Maribyrnong City Council | A Smart City for Smart Communities
Vibrant, diverse, creative, innovative – our community has a unique identity with unique needs and expectations of Council. More and more, digital technologies are influencing these needs and expectations and the way in which we respond, connect and engage.
Led by the direction set by our 2040 Community and Council Plans the City of Maribyrnong, in consultation with our community, has developed this Smart City for Smart Communities Strategic Framework (the Framework). This Framework will guide our approach to integrating smart technology, data and innovation within our places and spaces, community services, decision-making and operations to deliver real benefits to Maribyrnong. We are taking a proactive approach to technology, embracing data-based decision-making for better community outcomes, and modernising regulations and policies to mitigate emerging technological risks. We are building on the success of our smart city foundations, and the ingenuity and creativity of our community to drive our forward aspirations.