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Creative Projects With Ascesis


Good design makes you look good. It’s that simple. Great graphic design allows you to make a positive first impression on those looking on. Human beings form initial opinions in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, it takes a lot more time to have a change of heart after a first impression is made. Aesthetically pleasing, professionally designed graphics will cause other persons to form positive opinions about your product, service or brand. People have choices. It’s important to know that the graphic design that you choose to represent your brand can set you apart from your competition – whether negatively or positively. Great design stands out in the minds of decision makers and can influence their choices, both deliberately and subconsciously. By nature, people like to associate with things that look good and make them feel good. By investing in quality graphic design, you are significantly increasing your brand’s ability to stand out in the minds of key decision makers. As noted earlier, graphic design plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Companies that invest in quality graphic design are perceived to be more trustworthy. Presentation and perception can make or break any business. Persons are looking for signs of professionalism to convince them that you can be trusted. One such sign is the way that you present yourself. It’s important to present yourself in the best possible way by investing in quality graphic design.


Brand Recognition


Your company’s total brand image starts with a great logo

The usefulness of graphic design extends beyond your logo

and expands to every aspect of your business. The design

and your website. Graphic design can produce visual aids that

needs to target your audience in a way that is functional,

will help you communicate your ideas. An informative image

attractive, and professional. Your brand should provide an

can transmit ideas that cannot be expressed with words

instant connection to the outstanding products and services

alone. You can use professionally designed images to create

that you offer, and you need an excellent graphic design to

a positive impression and avoid misunderstandings.

forge that kind of connection. Efficiency and Productivity Company Unity

Badly designed graphics can negatively impact worker

Your employees will be surrounded by stationary, company

productivity and general workplace efficiency. Your website

web pages, uniforms, publications, and more. If you want

is the area of your business where signs of a bad design are

a happy and healthy workplace, your employees will need

most likely to be observed. A practical design should include

to band together behind the designs that you select to

useful features, such as easy navigation, legible fonts, and

represent your brand. Building your company identity starts

appropriate colors. A website with blinding colors, tricky

on the inside, so your employees must be committed to the

fonts, or hidden navigation will be a headache for clients and

brand. A good graphic design can strengthen that sense of


commitment. Money Professionalism

Badly designed graphics can be very expensive. If you go for

You want your company to make a great first impression

a cheap design, you might get a lackluster product that is not

on clients, vendors, and other entities – a logo for example

ready for print. If the design is not ready for print, you might

only has a fraction of a second to make a first impression.

end up spending more money on a new design. Additionally,

A design that looks cheap will cast an unfavourable light on

a competent graphic designer will create a design that is

your business, and it can be difficult to break the impression

not too expensive to produce. You do not want to spend a

that your company cannot afford a professional design.

significant portion of your budget on a bad design.

BRANDING In a nutshell, a brand is the way in which your customer perceives you. This includes everything they think they know about your brand- both factual info, such as the bright yellow packaging, and emotional info, for example, it’s luxurious. A common misconception is that branding is simply a logo or graphic, however it goes far beyond this. Branding involves every aspect of a

customer’s experience, from your logo to your website, your social media posts, staff uniforms and advertising; it even encompasses the way in which you answer the phone to how you interact with customers. A good brand won’t manifest overnight, it’s a result of a meticulous planning and development, which is why many start-ups and small businesses neglect it without realising the impact it has.

GRAPHIC DESIGN Graphic Design is art with a purpose. It involves a creative and systematic plan to solve a problem or achieve certain objectives, with the use of images, symbols or even words. It is visual communication and the aesthetic expression of concepts and ideas using various graphic elements and tools.

Design is more than aesthetics. It’s more than creative concepts or graphical outputs. It’s more than just how something looks, it’s about how something works. You could say that your business has a new secret weapon – and we call that the Design Advantage.

