have with us the couple Archila de Domínguez and Jorge Domínguez who talked about the vocation to Married Life. There was also Miss Dora Lili Mendoza who shared about the vocation to Lay Missionary Life. For the third day, the theme was about consecrated and priestly life and for this we had the presence of the Fr. Gerónimo Batzìn, C.Ss.R. and the participation of Sr. Erika Reyes Campos who shared her experience of life. We ask God and our Mother of Perpetual Help to continually touch the heart of the young people so we may have abundant and holy vocations for each state of life.
PLACE OF ENCOUNTER WITH GOD Since 2009, I am visiting the prison in Sonsonate with a group of laity and the parish priest. A few days ago I did the weekly visit, when I got to the place where we shared with those deprived of liberty, I was told: what happened, sister? It had been days already that we did not see you. We had a dialogue and had the meeting where we shared the Word, we sang, we did some dynamics and we prayed. They also shared some experiences. They gave me a cup of coffee and I hesitated to take it since they did not have, but still they insisted me to drink it. Although it was late for me, I took it and saw that to accept their thoughtful gesture had made them feel happy. As they shared, one of them said: "It is my first time to be here, and I want to keep coming. What must I do?" We ex-
plained the process and expressed to read Luke 6.37 since he felt condemned for something he did not do, it hurts much but I told him: "Perhaps they condemned you for something you did not do, but maybe you did other things and for which they did not condemned you, therefore, it is also good to reflect." His response was: "you are right". Many of them sometimes are not aware are their fault, and the great ability to forgive is immense, because he actually understood that it is so and this even worsen their resentment. In another case, one shared that he was accused for no reason that he became so infuriated that he looked for his gun and waited for the person with plan of killing him, but today he gives thanks to God that he did not found him for it was his uncle. He finally made another mistake and today he is in prison, but he expressed: "after a few days that my uncle asked forgiveness from me for having realized my innocence, which at that time I did not forgive him, and today I think that I could do it". This means that him for, the prison has been a place of encounter with himself and how this young with so many experiences that I've ever heard and I clearly see as many of them, I would say that they are not responsible for having gone astray, there is a chain behind all of these. These moments encourage me to see how God is working in them and when I don't feel like going due to some excuse, it is when I would push myself to go and on my return I am with more encouragement than before. There is no doubt that here is a place of encounter with Someone who we sometimes do not imagine to meet this place. How do I see the prison according to my ideas, thoughts, influences, comments, etc.? If we close the topic, it challenges us as a church. What do I do in order to avoid the prison from continually getting filled? Therefore, we are also visiting schools and public institutions to give talks about values so as to counteract this in some cases, starting from the children to young people. As a Church, we are betting on this because we all want peace, but we do nothing to obtain it and so here is where we bring the Church or religion or Christian life, theology? In schools, we have a very suitable material for this as well in the missions. Wherever the MPS goes, we encourage ourselves to find God who is much closer to us and receive the grace to recognize Him. In celebration of the novena to Our Lady of Mercy, Srs. Celina and Maripaz attended also. On the 24th of September, the Bishop presided at the Eucharist.
INDEPENDENCE OF CENTRAL AMERICA In Central America the independence festivities are held on the 15th of September. From 1821 until today, there are already 193 years of liberation from the Spanish rule. The Central American countries are Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The Spanish called it the captaincy. After the independence of Mexico, Captain Gabino Gainza convoked a meeting consisting of priests and prominent people in the community to define the future of the captaincy. This call was held on September 14, 1821. When the people knew the reason for that meeting went to the streets with torches to request independence immediately. On September 15 the Act of independence was signed.
The holidays were celebrated in Central America with colorful parades of each educational establishment which give greater enhancement to the festival. There were attractive costumes, school bands, majorettes and presence of the queens of each school level. There were the parade of the children Albino Luciani Preschool, the Community of Sonsonate with the students of Colegio Perpetuo Socorro, Mazatenango , Guatema-
(Thanks to the Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion of Central America Region)
GREETINGS FROM THE COMMUNITY OF ST. JOHN NEUMANN 8 de septiembre 2014 Ave Maria, Sisters! In this celebration of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin, in which all we feel united in the heart of our Mother, we send you a fraternal greeting from this mission in the Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, where we have been assigned to accompany the Hispanic community in their journey of faith. After enjoying the visit to our family and friends and having the pleasant experience of being with our sisters in the community as we especially shared about the General Assembly at the Central House, we were hearing once again the mandate of the Lord "Go" (Matthew 28: 19-20) where Jesus sends his people to preach the Gospel at all times and everywhere, to spread it in every corner of the Earth. The word of God constantly shows us how God challenges those who believe in him “to go forth”. Abraham received the call to set out for a new land (cf. Gen 12:1-3). Moses heard God’s call: “Go, I send you” (Ex 3:10) and led the people towards the promised land (cf. Ex 3:17). To Jeremiah God says: “To all whom I send you, you shall go” (Jer 1:7). In our day Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples” echoes in the changing scenarios and ever new challenges to the Church’s mission of evangelization, and all of us are called to take part in this new missionary “going forth”. (Evangelii Gaudium 20). This "going forth" will be heaped with the "Joy of the Gospel" and the gladness of being Missionaries our Lady of Perpetual Help. Fraternally from your SISTERS OF THE COMMUNITY OF ST. JOHN NEUMANN
Profession of Vows: An act of Gratitude to God’s Love… By Sr. Shirley C. Mabunga
Every event brings changes in our life and I believe that its purpose is always for the betterment of us. When I responded to the invitation of Jesus to “Come, follow Me”, I knew that my life would no longer be the same as before. There were fears and anxiety, but I could also felt the joy, confidence and hope that God is with me. From the time I entered the religious life, He has never failed me, always inspiring and assuring me with these words : “You did not choose me; it was I who chose you and sent you to go and bear much fruit, fruits that will last” Jn 15:16. He was and is ever faithful to his promises. It is in the most difficult times that God reveals his faithfulness. This is what gives me the courage to continue my journey. With all the experiences and discoveries I had in journeying towards total submission of my entire self to God, I was overwhelmed and redeemed by His love and compassion. I am not worthy to be called but still he chose me and promised me to bear fruit that will last. Then I pondered, how can it be? (Just how did Mary react when visited by Angel Gabriel?). With my own capacity, I cannot; but with God’s grace, nothing is impossible, I can. Upon realizing this, I can’t help but feel grateful and blessed with the gift of my vocation. Thus, on the 24th of June 2014, with my heart filled with joy and gratitude, I uttered my “Yes” to God’s invitation as I had my first profession of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience before Him. I was joined by my beloved family, friends, benefactors and sisters in the Congregation. The ceremony was presided by my Spiritual Director Fr. Bonifacio Flordeliza, C.Ss.R together with other concelebrating priests. Sr. Ma. Barbara V. Flores, MPS, made her renewal of vows on that same day too. Indeed, our profession is an act of gratitude to God’s for choosing us to follow him as consecrated women. I am also grateful to my Congregation, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, for accepting me. Through our charism of radiating the merciful love of God to the most abandoned, we share the mission of Christ of bringing the good news of salvation to all especially to the poor. And so, I pray that with the help and intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary, who I believe, led me to Jesus in order for me to hear His invitation, I may live the vows I made and the MPS charism. I pray that I will be faithful and be firmly rooted to the very source and reason of all these gifts, the real treasure, no less than my Lord and my God, up to the very end of the journey. 26
I am blessed with the opportunity to finish my Licensure in Social Work. I believe that it is God who made me decide to take up this course as a tool to reinforce my vocation in collaborating in God´s plan of salvation. Social work is actually not far from what I do as Missionary. My missionary work was enhanced by the integration of faith and experiences with learned theories in doing my ministry. I now see the role God has prepared for me-- giving my life joy and fulfillment. The experiences I had with the children in the placement agency where I had my exposure and the people I encountered where I have done my community organizing were opportunities to develop my skills and capability to help people regain their social functioning and faith in God despite their brokenness--making them realize that they will overcome their difficulties with the grace of God. The process, however, is not easy. I encountered problems, although these did not deter or discouraged me. I prayed hard and explored all possibilities in order to find solutions. All my learnings as a social worker ignited my passion to take decisive action, make an impact by being firm and truly responsible in helping others--moving forward with mutual endeavor in achieving a goal. As a Board Passer in Social Work, I am greatly challenged to be able to do something about people's situations; especially those who do not have access to resources that could help them. I am convinced that this is the will of God for me because in this way, I will be able to apply our charism, reach out to people, make them experience God, discover the purpose and meaning of their lives, alleviating their situation and become an advocate of their rights. Citing the bible passage saying ““Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me”, I deem it best to teach, empower people and give them opportunities to improve their lives instead of blaming others of not acting on their clamor. I am ever so grateful to the congregation, for the support and the trust given me and all the love and encouragement, (being there for me) lifting up my spirit when I am down; directing my steps when I am at a loss, and reminding me who I am, and leading me always to Jesus and the Blessed Mother. Allow me to boast about the secret of my 'success': I have the Blessed Mother and Jesus in my life. “When we create, when we work for the new or push ourselves ahead in search of fulfillment and change, we do so in a collective progress. Then we step into the unknown together, ready to shape what’s coming” this is social work profession: to do things in a collective progress. And this is my mission.
After my personal encounter of God’s Love through our thirty days retreat, Sr. Alejandra Valdez, MPS asked me to visit the regional house. I had a feeling that what awaited me was the news of my new assignment/ apostolate, a gift which God entrusts to me and to the congregation. The night before, I was sort tense.(With my heart beating fast, I lighted a candle to calm down, and be assured of Gods’ love and presence) I kept repeating my favorite mantra which is “I am with you, Sol”. Upon entering the office of Sr. Alejandra, I saw the picture of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. I told Sr. Ale that it was one of best loved title for Mary, “Our Lady of Solitude”. I was struck by the image of Mary contemplating the instruments of her Son’s Passion - the crown of thorns and the nails. Upon learning of my new assignment, the more I saw the picture as a consoling symbol of Mary's assurance that she will always be here for us throughout our respective ministry. I was given strength and grace, and I whispered "Salamat po, Inay Maria". I was told that I was assigned in the Social Mission Ministry in Redemptorist -Lipa. I still have a little fear, the excitement and the challenge of a new ministry which means another VENTURE in my journey as a missionary. One of the programs of the social mission ministry is the JPIC (Justice, Peace & the Integrity of Creation). The objectives of this ministry are to promote and advocate the value of integrity of life and creation, social awareness and people’s involvement on needs, issues and concerns that affect them and the society, and to respond to the needs of the most abandoned. JPIC conduct special activities in the church for issues and concerns in order to raise consciousness and encourage involvement in certain issues or occasions to be observed according to people’s calendar(like prisoners Sunday, indigenous Sunday, Migrants Sunday, etc.). A short video teaser is usually shown before the mass/novena to disseminate information. Another important part of my ministry is the SOLIDARITY ASSISTANCE COMMTIEE (SAC) which is an outreach arm for all the volunteers in the Divino Amor Shrine. Its members are called to serve on an as-needed basis. SAC is there to respond to the needs of the victims of natural disasters, to answer to Jesus’ invitation to serve the poor. The church volunteers actively take part in generating funds and share their time and service during relief operations. Lastly, every 2nd Friday of the month, there is a Mass for Overseas Filipino Workers, a pastoral ministry for Filipino migrants and their families. One of the strategies here is to invite OFWs or their family members to share during the homily and participate in the liturgical activities.
As JPIC Coordinator, I have not yet experienced this kind of apostolate but I ask for the gifts of FORTITUDE and Wisdom from the Holy Spirit. I will need fortitude in time of struggles, and courage, in the midst of pain as I encounter the situations of our brothers and sisters. I will need wisdom to understand people, things, events, situations, and the willingness to apply perception, judgment, and action in keeping with the understanding of what is the optimal course of action. I remember one of the Redemptorist visitators from Rome who asked how our work with the Redemptorist- Lipa was. I humbly shared that it was a privilege and that I am very grateful that in this apostolate, we are able to share our CHARISM. Thanks to our founders Fr. Agustin Nistal and Mo. Teresa Rivera Carrillo, for handing down to us the precious gift to the Congregation and to the Church. Pondering my journey, I see it as a path of love which I have opted to take as I serve the poor with compassion; loving and cherishing the most abandoned whom God entrusted to us.
Last August 1, 2014 we joined the Redemptorists in celebrating the Feast of our beloved Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine in Baclaran. The Eucharistic celebration began at 9:30 am and was presided by Fr. Victorino Cueto, C.Ss.R, concelebrated by other Redemptorist priests. The homily which was delivered by Fr. Dave Clancy, C.Ss.R, inspired us to be more zealous and passionate missionaries for the redemption of souls. After the Eucharistic celebration, a simple agape followed in the refectory. There were other religious sisters from BPS (Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Good and Perpetual Succour) and OSR (Oblates of the Holy Redeemer) congregations. The occasion was also attended by our dear sisters from the different communities. It was an opportunity for us part of the Alphonsian family to come together to celebrate and honor our beloved saint. St. Alphonsus, pray for us.
A SILVERY YEAR By Sr. Annie D. Estraza
was inspired by the Gospel reading last August 20, which showed a most compassionate God. A landowner hiring workers to work in his vineyard at different times of the day, pays all the workers the same amount at the end of the day. In the celebration of our 25th anniversary as MPS (with Sr. Lileth), I find myself similar to the last worker hired by God, who had worked less, yet, paid so generously. I am very much overwhelmed by God’s goodness and mercy as I recall those years one by one leading toward its silver year. Still, I received bonuses, thirteenth month and midyear pays. Let’s begin to dissect these: First, when I went to Macau and Hong Kong (thanks to Sr. Susan’s desire-- anticipating our retreat to be in Hong Kong when we celebrate our 25th; and the Macau Community who sponsored it.) I went to Macau last August 3 to join Sr. Lileth who is presently based there, for our five day retreat in preparation for our thanksgiving Mass on the 15th of the same month. As I arrived, the sisters in the community namely Madre Veronica, Sr. Rosalia, Sr, Ana Pushpa, and Madre Brigida (Sr. Jenie, the superior, was still on vacation in the Philippines.) gave me the warmest welcome. The following day, we proceeded to Hong Kong, in Lamma Island, an hour travel by ferry boat. There, we met the Poor Clare nuns (all of them are Filipinas) at the Portiuncula Monastery, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island. We were so blessed to be in that place. The nuns' monastery is a bit secluded from the local people and tourists, being in the upper part of Yung Shue Wan mountain. Our five-day retreat began in the midst of a 24 hour-adoration of the sisters and it was on the opportune moment since it was within the novena days in preparation for the feast of their foundress, St. Clare of Assisi. We had for a retreat facilitator, Fr. Frank Elsinger, an American priest, who for five decades, had been dedicating his life as missionary in Hongkong and China. Fr. Frank, a very holy priest, shared with us the God he knew-- so humble and simple that He made Himself always available in His Eucharistic presence in the altar. He and the Poor Clares taught us to become prayerful, to constantly connect with Him because He is always there, waiting.
Still part of the bonuses was my chance to recreate in Ocean Park, the beautiful tourist spot in Hong Kong- a treat from Sr. Lileth and our friend Ellen Cuenco. Finally, we have had our great thanksgiving Mass and party in the Novitiate, Biùan City where we had our first profession of vows 25 years ago. Sr. Lileth and I left Macau last August 14 to be in the Philippines on the feast of the Assumption. Fr. Victorino Cueto with his very inspiring homily- was the main celebrant of the Mass, together with Fr. Dave Clancy, Fr. Ariel Lubi and Fr. Jing, all Redemptorists from Baclaran. A delicious lunch followed and a program which was lovingly prepared by our sisters. The singing, dancing and comical skit were all gestures of God’s kindness and affection. Sr. Lileth and I are so grateful to our Congregation, where we were destined to embrace religious life, learned to joyfully live the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, for sending us to missions radiating the merciful love of God to everyone we met, with whom we lived and grew in community. Above all, we thank all who have encouraged to be loving persons for others. We thank you all, our dear sisters, for journeying with us. Please continue praying for our perseverance. May God bless us all.
SPANISH CLASS By Sr. Merlie Decena, MPS
Last September 4, 2014, the MPS Philippine Region, as proposed in the Regional Project, started the Spanish Class under Sr. Annie Estraza. Fourteen sisters from the different communities in Luzon joined the lecture with enthusiasm. Each session, which is held at the Aspirancy/Postulancy Community in Betterliving in Paranaque every Thursday, starts at 3 pm and ends at 5 in the afternoon. We all find the experience of learning the language of our beloved Founders, Fr. Agustin Nistal and Mo. Maria Teresa Rivera joyful and enriching. What makes the study fun and interesting is the creative way of learning takes place via oral and written exercises. To better practice the language, each student is given the task of preparing an opening and a closing prayer in Spanish. The sisters were also encouraged to try speaking in Spanish when they go back to their respective communities after each class. It is truly a challenge for the sisters to learn the language; communicate with the Spanish- speaking sisters, and understand certain Congregational Documents. Gracias!
We started our journey in Bangalore on 30th May 2014. I, Sr. Ranjita, together with Sr. Shanti, took the train from Yeshwanpur Railway Station, taking with us our luggage and all things needed for our new mission in Banabira, in the state of Jharkhand, north of India. After a day and a half journey, we reached the Bishop’s House in Simdega, where Bishop Vincent Barwa, the Bishop of the Diocese of Simdega, welcomed us. Sr. Jeralda, who is also with us in this new mission, arrived ahead of us from her holidays in her hometown near Ranchi. We stayed for two weeks in the bishop’s house because the place intended for us in Banabira Parish was not yet ready. It was on 14 June that we left Simdega for Banabira. We reached the place around 12:00 noon. The Parish Priest, Fr. Alexander and some lay people of the parish, welcomed us warmly. They prepared lunch and dinner for us, too. The following day, Sunday, 15th June, we were formally introduced and welcomed by the parishioners. We were filled with joy at the warm reception and the expressions of happiness over our presence. The kindness, generosity and respect of the people easily made us feel at home. Banabira, a very rural place approximately one and a half hours from Simdega, is a good place for mission. We are happy to be working here as per our agreement with the Bishop of Simdega. I am assigned to teach in St. Mark’s High School where I started on 18 June 2014. The President of the school, Fr. Alexander, together with Fr. Sumilan Minj, the principal, and the staff, welcomed me. I am taking classes IX and X. I am to teach English and Moral Values. I am also responsible for the girls in the hostel and the youth of the parish called “Maria Marg”. From Monday to Saturday, I am in School, while on the 3rd Sunday of the month, we have meetings with the youth. As for Sr. Jeralda, she is teaching in R.C. Boys’ High and is in- charge of the “Krus Vir”. For her, it is an opportunity to teach the Bible and help the boys strengthen their faith. She also had the opportunity to make home visitations in the village where people welcome them. She said that this experience helped her deepen her faith and love for the mission. Sr. Shanti, at the moment, has not started her Social Work Center for Women in the Parish as she is busy with preparations for her final vows; of which Bishop Vincent is aware. However, the bishop requested her to submit her project proposal on what she plans to do and the facilities and materials needed for the project. The idea of this program is to help make women in the Parish and Villages aware of their rights and dignity and to uplift their very low status in society. 32