WEB DESIGN Briefly, website design means planning, creation and updating of websites. Website design also involves information architecture, website structure, user interface, navigation ergonomics, website layout, colors, contrasts, fonts and imagery (photography) as well as icons design. All these website elements combined together form websites.

Often, the meaning of “design� is perceived solely as a visual aspect. In reality, website design includes more abstract elements such as usability, ergonomics, layout traditions, user habits, navigation logic and other things that simplify the using of websites and help to find information faster.

Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over 10 years

Better products or a superior customer service are no longer enough to stand out. Technology has lowered barriers for entry and, with that, provoked a new era of competition. According to John Maeda, design partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the solution is to become a design-led company. Top companies are leading with design. Others that aren’t willing to invest in design because they think it can’t be measured or tied to ROI will fall behind. Business as usual is no longer good enough. Mature industries that have focused on more, better and faster now need to adjust their thinking to include design as a key value differentiator.

Companies that foster creativity enjoy 1.5x greater market share

Design-led companies invest heavily in powerful customer experiences – a key element to tackle if you want to get your customers’ attention and motivate them to keep coming back. In other words, design benefits business in the sense that it helps you attain a solid understanding of the many ways that customers engage with your brand—from websites and social media to wearables, on every form factor and operating system. These experiences do more than simply engage audiences. They build and nurture deeply rooted, personalised connections. With that comes consumer preference and, of course, increased market share.

71% of companies report creating 10x the number of assets today than just a few years ago

Great design translates into great content, but this is where things get a bit tricky. Consumers want amazing content and experiences on their favorite devices, every minute of the day. Now, consider that currently there are 3.1 billion global consumers with internet access, each unique interests, needs and preferences, craving a tailored experience. On top of that, consider the explosion of new channels and formats driven by social, mobile and other new platforms. Exactly – it’s not an easy task. But it’s not impossible either – all you need is the right set of tools on desktop and mobile.

13 of the 2014 Fortune 125 companies have executive level positions or CEO support for design

The right set of solutions can certainly help streamline team workflows, but that’s all in vain unless you have the right culture. You need a broader company adoption to this renewed role of design in order to truly see its effects on customer experiences and the company’s bottom line. Or, as John Maeda reminds us, some of the top companies are living and breathing design from the top down: Nike’s CEO is a designer. Uniquely, Apple has a senior vice president of design. Businesses started by designers have created billions of dollars of value, are raising billions of dollars in capital, and venture capital (VC) firms—a bellwether of what’s to come—increasingly recognise how design impacts the bottom line.

YOUR CREATIVE PROJECT WITH ASCESIS You will get access to our entire team of skilled designers, strategists, marketing gurus and developers. A senior strategist will be your internal advocate and focused on your success.



Project Management

Always at the forefront of

Have skills in creating

Established and effective

new emerging technologies

beautiful, aesthetically

communication process

and pushing the boundaries

pleasing graphics and

that keeps everyone

with exceptionally crafted

websites, which are not only

involved, up-todate on their

mobile apps.

mobile responsive, but have

project, maintaining open

been built with the user’s

communication throughout

experience in mind.

the entire process, using our project management system.

Software Development

Animation Copywriting

Creative Projects Videography & Photography


Services Ascesis Offer

Website Development Digital Art

Graphic Design/Print Media

We apply the Agile Sprint Method in the process of collaborating with our clients. Our clients are involved at each step of the process and without our clients permission we will not move further.





The research is taken and used to define concrete ideas and concepts, which are then mocked up/ first stage built. We will then show these to you for feedback before moving onto the next stage.

We research our partners needs so we can understand exactly what their goal is, and what they would like to achieve.

The concepts are then developed into working tools and creations. In this sprint these are not just mock ups and concepts but actual working prototypes.

The prototypes are then deployed and tested by both you as our partner and live users. All critiques, information and feedback can be passed on to our research team and ready for the next iteration.

Get In Touch 01202 001999 Ascesis Media Ltd, Park Place, 6 North Rd, Poole BH14 0LY Company No: 09118534

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