With the grace of God and the intercession of our loving Mother of Perpetual Help, our three sisters—Louie Jesintha, Manju Pratima and Darshan Sangeetha Clara, are now working in the rhythm of the place called Birds-HEAL (Birds Society of Health, Education Action for Liberation) at Jagruthi Nagar Kellur, in Jewargi Taluk, Gulbarga District which is north of Karnataka. This Society is run by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is originally from the state of Tamil Nadu. Located in this Birds-Heal Compound are the Berny Public High School (a Kannada-medium school), an English-medium Primary School, a small Hospital (for HIV/AIDs patients and walk-in patients, and gives community health services), Girls’ Hostel and Boys’ Hostel and Women Empowerment center. The majority of people in Gulbarga district are poor, depending only on agriculture for their means of living. They mainly depend on rainwater because of poor irrigation facilities. Students enrolled in Berny High School, mostly come from poor families. Since most of the students come from far villages, the brothers built the hostels to accommodate them. There are around 150 staying in the Boys' hostel and 65 in the Girls’. Berny High School is better known as Birds-Heal School. About 250 students come from their home in the Village. Three school buses transport them to and from the school. This is where Sr. Jesintha is teaching English subject to Class 7th, 8th and 9th. Since English is an unknown language, and not their mother tongue, the students initially have difficulty understand it. However, after three months, 70% of the students are able to read English (20%, with comprehension). Sr. Jesintha knows it is a long process of learning but she believes the possibility of achieving the goal. One of the things she is happy about, is that children love the subject and are eager to learn it. This is sufficient reason to make them succeed. Sr. Jesintha said, “I’m happy to share my experience with you all. I hope that you will have a glimpse of our mission with the non-Catholic people and children.” She added, “We don’t directly evangelize; but by being with them, we bring Christ and make His presence felt. We make them realize the loving care and protection of our Lady of Perpetual Help.” If it is God’s work, He will show the way and walk before us.” I am grateful to our Congregation for allowing us to work with the non-Christian people.” I also thank Bro. Abinash, the director of Birds-HEAL, who supports and encourages us in every work we do.” (Sr. Louie Jesintha) MPS: different Works, different cultures, different languages and nationalities but united in one common bond that is LOVE. I learned and read about this truth in books and in schools, but experienced the reality and actual situation in my mission. I am Sr. Pratima, MPS, a member of the Mission community here in Gulbarga. My present missionary work is for nonChristians who hardly know Jesus. Everyday, I meet people in different situations and conditions as I work in the hospital and in my fieldwork. As in-charge of the hospital, I have to coordinate with doctors, nurses, lab technician and with the patients suffering from HIV or TB. Only a few patients with ordinary sickness such as cold and cough or fever come. The HIV patients are well cared and loved by the hospital staff. The sad reality is that most family members of these HIV patients don’t accept them and do not care for them. In my work-- going to the villages around, I have different experiences discovering the sad reality that many people are still uneducated, living laid-back lives, not knowing their basic rights, and the value of health and hygiene. Many people are living below poverty level. Seeing all these make me realize how blessed I am for receiving a good education and getting proper nourishment, clothing and shelter. In the villages, some people have no houses. All these help me to pray more and develop a greater love for God. Despite the tiring work, I strive hard so I can reach out to the people in need. Though I do not know the local language, I manage to communicate with the people by learning slowly and through my interactions with them. All in all, I am happy with my work as I am now more familiar with what I’m doing, and with my staff. (Sr. Manju Pratima, MPS)
It is God's will that we be in a place where He opens our eyes and see the world in its reality. Being in Gulbarga gives me an opportunity to know new places, people, culture and traditions. This is a place which is totally different as compared to urban areas such as Bangalore. Nevertheless, I am happy to be assigned in this place. It is a pleasure working with the poor children. Working in school as a teacher is a learning experience for me. It has taught me a lot of things. Teaching the children and being with them throughout the day is a joy. I have learned to be more patient and understanding. Children can be very naughty, playful and stubborn some times, so that it takes a lot of patience to manage them; but I remember God and ask His help. I do feel that the Lord is guiding me in many ways and leading me to be one with all them. Another good thing I learned here is being able to go down to the level of the students, being one of them and thereby teaching them according to their level of understanding. I have been given the task to be the all around in-charge for the English medium school, and this has taught me to take responsibilities such as talking in front of the assembly, assigning duties and chores to teachers, preparing timetables, planning extra-curricular activities for students, etc. These tasks have developed in me self-confidence and added to my self-assertiveness and self-esteem. After schoolwork, I usually have to go to the girls’ hostel to give tutorial to the children in their studies. I also help and teach them how to be clean and orderly with their personal belongings as well as with the things in the hostel. Since I have no experience being in a hostel during my student days, this apostolate is teaching me how a hostel for girls operates--the things needed, managing and disciplining the girls and giving instructions to the ones in-charge of wards. It is no easy task and difficulties crop up in the process; but it never became a hindrance, for the reward, which is truly heartwarming is the smile and positive response of the children. These give me strength and inspiration to continue my mission here. I confidently feel the accompaniment and guidance of our Mother Mary in all my apostolates here. In the three months of my experience living here in Gulbarga, I can now testify on how it is to be doing the redemptive mission of Christ. I am happy that my Congregation has sent me here to be part of its first mission of MPS in India. (Sr. Darshan Sangeetha Clara I.)
With great joy and gratitude to our Merciful and loving God Almighty, we the
sisters in the community celebrated the two most important events last September 24, 2014, the 80th years of the Foundation of our Congregation and the 25th Anniversary of the Religious Life of our Sr. Nileta (Lileth). We had our Holy Eucharist, presided by the Claretian priest Rev. Fr. Alberto Rossa CMF. Right after the Holy mass we had a simple fellowship. We were also grateful for the presence of Sr. Alejandrina Castillo from India in our community. We acknowledge Sr. Lileth's 25 years as MPS as a gift to our community which comes with the 80th years of Radiating the Merciful Love of God, allowing us to be more reflective and deeper in our commitment and conviction in living the spirit and the Charism of our founders as their legacy to our Congregation. It is a great challenge for us to continue to radiate the merciful Love of God wherever we are and in whatever we do. It is a gift we shall treasure, nourish and share in the service of others especially with those are in dire needs. We thank our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help who never fail to come to our aid in our journey. We thank them for the strength to remain faithful to our Charism and Mission which were entrusted to our Congregation.
My Renewal of Vows (By Sr. Anilú Morales Arroyo)
“Ave María , Sisters” Let me share with you my experience of renewal of vows on August 15, 2014, 6:30 p.m. in the community of San Luis Potosí. The celebration was presided by Fr. Bonfilio C.Ss.R. Before the Eucharist, I read the testimony of a young girl from Cambodia during the visit of Pope Francisco for the Sixth Asian Youth Day at the Shrine of Solmeo Seùl, where she expressed her great concern on how to respond to the many graces God. With this introduction, Father started by reminding me of the vocational uncertainty I have experienced at different times and stages of my life, however during the explanation of the Gospel and the readings of this day, I recognized the great mercy God has been always showing me and like this young Cambodian, I was asking within myself: am I responding to the grace of God? I thank the Lord for the opportunity He gives me to continue in this vocation where he constantly calls me and I ask on this Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the humility to be faithful in this way of following the Redeemer.
IAM AS THEY FINISHED THEIR ELEMENTARY STUDIES (COLEGIO DE VASCO DE QUIROGA – JULY 2014) It is so beautiful to think of our experiences from our missionary group. We learned new things about Jesus; that God is love and that He forgives and saves us. We got to know about the lives of many saints and that the most important thing in our life is God. We have read the Gospel and reflected on it. We also learned a new way of prayer, to follow and tread the good path. We will never forget the importance of helping others especially the poor and at the same time to pray for those who have forgotten God. We learned songs, ways to preach the Gospel, to live with each other, to be more responsible and generous and to be better persons. We will never forget Coniam because for us it was somewhat surprising to see the number of children who came from the various places of the Mexican Republic. The most important to remember is that it would be a failure for a family not to have a missionary child. We have been in our heart the joy to accompany our Mother of Perpetual Help in each of our houses where we prayed the Rosary and had a wonderful fellowship with the family. We will continue to be happy missionaries just like Jesus. MISSIONARIES OF GOD, OFF TO THE MISSION! 35
“LET US NOT ALLOW HOPE TO BE TAKEN AWAY FROM US” (E.G.) The MPS "Colegio Vasco de Quiroga" Community wishes to share with the readers of Estrella Misionera the joy of having started the 20142015 school year. On the 18th of August we started our work and had the Eucharist on the 22nd to invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our chaplain the Fr. José Juan Morales presided the mass and invited the whole educational community during his homily to give thanks to God for the gift of life and put ourselves in His hands so that the He may guide us in your journey during the school year. So far, we have 37 students in the preschool and 161 in the elementary department. We trust in the Providence of God that more students will come and we may be able lead them to an encounter with Jesus our Redeemer through the experience of human and Christian values.
On September 09, a meeting of the Directors of the Catholic Schools with Archbishop DN. Jesus Carlos Cabrero Romero was held with the purpose of recognizing the educational work that they are rendering to the Church and to the society of San Luis Potosi. The meeting was also to encourage the directors to continually work for the education that forms good Christians and responsible citizens. Taking the text of Lk. 4.18, the Archbishop urged us to release, to comfort or in other word, to redeem the students through the testimony by being approachable and understanding with everyone especially with those most in need. "May this be in your daily life program as well for your students." Some phrases that I highlighted in this meeting: "you cannot educate if not by means of freedom and charity". "You are the keys, you represent the presence of Jesus; He has no substitutes, you are there to talk to His small disciples". "Encourage them in hope, you are the soul of all education, hope in God not in your own self." Sisters Lucia Jimenez Naranjo and Ma. Hilda Flores Colunga participated in this meeting.
A very happy and pleasant blessing to each and every one of you, MPS.
It is my pleasure to share with you my experience during my studies, where I shared, learned and lived with my teachers, friends and colleagues of Escuela Normal Hispano Americano. Today is the time to celebrate. The day has arrived and with it, there is the possibility of doing a historical tour of my journey. Remembering how I chose this course and the reasons and circumstances that made me come to this Institute may be as distinct as minds are. However, I had something in common with my colleagues and that is to finish the Licentiate Degree in four years, not one more day. But what happened in these four years? During this time I met the Directress Mother Maria Elena, she motivated me to know what it represents which is to be part of an institution founded on principles and values: Labor, Omnia Vincit. In the same way, I had the fortune to enjoy the classes of each of my teachers, to know them by the way they work, to teach by example, for letting me see in history the work that the teacher has always had, to have involved me in the child development and their needs, to explore our sensitivity and creativity, to find a reason to teach even under small stones, to communicate effectively and elegantly without losing discretion, to delight myself with stories and to express myself through dance. Knowing that in this profession one is required to have the professional ethics; above all, it is vital to recognize that the formation of a teacher is important which means developing our skills, abilities, values, attitudes and skills in order to promote the accompaniment of our students. Within my formation, I learned how to speak in public and control nervousness, since being in front of a microphone, one imposes. I also realized the importance of teamwork; I enjoy organizing wall newspapers, civic ceremonies, festivals and get-togethers. How wonderful it is to remember! Each room has a personal anecdote shared in our group, the laughter, anger, sadness, disputes, reconciliations and beforehand, the awareness that God's love was always present. At the end of the day everything was there, so that the following day would be a new opportunity to be better and recognize through each other our virtues and defects. I want to thank God, also for having the support of the Congregation; of my family, and to know that there was always a companion and friend willing to share and listen. I thank each one who quietly gave me support, who opened the gates of the school, who support-
ed me by printing my projects even at the last minute, for the smile of those who lent me material and for the ones who kept my space clean and in good condition. I'll never forget those efforts that yield genuine results. For this reason I feel and am very happy to conclude a pleasant experience, because they have made me see the value and importance of constant readiness, but even more my own formation for successfully concluding in Licentiate in Primary Education. Thank you, God, for giving me this unforgettable experience.
DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE “"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven" On the 30th of August, Saturday, I decided to accompany the Missionary Sisters of Perpetual Help and represent our School the Diocesan Youth Conference 2014 in Tampico. I already had attended previously and I liked it so much. When I arrived, the theme was being explained and it was "Blessed are the poor in spirit...” it seemed lacking in that spark to attract attention of the youth, but there was nothing that a good company could resolve. There came the time for fun, the time for singing and dancing, where we enjoyed, all the people danced and sang with joy and enthusiasm and actually as young people we lived the day with songs like: “Jesus tells me to go to the right, to the right, to the right... ", “build your House on the rock" and many others that made all young people and others move in the Auditorium of Tampico. It really was a feeling of harmony and youth fellowship. We kept some moments of silence so as to begin with the Holy Hour. It is fascinating to see how young people go down on their knees and praise God with song and prayer. There was nothing better than a lovely time to be with Jesus. Several people went to place a candle at the foot of the big monstrance that bears the Eucharistic Jesus. It was beautiful! We continue with a mass presided by His Excellency Bishop Don José Luis Dibildox Martinez. It was really a beautiful mass and what is better than to be in the company of good people. By the end of the mass, there was an interchange of some signs or symbols so as to remember this great event. I saw people who did not know each other but during the exchange of symbols, there were great enthusiasm as if an atmosphere of God, an environment of happiness. I end the youth day but before leaving, I took the opportunity to take a photo with the Bishop José Luis, then each one went straight to their respective homes. (Experience shared by High School Student from Class 3°A, Alba Miriam Borjas Piñero)
The first Eucharistic Celebration aims to welcome the new school year from the spiritual realm, recalling and emphasizing the values that characterize our Institute. This ceremony was intended to give thanks to God for allowing us to start another school year, to bless each of the members that make up the school community as well as to offer God each of the means and activities with which either collectively and individually we ask and propose to do for the best development of the new school year. During the liturgy of the Word, a dance was presented by a group of students prepared teacher Araceli Vazquez; thereafter they also did the reading. This ritual brought about admiration and attention in the students. In the homily, Fr. Leobardo Mecalco, CSSp invited us to keep Jesus present in our lives by following His example and above all to enjoy the inspirations of the Holy Spirit in all the school activities. He added that we must remember our talents and learning are for the service of our companions and brothers and sisters. During the Presentation of the Gifts, we offered together with our intentions the symbols of success that would help us to remember the commitment that we have to be able to carry out our activities with dedication and joy. Every teacher responsible of a group placed the names of their students on a glass vessel as a way of placing them in the hands of God and the Virgin of Perpetual Help. After the Communion, the priest gave a lighted candle to the Directress lighted candle after she already had given one to each of the teachers. This symbolizes share the light that had been received. Each of the teachers received the light of Christ in that candle. Each teacher in accompanying his/her students during this school year have the commitment to take them to their classrooms always keep in mind that she/he is to accompany them in their academic formation with the light of God. Let me conclude this sharing with joy and the desire to work under the gaze of our sweet Mother of Perpetual Help. (Experience shared by Science Teacher Sir EDGAR IGNACIO PÉREZ VALENCIA - Alfonso de Ligorio High School Dept.)
On September 5, we, the Sisters of the community launched once again the IAM group in Colegio de Alfonso de Ligorio. We inaugurating the activities with the Eucharist, entrusting ourselves to God so that which both children and adolescents may commit themselves to actively participate in the IAM. The children from the elementary and the adolescents from high school were present. In this Eucharist, a yellow scarf was given as a badge of commitment to each mother and teacher who serves as guide that accompanies the missionary process of these children and adolescents in their formation. We ask God and the Missionary Virgin to accompany us in this time and to make us instruments in the formation of these children and adolescents so that they may have strong faith and commitment as missionaries. We also count on the prayer of our sisters who are always encouraging us to continue in this undertaking.
“With Jesus in our the heart, we are connected to the mission� COLEGIO NEZAHUALCOYOTL OPENS ITS DOORS TO A NEW SCHOOL YEAR (By Sr. Maria Rosa Vargas Rendon)
18th of August 2014
It was the first day of school! The vacation seemed to have passed like a dream. The doors of Colegio Nezahualcoyotl were widely opened. Some children returned with joy, the little children did not want their Dad and Mom to leave them while new friends happily shared moments of childhood and perhaps the most important stories of their lives. For the elder ones, the reunion with colleagues and new teachers had the same question as always: with whom are we going to be this year? Who would guide us? Who would help us to grow and will transmit us their knowledge with generosity and love?
“On this day, all of us, both older and younger ones large have reviewed our working materials, perhaps even if the backpack is the same, we have put the things in order, we might have thrown away all that are not useful anymore and selected new things that would serve us this school year. But there is another backpack, the backpack of the soul, that which we carry within our heart, wherein we keep many experiences, memories, joys and sorrows, works, failures, pride and embarrassments. Basically, this backpack is the best that we have to prepare to make this school year 20142015 a better one because each one of us deserves new opportunities to be happy and complete with the work of the family and with the studies.” Dear teachers, students and MPS Sisters, we must review this backpack wherein we keep things like our fears, likes, interests and happiness and let us see if we have carried something worthsharing and if not, then let us put it aside. LET US THEN BEGIN TO CHECK OUR BACKPACK…
HOLY SPIRIT MASS 19th of August 2014
The Colegio Nezahualcoyotl welcomes the parents, teachers, children and the administrative staff with the Eucharistic Celebration that was presided by Fr. Felipe Salazar to officially open the school year 2014-2015 as a year that is full of promises, projects and dreams. For this, we come together in the presence Lord who would enlighten us with His grace and will guide us along the path of goodness. May this year be centered on hope, so that we can be builders of a new society. May we cast off all evil and everything that keep us away from God. In this journey, we will not be alone because Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help is accompanying us with tenderness as we walk towards her Son. Let us fix our gaze on her who knows us better that anybody else. HAPPY NEW SCHOOL YEAR TO ALL THE MPS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS!
COLEGIO JUAN RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ (By Sr. Julieta Arellano Valle)
M.I.O.M.P.S. Ave Maria, Sisters: Colegio Juan Ramón Jiménez received from the Lord the grace of another school year with the blessing and assistance of Mary of Perpetual Help. We had the Eucharistic Celebration where we invoke the assistance of the Holy Spirit. It was celebrated by Fr. Omar Diaz, C.Ss.R. Jesus, Mary and the Holy Spirit, are those who guide us on the journey and to whom we invoke every day. They must always be present in our lives. And of course, our children participated in the mass with love and enthusiasm as they receive the Body of Christ.
Obviously, the school choir led the singing of the assembly.
Another important event for our community was the celebration of the birthday of our sister Dolores(Mónica) Rodríguez Martínez. We have already informed you about it through our Congregational Facebook group page. We took her to a breakfast treat at “La Marquesa” (a place which she herself had chosen).
To complete another year of life is an important event for each one of us since it is the work of God through the mutual fidelity, but more from Him. That is why we are happy that our sister is a testimony of dedication and sacrifice. Every day at dawn, she rises up to praise the Lord in the Eucharist and in the prayer of lauds. Subsequently, she has been assisting in the school as what the Sister Superior has instructed her to do. Why do I have to mention it? It is because despite her struggle in standing and walking due to some bone problems, she still continued with their daily work. May God ever bless her and give her strength as she continually serves Him “despite everything”... (as we say in Mexico.)
M. Leticia Díaz was her "secret" friend. She gave a gelatin pie instead of cake, since Sr. Monica eats healthy and light... and in addition, he gave her a thermo and a big hug. And as we say as Mexicans: "Don´t give up"... Congratulations, M. Monica and may God continually give you His love and strength!
Last 20th and 21st of September, the 1st Northern Mexico "Mother of the Redeemer" Regional Superiors Meeting was held at the Central House with the enthusiastic participation of 5 to 6 superiors, in addition to the Regional Superior and the Vicar. The objective of the meeting, aside from the strengthening of the fraternal bond was also to participate in the workshop on " Multi-causal Analysis of the Integration and Sense of Belonging” as superiors and as a Region". This was facilitated by Personal Development expert Lic. Cesar Lozano. A study on the reality was conducted using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) in order to know the reality of every community in the region and recall the functions of the superiors. The sisters were also able to finish programming their Schedule of Activities for the present year 2014-2015.
On September 17, 2014, we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of the
Perpetual Help of the General House, gathered together at the Chapel to give thanks to God for the tenderness with which He has regarded us during these 80 years of journeying with Him in sharing Abundant Mercy to all men and women. Without a doubt, this feast caused a great joy for us, as we recall all the sufferings, sorrows and pains that our Founders had endured, but also the efforts, struggles and battles through which they had achieved their dreams. Sue単os que se hicieron realidad en 1934 cuando la Madre Teresa Rivera, se entrevista con Adelaida Islas: The dreams that came true in 1934 when Mother Teresa Rivera went to see Adelaida Islas: "Upon visiting Miss Islas, the first thing she asked me was if I came to save the Foundation of Perpetual Help." I replied that I came from Durango with the sole purpose of visiting the Reverend Redemptorists Fathers who begged me to pay her a visit and to greet her on their behalf. Now without further questions, she told me: "you are the one we were waiting for, we have prayed so much that the labor of the "Missionaries of Perpetual Help may be carried out, and certainly God has sent you for this". I replied: "Miss, the Foundation of the Missionaries Sisters of Perpetual Help to which we belong and in which we were working in Durango and Torreon, have already been founded fourteen years ago. And so I have not come to found any Congregation". The poor young lady was so deeply moved that she cried saying to me: "But Mother, you have come from heaven, God has sent you so I can give you what I have". And without much trouble, she led me to the chapel of that big house where she took care of the Blessed Sacrament. There were two rooms and one where to keep our Lord and another for the servants. I went there in the Chapel and at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament; she gave me in a solemn manner what Rev. Fr. Silva had entrusted me. Of course, I received everything that Miss Islas placed in my hands." (Memorandum from M. Teresa, pp. 69-70) This happening has marked us in such a way that our hearts do not cease to rejoice, to be enthusiastic and to give thanks to God for such a great act so full of Redemption and Mercy. Indeed, to speak of Redemption and Mercy is somewhat complicated, however, from the simplicity of the man, these can be understood easily because it is not anything else but experienc-
ing God's love in our life, i.e. to experience His forgiveness, tenderness, love and care in each of the events that we are live in our history. Only the person who feels liberated, redeemed and rescued is able to experience that Mercy. That is why Fr. AgustĂn Nistal and Mother Teresa Rivera managed to discover in the children, the poor, the abandoned and the marginalized the need for God, that need that made them found a Congregation that would extend that Mercy. It is that experience of Redemption - Mercy what made Maria Teresa to renounce the name of "Militia of Mary" for "Missionaries of the Perpetual Help" and that same experience was what drove her to seek help from several priests until Fr. Baldomero Fernandez Silva came to the scene. Having experienced Redemption - Mercy, Maria Teresa set aside her pride and went to seek Adelaida Islas again and accepted the Constitutions of the Fr. Agustin Nistal whom she obeyed and accepted as the Founder. It is the same Redemption - Mercy which made Fr. AgustĂn Nistal obeyed his superior and so returned to Spain. He left his dreams of the Foundation in the hands of Soledad Santa Cruz - Adelaida Islas and accepted that it would be Maria Teresa Rivera who would struggle in order to save and rescue this budding Congregation. It is very reasonable to stress that it is essentially the experience of Redemption - Mercy that made these two ideals unite to give life, life in abundance in each of the challenges that were presented then and are presented today. It is what makes it possible for the MPS to celebrate the 80 years of Foundation on this very day. This feast places before us the need to return to the roots and to thank God for His love. O God of goodness, You, who are Love itself, You are the source of all love, give us the grace of the love, which is so characteristic of ours so that it may identify us as Missionaries Our Lady of Perpetual Help and may inspire others to say: 'look at them, how they love each other'. Help us to recognize that love is a precious gift that comes from Your generosity and may we continually do the same thing that Jesus did, that is, to give our lives for Abundant Redemption.
A BASIC COURSE ON VOCATION MINISTRY (By Sr. Elia Vazquez Ibáñez) We, at the Deanery Level II of the Vicariate VIII want to work as an ecclesial and inter- Congregational team. Last 23rd and 24th of August we had a course of vocation ministry. There were 52 participants from five parishes. This course was directed by the Diocesan organizing priests with the Fr. Ruben. Monsignor Andres Vargas Peña visited us to encourage us and give his support in this work. A diploma was given to each participant. Most of the participants were laypeople. There were five religious: three were from the Congregation of St. Anne, one from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, another one from the servants of the poor and yours truly. There was a Diocesan seminarian, then the Dean Fr. Miguel Angel Millers who is now in charge of the pastoral work for vocations. We, the Missionaries of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help served as the hosts as we had motivated this project to the Deanery level. We thank Mary of Perpetual Help and Jesus, the Redeemer for this new project at the ecclesial level which is showing us the way and we can just to say: “Lord, we are here we are to do Your will. We thank the Estrella Misionera for giving us the space to be able to share the important experiences of each community.
MARTIN DE LA CRUZ COMMUNITY On 16 August, we, the eleven sisters who form the educational community of Martin de la Cruz received with love Sr. Guadalupe Rojas Palacios as Community Coordinator and Sr. Claudia Resendiz. Lo festejamos con una comida en el campo. We celebrated this welcome with a hearty meal at the Community garden.
HOLY SPIRIT MASS (By Sr. Elia Vazquez IbaĂąez)
On August 22, we have invoked the presence of the Holy Spirit to assist us with His gifts in this educational apostolate. We ask the Lord to guide and enlighten us as well as to support this work so that we may be able to form men and women with values who will lead us the fraternal coexistence and the fulfillment of God´s plan for each one of us by always living in His grace. We are starting with a number of 345 students. We consecrate them to Mary of Perpetual Help, the star that always guides us and to the Merciful Love of Jesus so that these little ones who have been entrusted us by their parents may be able to experience of God in their lives. We wish all the members of the staff an abundance of blessings and we continue to trust in the prayers of all the MPS sisters that we may always be one whether we are busy in our missionary work, or are in a sick condition or doing their studies, etc. Greetings from each of the sisters of this community.
“A disciple is not above his teacher. When the disciple reaches perfection then he becomes like his teacher.”
May the peace and the love of God remain in your heart and may He shine His light upon our every step of love, hope and sisterhood. With joy and satisfaction, let me share with you our apostolic experiences. Last 29th of August 2014, we celebrated the opening of the new school year 2014-2015 with the Holy Spirit Mass. The Jorge Laliberté kindergarten, Colegio “Salina Cruz and Instituto María Teresa Rivera with the participation of the teachers, staff and parents shared, experienced and celebrated together with Jesus Redeemer the opening of the school year. The mass was held at the high school gym at 8:30 am. It was presided by P. Omar Diaz, C.Ss.R. In his homily, he invited the students to engage with a good study habit and asked them a question: what are your talents? The pre-school children naturally responded: "I like picking up my toys", "helping my mom", "I love football"... Certainly, the presence of the Holy Spirit in the kindergarten was manifested in the innocence and love of these angels of God. The day's reading talked about the parable of talents which we must put to the service of others. What does this event say to us? Well, there was a time to remember when the P. Omar blessed the students in each section of the school as he placed his hands on their head and invoked the presence of the Holy Spirit. He started with the High School students followed by the Elementary students, then the pre-schoolers, the parents, teachers and the staff. We will not be alone in this journey because God and Mary of Perpetual Help will accompany us all with their tenderness and love so we may walk on the right track.
After having this good taste at the start of this School Year, we had the week of our founders in September 22nd to 30th. We started with the First Year High School sections "A and B" groups, who performed a poem dedicated to our founders. The Second year Section "A" presented an acrostic to our M. María Teresa Rivera, and 3rd year sections "A and B" performed a brief review of the founders and mentioned the countries where we are present. Subsequently, the "Jorge Laliberté" kindergarten Group 2 had cheering while kindergarten groups "A and B" delivered the following poems:
“Amor a María, Gustoso en Jesús, Único para Dios, Sencillo en amor, Tenías pasión y mucha Ilusión, Nacido en España, Fundador de corazón”
“En la hacienda la Corona, De Durango nació, María Teresa Rivera, Que su amor entregó, A las niñas abandonadas, A Jesús conoció, Y con gran cariño, las recibió”.
The Elementary pupils performed several numbers: the Grade 1 "B" group performed an imitation of the song Cielito lindo: "Desde Durango viene cielito lindo una mujer, llamada Teresa, cielito lindo tu venla a ver. Desde España viene cielito lindo es Agustín trae una gran obra cielito lindo para nacer. Ha, Hay, Hay, camina y sigue, porque la obra de ellos nace en México y es de Dios”. The Grade 2 group did a dance while the Grade 4 groups the history of the founders. As a finale, the singing of “Misionera Socorrista” was sung in each section of the school. During the event of the Elementary Department, we mentioned some phrases of our Founders, as a recognition to the work they have done. Among many others, we recalled the phrases such as: "The humble person fits everywhere", "You must love the interior life as the apple of your eye "... among others. This is how we celebrate the beginning of an integral, formative and spiritual education in the community of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca; where one lives and feels its lovely tropical heat.
VOCATION JOURNEY There were 40 young ladies from State of Mexico, Xalostoc, Nezahualcoyotl, Toluca, Sta. Catarina Tlahuac, Veracruz, Michoacán, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Tampico, and Oaxaca who participated for this occasion. As responsible of the Southern Mexico Region Vocation Ministry, I had the experience to also share with Sr. Isabel of the Northern Mexico Region and vocation promoters of each of the communities of the Congregation. In this, we had the opportunity to share with the young people from different places and cultures that enriched our lives. We are living difficult times for which we have not achieved to see the young ladies enter the Congregation. This reality is due to certain factors that influence at the social, congregational and Church level. But facing the challenge of being light to others, I invite you and I join with you to live and put into practice the Charismatic Assembly that we have had as a congregation. I t was an Assembly that was very rich in spirituality and that will help us not to be overcome by the apathy, indifference, distrust, and power… GO INTO THE DEEP with hope, enthusiasm, FAITH and most of all with charity. We must be convinced that each one of us, as a member of the Congregation is called every day to form the company of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must overcome the temptation of being together but without love, because time cannot be spent only in answering the cellphone just because we want to be aware of everything and then losing the sense of belonging and sharing. 50
We must overcome the temptation to spend hours after hours in doing projects, preparing so many materials that are well presented and yet empty of God because we have little time for prayer. Faced with these challenges, let us ask the Spirit of God to help us in our discernment to know His will and we may be able to collaborate in the building of His Kingdom of love. As responsible for the pastoral care of vocations of our Congregation, we are grateful to each one of the sisters who teamed up closely in this Youth and Vocation Journey 2014. May Mary of Perpetual Help and the merciful Jesus shower abundant blessings to each one of the sisters and all the communities.
MPS Congregational Spiritual Exercises Easter and Summer 2014
To search in order to find
Christ means to leave behind one´s personal preoccupation, prestige and the selfsufficiency in one´s own capacity to improve herself so as to enter into communion with the mystery of Jesus, particularly with His passion, death and resurrection, and achieve to participate in His capacity to offer His life to the world. We do the retreat or the spiritual exercises not only to encounter Jesus, but to radically examine the evangelical roots of the life that we are living, in order to ask ourselves: Is my life in accordance with the Gospel? We seek to see through the gaze of Jesus our own behavior, our action, up to where we let ourselves be touched by the Gospel. We cannot leave the retreat with just any different external attitude, with just any proposal such as: (more prayer, to treat others in a better way, more reflection...), with more devotion, but rather it speaks of doing discernment, letting the Spirit of God guide our steps not only for the personal good, but that for the community, Congregation,
apostolate, church and society... This will help us to improve our way of living, serving, relating with others, even our personal goodness, etc. The Spiritual Exercises are a strong experience of God in the climate of listening to His word that leads us to a conversion which is a total donation of oneself to Christ, and in our particular case to Christ the Redeemer, to whom as MPS we configure ourselves and who invites us to be bearers of Redemption in the here and now of our Congregational journey in the midst of a world that is full of pressing needs and to which we cannot be indifferent. Convinced of this need for real and constant conversion, we have again participated and experienced our Congregational Spiritual Exercises 2014 with a serious commitment: to fulfill the intention to grow as a person, as a Christian, as a religious and as an MPS. We had the opportunity of having Fr. Desire Afana, from the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and who facilitated the two batches of annual retreats (Easter and Summer 2014). He was the instrument that God sent us to meditate on His Son and to seek our renewal as consecrated women who are at service of the most needy of God´s love and great mercy. 4: 18ff, Phil. 2, 5 and Phil. 1, 18-21. Aside from these, there were also many other Biblical references, our charism and that of our founders, which were all giving support for each session received; all these served as a real guide throughout the week of reflection and for our missionary journey. Each enlightenment from the Holy Scripture was also supported by an iconography, which had left some new meaning for us and at the same time had been very enlightening and enriching. Likewise, we have the personal spiritual accompaniment from the part of Fr. Desire and his willingness to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist with his ever clear and prepared homily during the days of retreat. We thank our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia for the words of animation in the message she addressed to each sister present in this activity. Similarly, we express our gratitude to each sister who participated and lastly but not the least, to the sisters of the MPS Casas Hogar for their unconditional support and for making it possible to us to have again this experience as a family that seeks communion and renewal.
Secretariat of Religiouos Life
A NEW EXPERIENCE BEGUN… BEGUN… We (Ana, Alma, Judith and Juana), second year novices, have been preparing for our apostolic experiences with much enthusiasm since January of this year 2014. The most awaited grand day for the four of us came when Srs. Concepcion and Diana, our fellow MPS sisters, gave us our send-off letter which specified the communities where we would share our experiences. For this, we organized a Moment of Prayer on a very special date, i.e. Thursday, 6 February, which is dedicated to the Eucha-
ristic Jesus. It began at 8:00 a.m. with a song by Sr. Diana; after which, there was a pause of silence to be with Jesus before the reading of the Gospel according to St. Mark 6, 7-13. The text which we took as reference, spoke of the disciples sent by twos by the Lord Jesus. This encouraged us to proclaim the Gospel by our own lives. We were in front of the Eucharistic Jesus and around Him, were the letters addressed to us. We felt excited, nervous, happy, enthusiastic, knowing that we were very much accompanied by our sisters in the community and the Congregation as a whole. The moment we started reading the letters, we were caught in inexplicable feelings, emotions and sentiments. We had another moment of silent prayer in order to reflect on the invitation the letters expressed for us, and to assimilate the advice from our professed sisters, and those who have been very present with us. M. Alfonsina invited us to remain under the mantle of this Lady who is our Mother of our Perpetual Help. Sr. Diana reminded us that during the most difficult times, we must not forget that God gives us the grace to face them. M. Concepcion said that she was going to ask God for us to give a "firm yes”. We ended with a prayer and shared with them our destinations which we will be telling you more about later. The first experience: Casa Hogar We (Ana and Judith) had our experience of Casa Hogar in Toluca; the other two of us (Alma and Juana), in Casa Hogar Zacatenco. The first two (Ana and Judith) were accompanied by the whole community novitiate. There were M. Alfonsina, Sr. Diana, Sr. Concepcion, Alma, Juana, Lorenza, Lidia, Yolanda and with Fr. Omar Díaz. It was February 13th and the girls in Casa Hogar were already waiting with much enthusiasm. Seeing seven novices, they were so excited as to who among the seven would be staying with them. The following day, Friday the 14th, Srs. Diana and Concepcion accompanied us, the remaining pair (Juana and Alma), to Casa Hogar Zacatenco where the sisters of the community and all the girls were happily waiting. In this time of sharing at the Casa Hogar, we saw the needs of the girls there and the great work of everyone collaborating with the sisters in the institution. We were assigned to manage a group of girls-- taking responsibility for them from the time they wake up until bedtime. We combed and fixed our wards' hair, help them do their house chores and homework and played with them. It was a very enriching and fulfilling task. It is in sharing many moments with these little girls, in giving them advice and accompanying them in some occasions that we shared their joy or sadness. Through this experience, we realize the great work of redemption which the sisters do and see how God gives us the strength and the graces that we would need in every moment. And now, our experience in the Mission Community of Coyul, Oaxaca … We, the 4 novices (Alma, Juana, Ana and Judith), participated in this mission. It was a great opportunity to know the customs of other people and feel the presence of God in their midst. Of course we had the joy of sharing with our sisters in the said community: Sr. Rosita Ordaz, M. Georgina Fuentes and M. Rocio with whom we felt free, loved and at home. Our activities were visiting some of the different villages of the parish community of San Pedro Huamelula -spending approximately 1 week in each place for 1 month and participating on weekends in the youth activities at the Seminary of Tehuantepec.
The communities where we inserted our presence were as follows: 1st week Juana & Judith: Playa Grande Ana & Alma: Rio Seco & Paja Blanca
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
Alma & Juana: Carrizal Judith & Ana: Morro, Mazatán
Juana & Ana: Santa Clara Alma & Judith: San Vicente Mazatán
Judith & Alma: Aguascalientes Ana & Juana: 3 days in Salina Cruz during the Easter camp with the youth and the rest fo the week in Zimatán
We were we filled with the richness, simplicity, welcoming and sincere attitudes of the people in all the communities we were assigned to. We visited the homes and gave talks to the children, young people and adults about the Bible and some topics about Mary. And since the reality of Protestantism there is very strong, we tried to encourage and show them a God who is loving and near to us. We conducted the Holy Week activities: we (Juana and Anna) had the opportunity to be in the Easter youth camp of the deanery to which the parish belongs. It was a joyful activity and there was a lot to do in order to witness to our being religious. Meanwhile, the other two of us (Judith and Alma), were sharing the life the whole week in the community where they were assigned to -- encouraging the people to live a time of conversion and most of all, redemption. The response was very good because almost the entire community participated with great joy and enthusiasm. It was different in each community but we appreciate the experience very much and we would always fondly remember it. We rediscovered our capacities and the call of God to go to the poorest and most abandoned not to bring the Kingdom but to tell them that the Kingdom is already among them and to encourage them to just discover it. And the school became our last mission experience … From April 23 to May 30, Judith left for her experience. We, Ana, Alma and Juanita, had our experience from April 30 to May 30. In this experience, aside from getting to know the mission we do in school, we shared the wealth of three cultures present in our Congregation, i.e. Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador as we discovered in them the immensity which our Father Founder Agustín Nistal wanted us to experience, that we must not feel as foreigner in other country because we are of the same family. For me (Judith), I was in Tampico and shared the festive moments at Colegio San Alfonso since they had the Children’s day, Teachers’ Day and Mothers’ Day. I helped in the folk dances of the region and other States. It was very well organized and everybody really enjoyed. It was very nice to share with the children, in spite of their restlessness, endless questions ; but above all, because of their sweetness. Living with the Sisters was a very nice experience, I learned a lot from them-- their dedication, patience and knowing how to get along with the people in the school and in the communities who living in a situation of violence and insecurity. They accompany them and bring to those people who were suffering the Good News, the Love of God and His Redemption. Creative activities such as: "Religious for a day," gave the girls a different view of what religious life is and the various apostolates that are being carried out with much preparedness. In
(Ana), had a very pleasant and happy ex-
perience sharing with the Sisters of the
community. It was a joy-filled month with a simple, warm, open and creative community. With them, I felt the merciful love of Jesus, the Redeemer. I integrated myself in their community activities and had the opportunity to accompany them to their various apostolates, and for that I acknowledge the great work that they are doing. I also had the opportunity to see the Cathedral and the remains of Monsignor Romero, the Postulancy community in the capital of Guatemala and the community of the Perpetual Help College in Mazatenango. For us (Juanita and Alma), we were in the COPERSO (Colegio Perpetuo Socorro) in Mazatenango, where our experience with the sisters in the community and school, children, young people and teachers was very satisfying and rewarding. The formative community included pre-school (kindergarten), elementary, high school and degree courses. We had time to share with everyone. In addition, we were able to participate in activities celebrating mother's day, the election of Miss COPERSO, presentation of the family talent in the Kindergarden, retreats with the children and the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where the staff working at the College showed their creativity and enthusiasm. We had the pleasure of meeting the families of our sisters M. Carmen and Novice Lorenza and shared a lot with the boys and girls who studying in the College and with the interns as well. We met the auxiliary missionaries and shared with them the mass of Thanksgiving on Mothers’ day in Antigua, Guatemala. It was really nice to share with the community with its simplicity, closeness, transparency and dedication to whatever they do. Fortunately after the Apostolic experiences, our moment to be with Jesus in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises had finally come on the 2nd lasting until the 10th of June in the Javier Retreat House with Fr. Enrique Ponce de León, SJ as our retreat master. This new way of doing the retreat was very beneficial for a group of 24, with only two men among 22 women, majority of whom are religious. Here, we were able to discover a new way of looking at Jesus and how He wants us to live and share the Kingdom, i.e. with joy, simplicity, freedom and with total trust in Abba. The invitation that we have and that surely each one has already taken for granted, is to live each day as if it were the beginning of a great encounter with Him who is simply Life. There is the certainty of that constant opportunity to grow and know more about the Lord Jesus. At last, after living all this, the moment to take a decision came: ours and that of the Congregation - as a confirmation to the gratuitous love of God in our lives, so the four of us with joy, simplicity and availability, shall continually say “YES TO LOVE!” The profession ceremony was fast approaching. We had to pack up our things and prepare the final details. Well, we had been a good part of the novitiate community until in afternoon Thursday, 14th of August, when our Srs. Concepcion, Diana, co-novices Lorenza, Yolanda and Lidia put the great banquet plate and other elements of the chapel. In this very evening, at 7:00 p.m. we had the mass for the blessing of habits at Central House with presider Fr. Jacinto Ledezma Juárez, Parish Priest of St. Joseph of Consolation, León, Guanajuato where Ana comes from. He exhorted us to be faithful, to be aware that we belong to Jesus; that the habit will be a sign of our constant de-
dication to God which we have already made since baptism and which we confirm in this act of love, i.e. the religious profession. He continued to say that with this, our priority would always be Jesus, the poor and the Congregation. We enjoyed a delicious dinner which the Central House community lovingly prepared. THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE! This day we did not return to the Novitiate House anymore. We stayed at the Casa Central because we still needed to decorate the hall living room. But, thanks to the help of Srs. Paty, Isabel, Aracely and Catalina that everything was finished soon and the hall was lovely! Our families were all present. The first ones who came were Judith’s family who came all the way from the beautiful Guatemala and from Houston, USA. Ana and Juana’s families came from the beautiful León, Guanajuato and Jalisco for Alma’s family. The great day,15th of August 2014, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary finally came. At 5:00 a.m., we received the surprise Serenade of (guess who?) Srs. Isabel, Aracely, Angelita, Paty Morales, Carmelita Peralta and Alicia together with our very own families Alvizures-Muralles, Valadez-Barco and Ramírez-Armendariz. The family MejiaLuevano was still on the way... the serenade, songs and petals of rose filled the air... WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! And, of course, after this, we took our breakfast and prepared for the ceremony. The time for rehearsal arrived and at the beginning we could not concentrate so much due to nervousness but our M. Gen. Cecilia Morales was patient with us and we felt so different at the actual ceremony. We were calm and experienced the grace of our Abba acting within us that we did it with joy, awareness of what we were professing and great confidence in God which flooded us even from the moment we entered the Chapel, knowing and feeling loved and called by God, supported and accompanied by our families and having the confidence of the Congregation that brings us together in the name of Jesus, has been very significant. The ceremony was presided by Fr. Omar Diaz, CSsR, with concelebrant Fr. Jacinto Ledezma J. At the moment of the Offertory, the offerings were made significant by the flags of Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala as symbols of cultural richness and thanksgiving for the experience we had; the Constitutions that show us the way to Jesus; a candle in gratitude for the life shared by M. Concepcion, the light in our formation process and as blessing in her new mission; the Heart of flowers symbolized the life and vocation that we gave to the Lord which was offered by Sr. Diana who has shared with us herself with great love; and lastly, the wine and bread as a sign that she encouraged us as Jesus to share with love and joy all that we are and have. After the ceremony, there was the picture taking and we proceeded to the dining hall with all the people who joined us this day: sisters, family and friends. We enjoyed their company as we share the delicious meal with the marimba music as background. In the evening, our new community and house were waiting for us--the community that shared life with us in our second year of novitiate accompanied us up to the end. Thank you so much sisters! They took us up to the juniorate happily greeting us with songs and serving us a delicious dinner. “This day had been full of blessings, great love, joy and many surprises” We thank God for His love, for all the experiences that have helped us to grow and confirm that love. We also thank each one who offered us prayers and gave us their fraternal affection. We especially thank the communities and sisters who generously contributed for the celebration and to those who have made themselves available to be with us on this day.
“THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY AND PRESENCE” We continually commend ourselves in your prayers. With much love and gratitude, Juana, Judith, Ana and Alma
We, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help headed by our
Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia joyfully gathered together to thank the Lord as we joined Srs. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado and Rosa Amalia Torres Armendariz who celebrated their Silver Anniversary of Religious Profession last August 9, 2014 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, MPS Central House. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by Rev. Fr. Desire Afana, CICM. It was followed by a blissful fellowship as they shared a hearty lunch and lovely music. The families of the two celebrators joined all the sisters representing the different communities, regions and countries in witnessing this beautiful experience of God’s faithfulness to those whom He called. Congratulations, Srs. Rosa Amalia and Ma. Carmen!
Last July 20, 2014, Sr. Alejandra D. Valdez and Sr. Rema G. Millan left the Philippines to attend the Congregational Assembly that was held on July 28 to 31, 2014 in the General House in Azabache 38, Colonia Estrella, Distrito Federal, in Mexico City. The Assembly was attended by over a 100 sisters coming from different regions. On the first two days, Rev. Fr. Desire Afana, CICM, gave a talk on Charisms that enrich the Church and the gift of our own patrimony as MPS, exhorting the assembly that part of the patrimony are the members themselves who live the charism authentically and with creative fidelity. He further said that the gift of God is transformed into a property of a group to whom the gift was given. All therefore are custodians of the patrimony but especially the Superiors. He said that there are three ways by which the pioneer and old sisters communicate the patrimony of the Congregation: 1.) By their way of life 2) By writing the history and their experiences 3.) By their testimony. These forms of communicating our charism and patrimony are transformed into a challenge for all of us to keep the patrimony alive as well as dynamic and creative. On the third day was the second part of the Assembly. The Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia presented her report about the first three years of her term as Mother General with the help of the General Council in the different areas of the Secretariats. The Regional Superiors of the Philippines, IndiaMacau, USA, Venezuela, Central America, Mexico North and Mexico South, likewise presented the evaluation of their journey as a Region in their respective places of missionary presence. The four successive days were moments of prayer, study, personal reflections and insights and group discussions on the Charismatic Document presented by the General Government to the whole Congregation, in the spi-
rit of discernment and prayer. The most important moment is the time for the “Sacred Conversation� with the Word of God where we were more infused with insights. On August 1, 2014 on the occasion of the Feast of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, the closing of the Charismatic year was celebrated with a Eucharistic Celebration at the chapel of the General House, presided by Fr. Desire Afana, cicm, who again highlighted the importance of discernment and openness to the Spirit to keep alive the charism and be of service to the whole Church. This demands sacrifice and love for the Redeemer in the manner of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The celebration ended with a fellowship colored beautifully by the musical presentation of our history and the life of our Founders Fr. Agustin Nistal Garcia, C.Ss.R. and Mo. Maria Teresa Rivera Carrillo by the novices and minor juniors in Mexico. My personal experience of the said event was so enriching and full of challenges as an MPS. It was really a gift to participate in it and to be one with my sisters regardless of difference in language, race and culture. I had difficulty in understanding the Spanish language but it was not a hindrance for me to live in fraternal community where charity is the common language. It was also like an experience of going back to the main source of the fountain: remembering the significant places, events; contemplating on the testimonies and sharing of the sisters; listening to the Word of God; having fun in the exchange of stories of mission and ministry. All these deepen more my knowledge about the Congregation and strengthen my bonding with the sisters from different countries; and thus, fortify my sense of belongingness to the MPS family. It was just a short time, but I value and treasure every single moment and event that happened during my stay in Mexico.
They say that all beginning has an end and the Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Perpetual Help after having spent a few days filled with the Holy Spirit, full of joy and conviviality, they also enjoyed a day that was full of surprises and fellowship: the closing of the Congregational Assembly.
Early in the morning of August 1st, we gathered together at the Central House for prayer where we were able to thank every moment that we lived during the Assembly. By noontime, we all went to the chapel to celebrate the Holy Eucharist together with Fr. Provincial Gonzalo Rascon, C.Ss.R. as presider. In the Eucharist, there was a very special moment in the presentation of the gifts as all the regions of the Congregation were offered to Jesus as presented by symbols of each region. The Central American region offered a thanksgiving dance during the offertory procession. After the mass, we all went to have our lunch which was superbly prepared by Sr. Patricia Morales and her great team prepare for us on this day. THANK YOU, SISTERS! In each table, the joy of knowing we are sisters could be observed; that joy of being loved and the knowledge that though we come from different countries, we are so one. There were laughter, tears of joy, hugs, closeness, friendship and many more that were experienced during the meal‌but even a big surprise was actually expected! And as promised by the General Council, there was the awarding ceremony of the communities that participated for the charismatic song and logo-making contests. All the winning communities were very happy to receive their prize. Since we could not just stay there without hearing those beautiful melodies that inspired us to recall our charism, each community or region presented their song while all the sisters listened with great admiration to the lyrics that we, as MPS, could really own and feel. These songs were not only recorded in our hearts, but all the participating songs plus 4 extra melodies identified to our Congregation were compiled in a CD. Each community received a free copy of the CD. ANOTHER SURPISE‌ To do something different from the tradition of plays, the novices and juniors prepared a musical act wherein we could reflect the charism of our Founders. Each point of the history of our founders was interpreted with a melody that we composed with the special text from the history. Laughter and even tears could be observed during those moments, because we really felt the presence of our founders who are reminding us of the aim of our charism. We thank you, sisters, for your openness and attention to this special affair for the whole Congregation. May God continue to fill beautiful blessings to His beloved Congregation and each of the sisters.
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. (1 Cor. 12, 4-5). The charisms or special gifts of the Spirit given by God to the Christian people must be very abundant for our communities. The Charism should enhance unity and evangelical friendship. The charisms are signs of vitality and dynamism in our Congregation, therefore the supreme norm with regards to use of the gifts is for the good of the community.
From 28th to 31st of July 2014, we culminated our CHARISMATIC YEAR as we held the Congregational Charismatic Assembly wherein we shared about projects, progress, and works done in the apostolates, service, dedication, solidarity and perseverance. For this reason, we were able to get some contributions from our sisters in Southern Mexico Region that allow us to have a broad panorama about this Congregational Encounter. We asked them two questions: What was your view of the Charismatic Year during the Assembly and what fruits were manifested? How do you project the charism in your apostolate or mission in a renewed and innovated way? "My vision was hope, joy, communal spaces, and moments of fraternal encounters, feedback, fellowship and discernment. It strengthened me to share with the sisters who are currently assigned in other countries as they shared their experiences and realities where they projected our charism and spirituality in the mission that they do the Congregation as MPS.
In this way, I project my charism with joy, closeness with the children and staff of the school as I make Mary of Perpetual Help known with simplicity and give that REDEMPTIVE meaning thru sharing with the students, parents, teachers and the service personnel, in the catechesis and interviews. In addition, I am also in solidarity with my sisters of Congregation, community as I give my best in the service that I'm rendering to the Congregation. Sr. Hiliana del Socorro García Martinez, MPS.
"I liked the professionalism of the M. Gen. Cecilia Morales Tapia, the means of communication that were used, the way in which M. Cecilia presented in a secured, centered, sociable and familiar manner as a multicultural woman, living and transmitting the missionary charism. I also appreciated as how she exhorted the Charismatic Assembly so as to open up possibilities to horizons, fundamental contexts with ecclesial and current language settings. With respect to Fr. Desire, he linked his theories unifying them with the MPS charism; his language was with so much common sense. The fruits that I witnessed were renewal, especially with the working team as it had a good taste of the Holy Spirit, based on the joy, sharing and hope. We all have a permanent formation, updated, knowing the charism, being innovative, with a language for young people, children and adults, projecting it myself, convinced and grateful; and sharing the gifts I received." Sr. Maria Elena God Inez Torres, MPS
It was a renewal of the richness of the charism and the historical journey of the Congregation, which has made each one of us part and members, and what we project and share with the recipients of our missions. I can mention some of the fruits that were manifested: That joy as MPS was seen.
Faith was perceived by the self-giving to God and to others as MPS. We recognized our wealth and our weaknesses. There was an openness to review and restart revitalizing the charism in our historical journey. This is projected in the closeness with which I come in contact with, in the sharing and joy of God in showing the conviction for the option in Christ. Talking about who we are, what we do and how we live, and inviting the community to feel part of the same MPS family and opt for Christ the Redeemer and share the identity of an MPS. Sr. Rocío Calderon, MPS
In the consecrated life, the creativity of the Church plays an important role. We have to be creative, renewed and innovative. Experiencing God's merciful love, our fidelity should manifest itself in how we have lived our charism which we inherited from our Founders.
Certainly, the presence of the Holy Spirit is felt in the Assembly since It is our strength giver and our guide. It gives us the grace to remain faithful to our Congregational Charism. I can identify with each sister who contributed and shared her MPS missionary life experiences with the attitude of trust, joy, service, openness and solidarity in order to continue our mission in Christ the Redeemer. Our common goal as members of the Congregation is only to love God, that brings us together as a community wherein we share and caring for each other and work for his Kingdom. As Fr. Agustin Nistal Garcia, C.Ss.R said: "There is nothing greater, more excellent, beautiful and even lovelier than the will of God". For this reason, I project my being a woman and MPS by manifesting the Charism in the work assigned to me so that I pass it on to recipients of our mission. Likewise, the Holy Spirit is manifested in our commitment to follow Jesus Redeemer as we help the poor and needy . Sr. Maria de Lourdes Villalobos García
The Congregation and we, all the members live the salvation of Christ the Redeemer in our own mission and action in a multicultural and social environment that makes us sensitive to the changes and developments in the world. For this, we express the grace of the Holy Spirit with our being and doing as MPS who give life in Abundant Redemption.
AT THE SERVICE OF MY CONGREGATION (By Sr. María de los Ángeles Alonzo Aragón)
“You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain,..” (Jn. 15, 16)
¡AVE MARÍA! We are celebrating 80 years of our presence in the Church. There is reason to celebrate it. We are all grateful to God and Mary our Mother and of course for each of the sisters who have left their mark, coupled with sacrifice, penance and fatigue that leaving everything behind have offered their lives to the plan of God that was manifested in two great characters: our founders. We are all encouraged to continue their dedication, trust, charity and perseverance and most of all, the love for God and His will. I unite myself to this plan not for my own merit, but for God's desire. It is clear to me that He is the One who calls and sends me. I am being asked now to render a service that, since before, I knew that I was not who would do it. In a homily some time ago, one priest said: "We are not here to do things for
God or for God´s sake; rather it is God who wants to do something in us and through us." And in another homily, he said... everything we do is not our own merit for which we should feel proud of, it is merit of God who makes us do it. It is a free gift and abundant grace poured out through His spirit in every one of His followers. It is also well known that God does not leave His friends in peace and that He tests them before He entrusts them with a mission, as He did with Job, Peter, Mary and many more. And I don't think I am an exception that after a painful surgery, facing the absence of my mom who already enjoys the presence of God, and even without finishing the school year, I left everything to assume with love, service and obedience the responsibility as General Econome of our Congregation. With this theme from Thursday, 14 August of this year, I offer myself at the service of my Congregation with much encouragement, joy and trust in God that I will be able to do it counting on His grace and the support and understanding of each one of you. May God continue to bless us as He has done in these 80 years of presence, in which we have given life in Abundant Redemption while we are protected by the Perpetual Help of our Mother Mary.
FIRST MEETING OF THE SECRETARIAT OF COMMUNICATION AND DIFFUSION Ave Maria, Sisters! Let me greet you by wishing all of you that may you enjoy many blessings in your activities. With great joy, we would like to share that on Saturday, September 20, 2014 (the Spanish-speaking Regions) and on Sunday, September 21 the first virtual meeting of the Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion was held (10 am in Mexico, 9 am in Guatemala, 11:00 am in US) and (9 pm in Mexico, 10 am in Manila and 7:00 am in India). Together with Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores (Coordinator of the Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion, we, namely Srs. Margarita Jaime Rubí (representing the Northern Mexico Region), Hiliana García (representing the Southern Mexico Region), Juana María Hernández (of the United States Region) and yours truly Maria de los Angeles López (of the Central America Region) participated in the said meeting. Sr. Nohemi of the Venezuela Region informed us of her inability to be at the meeting since she does not have a webcam.
For the meeting with the Sisters of Asia, Srs. Heidi Gallon (of the Philippines) and Vandana Thomas (of India), that despite the problem of internet and/or difficulty to connect for the first time by Skype, had actively participated in the meeting We started the meeting with a stirring prayer, as each of the sisters participating with a verse, in which we are invited to be builders of peace and promote communication and fraternity among the sisters of the different Regions that make up the Congregation. The objective of the meeting was: “To encourage among the communities and countries the fraternal coexistence, the missionary spirit, the cultural exchange and reality, through a constant communication, sharing inforMaría de los Ángeles mation and experiences, making use of different means.”
Juana María
The meeting highlighted the importance of communication to promote a Fraternal Life that is ever more humane in the distinctive manner of Mary as in the theme of our XI General Chapter. It speaks of the importance of the Secretariat in keeping us united in prayer as one family where there are no boundaries to separate us. It is vital to promote the communication with the Redemptorist missionaries so as to enrich each other by exchanging the different experiences of our Congregations. Likewise, we were informed that the Congregational website is being updaHeidi Gallón Vandana Thomas ted and with this, each Region may contribute some articles of relevance for the entire Congregation. It was agreed that the next meeting for America would be on the second Sunday of December and first Saturday of December for Asia wherein we will share again our experiences and concerns about journey from the Secretariat. We thank God for this opportunity to walk together in building bonds of fraternity, love and friendship. Virtual meeting with Srs. Juanita and Marielos via Skype
Thanks to all the sisters for their contributions in making this communication possible and in this way we continue to be united spiritually.
With love and gratitude,
Sr. M. María de los Ángeles López
EVENT TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REDEMPTORIST FAMILY, IS FOR US, THE MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, A REASON TO THANK GOD, THE FATHER, THE SON, REDEEMER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, SOURCE OF BLESSING SENT BY CHRIST TO THE HUMANITY AND TO MARY WHO IS THE WAY TO JESUS. With this missionary awareness that characterizes us and sure the joy and commitment of "Making Her Known", we received the invitation from the Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Fr. Michael Brehl and the General Commission for the JUBILEE OF THE 150 YEARS OF " MAKING THE ICON OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP KNOWN”, to actively participate in this celebration of making Mary of Perpetual Help present in our life and mission. With great enthusiasm, our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia told us about this invitation and exhorted us to live with joy the gift of Mary under this title as Titular and Patroness. At the same time, she also paves the way that we, as a Marian Congregation celebrate in communion the Missionary Virgin who accompanies the journey of all MPS. In addition, she motivated us to form an MPS CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE in response to the invitation of Fr. Michael Brehl and the General Commission for this Jubilee who are already in preparations and are promoting among the Redemptorist family the joint celebration and to continually make this special woman and mother known! For these reasons, we have formed the Congregational Committee with the following members: M. Cecilia Morales Tapia (Superior General), Sr. Alejandra Valdez Durana (Philippine Region), Sr. Carmen Lydia Escalona Gimenez (Venezuela Region), Sr. Ana Cecilia Escalona Gimenez (India-Macau Region), Sr. Maria Veronica Zendejas Echeverria (Northern Mexico Region), Sr. Maria Victoria Flores Vivar (Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion) and Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera (Secretariat of Religious Life). During the Eucharistic Celebration on August 01, 2014, feast of St. Alphonsus Mary of Liguori and the Closing of
the 8th Congregational Assembly, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia gave official appointment to each of the members of this Commission and invited the entire Assembly to live in fullness and in union with all the MPS regions this three-year period of this GREAT JUBILEE OF THE 150 YEARS MAKING KNOWN THE MOTHER OF THE REDEEMER. The said commission gathered for a meeting for the first time in the evening of this same day for brainstorming of ideas and to organize the program for these three years that are especially dedicated in deepening, reflection and updating about the Icon of Perpetual Help which we must do as a Congregation that bears her name and to share her message in all our missionary activities. Once this first meeting as a Congregational Committee was finished, we scheduled the second meeting which took place on September 22, 2014 at the General House Azabache 38, Mexico City via virtual communication with Philippine Region. It was a moment which allowed us to share our discernments about the issues raised during the first meeting and we were able to come out with program of activities for each of three years: 2015: Year of Preparation 2016: Year of the Jubilee Celebration for the 150 Years of “Making Her Known” 2017: Year of Constant Development of “Making Her Known” These three years have a purpose in particular as mentioned above and we will keep you informed as a Commission regarding the proposed different activities. Let's make this Jubilee an opportunity to grow in the knowledge of the message that the ICON OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP wants to share with everyone and let us live out this message in our communities and apostolates. Secretariat of Religious Life Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera
Moved by the Spírit, to be more human in Christ, the Redeemer in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superior General Editor-in-chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion
Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life
Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Vocation and Formation
Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action
Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS Secretary General
Econome General
Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS
Sr. María de los Ángeles Alonso Aragón, MPS
Mailing Address:
MISIONERAS DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero ,07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 perpetuo@prodigy.net.mx www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx/mps 68